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Crosstimbers Review Request Form
Request a Crosstimbers Review with this form.
Please use this form to request a review. Note that the form requires that you give us the unique numerical ID that Writing.Com assigns to the file containing your writing. We also ask whether it is a static item or a book entry. We need this to locate and view your submission. For more information on these numbers, click the button below.
You must be the author of the submitted work. Do not submit a request on behalf of someone else!
Please do not request more than one review per week.
Please do not request that we re-review an item, even if you have revised it.
Your writing should be stored in one of two types of files on Writing.Com: a static item or an entry in a book. The system assigns a unique identifying number to each file, but handles the two types slightly differently. We need to know which type of file you used when you created it and the identifying number so that we can access your submission.
For static items, navigate to the folder in your portfolio that contains your file. This screenshot shows where to find the item number.
On the form, type {item:####} where #### is the number circled in red on the above example.
For book entries, navigate to the book that contains your file. This screenshot shows where to find the entry number, circled in red.
On the form, type {entry:####} where #### is the number circled in red on the above example. Note that books also have item numbers, like static items. That's circled in blue in the above screenshot. We don't need this.
If you're still not quite sure what to do, check out " Newbie Hyperlinking 101 - Bitem Format" for a step-by-step tutorial on items and books.
(R) denotes a required field.