2,000 XP:
*Scroll* Purchase 1 time XP [Ultra Boost] for 100,000 Gift Points
1,000 XP:
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 1 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly)
500 XP:
*Scroll* Purchase 1 time XP [Super Boost] for 50,000 Gift Points
*Scroll* Write a story (at least 500 words) or poem (at least 10 lines) using your Dragon as one of the characters. Dragon's name must be present. (Max of 4 pieces)
*Scroll* Sponsor an Award for The Quills
*Scroll* "Send Your Testimonial!" for the year (Resets annually)
*Scroll* "Send Your Testimonial!" the year to SiteJabber.Com (Resets annually)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 2 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly)
250 XP:
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book]
*Scroll* Win in the "Dragon Vale Arena - Opening Soon..."
*Scroll* Win in the current round of WDC Official Contest
*Scroll* Win in the current year of the Quills (2023 Winning counts)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 3-10 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly)
200 XP:
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: All Non-Book]
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 1 in IM Scroll [Top Game Sponsors rank] (Resets monthly)
100 XP:
*Scroll* Donate to The Quills
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of Writing.Com's official contest
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Billboard for a month (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Signature for a month (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of "Weekly 1000 words or less"
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of "HONORING OUR VETERANS "
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of "Folklore and Legends Contest Forum"
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of 's active contests in "Kit's Contest and Awards Group" (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Merge Dragons of the same Element
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 11-20 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 2 in IM Scroll [Top Game Sponsors rank] (Resets monthly)
75 XP:
*Scroll* Win in "The Weekly Quickie Contest" (Each win counts)
*Scroll* Win in "The Writer's Cramp" (Each win counts)
*Scroll* Win in "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge" (Each win counts)
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 21-50 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly)
50 XP:
*Scroll* Participate in "Dragon Vale Arena - Opening Soon..." (both winning and losing tamers receive this)
*Scroll* Participate in this year's "My Secret Valentine"
*Scroll* Participate in "The Weekly Quickie Contest" (Resets weekly)
*Scroll* Participate in "The Writer's Cramp" (Resets daily)
*Scroll* Participate in "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge" (Resets daily)
*Scroll* Get Quill Nominations (1 nomination per category counts; 2024 nomination onwards)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 51-70 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 3 in IM Scroll [Top Game Sponsors rank] (Resets monthly)
30 XP:
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
*Scroll* Donate a package to any active Auction/Bidding Activity (Each package counts)
25 XP:
*Scroll* Review a member who celebrates his/her account anniversary this month (1 review per celebrant counts)
*Scroll* Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
*Scroll* Participate in "Wonderland" (Every prompt response counts)
*Scroll* Participate in "Habit Heroes " and be a "Super Achiever" (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per MB)
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per Awardicon, please ensure CR)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 71-90 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly, please ensure CR)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 4 and Below in IM Scroll [Top Game Sponsors rank] (Resets monthly)
20 XP:
*Scroll* Participate in "I Write in 2024" (Resets Weekly)
*Scroll* Participate in "The Contest Challenge"
*Scroll* Review my writings/compositions
*Scroll* Publicly review a newbie
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Place a bet in Dragon Arena
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Top 91-100 in Most Active Reviewer rank (Resets monthly)
15 XP:
*Scroll* Write a Poetry or Short Story in a Static item (Resets daily; Every static item counts)
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with no minimum requirement (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
*Scroll* Public review of any writing/composition of your fellow member
*Scroll* Greet Newbies in "Noticing Newbies" (Each newbie greeting counts)
*Scroll* Post something in the "Writing.Com General Discussion"
*Scroll* Help in "Technical Support Forum"
*Scroll* Participate in the "Weekly Goals" (Resets weekly)
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to a fellow Dragon Tamer (Counts per MB, please ensure CR)
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to a fellow Dargon Tamer (Counts per Awardicon, please ensure CR)
10 XP:
*Scroll* Public review of this activity forum
*Scroll* Advertise this activity in your Newsfeed (Resets weekly)
*Scroll* Participate in "The Prompt Me Contest" (Resets weekly)
*Scroll* Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
*Scroll* Participate in "EXPRESS IT IN EIGHT" (Resets daily)
*Scroll* Participate in "Express yourself Within Forty Words " (Resets daily)
*Scroll* Participate in "Habit Heroes " and be a "Qualified Participant" (Resets monthly)
*Scroll* [Dragon Animated [#2313001] Dragon Animated] Dragon Animated Become a Fan of this activity
5 XP:
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to a fellow WDC member (Counts per MB, please ensure CR)
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to a fellow WDC member (Counts per Awardicon, please ensure CR)
1 XP:
*Scroll* Gift tickets to a fellow member (1 ticket per member in the current raffle round counts)
*Scroll* Check in (Resets daily)
Plus things not done today that I want to save for future copy/paste:
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
NOT YET; points not added to header
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
New book entry (another blog post under 500 words)
{entry: PENDING - score not added to subject yet
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
New product review
{bpr PENDING - score not added to subject yet
250 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 500 XP
Participate in "Habit Heroes " and be a "Super Achiever" (Resets monthly)
Pwheeler's Fabulous February Sign Up & Tracking"
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
{post PENDING posting of a question so score not added to header yet
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
*Clock* Feb. 24, 2024 7:36 AM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book] 250 words and above on Further Comments field for 500 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book] 250 words and below on Further Comments field for 250 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: All Non-Book] 200 words and above on Further Comments field for 200 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: All Non-Book] 200 words and below on Further Comments field for 100 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book]
250 words and above on Further Comments field for 500 XP plus my multiplier badge = 1000 XP
{bpr PENDING - not counted in subject total
*Scroll* Gift tickets to a fellow member (1 ticket per member in the current raffle round counts)
{post PENDING - not counted in subject total 1 xp x3 tickets plus my multiplier badge = 6xp
5 xp x2 for my multiplier badge = 10XP
Send a badge to any member and include link to Dragon Vale (sent to a fellow member here... not sure if we get more points for that? If so, that'd be great

{badge PENDING - not counted in subject total
Write a blog post
{entry PENDING - points not counted
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Write a new b item (poem)
{bitem PENDING - points not counted
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
50 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 100 XP
*Scroll* Participate in "The Writer's Cramp" (Resets daily)
PENDING - points not counted
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book] 250 words and above on Further Comments field for 500 XP
500 x 2 for my multiplier badge =1000 XP
Write a new entry item
Shirley (entry 6 for March)"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Write a new entry item
Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Participate in "EXPRESS yourself within 40 words" (Resets daily)
Re: Prompts for March"
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
Participate in "Habit Heroes " and be a "Super Achiever" (Resets monthly)
PWheeler's Marvelous March Sign up & Habit Tracking"
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Write a new entry item
Psalm 17:8 Prayer Poem"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Write a new entry item
Hopeful Spring"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
250 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 500 XP
*Scroll* Win in the current year of the Quills (2023 Winning counts)
*Scroll* Participate in the "Weekly Goals" (Resets weekly)
Goals: Spring Joy Week (April 22-26, 2024) "
15 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge =30 XP
Write a new entry item
Happy Earth Day!"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Write a new entry item
365 Square Foot Studio Apartment Makeover"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
30 XP: plus my multiplier badge = 60 XP
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
(505 words)
Parisian Style Railroad Apartment"
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
30 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 60
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
609 words
Today's Fun "
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
Better Than Me? Self Talk Solutions"

(over 500 words)
30 XP plus my multiplier badge = 60 XP
100 XP: plus my multiplier badge = 200 XP
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Billboard for a month [For Preferred Authors and up] (Resets monthly)
100 XP: plus my multiplier badge = 200 XP
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Signature for a month [For Registered Authors and up] (Resets monthly)
Write a new entry item
Four Months to Paint a Rock"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Participate in "Habit Heroes " and be a "Super Achiever" (Resets monthly)
PWheeler Awesome April sign up and tracking"
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
Does "
Promptly Poetry Challenge (2024-2025)"

count? I don't think I've been logging it... but I am up to date on it so could go back to February if it does... here's today's.
Invalid Post"
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
Re: QOTD: Friday, April 26th"
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
Advertise this activity in your Newsfeed (Resets weekly)
If you like (or love *Smile*) dragons, this is..."
10 XP plus my multiplier badge = 20 XP
Write a new entry item
Golden Sunrise"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
75 XP: plus my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Win in "The Writer's Cramp" (Each win counts)
Winner and New Prompt, due April 30 -2024"

Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Participate in "Habit Heroes " and be a "Super Achiever" (Resets monthly)
PWheeler Magnificent May Sign Up and Tracking"
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Write a new entry item (blog post)
Guaranteed Smiles"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Advertise this activity in your Newsfeed (Resets weekly)
[Link To Item #2312577] has added some new ways ..."
10 XP plus my multiplier badge = 20 XP
Write a new entry item
Secret Cove"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
100 XP: plus my multiplier badge = 200 XP
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Billboard for a month [For Preferred Authors and up] (Resets monthly)
100 XP: plus my multiplier badge = 200 XP
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Signature for a month [For Registered Authors and up] (Resets monthly)
20XP - I Write Entry - 40XP
Week 18 - Pwheeler"
Write a new entry item (blog post)
{entry PENDING points NOT added to subject line
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
50 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 100 XP
*Scroll* Participate in "The Writer's Cramp" (Resets daily)
{post PENDING points NOT added to subject line
20XP - I Write Entry - 40XP
Week 20 "
Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
Re: QOTD: Friday, May 17th"
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
Advertise this activity in your Newsfeed (Resets weekly)
There's still fun to be had at [Link To Item ..."
10 XP plus my multiplier badge = 20 XP
30 XP: x2 = 60 XP
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
Write a new b item (poem)
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest
Invalid Post"
20XP - I Write Entry - 40XP
Week 19"
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest
Week 1 entry"
Write a new entry item
Weather and Mom"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Write a new b item (poem)
{bitem PENDING points NOT added to subject line
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
Re: QOTD: Wednesday, May 22nd"
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the "Weekly Goals" (Resets weekly)
Goals: March Catch Up Week (March 18-22, 2024) "

15 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge =30 XP
Write a new entry item blog over 500 words (almost 600 actually)
{entry PENDING points NOT added
30 XP plus my multiplier badge = 60 XP
500 XP: pus my multiplier badge = 1000 XP
*Scroll* Submit an in-depth Product Review [Type: Book] 250 words and above on Further Comments field
{bpr: PENDING points NOT added
20 XP:x 2 for my multiplier badge = 40 XP
*Scroll* Participate in "The Contest Challenge"
RedWheelbarrow Spring Chickens"
*Scroll* Participate in the "Weekly Goals" (Resets weekly)
Goals: Memorial Week (May 27-31 2024) "
15 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge =30 XP
20XP - x 2 for my multiplier badge = 40XP
I Write Entry
Week 22"
Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
Re: QOTD: Friday, May 31st"
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
30 XP: x2 = 60 XP
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
June Thoughts"
Write a new entry item
Summer Joys"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Weekly promptly poetry poem - enter a member-sponsored contest
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
Invalid Post"
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
{pos PENDING points NOT added yet
Weekly promptly poetry poem - I am not sure how many points? I've asked before and tagged you... don't know what more to do. Hope you're okay! I left a second "plus" sign so you could add the points. Seems like it ought to equal the Writer's Cramp at least?
Invalid Post"
Blogging circle of friends / enter a member-sponsored contest
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
June 1!"
for "
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum"

Write a new entry item
{entry PENDING points NOT added
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Write a new entry item
{entry PENDING points NOT added
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book]
250 words and above on Further Comments field for 500 XP plus my multiplier badge = 1000 XP
Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
Re: QOTD: Monday, June 17th"
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
Weekly promptly poetry poem - to equal the Writer's Cramp at least? ... so guessing 50 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 100 XP
Invalid Post"
Write a new entry item
Planning for July"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Blog post for Blog City (daily prompts for blog challenge) = enter a member-sponsored contest
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
June 22"
for "
Blog City Prompt Forum"

Blog City prompt forum
Write a new entry item
Planning for July"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
The Bard's Hall, June 2024, PWheeler Tracking"
Weekly promptly poetry poem - to equal the Writer's Cramp at least? ... so guessing 50 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 100 XP
Invalid Post"
Write a new entry item
Spottie's Stories"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
Write a new entry item
Fields of Lotus Flowers"
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
30 XP: x2 = 60 XP
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts)
The Bard's Hall, June 2024: Entry 11 - Speed Cleaning"
*Scroll* Gift tickets to a fellow member (1 ticket per member in the current raffle round counts)
1 xp x2 tickets plus my multiplier badge = 4xp
{post: PENDING
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
*Scroll* Participate in "The Prompt Me Contest" (Resets weekly)
Re: Sept/Week 1: Include the word PARTY (1..."
200 XP: 2 for my multiplier badge = 400 XP
*Scroll* Host/Initiate a Newsfeed Challenge and offer rewards to Participants (Resets monthly)
My personal 24-hour News Feed Challenge to you -..."
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per MB)
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
15 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 30 XP
*Scroll* Greet Newbies in "Noticing Newbies" (Each newbie greeting counts)
Re: Another Arrival with a Twist "
Write a new entry item
{entry PENDING
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per MB)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Sent but I can't see the number to post here? It's the orange one on this activity that I sent today.
Thank you! Your awardicon was successfully given to
... An email has been sent to the recipient notifying them of the award. A confirmation email has also been sent to your inbox. Here's the award you gave:
[... About this awardicon ... Given by pwheeler Given to Date Awarded: October 3, 2024] "
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per Awardicon, please ensure CR)
Write a new bitem
15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
August / fire entry"
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book]
250 words and above on Further Comments field for 500 XP plus my multiplier badge = 1000 XP
{bpr:1 PENDING
Angel Army Product Reviews Challenge
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
{post:3 PENDING
Rach's Reading club Challenge
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
{post:3 PENDING
Book Brothel monthly reading challenge
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
{post: PENDING
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly)
{post: PENDING
PPC5 - Review Incentive"

PPC Monthly MB challenge
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2 (they get put in the same post)
Participate in "Question of the Day!" (Resets daily)
Re: QOTD: Tuesday, July 30th"
10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP
public review anniversary member here (any = 15; newbie or Gervic = 20 ;
anniversary = 25)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP reviewing members with anniversary gets you 120 XP or 5 tickets which supersedes the normal XP equivalent of 25 XP
Review of "Time for a New Coat"

+5 bonus tickets ***** *GiftP* Reviewing members having Anniversary this month will get you 5 raffle tickets per review (250 characters minimum). Your review may be affiliated to any actively reviewing group but must contain a link to WDC Dragon Vale to qualify. Feel free to use our item alias
|  | Invalid Item  This item number is not valid. # by Not Available. |
public review anniversary member here (any = 15; newbie or Gervic = 20 ;
anniversary = 25)
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP reviewing members with anniversary gets you 120 XP or 5 tickets which supersedes the normal XP equivalent of 25 XP
Review of "Day to Day happenings in my life"

+5 bonus tickets ***** *GiftP* Reviewing members having Anniversary this month will get you 5 raffle tickets per review (250 characters minimum). Your review may be affiliated to any actively reviewing group but must contain a link to WDC Dragon Vale to qualify. Feel free to use our item alias
|  | Invalid Item  This item number is not valid. # by Not Available. |
public review any member here (any = 15; newbie or Gervic = 20 ;
anniversary = 25)
15 x 2 = 30 XP
Review of "Dear me,"
Anniversary Reviews Monthly MB challenge
75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2
1 anniversary review"
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per MB)
Badge over display limit.
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Sent but I can't see the number to post here? It's the orange one on this activity that I sent today.
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per Awardicon, please ensure CR)
1 XP: x8 in one post x2 for multiplier badge = 16
*Scroll* Gift tickets to a fellow member (1 ticket per member in the current raffle round counts)
Tickets please"
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Badge over display limit.
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Badge over display limit.
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP
Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts)
Badge over display limit.
25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP