About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Part 9: Evasion Main story folder & table of contents: "Escape From Manitou Island" 
Previous chapter: "Part 8: All Talk, Little Action" 
"I TAKE IT you've met Turtle," a voice said, and Charmian and Thomas turned to look into the Sky Tree's great central room.
A familiar figure stood before the balcony which somehow--Charmian had never figured out how--overlooked the land far below, and Charmian could tell from its distinctive silhouette who it was. Her face lit up as soon as she saw the pointed ears and long flowing hair and the transparent wings tucked behind its back; she started stepping down toward the center of the room, and the figure turned as well, stepping into the light. The crystals hanging from the ceiling and set into the walls illuminated the room and the old manitou woman smiled at her. Charmian nearly tripped.
"Welcome, Mainlander," Geezhigo-Quae greeted.
Charmian stumbled and dusted herself off, blushing. "Turtle--?" she echoed, merely to find something to say. "You mean that little girl's name is 'Turtle'--?"
Geezhigo-Quae's mouth twitched. "I am unfortunately not the one who named her," she replied, Thomas taking Charmian's elbow and helping her keep her balance on the sloping floor. "I see you could not help but return to the Island," the manitou added, and Charmian's smile returned and she nodded.
"I said I'd be back, didn't I?"
Geezhigo-Quae stepped away from the balcony and down into the room. She held up her hand and the cabochons set in the walls glowed a little brighter; Charmian glanced at one, remembering how she'd seen a vision of the Island in it. "I never should have been surprised," Geezhigo-Quae said, reaching her and stopping. Her wings flared and then rustled as she tucked them behind her back.
"I came just for the heck of it this time," Charmian said. "My dreamcatcher still works. I thought maybe I'd just hang out." Her smile dimmed a little. "That's right...Pakwa said you invited us here? Is something up...?" She made a face. "He's not bothering you, is he--?"
Geezhigo-Quae's ear twitched and she shook her head. "As a matter of fact the GeeBee has been rather useful...seeing as he has little else to do, I asked him to keep an eye upon things on the Island, and report back to me. Niskigwun has been so busy keeping watch over the Arch, and with his business here; and even though the Tree allows me to see the Island, still, there are some things that can be understood only in person." She glanced toward the doorway, and Charmian turned her head; she nearly jumped when she saw that Pakwa was crouching right beside it, cleaning his ears. Damn, he was stealthy. "And so I thought it would be wise to put him to work for a change. He comes and goes between here and there, and keeps us informed."
"Oh." Charmian furrowed her brow a little. "I was meaning to ask you why he's...well..." She turned back and scratched her head, confused. "Why he's...well...white." Geezhigo-Quae tilted her head and Charmian shrugged. "He was black when I first met him! And then gray. Now...is he going to turn transparent or something--?"
Geezhigo-Quae blinked, then smiled again; Charmian wasn't used to seeing her smile so much. "I am sorry you didn't know the reason for this...but it's nothing to be worried about. As it turns out, it's best that it happened. It means there is no more of the old Wendigoes in his spirit."
Charmian's brow furrowed again. "The old Wendigoes...? Augwak turned into one of those before, when Chakenapok gave him that spirit stone, didn't he?"
Geezhigo-Quae nodded. "Chakenapok had gotten hold of part of a spirit stone of one of the old Wendigoes...they who lived upon the first Manitou Island, before it was destroyed. When this Island was created, Gitchi Manitou took away much of their power, and they became the GeeBees. They still possess some of the medicine of their forebears, however...yet this medicine may fade away in time, under the right circumstances."
"Right circumstances--?"
Another nod. Geezhigo-Quae gestured at the GeeBee, who was now busily scratching his nose. "He has not lived under the GeeBees' influence in many years," she said. "The Nathali swayed his thoughts from those of his brothers. In time, a GeeBee's spirit begins to change. As this changed so he changed on the outside as well. You have seen the Windwalkers before."
Charmian nodded. "They're like...female GeeBees...sort of."
"They are actually somewhat different, but yes, this is close enough. They gave up most of their Wendigo powers long ago. This is why they do not seek out human flesh to eat. You notice that they are all the same color as is Pakwa, now."
Charmian looked at the GeeBee again and tilted her head. "He changed color because his spirit changed...?" She arched her eyebrows. "Huh. Go figure."
"His spirit was already changing when you last saw him; I would say that now almost all of the old Wendigo has fled him."
"He talks more, too, I noticed."
The manitou's ear flicked. "Perhaps because he has to, though he is still not the best for conversation." She held up a hand to capture Charmian's attention. "Mainlander...it was actually because of what he told me today that I called you here. I was hoping I might ask you something."
"Ask me?" Charmian blinked in surprise.
Geezhigo-Quae nodded. "About what you spoke of, on the mainland. You said you had seen something there."
"You mean, that snake thing...?" When the manitou woman simply stared at her she frowned a little and rubbed her head. "Well...I'm not really sure now if I really saw anything..."
"Please, whatever you may remember," Geezhigo-Quae coaxed. "Anything at all. I wish to hear what it was that you believe you saw. What was it that you said to Pakwa, precisely...?"
"Well..." Charmian continued rubbing her head, feeling a little foolish that her story had garnered such attention. "Nothing much...I just saw something weird out in Lake Michi...um...Michi-Gami? The big lake to the west," she said, confused, and waved in the direction that she assumed was west, though in truth she had no idea. At least she hadn't seen it in Lake Huron, as she had even less of an idea what they called that lake. "It looked kind of like something with horns...but maybe I was just seeing things. It was storming, and all."
"Storming--?" Geezhigo-Quae glanced up at Pakwa; the GeeBee pulled his entire hand from his mouth and licked his teeth, blinking at her. She turned back to Charmian with a slight frown. "You say there was a storm when you saw this?"
Charmian nodded, growing even more perplexed; she could tell from the look on Thomas's face that he too was puzzled. "Yeah...just a thunderstorm. It came up out of nowhere...but then again, that tends to happen at this time of year." She made a face. "It was really tossing up the lake so maybe I just saw a log or something." Cripes, why am I saying all this--? I was so sure it was a snake thingie before!
She expected another question, or else a dismissal, yet all that Geezhigo-Quae did was frown and turn away, walking slowly back toward the balcony. The other three stared after her as if she'd just turned fuchsia, and Charmian peered at Thomas anxiously. Did I say something wrong...?
"Um..." She took a tentative step forward herself, rubbing at her head. "Geezhigo-Quae...?" She saw the woman's ear twitch. "It...it was a Mishupishu, wasn't it...?" she asked, uncertain whether she should try such a tack or not; when Geezhigo-Quae turned her head to look straight at her, her blue eyes piercing, Charmian nearly started wriggling like a bug caught under a magnifying glass.
"What do you know of Mishupishu?" Geezhigo-Quae asked, her eyes darkening slightly.
"Only what little I was told," Charmian blurted out, feeling that it would be best not to lie. "I asked the old medicine man about it. He says it's a snake-lynx-thing that lives under the lakes and travels around in tunnels--and that it has an attitude problem--that's about all. That's all I know." Her brow furrowed. "Geezhigo-Quae...is this something important? That I saw that thing on the mainland? I mean--that was there, and this is here--and I haven't seen any Mishupishus here."
"Did see," Pakwa said, and ambled forward, sliding down toward the middle of the room. They all looked at him and he held his hands over his head. "Pointed horns. In lake."
Thomas's face screwed up. "Would you stop harping on that already?!"
"You saw this creature in the lake--?" Geezhigo-Quae exclaimed, in such a voice that the two teenagers immediately fell silent and turned to look at her. Charmian blinked when she saw how pale the old woman's face had gone, and she couldn't remember ever having heard her sound like that before. She took a step forward and her wings flared. "This lake, near the Island--?"
Thomas shrugged quickly, looking as if he'd just been caught doing something bad. Pakwa nodded and mimicked the horns again. "Said I saw it, but nobody believes," he grumbled, then glanced at Charmian almost accusingly. "Would've believed your story about the big man," he groused.
"Mainlander," Geezhigo-Quae said just as Charmian opened her mouth, and they all looked at her. "Describe this man," she ordered, and Charmian felt a chill pass over her; even when the manitou woman had first met her, she hadn't been as forbidding. She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to speak.
"I--I didn't see him myself," she stammered. "Augwak's the one who saw him. He said he was attacked by this big guy all in beads and feathers and stuff...he claimed he was a manitou, because his eyes were blue like yours. He said this guy was looking for the most powerful person on the Island."
Geezhigo-Quae stared at her for so long that she wanted to fidget, yet didn't dare. "Where was he seen?" she asked after a long while, and Charmian hated that she had to shrug.
"I'm guessing near the West Bluff...that's where Augwak was at the time. I guess I'd have to ask him more to be sure, but..." She blushed. "I was kind of mad at him, at the time..." She brightened a little bit. "But I bet he'd have more to say if I asked him," she offered.
Geezhigo-Quae's tensed wings lowered a bit and she seemed to relax, just slightly. "I would appreciate this," she said quietly, then stood straight again and gestured toward the nearest cabochon. "I would like for you to take Niskigwun with you," she said. "He may be better able to observe and report what he sees. You can find him not far from here." The cabochon glowed, and the others glanced at it to see a hazy image of a nearby glade appear. "When he is not keeping watch over the Arch, he patrols our land and makes certain all is as it should be. He should be on his way back by now, but still, I would prefer if you would return as soon as possible."
Charmian nodded, keeping her puzzlement to herself. "Sure, we'll fetch him. Go right back to the Island and try to find out more--?" Geezhigo-Quae nodded, and Charmian did so as well. "We'll be back soon, then," she said, and they turned to leave the room, making their way back toward the doorway.
The hall was empty when they stepped out into it, and Charmian waited until the door had gone back into place before rubbing at her head. "Is it just me or is she way on edge...?" she murmured, brow furrowing.
Thomas shook his head. "I sensed it too. Which is strange because I'm rather used to her being in control!"
"Something about these lynx things has her really spooked." Charmian chewed on her lip. "In any case, we should hurry along. If Geezhigo's worried, it has to be really important."
They picked up their pace and she sighed to herself. So much for relaxing...I should've known SOMETHING would come up...!
After descending from the Tree they made their way in the direction of where Charmian remembered a river being before...she shivered despite the midday warmth, and rubbed at her arms. This river had also been the place where Manabozho's brother, Wabasso, had drowned. She chewed on her lip as she thought about the incident. They had been fleeing the Shadow Wolves--the guardians the Michinimakinong had left behind them, who had been taken over and controlled by Chakenapok--and a fall from the trees and through the ice had killed Wabasso, as he was trying to save her. Her eyes stung when she remembered the look on Manabozho's face when he'd blamed her for that...he'd since forgiven her, and Wabasso had briefly come back to life with the name Chibiabos, but still, she hated that the two brothers were separated now...
Thomas touched her arm. "Are you all right? You look as if you stepped into an ice storm."
Charmian continued rubbing her arms. "I'm okay," she murmured. "Just thinking of something." She wondered where Manabozho was, and gave a small sigh. Chibiabos had had to leave them again, giving his own life to help Thomas...even though Manabozho had agreed to it, she wondered if he held it against her...
A lake came into view below a hill and they lifted their heads. Charmian blinked. It looked different from last time; back then, it had been lonely here, as the Michinimakinong had feared the manitous which dwelled within it. Until Charmian had found out the hard way that they weren't manitous, but Nebanaubae, or fish people...she stuck out her tongue now.
Thomas gave her a very odd look. "Are you all right--?"
Charmian nodded and made a face. "I'm fine! Just remembering something best left forgotten." The three of them stared at the small groups of Michinimakinong gathered around the lake, and she waved. "C'mon. We said we would hurry, didn't we?"
They made their way down the slope toward the water. Charmian couldn't help but stare at the Michinimakinong; she had only seen those within the Sky Tree before, and aside from one older girl who had brought her soup, they had all been adults, and mostly males. These ones were male and female, and there were children present as well; they were running about and playing games, some of them tossing stones in little bowls, others hitting a ball with a long stick with a racquet attached to the end. If it hadn't been for the fact that they all bore wings, it would have looked almost like any other summer outing.
"She didn't exactly say where Niskigwun would be coming from, did she--?" Charmian asked, scanning the Turtle Fairies splashing their feet in the lake.
Pakwa poked at her leg, making her jump. He pointed toward the woods. "Smells like him that way."
She frowned. "You can smell him...?"
Pakwa just gave her a blank look. "You can't?"
Charmian opened her mouth to answer, then shut it, then rolled her eyes. "Never mind." They started walking toward the woods.
They had to follow the course of the river to find their way, as the tree growth was so dense that it was almost like entering a tunnel. Charmian shivered some more and after a while Thomas took her hand; she wasn't used to him not feeling like ice, but at least she didn't shiver so badly anymore. The noise of ice cracking kept filling her head, even though it was warm and the water was flowing steadily.
"I take it this place doesn't have nice memories for you," Thomas murmured.
Charmian stared at the bank that they walked upon. "It was even not nicer for someone else."
The sound of talking came from ahead, and they picked up their pace, craning their necks as the river curved around a bend here. The talking became more distinct and after a moment they could even make out the words.
"I do not care how inconvenient you may find it!" a voice said, and Charmian's face lit up when she recognized it immediately. "The fact remains that you alone out of all the beings in this land may travel freely, just as they, and thus see anything of importance. We cannot. You already wander enough as it is, so surely this cannot put you out too much more. We bring you offerings and let you stay here no matter how irksome we may find you, and all you can do is complain. All I ask is that you return, and see what is going on up there. You know they have no interest whatsoever in your people so you will be safe. This is very little to ask. I fail to see why it is such a terrible bother."
"It is not our Island," another, strange voice said, and Charmian frowned and slowed her step. This voice had an odd slurry quality to it which made her grimace a little. Thomas looked at her but didn't push.
"It very well COULD be your Island!" the first voice retorted. "And as long as you and yours come within this land, you are as much a part of it as we are. I know that you wander there occasionally. So please wander where you are needed, and come back to speak with me once you are done. This is no big thing to ask."
A splashing noise followed, and Charmian and Thomas started walking again, Pakwa following. They nudged their way through a heavy growth of ferns and came out to a sandy stretch of the riverbank, where a figure was squatting at the water's edge, peering down into it as it rippled. His head popped up and he blinked as soon as he saw them. Charmian smiled from ear to ear and dashed toward him.
Niskigwun got to his feet, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. "Charmian--?" he managed to get out, before she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. Thomas approached, seeing the flush creep up in the Michinimakinong's face, yet all that he did was smirk and cross his arms. Charmian let go of Niskigwun after a brief moment and grinned up at him. He flared his wings and shuffled them a little, looking rather out of sorts.
"What--what are you doing here?" he asked, still blinking.
Charmian beamed. "Visiting you, stupid!" She hit his arm and he flinched. "Geezhigo-Quae sent us to pick you up, but I came just because I wanted to see you guys again! So, hi!"
"H-hello," Niskigwun greeted belatedly, still rubbing at his arm as if she'd bruised him. He furrowed his brow. "You said that Geezhigo-Quae had sent you--?"
Charmian's smile dimmed a little. "Oh yeah, that's right...she wanted you to come back to the Island with us. Something about watching and then reporting back."
"Reporting--? What am I to be reporting?"
Charmian shrugged and frowned this time. "Something in the lake--I think she thinks it's a Mishupishu."
Immediately all of the blood drained from Niskigwun's face, and Charmian and Thomas paused. "An Underwater Lynx...?" Niskigwun whispered; when she nodded, her own brow furrowing, he quickly turned his head to look at the river, and the numerous feathers in his headdress flared every which way.
"They have been there too..."
"Too--?" Charmian gaped, then stepped to stand in front of him. "What do you mean, too? You mean these things've been seen elsewhere--?"
Niskigwun quickly shook his head, then nodded, then rubbed at his feathers. "I...it is difficult to explain," he stammered. "The Mishupishus have not been spotted here. But...well..." He glanced at the water and bit his lip.
Charmian looked down at it as well, then back up at him. "You were talking to somebody in there before we came! Telling him to look out for something! Who was it? What's this all about, Niskigwun?"
The Michinimakinong blushed as if caught in a lie. "It was merely a Nebanaubae," he insisted. "Nothing more!"
Charmian clenched her fists. "If somebody doesn't start telling me what's going on around here..."
Thomas took her arm. "Maybe he could tell us along the way back," he suggested, shooting Niskigwun a look. The Turtle Fairy blinked, then blushed and nodded quickly. Charmian let out her breath and stood down, though she did still feel rather steamed that everybody was being so horribly evasive lately. They all turned as one to make their way back along the river, and Niskigwun rubbed at his neck the entire way.
"I do not even know how to fully explain it," he admitted. "There is so little that makes sense lately! You see, some time back, the Nebanaubae returned. They had gone for a long time, as is typical for them; they tend to return all as one, when it suits them. Perhaps they seek better food or some such. In any event, when they returned, and I came to the river to give them their offerings--"
"Offerings?" Charmian echoed.
"Yes, tobacco and fish...the offerings we left them once, when we mistakenly believed they were manitous..."
"Okay. Go on."
"In any event, when I came to give them their offerings, they spoke of having seen something far up to the north of here. Far away from the Island. I did not pay it much attention then for what did it have to do with us?" He made a face. "If I had only known how much it would grow I would have told Geezhigo-Quae at the very start!"
"How much what would grow?"
Niskigwun bit his lip. "Well...they said that they had seen a Mishupishu up there. A great Horned Lynx, under the water. A Mishupishu! None have seen these creatures in years! I know how unreliable the Nebanaubae are; how they love to trick and lie to people. I dismissed their story. It turns out...I made a mistake." His wings sank and he winced.
Charmian had to wave just to convince him to talk again. "Keep going! What was it that changed after this? Why believe the Nebanaubae?"
He sighed. "Because...what they had said was true! I sent one of our men north to find this out for himself. He did not reach the place where it had been spotted. But he spoke with the manitous near there and they said that yes, such a thing had been seen. The manitous would not lie! Not like the Nebanaubae! I neglected to inform Geezhigo-Quae of this when it could have been resolved. Now...the Nebanaubae speak of seeing even more of these beasts...and the manitous they meet say that they are coming closer..."
"Closer--?" Charmian stared at him. "You mean--to the Island--?"
Niskigwun nodded miserably. "Yes, this is exactly it! The Lynxes are coming here! What their purpose is...I do not even wish to guess!"
"What makes you think they would be coming here, specifically?" Thomas asked. "What's their interest in such a place?"
Niskigwun looked even more miserable. "I do not know all the details...only that the Mishupishus are dreadful creatures, heartless and cruel, and utterly destructive of everything in their path. Even trying to appease them is most often fruitless, seeing as they feel free to break an oath in a heartbeat! If they have set their minds on coming here...then the Island is surely in great danger!"
Charmian halted in her tracks and put her hands to her face. "OoooOOOOHHH!" she moaned. "Can't I come here just ONCE without having to fight some big weird monster?!"
"This is just the strangest part of it yet," Niskigwun insisted, and Thomas pulled her hands from her eyes. The Michinimakinong waved his arms, eyes wide. "The Mishupishus are weak!" he exclaimed. "One alone even I could defeat, given enough time!"
"But you said a bunch of them were seen..."
"Even so, our numbers are greater, and we have the Sky Mother on our side! There is no WAY the Lynxes could hope to destroy the Island, not in the way that Ocryana and Chakenapok tried!" He rubbed at his head, perplexed. "It makes utterly no sense that they should decide to come at the Island now! Not unless they all wish to be destroyed!"
"What if strong leader...?"
All three of them blinked. They turned their heads to look back at Pakwa, who was standing behind Charmian and Thomas; they'd forgotten that he was even there. He looked from one to another of them without a word, and Charmian suddenly felt uneasy.
"Strong leader?" Niskigwun echoed, then frowned. "What are you talking about?"
Charmian rubbed slowly at her neck. "It's something Augwak said..." she murmured.
The Michinimakinong gaped at her. "The GeeBee chief--? He has something to say on this, too?"
"It's a long story," Charmian protested. "I don't think he even knows what's going on! All I know is that Geezhigo wanted you to come back to the Island with us, and figure this all out."
She expected him to complain, just as he always had--yet Niskigwun flared his wings and looked ready to scowl. He gripped his spear. "Then we will go! If this GeeBee has something to say, he will say it to me!" He turned and started marching along the river, so quickly that Thomas and Charmian stared after him in surprise before hurrying to catch up. Pakwa rose into the air and drifted overhead as they practically jogged.
"He told me everything he knows," Charmian said. "And it wasn't much! I already filled in Geezhigo-Quae..."
"With no disrespect intended, GeeBees are hardly the most truthful creatures you can hope to talk with!" Niskigwun retorted. He glanced up at Pakwa. "No disrespect intended."
Pakwa just shrugged.
They reached the lake and headed up the hill, away from the laughing Michinimakinong. "But I asked him to tell me everything," Charmian continued, feebly. "He was really scared. I don't think he was lying, for once."
Niskigwun slowed a little bit so she could catch up beside him. "I have dealt with GeeBees far longer than you, Charmian, so please do not be offended when I insist that surely there is something you missed! If that piddling little Wendigo is involved in this affair, then something more must be going on! Why would the Mishupishus involve themselves with a GeeBee?" He waved his hand at the air. "No disrespect intended!"
"Eh," Pakwa said.
Charmian tugged on her hair as they paced across the meadow toward the gateway. "How come you so suddenly think I'm so clueless! I've dealt with him before, you know! Remember me kicking the crap out of him? He knows better than to lie to me. Especially since he's all beaten up and lying in a medicine lodge--"
Niskigwun halted, and she nearly fell over trying to stop. "Medicine lodge?" he echoed, wings flaring in disbelief.
Charmian nodded and scowled at him. "MEDICINE LODGE! All black and blue! He's not exactly in a position to LIE about such things! For once--" She cut herself off, then furrowed her brow. "For once," she went on in a quieter voice, "I think he's in our position."
The other three stared at her as if she were nuts. Niskigwun at last sighed and waved his hand. "Come. It does not matter much whether he lies or not. SOMETHING is up, and if Geezhigo-Quae asks that I figure it out, then this is my duty!" They clambered up toward the gateway and he gestured at her to go through first, but Pakwa drifted through before she could; he gave the GeeBee's retreating rear end a venomous glare before waving at her again. "We will go straight to him and figure this whole thing out. Surely these Mishupishus cannot be up to too much trouble. We will resolve the issue promptly, and then you may better enjoy your stay on the Island!"
Charmian let out her breath. "You mean it?" He nodded and she frowned. "For sure this time?"
Niskigwun rolled his eyes and gave a gusty sigh. "Mainlander, I DO know how to deal with such petty little creatures! Even a child could defeat them," he said, as she turned and jumped through the gate, and it was only when she fell out the other side that something struck her, and she rolled down toward the shore, letting out a startled yelp when she landed on her back and something else landed on her chest. She blinked the sand from her eyes and gawked up toward the sky.
"I guess that means I could defeat them, too!" Turtle exclaimed, and gave Charmian a tremendous grin.
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© Copyright 2007 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.