WDC Dragon Vale
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Oct 5, 2024 at 3:57pm
Edited: October 5, 2024 at 8:41pm
1056 XP for Oct 5
Checking in 1 XP plus my multiplier badge = 2 XP


*Scroll* Gift tickets to a fellow member (1 ticket per member in the current raffle round counts)
"Tokens please"  Open in new Window.

1 xp x2 tickets plus x2 for my multiplier badge = 4xp


Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  Bloom   by  The Paper Kites " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  October 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^*
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Because I didn't know the newsfeed challenge music ones counted, I've never added them before so going back and adding them today then just as they come in, going forward.
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  Disco Snails   by  Vulfmon & Zachary Barker " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  September 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^*
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP


Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  Austin   by  Dasha " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  August 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^*
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP


Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  Better When I'm Dancin'   by  Meghan Trainor " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  July 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^* rec Aug 2
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP

Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  A Sky Full Of Stars   by   Coldplay " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  June 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^* rec Jul
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP


Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  Girls Just Want To Have Fun   by  Cyndi Lauper " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  April 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^* rec april 12 at 1207
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP

Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  Girls Just Want To Have Fun   by  Cyndi Lauper " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  April 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^* rec april 12 at 1204
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP

Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Merit Badge in WDC Media Prompt
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE:  "  Daylight   by  Harry Styles " Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  February 2024! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^* rec april 12 at 1201
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP


Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
{badge: PENDING points not added
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP

public review anniversary member here (any = 15; newbie or Gervic = 20 ; anniversary = 25)

25 x2 = 50

Review of "Cat On My Head, Dog On My Feet" 10/5


Anniversary Reviews Monthly MB challenge

75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2
"1 anniversary review"  Open in new Window.

SuperPower Reviewers Monthly MB challenge
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2 (they get put in the same post)
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)

"PWheeler SuperPower October reviews"  Open in new Window.

Positive Hearts Monthly MB challenge

75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2 (they get put in the same post)

"PWheeler October Positive Hearts Reviews"  Open in new Window.

75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest

... I do this writing off site and they track it via Google docs, but it is a WDC challenge... here's the challenge link: "October Novel Prep ChallengeOpen in new Window.

I did submit my day 1 assignment today. I don't know if everyone can see this file or only participants? But the log is here:

My handle is 1pwheeler and it's the top entry so easy to check, if you have access. I might do some assignments here (there are four story ones with potential prizes and I do usually do those here, because you have to, to have a chance to win the prizes). Sorry if this is TMI.

If you're doing NaNo, I recommend this. It's really helpful.

Assignment #5 points not added Yet - submitted today! *Bigsmile*

PS: The spreadsheet has a countdown timer so you can see when the last assignment was submitted. One has to submit every 72 hrs I think or get disqualified. My hope is to do one a day (or more) until I finish.


My dragons: Phoenixia, Brenna, Aelin and Fireheart


Task List for my reference

You're cordially invited to join the fun at "Habit Heroes Open in new Window. and "WDC Dragon Vale Open in new Window.

1056 XP for Oct 5
· 10-05-24 3:57pm
by 🌻 pwheeler ~ love joy peace Author IconMail Icon
Re: 1056 XP for Oct 5 · 10-21-24 9:33pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon

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