Who's the Star, Baby? "It's time to go onstage."
"I'm not ready!"
"The rent's due tomorrow. What else can we do?"
"But, but....I think I just spotted a sliver."
"No one is going to see! They'll be looking at me anyhow."
"Are you kidding? You know I'm the star! Without me this act would be dead."
"Look, Buddy, you're just a block of wood. I can get another chunk of wood anytime."
"Right! I'm the funny one. I'm the one that makes them laugh. You're just a hand."
"I don't think so. I could voice over on an orange and it would be funny. Let's go, curtain's going up."
"Fine, fine, just let me get this sliver. Hey, I said wait!"
"What a great show! Did you see them laugh? I sure can make them laugh, can't I..."
"I told you, it's not you Buddy, it's me. I'm the one projecting my voice. Let's get that straight."
"Well, I was the one moving my mouth."
"No, that was me. You're just a block of wood, remember?"
"I still say I'm the funny one."
"Okay, Buddy, you're the funny one."
entry for "The Dialogue 500"  |
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