About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Part 138: Farewells Main story folder & table of contents: "Return To Manitou Island" 
Previous chapter: "Part 137: RIP" 
CHARMIAN STOOD BEFORE the rock at the base of the conjoined trees, staring down at the little pile of leaves at the rock's bottom. She poked at them with a stick, then jumped back when the leaves rustled and let out a murmuring sound. Manabozho bared his teeth and shifted from foot to foot anxiously, holding his hand aloft as if to attack; Charmian steeled herself, held out the stick, and swept the leaves away as quickly as she could. She brought the stick up, ready to attack whatever lay beneath the vegetation.
She blinked then, and her eyes goggled and her mouth fell open in disbelief.
The soil was still disturbed from where she and Manabozho had just buried Chakenapok's remains. They had patted the earth down, covering it with leaves when done, and that was all that was supposed to be there. Not...this thing.
Charmian stared at the small baby looking back up at her, waving its arms and letting out a cooing sound. Its strange yellow eyes were the first thing she focused on, and she felt all of the blood drain from her face on seeing them; they looked just like Chakenapok's, and this creature looked just as she'd envisioned Chakenapok, immediately after his birth, when he had killed Wenonah. She forced herself to look the rest of him over, however, and saw that he had no claws...and when he opened his mouth and smiled, he had no fangs, and there were no flames tattooed on him anywhere. He lifted his hands and she flung up her free hand, dropping the stick, but all that he did was wave and let out a cheery laugh.
Manabozho edged up beside her and peered down at him as well, his brow furrowing. They stared at the laughing baby, utterly baffled.
"What is that...?" he murmured after a moment.
Charmian slowly drew her lip between her teeth. "I think...it's Chakenapok," she said at last.
They both frowned and slowly leaned down toward the infant. He just continued waving at them, and let out a babbling noise, as if trying to talk. The look on Manabozho's face grew very strange.
"So...why is he...like that?" he asked after a moment.
Charmian shook her head and frowned a little. "I'm...I'm not really sure." She reached out one finger toward the baby, cringing when he reached up his own hand, but when he grasped her finger he didn't burn her at all. She tilted her head in puzzlement and bobbed her finger but he just clung to it and laughed, like any normal baby. She looked at Manabozho uncertainly. "I think maybe...he was reborn or something." She felt a little stupid saying it, as it sounded so odd, but couldn't think of any other reason why a baby looking like Chakenapok would appear on Chakenapok's grave!
"But...I thought he was a lost spirit now!" Manabozho paced around the rock and leaned down so that he was practically in the baby's face; the baby smiled and reached up to grasp at his rabbit pendant. "How can he come back like this--?"
"I'm not sure." Charmian sat down beside the pile of leaves and rubbed at her head. "It doesn't make much sense to me." She paused and thought. "Well...Chakenapok's old body was made of everything you and your brothers contributed to him," she said hesitantly. "All of your denial of him. Maybe...this is like the same thing, only in reverse...? The moment you guys accepted him...maybe this is what happened? Another Chakenapok...?" She leaned over the wriggling infant and looked him over, and her face lit up. "I bet this is it! A second chance! To set things right!" She reached out for the baby--Manabozho shook his hands and made hissing noises--and picked him up as carefully as she could, wincing because she had to balance him against her broken arm. She made a face and turned to Manabozho. "Here--you have to carry him. My arm is bad; I might drop him."
He grimaced and flinched away. "Would that be so bad--?"
Charmian gawked, then kicked him in the leg. "HE'S YOUR BROTHER, STUPID! Your TWIN brother! You saw what happened in the cave! That Chakenapok is gone! This..." She looked down at the smiling baby and almost felt her heart melt. "This Chakenapok is completely different." She found herself smiling, and the baby--Chakenapok?--smiled back, letting out another cooing noise and wriggling his arms and legs. Her eyes started to sting and she held him out; Manabozho grimaced again, but reluctantly accepted him. "Don't worry, I hardly think he can hurl any fireballs--he'll probably just hurl something else entirely!"
"What do I do with him--?" Manabozho exclaimed in a near-panic.
Charmian let out a gusty sigh and rolled her eyes. "Duh, what do you think--?" She reached up to adjust his hold, as he looked about ready to drop the infant. "I think Nokomis would be the best person to turn to right now," she said quietly, and he lifted his head to furrow his brow at her, seeming confused. "She didn't like what she had to do to Chakenapok a long time ago," Charmian murmured. "I get the feeling that she might be wanting a second chance, too. And here it is." She touched Chakenapok's head and couldn't stop smiling at the way that his cheeks dimpled when he opened his mouth. "Besides...you said you were all grown up now, and it's your turn to lead. I think this is your second chance, too."
Manabozho stared at her, then looked down at Chakenapok, and made a slight face. "This isn't quite what I meant..." he mumbled, starting to turn away. "He could've come back a little bit older..."
He started muttering to himself as he walked, but as soon as he must have thought that Charmian couldn't see him, he poked his finger at the baby, and Chakenapok grasped it and laughed. Charmian noticed Manabozho blink, then smile; a few more paces away he stooped to pick up a handful of pebbles, and a moment later butterflies surrounded them. Chakenapok waved his arms and aaaahhhhhed, and they vanished from view further up the trail.
Charmian's own smile returned. Bye, 'Bozho, she thought; See you next time. She turned back the way they'd come, feeling a little sad at all of the goodbyes she was having to give so quickly, but resolving herself not to think about them too much.
I think he's going to need some time away from me anyway, if Chakenapok is any indication!
At this thought she paused and glanced back once more. After a moment she looked up at the conjoined trees, and suddenly realized how appropriate they seemed; then she made herself turn and go on her way.
* * * * *
The Red Leaf Tribe was a flurry of activity, everyone coming and going, but mostly coming, gathering in the center of the camp and chattering excitedly. When Charmian had arrived she'd found a great confused group of people waiting for her, apparently having heard the news already. She was surprised to see X'aaru and Khiieta sitting at the edge of the camp, and they stood and wagged their tails when she approached; with a whistling noise Mani came near as well, and she patted all of them, smiling and relieved to be able to see them once more. She winced when she saw how Mani walked with his front leg held off of the ground, and rubbed behind his ear.
"Sorry about that," she murmured, but he only whistled and shook his head.
Just a little hurt. Red Land One all right! This all that matters!
"Charmian!" a voice called, and she looked up to see White Deer nudging her way toward her, her eyes wide and her face alight. "We heard! You defeated him? The Island is safe now--?" she cried.
Charmian frowned in puzzlement and nodded. "Yeah, he's...he's gone now. He won't hurt anyone anymore." She paused. "How did you know--?"
"A stranger came to the camp and spoke with Silver Eagle Feather. He told us everything!"
White Deer nodded excitedly and waved toward the far side of the camp. "Yes, he should be right over there!" Charmian craned her neck and now spotted the medicine woman, standing near her wigwam--they must have rebuilt them in her absence, as they were all new and intact now--and her eyes widened when she saw the person standing with her. This person was dressed in deerskin robes, a few feathers peeking out from beneath their hood--and Charmian thought she spied the tip of a wing sticking out from under the bottom edge of the skins. She blinked and glanced away quickly before she could draw him too much attention, but she did notice the slight smile that Silver Eagle Feather offered, and let out her breath.
"I knew you would do it again!" White Deer was saying, beaming from ear to ear. "I just KNEW it! Everyone else doubted, but I knew you would know what to do..."
"It wasn't really that easy..." Charmian protested, but Stick-In-The-Dirt's arrival interrupted her, and he promptly looked her over, clucking at her broken arm and fretting over her cuts and bruises and burns.
"You're all hurt again! Your arm! How did you even do this...?" He started shaking his head and talking to himself, palpating her arm as she winced and struggled not to squirm free.
"Sorry, Stick," she wheezed, shifting from foot to foot; when he lifted his head and gave her a questioning look she nodded toward the newly constructed Mide lodge. "Sorry that I didn't get to keep my promise," she murmured guiltily.
"Oh--?" The medicine man blinked, glanced at the lodge, then blushed a little. "This...this is all right," he insisted, turning back to her, and she saw that his eyes weren't quite so anxious as they usually were; he looked almost ready to smile. "You were invited...and you were allowed within! This is much more than what most people are allowed!"
"Still..." Charmian sighed and rubbed her arm. "I didn't go through the initiation. I promised I would do that while I was here...but I'm so tired..."
Stick-In-The-Dirt shook his head adamantly. "Do not worry about this! I have a feeling somehow that you've done what matters the most." He paused, then lowered his head and rubbed at his neck a bit meekly. "I...had this very strange dream while you were away. I was speaking with Yellow Turtle...and he said that his intent was more for the Mide to learn from you, rather than the other way around." He furrowed his brow. "This was a very strange dream."
Charmian stared at him for a moment, then a smile came to her own face. "Actually I don't think it's that strange at all...I think it's right on the mark." She paused, then grinned at him. "Oh, and by the way, Scott's Cave should be safe now...you can go and visit it whenever you like. There's this wall in it you might want to check out. Just make sure you're not afraid of spiders." She stepped past him, and he furrowed his brow again, but said nothing.
She made her way toward Silver Eagle Feather and Niskigwun, glancing at all of the others crowding around and still chattering; she spotted Laughing Lynx standing now outside the lodge, his arms crossed and a severe look on his face, and ducked her head with a wince. He noticed her looking at him and lifted his own head.
"Mainlander," he called out, and she flinched and reluctantly stopped. She met his eyes and he frowned at her.
"I expect you to meet your obligation," he said, and she started to shrink in on herself, "of 'learning more about things.'" Charmian gawked, and he raised an eyebrow. "Ignorance is an excuse for only so long," he said, and she flushed and bobbed her head, hurriedly turning away.
"Yes Si--um--La--um--Grandfather!!" X'aaru and Khiieta nudged up against her and she welcomed the distraction, hurrying on toward Silver Eagle Feather again.
"Are you going to be going?" Khiieta asked plaintively. "We hardly got to know each other...we shouldn't have been so absorbed in our cave..."
"Do you really have to go again?" X'aaru whined. "We barely got to say hello this time...I wish you could stay longer..."
"Don't worry!" Charmian had to walk on tiptoes to avoid being knocked over, as they bumped against her sides. "I'll come back--a lot sooner this time! I promise!" She stopped before Silver Eagle Feather and offered a smile, which was returned, before the medicine woman saw her arm and frowned slightly. "How is everything?" she asked. "The Iroquois haven't been causing any more trouble yet, have they...?"
Silver Eagle Feather shook her head. "Black Elk Horn and some of the others went to retrieve them," she said, and Charmian started to cringe. "Monsieurs LaCroix and Dupries are with them," she clarified, and Charmian let out her breath. "Just to keep things safe."
"Thank goodness." Charmian rubbed her brow. "No offense...but Elk can be...well..."
Silver Eagle Feather's mouth twitched. "Do not worry. If anyone knows this, it is I."
A new commotion started and they glanced back to see the rest of the men of the tribe returning, the Iroquois who had landed on the shore walking in a great group between them. They were carrying their weapons, but so were the others; the looks on their faces, however, were more meek and confused than anything. They glanced uneasily at the tribespeople, spotted Mani and the demons and went pale, then continued walking on their way as they were escorted past. Charmian spotted Black Elk Horn near the lead and he gave her such a withering glare that she had to duck her head, her face feeling warm. Well...she guessed it was to be expected that some things would have to stay the same.
White Deer tugged on her sleeve. "Oh! Isn't that that one you went after--?"
"Huh--?" Charmian glanced up again. Singing Cedars walked near the back of the group, scowling at the ground as they went; he must have sensed her staring at him, for he lifted his head and met her eyes, and blinked as if not having expected to see her there. His step faltered for a moment, and she took that chance to go walking toward him, tugging at something around her neck and ignoring White Deer's sniggering.
Singing Cedars halted and looked at her as she pulled the sprig of cedar from around her neck. "Um...here," she said, holding it out toward him. He frowned a little and she jiggled it. "It helped," she said, and offered him a tentative smile. "I thought you might like it back."
The Onondaga blinked, his eyes growing wide, then the scowl slowly came back to his face and he nudged the sprig away. "Keep it," he muttered, and turned away from her. "I do not need it."
Charmian's smile faded as he started walking again, following the others who were headed for the East Bluff. She watched them go, lowering the little bit of tree, but before they disappeared into the woods she did notice him turn to look back at her over his shoulder, and she lifted her head a little. He wasn't scowling anymore, or smiling; he stared at her as if...
...As if he's making sure he'll remember me...?
Her smile returned. She lifted her good arm and waved. Singing Cedars's eyes grew again and she saw him flush; he quickly ducked his head and turned away, but this didn't upset her at all. She watched them vanish from sight, and felt a bit of a sting that she would probably never see him again, but at least he would be heading home like he'd wanted to do. As if remembering her own reason for being here, she lowered her arm and let out a sigh, her spirits sinking a bit. She replaced the sprig of cedar around her neck.
"Charmian?" a voice called, and she looked up to see Francois and Justin approaching on their horses, taking the same route the Iroquois had been taking; Justin was already dismounting even before his horse had stopped, and coming toward her. He frowned on seeing the way that she held her arm and she peered up at him meekly. He reached her and gently took hold of it, looking it over.
"Broken, now...?" he asked, without really asking. She nodded and he let out a sigh and pressed his hand to it. "Well, I believe that you've been through absolutely everything, now...biting, burning, scratching, cutting, breaking...and various other things they don't even have names for..."
"It's just a broken arm," Charmian said. "I could've gotten it in gym class." He gave her such a look that she winced and pulled her arm back as soon as it stopped glowing. "Okay! Okay! No more fighting evil spirits and stuff...but I really could break it in gym class..."
"You are heading on home now?" Francois asked, coming up on his horse. "You'll need a way back?"
"Oh. Yeah--but I think I'm set." Charmian held up her dreamcatcher. "I used this the last time. It should bring me back, if I can get it to work right."
Francois leaned forward on the horse and his mouth twitched. "So I assume you're planning on returning sometime, then--?"
Charmian blushed. "Well...of course! What else am I supposed to do when you guys need me?"
Justin rolled his eyes. "I take it that means that I will be kept as busy as always..." He blinked and opened his mouth when Charmian kicked some leaves onto his shoe and turned away in a huff.
She went first toward X'aaru and Khiieta again, scratching their ears and rubbing their chins as they sadly wagged their tails; then she made sure to hug Mani, hating the way that his head drooped, but mentally promising to see him again soon. The manitou did seem to cheer up a little when she told him this, and he whistled something to the effect of, You'd better, which just made her laugh.
She went back toward Silver Eagle Feather and Niskigwun last of all. Niskigwun turned to face her as she approached, and even dared to pull his hood back a little bit. "You will be returning to your own home now...?" he asked softly; she nodded, and paused when she saw his face fall a little. "We will remember you in our own land, Mainlander. I..." He paused, peering at Silver Eagle Feather, then fell silent.
The medicine woman's eyes shifted from one of them to the other, then she took a step back. "Perhaps it is best that you return while they are preoccupied," she said to Niskigwun, and he and Charmian glanced around at the others in the camp, who were chattering busily. Niskigwun lowered his head a little but Charmian waved.
"I can go down there too," she offered; when they both looked at her she glanced at Silver Eagle Feather. "Thomas should be coming along soon...if I miss him, will you let him know where I went? I just want to see Nis--um--Ruffled Feathers back home. It shouldn't take too long."
Silver Eagle Feather nodded and stepped aside. "Goodbye! Come see us when you come back!" White Deer cried, she and Stick-In-The-Dirt waving from the other side of the camp. Charmian thought she heard the Michinimakinong let out a breath as they started walking together toward the East Bluff and out of the camp.
"Are you certain you do not mind missing your friend...?" Niskigwun asked as they went.
Charmian shook her head. "It's okay. I'll see him again before I go." She paused. "I just wanted to make sure I saw you off, too." She noticed the way that he hunched into his robes a little and she suppressed a smile, imagining how red his face must be going.
"I..." He tried to speak again, and faltered; after a moment he reached up and pulled his hood back completely so his feathers all flared out in different directions. He didn't meet her eyes, though she saw him chewing furiously on his lip, and he gripped his spear as if he intended to use it. "I did not get to tell you all you have done for us," he said hesitantly, and she smiled.
"It's okay. I think I get it."
"No." He shook his head. "I should state it anyway. I must admit...that I have not ever been very fond of your people." He peered at her from the corner of his eye. "Everything I have heard of your kind...your people did not treat us kindly, when the two of us met. This was the main reason why we left. Not because of Sooleawa Chepi or others of her sort. Rather...when we attempted to befriend your people, we were met with violence, and every one we met was the same, and so it was deemed best that we simply retreat, and not return to this place. This is why we left. We knew we were not safe here."
"I understand," Charmian said. "I wouldn't've blamed you."
He sighed and shook his head again. "But this is exactly what was wrong. I know that we had to retreat, at least for a time, in order to protect ourselves...but to leave completely...and never think of coming back...I see now what sort of idea this was. I see you, and the medicine woman, and the Wemitigoji, and the others, and it is just like looking at my own people. There are still some of you like the first ones...but not so many of them now...and at least a few of you are not like they were. I never would have known this if you had not come barging through the Fairy Arch and into our land." He paused, then his ears went red. "I would never have known this if I had been properly doing my duty, and guarding that gateway."
Charmian's mouth twitched. "Well...I guess slacking off can have its benefits after all! Huh?"
Niskigwun fiddled with one of his necklaces as they neared the edge of the bluff. "I was thinking that perhaps we did the wrong thing," he murmured. "If, by turning our backs on all of you, we missed many things we could have learned. Granted, I do not believe it would have been smart of us to contact every one of your people as they came along...but still I wonder, how many of them like you did we miss?"
He ducked his head now, flushing terribly, and she suppressed another smile for his sake. "Hopefully, not very many," she said, "because I wouldn't want there to be too many me's out there, myself." She paused and looked into the undergrowth to the side when she noticed something moving in it. When she recognized green-and-red eyes peering out at her through the weeds and bushes, she waved vaguely at Niskigwun. "Could you hold on for a sec? I just want to say goodbye while I can."
The Michinimakinong stopped and nodded with a bit of a frown.
Charmian carefully picked her way through the grass and shrubs and batted aside a fern, wiping her brow as she reached the demon nearly concealed among all of the plants. I did not wish to miss you leaving, Tal Natha murmured, lowering his head so that he didn't tower above her so much; even on his haunches, he was taller than she was. He peered out at Niskigwun, who stood some distance away, then back down at Charmian. The Turtle Spirit is still among you...? He has decided to stay?
Charmian shook her head slightly. "No...I don't think so." Her mouth twitched again and she looked back toward the Michinimakinong. "I think he won't be staying away for quite so long this time, though."
And what of you?
She turned back to him and met his eyes. Her smile faded on seeing the look there; she wasn't used to seeing him seem so saddened. "I'll come back as soon as I can," she said, then bit her lip. "If you want me to."
Tal Natha's eyes softened. I will always want you to, he said. You know this. He tilted his head to the side and smiled, at least, as much as a wolf demon could smile. And you will have to spend more time with us. Red Bird would not come with me because she did not even want to say goodbye to you. So of course, you are obligated to come back and say hello.
Charmian's smile returned, although her eyes were wet. "Of course I will! Tell her she's being rude!" Her smile faded again and she lowered her eyes, digging the toe of her sandal into the earth. "I'm...sorry about what I said," she murmured, then gasped when she felt his muzzle against the side of her face. The Ocryx pressed his head to hers and she blinked, then her vision went blurry and she lifted a hand to shakily scratch at his ear.
You do not need to apologize, Tal Natha said softly. I understand and I forgive. She took in a breath when he spoke in her ear, his voice nothing more than a whisper. "I feel you here now," he said, "and I am glad."
Charmian stared at his wing, blinking, and the tears started falling from her eyes. She shut them and grasped his ruff, burrowing her face into the fur of his cheek. "I'm glad too," she murmured, voice cracking; she had to wait a moment to try to gather herself, before slowly pulling away, rubbing at her nose. "Tell Red Bird I said bye," she said, sniffling; the demon gave her the same soft smile, and got to his feet, his wings slowly fanning the air. "And when I get back, I'm going to give her a noogie for not even showing up," she threatened; his tail wagged, and she could tell he had no idea what a noogie was, but didn't care. He turned and slipped away into the undergrowth in that oddly silent way that Ocryxes had, and Charmian turned back to the trail, where Niskigwun still stood waiting, now with his robes slung over his shoulder. He watched her as she approached, and glanced past her into the woods. He shifted his spear.
"The Dreamspinner," he said quietly. "He returns to his own home now...?"
She nodded and wiped her eyes. "Till the next time." She lifted her head to look at him. "You know, you should go and see him sometime. I think the two of you might have a lot in common. You both like to look after the Island."
Niskigwun blinked, then flushed and quickly turned away, but she sensed his pleasure. "The Fairy Arch," he said quickly. "I should be returning...so I may give Grandmother Geezhigo-Quae my report. I have so many things to catch up on...all of that time I spent dawdling around on this Island, when I should have been doing my work..."
Charmian had to struggle not to laugh. "I think she'll be able to overlook it, this one time," she said; Niskigwun shuffled his wings, and they made their way down the bluff and toward the Fairy Arch.
"What do you plan on doing once you return to your home?" he asked as they started grasping onto saplings and navigating the steep slope. His ears flicked. "I do not even know what mainlanders do in their own time..."
"Nothing much too different from what you guys do," Charmian said, swatting at a mosquito, "except without all the demons and spirits and stuff." She felt around with her foot before placing it against the ground. "Basically, I'm going to make sure my homework's done, and pet my dog, and eat dinner since I haven't eaten here in ages, and take the world's longest nap...then as soon as summer vacation gets here, you can be sure I'm coming right back." She grasped onto a clump of weeds. "What is it that you guys do in your own time--?"
"Nothing much different from what your people do," Niskigwun said, "except with all the demons and spirits and 'stuff.'" He knocked aside some plants with his spear. "Basically...I am going to finish up my business with Geezhigo-Quae, and see to my wing, and soak myself in a spring...because I simply know I will have to come back here, as soon as you do, just to keep you out of trouble."
Charmian snorted. "Whatever! I think I'm the one who's going to have to keep YOU out of trouble!"
The Michinimakinong made a face at her. "'As if'!" He stumbled and leaned against a tree, glancing around himself with a frown. Charmian paused in her descent and did the same.
"Hey, isn't the Arch supposed to be right around here...?" she asked, furrowing her brow.
"I...thought it was." Niskigwun's puzzled look grew and he rubbed at his head. "I must have taken the wrong steps...now you see I have been too long here! Already this place musses up my mind." They started descending again. "And now you see why I will be needed here more than ever. I will simply have to speak with Grandmother and have my post reassigned, just so I can keep watch over this place, woeful job that you and yours are doing." He pointed downward. "Here comes the shore. When we reach it, we may turn upwards again, and trace our steps back."
Charmian rolled her eyes. "I never said this was my job," she retorted. "I rather think YOU guys will need the babysitting!" They clambered down out of the shrubbery and onto the shore road, panting and swiping at bits of earth and vegetation clinging to their skin. "Besides! What with all the avoiding you guys've been doing, YOU'RE going to need ME just to show you the ropes...!" She trailed off when she saw the look on Niskigwun's face, his eyes as round as marbles and his mouth hanging open. She furrowed her brow. "What'd I say...? Niskigwun? Sheesh, I didn't mean to piss you off that much..."
She turned her head to look in the same direction that he was, and then her own eyes grew, and her own mouth fell open, as soon as she saw the familiar shape of the Fairy Arch...rising up into the open sky just above the shore road.
The Conclusion:
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.
I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2005 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.