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Sep 30, 2024 at 4:35am
Good luck! I don't know if this means anything, but there's no pressure to post your responses publicly if you don't feel comfortable doing so, and there's also no pressure to participate in NaNo directly following your participation in Prep if it feels like it would be too much. You can write any time! Except for 2014, when I participated in NaNo directly after prepping a project, I have written most of the books way after I prepped them! The book I prepped in 2020, I wrote in 2021/2022. The one I prepped in 2021 was only finished in early 2024. I haven't yet written the previous book I prepped (I decided to write an entirely different book, instead, and I finished that one this summer), and the one I hope to plan this year will probably have to wait a while to be written, as well—though hopefully not too long, since I'm actually really excited for it. All that to say, feel free to use Prep in whatever way it's most useful to you as a writer! |

by Chrys O'Shea

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by S 🤦