Hi Amethyst Angel š
Thank you for taking the time to enter the
2024 Edition of
"Invalid Item" 
. Enclosed please find the following review, for your consideration.
Well, you certainly win the award for the most ambitious anthology project of the bunch!

You managed to write a half dozen more short stories than the next largest collection, AND all of your stories took full advantage of the word count!
I really loved the pure variety in the stories you wrote, taking on genres as diverse as crime and fantasy, and dealing with topics everywhere from friendship to philosophy. I'm really impressed by what you were able to accomplish with this collection.
I really don't have any suggestions for improvement. Great job!
Overall, I loved your entry in the contest this year. It's exactly what I hope for as a judge of this contest. Excellent work!
I hope you've found this review helpful. Thank you for taking the time to enter "
Invalid Item"

and for your support of "
Invalid Item"

this year!

Rating & Reviewing Philosophy"
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!"