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Dark Run An Entry for |  | Invalid Item  This item number is not valid. #1115385 by Not Available. |
Word Count : 482
My feet pounded beneath me as I crashed through the night. There was something back there, in the blackness, chasing me. What it was I didn't know, and part of me didn't wish to find out. I was running flat out through unfamiliar surroundings, in essence I was running from the unknown, into the unknown….
I clutched my takings tightly under one arm. The booty dug uncomfortably into my ribs as I stumbled over something sharp. I kept my feet and reached through the darkness for the soft barrier I hoped was around here somewhere. A few more steps and my right hand sank into the object I sought. Twisting my wrist around for the right leverage, I quickly vaulted over it, forgetting in my haste that my landing site might have changed! It hadn't! I rolled to my feet, tucking my prize into my body for protection, and carried on running.
My pursuer must have collided with something, the beast sounded winded.
Let it buy me the time I need!
My plea was barely a murmer as I sucked in air through lungs that felt lead-filled. A sudden drop caused me to tumble. It was only a few inches, but in the dark it was enough to send me careening through the air. I landed hard, but on my back - my precious cargo escaping damage. As I struggled to regain my footing, my senses flailed similarly, seeking my original orientation.
If that drop had been...yes, which means..yes..further than I thought...
A quick glance up and I saw salvation. The faint glow of light!
I staggered towards it, just as I heard the sound of the beast closing on me from behind. Desperation gave me speed and I dived towards the light, praying the beast would trip and fall as I had done. My hand teased the edge of the light, and I heard a cry behind me. Something grasped my ankle tightly.
Down I went again, but I stabbed towards the light with outstretched finger-tips and suddenly the whole area was flooded with illumination.
"KYLE, MATTHEW, what are you two up to? Making all that noise!"
With a wince I looked up into the flustered, unamused face.
"Nothing mom," I pleaded innocently.
"Little twerp stole my piggy bank," Kyle declared at the same time, his breath wheezing like my own.
Twisting around, I saw my older brother behind me, bright-eyed and with the beginnings of a grin on his face. He was sprawled flat-out, still clutching my ankle in his fist.
"Haha, I made it to the kitchen, you owe me $2," I declared triumphantly as I wriggled free of his grasp.
"No, no, I got you. You didn't make it all the way!"
With a sigh my mom admonished us briefly and walked off. I handed the moneybox back and we ran back to his room, already planning the next round of Darkrun - it was my turn to chase next!
Woo !! It won  |
© Copyright 2006 Smee (smeedyer at Writing.Com).
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