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About this page:

This list may not seem like much at first (and more will come) but almost everything has other links of other areas valuable to Newbies. There are so many I'm not sure I could ever include them all!

*Newbie: a new member of Writing.com.*

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Newbie Guide Pages
Writing.Com 101  [E]
Explanations and instructions of all things Writing.Com.
by The StoryMistress
Getting Started: Table of Contents  [E]
Visit here for a tour of Writing.Com and learn about this vast, exciting site!
by The StoryMistress
 Getting Started as a Guest or New Member  [E]
The difference between a Writing.Com guest and Registered member.
by The StoryMistress
 Item Statistics  [ASR]
Learn to understand your readers and ratings by using your items' Extended Statistics!
by The StoryMaster
The Ins and Outs of In & Outs  [E]
A guide to the different styles of In & Outs on Writing.Com.
by Davy Kraken
The illustrated guide to linking  [ASR]
Confused about how to link? Exactly what to type? Click here!
by Writing.Com Support
Tips for New Members  [ASR]
Tips for new members -- things to know to improve your Writing.com experience.
Promoting Your Portfolio URL  [E]
My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL!
by The StoryMaster
 Gaining Exposure Within Writing.Com  [ASR]
My column discussing six tips to gaining exposure within Writing.Com!
by The StoryMaster
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by A Guest Visitor
 Nick's Newbie Guide  [E]
How I got started on Writing.Com. I followed these steps and found it very successful.
by Nicholas Holder
 Content Rating System (CRS)  [13+]
Detailed information regarding our Content Rating System, its guidelines and rules.
by The StoryMistress
 Referred Member Tracking  [E]
Information on the Writing.Com Member Referral Tracking System and Recognitions
by Writing.Com Support
Give Me, Give Me, Give Me  [ASR]
Will begging get me what I need on Writing.Com? No.
by Vivian
What To Do To Not Get Read and Rated  [ASR]
You've heard it said what to do TO get read, now read what NOT to do.
by ElaineElaine
 Group Item Information  [E]
Information on the item type: Group. Explains what it is, how to use it and ideas.
by The StoryMistress
Weekly Grammar Lessons  [E]
Need help with grammar? Step right up!
by The Lemon
 Finding Authors  [E]
Explains different ways to find Authors within the site.
by The StoryMistress
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by A Guest Visitor
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WDC Video guides  
WDC Video Help Desk  [E]
Come SEE how it's done with Writing.Com video tutorials
by Cinn
Message Boards
Writing.Com General Discussion  [13+]
A message forum for general discussion. Please come and chat with others!
by Writing.Com Support
Non-Technical Support Forum  [13+]
Members help other members with non-technical questions and problems using Writing.Com!
by Writing.Com Support
Technical Support Forum  [13+]
Members help other members with technical questions and problems using Writing.Com!
by Writing.Com Support
Outside URL Homebase  [18+]
For posting outside URLs.
by Amyaurora
Noticing Newbies  [13+]
A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com!
by The StoryMistress
Content Rating Support  [18+]
The official Writing.Com Content Rating Support forum: questions, rating adjustments, etc.
by Writing.Com Support
Story Cafe  [ASR]
All invited, Speak your mind, got a New Story?, Opinion?, Need help?, Like a story?.
by The Milkman
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Review Corner
Public Review: Tool or Weapon  [E]
What I believe a public review should and shouldn't contain.
by Vivian
 Guidelines To Great Reviewing  [E]
Writing a detailed review takes time. Follow these guidelines for best results!
by The StoryMaster
 Daily Review Rewards  [E]
Writing.Com's incentives for reviewing a number of items in a given day.
by The StoryMaster
 WDC Review Tips  [E]
Some WDC related review tips I am drafting.
by Amyaurora
Please Review  [E]
This is a page to request reviews for static items and books.
by Writing.Com Support
 Find a Review Forum  [ASR]
If you're looking for a review forum, look here!
by Writing.Com Support
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Plug Pages
 Writing.Com Official Plug Page Rules  [E]
Rules for posting on the OFFICIAL Writing.Com plug pages. Revised 2/20/2010.
by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik
The Shameless "Plug" Page  [E]
This is the one and only Writing.Com Shameless Plug Page!
by Writing.Com Support
Activities @ Writing.Com  [E]
The best place to find out what's going on around Writing.Com!
by Writing.Com Support
 The GC+ Shameless "Plug" Page  [18+]
This is the one and only Writing.Com GC+ Shameless Plug Page!
by Writing.Com Support
Writing Contests @ Writing.Com  [E]
Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here.
by Writing.Com Support
 The Non - E Plug page  [18+]
Got Non - E intro items? Plug them here.
by Amyaurora
 Plug Page Help  [13+]
Help using the official site plug pages: request posts to be deleted, ask questions, etc.
by 🌞GeminiGem 🌻
 The Marketplace  [13+]
The Gift Point shopping mall on Writing.Com.
by Writing.Com Support
 Non-Fiction Plug Page  [18+]
For plugging non-fiction items.
by Amyaurora
The Angel Wish List  [E]
Post a Wish. Grant a Wish.
by Amyaurora
 The Spotlight for Two  [13+]
Come on over to plug your work AND those of additional members!
by Once upon a WellToasted...
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Some Contests for Newbies
Monthly newbie contest.
by Tammy~Catchin Up~
The Writer's Cramp  [13+]
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
by Sophy
Weekly NEWBIE Challenge  [E]
LEARN - Bitem Format, Emoticons, etc., and receive Reviews
by ~*~Damiana Returned~*~
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WritingML Help
 Image Item Info  [13+]
Information on uploading images to your portfolio.
by The StoryMistress
The illustrated guide to linking  [ASR]
Confused about how to link? Exactly what to type? Click here!
by Writing.Com Support
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by A Guest Visitor
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Some C-Notes for Newbies
Writing.Com - Encouragement  [E]
cNotes regarding appreciation, promotions, welcomes & thanks for other members!
by The StoryMistress
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Membership Upgrades
 Compare Free and Paid Membership Benefits  [E]
Compare different features and benefits of the various membership levels at Writing.Com.
by Writing.Com Support
Request An Upgrade From RAOK  [E]
Where you can request an upgrade from RAOK.
by Writing.Com Support
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Content Rated: E
This page by:   Amyaurora
Last Modified: 02-20-22 @ 10:17 am EST
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