Getting Acquainted
I spend most of my time playing alpha female for my pack of dogs. Lucy (Boston terrier), Harley (chihuahua). Hershey (miniature dachshund) and Jasper (standard schnauzer) are my entertainment and sometimes muses. Jasper is a puppy mill rescue dog and I'm in the intital stages of writing a series of vignettes of his life since the rescue contrasted with eduaction about rescues and puppy mills. I do actually have other interests than writing and my dogs. I love to scrapbook, watch ice hockey, listen to a variety of music genres and reading. My parents both were avid readers and passed that love on to me. I'll read a cereal box if you set it in front of me!
Review #4795188
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She Walks Open in new Window. [13+]
Love never truly dies.
by Nikola~Loves Her Gracie Girl! Author Icon
Review of She Walks  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
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*CakeB* HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.*CakeP*

Hello, Nikola!


*Bulletg* I enjoyed reading your "She Walks" poem every time I read it, including today.

*Bulletg* Your writing kept me riveted and I read straight through to the end.


*Bulleto* Happy Writing.Com Anniversary month! I read this "She Walks" poem of yours sometime in the past and enjoyed it, but didn't have time to review it right then, so I flagged it for an anniversary review (meaning I saved the link to it in a special "January" file. *Smile* ). I hope you enjoy this review as a celebration of your time here and find the review uplifting and encouraging.

*Bulleto* I loved that your poem told a story and even gave me chills as I re-read it tonight.

*Bulleto* I thought the free verse style worked well with your poem and its story.

*Bulleto* My favorite line was "guests whisper of glimpsing her." It told me for sure that she was a ghost and I liked the alliteration.

*Bulleto* I wondered if you'd entered this poem in a contest here? It feels well suited to the "Shadows and Light" free verse poetry contest that user purplesunday runs. It might work for some of the dark and romance contests too.

*Bulleto* I thought the romance/ love, supernatural, and death genres you selected for this poem were a perfect match for it.


In the spirit of helpfulness, and because of the requirements of a new reviewing challenge I joined recently, I have one little suggestion to make your piece stronger. If you're interested in some constructive criticism, read on. But if you aren't, no worries. Just know that I enjoyed your piece and move on to the next section.

Still reading? You're brave! Yay for you! *Clap*

*Bulletb* The best thing I can think of to improve this poem would be to separate it out into at least two stanzas, maybe three. That would give the reader a little break. It's not that many words, but it did feel to me, that it would be a nicer read that way.

*Bulletb* Another thing doesn't really have to do with the writing, but it would be nice to have a line count at the bottom. Most contests require it, and a lot of readers like to see it.

As with any review, please take what serves you and release or ignore what doesn't.


*Bulletv* I enjoyed reading your "She Walks" poem, and felt drawn into the story that you were telling with it.

*Bulletv* Thank you for sharing your time, creativity, imagination, experiences, and writing with the Writing.Com community!

*Bulletv* Once again, happy anniversary month! I hope the year ahead is filled with blessings and joy for you!

May love, joy and peace be yours in abundance during this New Year, your anniversary month, and always!


*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Super Neat Present from Super Power Reviewers Group. Thank you, Maryann and everyone!

Positive Hearts
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews GroupOpen in new Window.*SuitHeart*

Hearts with Flowers - Group Only Image

The B.E.A.R. Fund
Reviewing signature for the B.E.A.R. Fund.

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