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Example Quiz: How Happy Are You?
This is an example of Writing.Com's weighted Quiz item The topic is "How Happy Are You?" and it uses just a few questions to determine that. I hope this serves as a useful example.

1. The Feeling:
 How are you feeling today?
       I feel great!        
       I feel good.        
       I feel ok.        
       I feel bad.        
       I feel aweful.        
2. The Cup:
 Is this glass half empty or half full?
       More than half full.        
       Half full.        
       Half empty.        
       More than half empty.        
3. The Battery:
 Which side of a C battery is the best?
       The positive.        
       The negative.        
4. The Morning:
 What type of breakfast did you have today?
       A great big happy one.        
       Tiny and on the go, but still happy one.        
       I didn't have a breakfast.        
       I hate breakfast.        
5. The Chicken:
 Which came first... the chicken or the egg?
       The chicken.        
       The egg.        
       Who cares?        
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About This Author
I'm a Husband and Dad. I maintain and create the inner workings of Writing.Com (and by extension InkSpot.Com). I hope you enjoy my InkSpot!