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Oct 3, 2024 at 7:07pm
That's still super cool! You've got all sorts of partially written stories you can return to if you'd like. You can even return to them for NaNo if you want. I know NaNo sets 50k as the goal word count, but it's so hard to finish a book during NaNo because most published adult books run ~75-100k or more. I know a bunch of people who will work on the same book twice with NaNo—one November to write the first half, and the next one to write the second half. No matter what, what you're doing is amazing. It's incredibly impressive that you're writing 50k in a month! |

by Roseille ♥

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by Roseille ♥

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by Roseille ♥

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by Elycia Lee ☮ March Forward

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by Elycia Lee ☮ March Forward

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by Elycia Lee ☮ March Forward

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs