An Angel Army Review
Hi Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ 2025 .
I'm JACE , and I have the honor of reading and reviewing your offering "DO NOT ANNOY THE UNMEDICATED PERSON" .
I invite your attention to the comments below. Please bear in mind these notes are from one on the outside looking in; ultimately only you can decide what's right for your story.
Overall Impression. I noticed that you are enjoying a real birthday today, and thought I'd send you a review. A search through your Port revealed this humorous gem. I love a little comedy in one's real-life struggles.
One of the four majors I embraced my freshman year of college was Political Science, bent on Pre-Law. (Someday soon I'll write about that stage in my life.) I took a Constitutional Law course on which I spent twice as much time studying than my other classes together. I garnered a C, highest in the class. The Prof boasted he never gave A's or B's. What an A**!
I applaud you for pursuing your Law degree, no matter what it took to accomplish. While I have a great imagination, all I can do is imagine how much pressure a law student, or any advanced degree student has to succeed.
I never had occasion to use anything more potent that marijuana--well, there was one time someone got hold of some Hash (and I don't mean Libby's). Suffice it to say college was more than 50 years ago and I'll still a well-rounded, intelligent, funny and successful guy. Self-medication made me who I am today.
I wonder if the use of humor is a form of medication. I enjoyed reading your life's vignette. You have a great grasp on humor in writing. Are you writing them down for your family?
I'm sure I'll return for more soon. And you must have been successful--after all, you wound up here.
Technical and Editorial Considerations. In this section I normally list those areas that relate specifically to the mechanics of your writing--punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.
I found no issues with your writing mechanics. Perhaps it was college and law school that taught you to writ. Or, just spending time with us here.
Favorite Part. If I'd only had the courage to do this once or twice.
I reached over to give her a swift whack on the side of her foggy brained head. Okay, stop crying out “battery,” or should I say the much-misused label “assault,” for those of you addicted to crime shows. She never saw it coming! Well, she perked up, turned to face me, and said, “Thank you, I needed that.”
My Rating. 5.0.
Thank you for sharing this offering. Please accept these comments as offered in friendship and support. They are but my humble opinion.
You responded to this review 02/22/2024 @ 9:17pm EST |