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Oct 7, 2024 at 7:21pm
In one chapter, changing PoV is normally done with a scene break (three centred asterisks * or pound signs # is usual). While it is your story and doing what you want is your thing, and that's fine, it is readers who have to be taken into account. Dawn Embers is so very correct - head-hopping is not good and only serves to confuse everyone, and going bck and forth too often in a chapter, even with scene breaks, can become head-hopping. Maybe if you require multiple PoVs, take the story from narrow third person to omniscient third person, so the whole world can be catered for a little more easily? That way a new character's thoughts can just be a new paragraph, but you also need to be careful you don't become narrow in PoV or else, yes, it becomes head-hopping. In my opinion. |

by WakeUpAndLive

by S 🤦