About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Part 4: Enemy's Plea Main story folder & table of contents: "Escape From Manitou Island" 
Previous chapter: "Part 3: Fire Yellow & Snow White" 
Enemy's Plea
THE WHITE-HAIRED GIRL scuffed one foot against the earth, peering up meekly at Black Elk Horn, who glared at Charmian in turn, his eyes so malevolent that she wondered why she didn't just fall down dead where she stood.
"Good morning...Father," the girl said in a tiny voice.
Charmian blinked, then her eyes nearly fell out. Her jaw dropped before she could stop it, but fortunately Black Elk Horn's attention was diverted from her just temporarily, as he tilted his head to glare down at the girl now. She lowered her own head and started to creep back behind Charmian as if to hide; the ogimah's eyes fixed straight on Charmian's again, and she started stammering, wishing that she could be anywhere but here.
Black Elk Horn's stare grew markedly more dangerous as she pulled her pack off and started fumbling around in it, digging hastily until she managed to find what she was looking for. She pulled out a small red object and held it out toward him so quickly that she nearly threw it at his chest; he looked down at it and frowned, but at least he wasn't glaring at her anymore.
"It's--it's a gift!" Charmian exclaimed. "I thought--since I took yours the last time--maybe you could use a new one!" She set her pack down and held the little object in her palm; the white-haired girl, as well as a few others who had been gathering nearby to watch, moved closer, peering at it curiously. Charmian pried at it with her fingernails and popped out a knife blade.
"It's a Swiss army knife! See--?" She started prying at the other devices concealed within it, one after another. "It's got a knife...and lots of other stuff...I know it's not as big as your knife was, but, maybe you can use all these other things...here's a corkscrew...and a little saw...and a bottlecap opener...and another little saw...and a pair of scissors, for trimming your toenails, I guess..."
More and more of the Islanders started gathering around, eyes wide with wonder as she continued popping out tool after tool. Black Elk Horn, for his part, stared at the knife with an utterly baffled look, and she couldn't tell if it was the knife that confused him, or her giving it to him. She managed to drop it into his hands, picking up her pack and and furtively creeping out of the growing crowd without him even noticing, and the gap behind her quickly filled in, everybody ooh'ing and ahh'ing over the implement as even more uses for it were revealed. Charmian extricated herself from the crowd and ran a shaky hand across her brow. She'd hoped that a little time away from the Island might change the ogimah's feelings toward her, but apparently, that had been a bit much to hope for.
She gasped when she noticed the white-haired girl standing right in front of her, her eyes wide and alight. "You really ARE from the mainland, aren't you?" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together. "Mother said you knew all sorts of strange things! Is this Suisarmi one of your manitous--?"
Charmian blinked, then started waving her hands. "It's--no! No! It's just a knife! I don't know anything strange. I mean--I'm just a high school student!"
A small cry arose from the nearby crowd when they discovered the tweezers, then the screwdriver. "Wonder after wonder!" somebody yelled. "It just never CEASES!"
"Of course you know strange things!" the girl insisted. "After all you're Charmian! I know all about you from what Mother told me! She said that you fought the demon, then the flint man--"
"I'm guessing your mother is Silver Eagle Feather...?" Charmian prompted, not sure if she wanted to know.
The girl blinked, then nodded. "Uh-huh! My name's Winter Born! When I grow up I want to be just like her someday--but maybe YOU can teach me some things, too!"
Charmian's face blanched. "Teach you--?" she blurted out in disbelief. "But--!"
Winter Born gasped, then grabbed onto Charmian's hand. "MOTHER! That's right! I have to tell everybody you're here! I hope you get to stay a really long time! I know you could tell me all kinds of stories!" She started hauling Charmian across the camp, Black Elk Horn looking ready to blow a gasket as they passed him, just as the fingernail file was discovered and everybody let out a great cry of astonishment.
"It is surely full of TINY LITTLE MANITOUS!" somebody else exclaimed, and everybody agreed.
Charmian winced at Winter Born's grip--her hand was as strong as a snapping turtle! "You came at just the right time, too!" she exclaimed. "I'm supposed to go look for my vision sometime soon--and I bet you could help me! She said how you went to see the SPIRIT ROAD itself--!"
Charmian grimaced. "It wasn't that easy! I nearly failed! I really don't think I--"
"Mother! MOTHER!" Winter Born's voice rose loud enough to make her wince again as they neared the familiar wigwam with the antler and the feather upon its doorflap. "Guess who's here! Guess who I found!"
The doorflap was pushed aside and a familiar face peered out. Charmian felt a smile come to her own face as Silver Eagle Feather did the same, stepping out and brushing her hair back as she approached. Winter Born started jumping up and down.
"Look, Mother!" she exclaimed. "She came back! Just like you said she would!"
"I can see, Winter Born," Silver Eagle Feather said to her patiently, then looked back up at Charmian and her smile returned.
"Um--hi!" Charmian greeted, lifting a hand. "I got some free time so I thought I'd come back for a little visit!" She made a slight face. "I hope things haven't changed too much while I was away..."
Silver Eagle Feather shook her head. "There have been a few changes..." her eyes shifted toward Winter Born and her mouth twitched "...yet none too great."
Charmian let out her breath. "Thank goodness! It just seems like every time I come here, something really weird happens..."
"Mother, is it all right if she teaches me how to find a vision--?" Winter Born asked.
Silver Eagle Feather's eyes widened, then she gave the girl a reproachful look. "Winter Born! You are being rude! She's just come here and wishes to say hello to her friends. You can ask her such questions later!"
Winter Born's lip started to stick out and she scuffed her foot in the dust again. "But you said she knew things..."
"I apologize," the medicine woman said to Charmian, which just made Winter Born pout all the more. "She's much as I was, at that age."
Charmian's smile grew. "I think I get it." She had to pry her hand loose of Winter Born's grip. "Look," she said to her, "I don't really know much about visions at all--I'm sorry." The girl's lip started trembling. "But--I do know how to talk to manitous, I guess--and maybe I can teach you that? Though Francois could've taught you that..."
Winter Born's eyes lit up immediately. "WILL you?" she cried, and hopped up and down. "Thank you thank you thank you! Father didn't want the Wemitigoji teaching me anything--he says that Wemitigoji and long knives can only teach bad things--but I know he's wrong on that at least, because you helped the Island, and that can't be all bad! He says--"
Forgive her, Silver Eagle Feather said in Charmian's mind as the girl prattled on; the look in her eyes was amused. But Elk actually spoils her, and so she barely knows when to hold her peace.
That's okay, Charmian thought back, having to force herself not to smile. I'd probably be just as excited if I were her!
"--And living in a house can make your eyes go blind and your legs go numb!" Winter Born was saying, when she cut herself off and glared at them. "I KNOW you two were thinking something!" Charmian blinked and she turned to her mother. "Mother, how come you never teach me how to do that? I'm old enough! Please? Can Charmian teach me...?"
"Perhaps later," Silver Eagle Feather said, earning another pout. "Why don't you try to find Stick-In-The-Dirt and White Deer, and tell them that Charmian's here," she suggested, and Winter Born's face lit up again. "They should be somewhere along the East Bluff digging up roots."
Winter Born's head bobbed quickly. "All right! Be right back!" She whirled around and started running out of the camp.
"Winter Born," Silver Eagle Feather called, and she halted and looked back. The medicine woman pointed at her foot; the girl blinked, blushed, then stooped to haphazardly stick her moccasins back on, before turning and dashing off once more. Charmian let out her breath, feeling suddenly relieved though she wasn't sure why.
Silver Eagle Feather touched her arm, and gestured toward the wigwam. "Maybe you would like something to eat or drink while you wait--?" she offered. "I know that Stick-In-The-Dirt will be happy to see you. White Deer as well. After you left they could not stop speaking about how you spoke to the Midewiwin."
Charmian flushed and ducked her head. "I only refused to join because I don't know word one about that thing! I'd hate messing everything up..."
"I think you misunderstand. They were quite impressed with you. I've never seen Laughing Lynx oblige someone as much as he did you."
Charmian's face grew even redder when she remembered the old medicine man whose last words to her had been "Ignorance is an excuse for only so long." THAT was "obliging me"? she thought, and winced. If that's how he is on a good day, I hope I never cross him on a BAD one!
"I still think I'd be better off learning a few more things first," she murmured. "After all...I made a lot of mistakes my last time here, and I hope I never repeat them..." She lifted her head when she heard a droning noise coming from the far end of the camp, and saw a large elongated wigwam standing near the woods, several men seated around it at intervals, beating on drums and singing. Her brow furrowed. "Speaking of...is that the Mide lodge right there...?"
Silver Eagle Feather nodded and stood beside her to look at it. "There was an incident, not that long ago," she said quietly.
"Somebody's sick?" Charmian frowned a little.
The medicine woman shook her head. "Injured. He was found in the woods, and brought back here to be tended to."
Charmian started walking toward the lodge, stepping more tentatively the closer she got to it; four old men were seated around it, one at the entrance, one at the back, and one on each side, and they chanted in monotone as they beat on their drums. A fire burned just before the doorway and another one near the back, crackling and popping in the warm air. Charmian's brow furrowed.
"What's with all the...drumming?" she asked. "And the fire?"
Silver Eagle Feather stopped just behind her. "For protection," she said.
"To protect the guy inside--?"
Silver Eagle Feather shook her head. "To protect them from him."
Charmian turned her head to look at her in confusion, then turned back to the lodge. Against her better judgement she stepped around the fire and toward the entryway, pushing up the flap to peek inside. It was dark within, there being no windows and not even a smokehole since all of the fire was outside; she let the flap fall shut behind her and stood upright, looking down at a dim shape outstretched upon the floor. She couldn't see it very well at all but it looked like a tall human figure, shrouded in animal skins and lying upon a pallet made of cedar boughs; when she held her own breath she could hear it breathing, long, raspy breaths, and bit her lip. She gingerly stepped around it and toward its head, leaning far over to get a better look at its face in the dim light.
As soon as she recognized its features, she let out a gasp and jumped back, running into the wall of the lodge and collapsing to the ground. She let out a squeak and started scuttling away from it--him--scrambling back toward the foot of the pallet and clawing at the doorflap. The face she had just seen was a GeeBee face. Augwak was the one lying on the pallet!
She grabbed at the doorflap and found it missing; a quick glance up showed her Silver Eagle Feather, peering inside. The medicine woman looked down at her as if to ask if she were all right.
"A--A--" Charmian stammered incoherently, then started pointing at the figure on the pallet, her eyes wide. "Augwak--? You--you guys're taking care of Augwak--?!"
Silver Eagle Feather held the doorflap up and stepped silently into the lodge. It grew dark again as soon as she let the flap go, and Charmian crowded even closer to the entry, if that were possible. "He was found in the woods," she said again, her voice quiet. "Badly injured. He was unconscious, and so the elders thought it best to take him in. Even if they cannot help him, they hope that they can keep him from using his power, should he be able."
Charmian started wringing her hands, then grimaced and made herself crawl around him. He's unconscious--what can he do?--he's out cold--he can't do anything!! she had to remind herself, but it was still difficult just to look him in the face again. His large yellow eyes were closed and his long pointed ears drooped; his mouth was barely open, his fangs showing, as he let out a raspy breath, then took in another one. She gingerly lifted one of the skins to get a better look at him, then took in a breath herself. She pulled the skin back and saw the bruises littering his arms and chest, his green skin turned nearly black.
"What happened to him--?" she cried softly, looking him over in shock. "It looks like--somebody beat the CRAP out of him!"
Silver Eagle Feather stooped next to her. "He was found like this. We could only assume that something attacked him not long before. Whatever it was, it was not seen. We do not know what it was."
Charmian chewed on her lip and her eyes stung. She and the GeeBee chief had never gotten along well--in fact, he was always either trying to steal her spirit stone, or else eat her--and he had nearly destroyed the Island her last time here--but still, she had a vaguely soft spot for him. "Whatever it was...it must've been really strong," she murmured. "Augwak's no Hercules, but he's nothing to sneeze at, either. Who would want to beat up a GeeBee...?"
"He was found in the woods not too far away from Monsieur LaCroix's cabin," Silver Eagle Feather said, earning a surprised stare. "It looked as if he had managed to drag himself there, before collapsing."
"This close to the East Bluff--?" Charmian cried. "But--GeeBees NEVER come this close to the East Bluff! They always stay near the west shore if they can help it!" She looked down at Augwak and chewed her lip furiously. "Something must've really scared him to make him travel THIS far..." She noticed his arm, then frowned and peered closer. "What's this on his arm...?" She lifted it up and squinted, then her eyes grew huge. "Are these--are these BITEMARKS--?"
The medicine woman tilted her head as if to see them better. "Several of the men looked through the woods to try to discover what had happened," she said. "Blood was found in a trail leading up to him. He also has the marks on his legs and his other arm. It looks as if he were coming here from the Devil's Kitchen."
"Devil's Kitchen--?" Charmian fell silent, then her mouth fell open and her eyes goggled; she dropped the GeeBee's arm with a dull thump. "The GeeBees--!" she choked out. "They were trying to EAT HIM--?!"
Silver Eagle Feather gave her a look that plainly said this was obvious. Charmian's face screwed up and she started shaking as if a million ants were crawling on her. "EeewwwWWWW!! Why would they be trying to EAT him?" she cried. "I mean--he's--he's their CHIEF!"
"Whatever this was that attacked him was obviously much stronger," Silver Eagle Feather said. "It does not look like he won this battle. He probably collapsed not far from where he was defeated, and tried to make his way away from the west shore, for safety." She reached out and lifted up his hand, showing his long filthy claws. "He has blood under his nails...I believe he fought them off as best as he could, before he was found."
Charmian shook her head wildly, still grimacing. "But--why would they go after him? I mean, he's the one who keeps them in order, and everything! I really hate saying this but he's the smartest one of them! They'd probably be nothing without him!"
Silver Eagle Feather shrugged slightly and set Augwak's hand back down. "This matters little, once he is weak and powerless."
"Weak--?" Charmian stared at her, then her face went pale. She peered down at Augwak again. "You mean...they went after him...because he couldn't defend himself...?" Her eyes stung again and she furiously rubbed at them.
"This is the way of the GeeBees," Silver Eagle Feather replied. "They make no distinctions between one source of food and another; just as long as it is something they can overpower." She pulled the skins back up to cover Augwak. "In any case, he seems greatly weakened by now, and I doubt he even has access to his own medicine. I have a strange feeling from him...like he is barely here." She frowned a little. "Usually he is easy to sense...can you feel him?"
Charmian blinked, then glanced down at the GeeBee. She bit her lip and concentrated. She cast out her mental net, her own way of sensing certain others on the Island...and although Augwak was right in front of her, his own presence barely registered. Her brow furrowed.
"I can hardly feel him," she murmured. "It's almost like he's dead."
"I think he will live, but his power is almost gone. I think that whatever it was that fought him probably took it from him, so it could become stronger. Should he remain like this then he does not stand a chance against the rest of the GeeBees."
Charmian's anxiety grew. "I also hate to say this--but without him, I can't stand to think of what trouble the other GeeBees might cause! Maybe Justin could come and help him...?"
Silver Eagle Feather shook her head. "The elders will not allow it. He will either recover under their care, or not at all." She got to her feet and turned for the entryway. "I have to go see to Winter Born...you will be fine on your own...?"
Charmian nodded absently, still staring at the GeeBee. "Yeah, I'll be fine...I just need to think for a minute. Be right out."
The medicine woman nodded once more, then exited the lodge. Charmian remained sitting beside Augwak for a time, chewing on her thumbnail. The low droning beat of the drums continued outside but she barely noticed it anymore; the situation was far too troubling for her to be distracted.
I had a weird feeling, she thought uneasily, and I show up--and something weird's happened! Granted, Augwak's got a lot of enemies...but the only one strong enough to do this is Ocryx...and he's never really gone picking fights just for the heck of it. And I really doubt Augwak would take HIM on! He might be foolhardy, but he's hardly THAT stupid...
She peered down at him, then made a face and started to push herself up to her feet. She fiddled with the edge of her vest before turning toward the entryway. She stopped before it and lifted the flap to peek outside at the nearest drummer. He continued beating the drum and chanting, oblivious to her.
I wish I could get Justin, she thought. At least one thing would be taken care of, if not the problem itself...
"Would it be...so much to ask...for them to stop...beating those damned drums...?"
Charmian gasped and whirled around. Augwak's eyes were still shut, but he was grimacing now, all of his teeth bared and his claws digging into the skins. She scuttled back to look at him as he pressed a hand to his breast and let out a pained noise.
"Augwak--?" she asked. "You're awake--?"
"Because those asses can't stop beating those stupid DRUMS..." He continued grimacing and lifted his hand to rub at his eyes. "And that fire isn't exactly HELPING me any..." He pulled his hand away and finally started blinking blearily, and his eyes fixed on hers. He frowned, rubbed at them, then blinked a few more times, focusing now; as soon as he recognized her they grew, then he shut them again and let out a groan, dropping his head back.
"Not you again!" he grumbled.
Charmian blinked, then scowled at him. "Some hello! Nice to see you too!"
"I never ASKED to see an annoying scrap like you again!" He bared his teeth. "You think I don't remember how you treated me LAST time--? KICKING and HITTING me like that when I was already down--? What do you have planned THIS time--pulling my ears off?"
"Maybe, if you keep this attitude up!" Charmian retorted, and pulled the bough out from under his head so it thumped to the floor and he yelped. "For your information I was trying to think of a way to HELP you--but since it looks like you're not INTERESTED in an 'annoying scrap' like me, then I think I'll just leave you as you are!"
"Pfff!" Augwak hissed as she clambered to her feet again. "Go ahead! As if I care what YOU do! Just as long as it doesn't involve ME!" She headed for the entryway and his voice rose into an unpleasant screech. "AND TELL THEM TO KNOCK OFF THAT DRUMMING!!"
"I think it suits you!" she snapped, pulling up the flap and glancing out at the main drummer. "I hope you have fun with the REST of the GeeBees!" she said, and put one foot out of the lodge.
She heard him sit up behind her, a wheezed breath escaping him. "The--the rest of them--?" he managed to get out. "They--they are nearby--?"
She paused long enough to glare at him. "Not yet, they aren't. But you know that could change. They smell blood, remember! And you've shed quite a bit of that!"
Augwak's yellow eyes grew, and he glanced down at his injuries. He saw the bitemarks on his arm and his lips pulled back in a panicked grimace. A second later Charmian couldn't believe her eyes. He had managed to pull himself around on the pallet, and crawled toward her a little, gasping for breath and shaking in pain; he held up one bony hand and waved it at her frantically.
"You can't let them get me!!" he cried, his voice cracking. "You can't throw me back out there!"
Charmian scowled again. "Why can't I--?"
Augwak grimaced and waved both hands now. "I KNOW YOU! You would NEVER leave me to them! You're a better person than that!! Don't let them get me--you know they'll EAT me if they get me now--!!"
Charmian paused and let the flap go, looking back at him again. "And why shouldn't I?" she argued. "Everything in me that has any sense at all just tells me that you'll go right back to trying to EAT me or--FREEZE the Island or--SOMETHING equally stupid!" She picked up the flap. "I'm starting to see the wisdom in them not letting Justin in here! Maybe I should ask those guys to drum a little louder and stoke the fire...?"
Augwak clapped his hands to his head. "I HAVE NO POWER LEFT! You heard the medicine woman!! You would really leave me to those ravening idiots?! What sort of mainlander are you!!"
"The one who gets smart after getting burned enough times," Charmian said. She glared back at him. "You want me to believe you? Then start fessing up." He lowered his hands and nodded wildly, eyes glimmering. "What was it that got you this way? Did you pick a fight with Ocryx or something? Did you do something to deserve this in ANY way--?"
The GeeBee now shook his head equally wildly. "Not--not a thing, fleshling, I SWEAR! I was simply minding my own business! And he came out of nowhere--no warning--didn't even say a thing before striking! I fought valiantly, but--you see what he did to me!" He held up his hands and gave her his most pathetic face.
She rolled her eyes. "Like I'm to believe you didn't do a thing to egg him on!"
"I swear it, fleshling, on Gitchi Manitou himself! All I did was defend myself!" He clasped his hands together and Charmian took pause when she could have sworn that she saw tears in his eyes. "Do you really think I would have ASKED to be treated thus--?" And he held out his arms and made an awful face which she felt like mimicking.
"You're right," she murmured after a moment, and his face began to light up. She chewed her lip. "If you've ever been anything, it's a coward." He started to smile, blinked, realized what she'd said, then his mouth fell open and he gawked. "I really doubt you'd take on somebody this powerful, if you could help it."
Augwak grimaced. "Please, fleshling! I hardly need the insults right now!!"
"So start helping me out!" Charmian snapped, making him jump; he shrank back into the skins when she stomped toward him and put her hands on her hips, glaring at him venomously. "Who was it that attacked you? What did he look like? Why did he attack you? Go on! It's not like I have all day!"
Augwak squirmed. "I--I don't know who he was, fleshling, as I've never seen him before! I swear it!" he added hastily, when she started to look skeptical. "All I know is--he was very big--and powerful--and he claimed I was weak, before pummeling the life almost out of me! And the next thing I remember is awakening to those FOOLS trying to chew my arms off!!"
Charmian's face screwed up. "This hardly HELPS me any!" she snapped, and turned for the entryway. "Maybe the other GeeBees would be more useful--?"
Augwak clambered up, wincing and whimpering the entire way, and clasped his hands together as if praying, though she didn't look back at him. "Fleshling!! If you speak with them they'll know where I am and what's become of me! Please, please, you have to let me stay here! You have to help me! If HE doesn't kill me--THEY will!!"
"What you said doesn't exactly help me much," Charmian said, opening the flap. "You don't even know who or what this guy was."
Augwak whined and writhed, Charmian setting one foot outside the opening. "It--I--I don't know WHO he was, but I know WHAT--!"
"Sure you do." She started pushing herself out of the doorway, hearing Augwak's claws digging into the cedar boughs as his voice rose into a panicked screech, bouncing off of the curving walls of the lodge.
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
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I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2007 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.