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Changing my format for reviews.
DISCLAIMER: This comes to you as a reader would see your work. I have only my opinion to offer. Sometimes I might find a bit of your work I thought that I might express feelings about. If it struck a cord etc. If there should be such an entry under 'EMOTIONAL CHORD STRUCK' that is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work.
TITLE: Fits the content well.
IMAGERY: Good and vivid.
Picture a woman dancing in a gentlemans club and all the while she dreams.
She knows she must settle for things as they are now.
The pole she dances with make the gentlemen act a lot less like gentlemen.
When her night is over she tries to look for possibilities in the paper.
Although she isn't where she wants to be right now she still can dream.
TONE: Good depth of feelings.
She won't give up on her dreams.
FLOW: Flow is good. The word choice is good
OVERALL: Good read. Please keep sharing.