About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Part 34: Thunder Down Under Main story folder & table of contents: "Escape From Manitou Island" 
Previous chapter: "Part 33: Good Manitou, Bad Manitou" 
Thunder Down Under
CHARMIAN AND THE others walked along somewhat meekly behind the lead manitou, the other manitous following and accompanying them off to the sides; Charmian rubbed at her neck in confusion, uncertain of what to think or say.
"A Thunderbird...?" she murmured after a few moments of silence. "You mean a Thunderbird's moved into the cave on the lakeshore, and scared your people off...? And that's why you can't chase him out on your own?"
The manitou whistled. Now you see? Foolish to chase off an Animiki. Friends of the manitous. But this one, stubborn and troublesome. Moves into the cave, stays when the other Animiki leave, makes storms and noises and frightens off the manitous from their homes. Will not leave on his own. Cannot chase him out. Lose either way! You want to find South Wind One? Then take care of this Animiki for us. Better for a human to provoke his wrath than a manitou.
Charmian lowered her hand. "Well gee, thanks!"
Winter Born jogged to catch up with her and tugged on her vest, eyes wide. "Are you sure this is a good idea...?" she asked, breathless from running. "I mean...Father's told me all sorts of stories about the Thunderbirds...Mother too...and it's best not to bother them..."
Charmian's brow furrowed. "I thought the Thunderbirds were good guys. How come everybody's so scared of them?"
"They are the friends of humankind, and manitous, and others of such alignment," Niskigwun said, shuffling his wings. "Yet it is themselves they look out for first of all. They can be...well...negligent, at times."
Charmian tilted her head. "You mean, like a person stepping on ants...?"
The Michinimakinong nodded hesitantly. "Somewhat...it is their duty to attack the Mishupishus as they pass over the lakes. Sometimes, their lightning strikes are not the most accurate. They have hit humans and others at times."
"Eegh," Charmian said. "So they don't take well to humans?"
"They prefer to keep mostly to themselves, and to...well..." Niskigwun rubbed his head. "Higher beings...such as manitous...no offense to your own kind."
"None taken." Charmian jogged forward to catch up with the lead manitou. "Hey. You said this Thunderbird didn't go back where he belonged. Where is he supposed to go?"
West, the manitou said, somewhat shortly.
Niskigwun caught up with her now. "The Animiki fly west when the leaves change," he explained. "They return in the late spring, and bring the storms with them. These are the times when the Mishupishus are the most active. Some say they dwell in the mountains far to the west, though none know for certain, as only few have ever traveled to their land and returned to tell about it."
"You mean they tried, and just never came back?" Charmian asked.
"Well..." He rubbed his head again. "There are stories that those who tried were changed into Thunderbirds themselves. But I would not know. These could be just tales."
Charmian stared at him mutely. "Like Nebanaubae?" she said; then, before he could reply, she turned to the manitou again. "Hey! What if this guy tries turning us into Thunderbirds--? It might not be as bad as being a fish, but I don't exactly want to be a BIRD, either!"
The manitou snorted. Rest easy! This Animiki is not a powerful one. Why else would stay in a cave and not come out? Doesn't even hurl lightning. Just makes noise. Just go in, flush him out, then go find South Wind One. Never need to bother again. She gave Charmian a pointed look. Do want to find South Wind One, right...?
Charmian glared at the manitou before falling back into step beside Niskigwun. "Feel lucky I have this policy of respect toward manitous," she muttered, but said nothing else to her. "So how far is it to this cave--?" she called out to the other manitous instead, but none of them answered her.
Came from bay? the lead manitou said; when she nodded the manitou tossed her head and whistled. Another bay further west, further ahead. Caves here carved by lake. Lives in biggest one. Cave system used to house several families of manitous. Now, too noisy and bothersome to even stay. Very pesky Animiki.
Maybe he just got lost, Charmian thought with a bit of disdain, but decided that it was better not to argue; this manitou seemed to have as much of a temper as she did. The land they passed through opened up even more until they were walking across a wide grassy field toward the sound of crashing waves. Charmian wondered how there could even be caves in such a low-set place, until they neared the shore. The water was further down than it had been in the little bay; here, the land rose up in a sort of escarpment overlooking the lake, and the waves were crashing further below, against the rocky outcroppings. Charmian felt the ground thrumming under her feet as the land grew sandier and realized that they must be walking atop the caves themselves. The sky was already starting to grow lighter, though it was still quite gray and dismal looking, the water slaty and choppy; she chewed on her lip and wondered if this was Huron or Michigan. Then she blinked when she realized that she had no idea if this was even the same state as before.
They slowed as they reached the edge of the overlook, and stared down at the rocky beach splashed with whitecaps. Charmian chewed on her lip. Well? the lead manitou asked; when Charmian looked at her she tossed her head toward the lake. Going to go chase him out now?
Charmian nearly scowled. "How, by hurling ourselves into the water and screaming as loud as we can--?"
Mani stepped up beside her and whistled. Is easy way down to shore, he assured her. Just ride down. Willing to provide help--of course? he prompted the female manitou; her muzzle wrinkled, but she snorted and tossed her head again.
Fine. If takes care of pesky Animiki!
Charmian let out her breath, suddenly relieved that the big manitou had come along after all. "Thanks, Mani," she whispered, the other manitous offering their backs for the rest of them to climb upon. Charmian noticed how everyone avoided the lead manitou, who watched them mount somewhat imperiously; when Winter Born at last timidly approached her she opened her mouth wide to warn her away, but the lead manitou just glanced down at the girl in seeming surprise, before suppressing a scowl of her own and grudgingly getting on one knee. Charmian had to bite her tongue as Winter Born climbed upon her back, apparently not too anxious about the situation; the manitous turned to the little cliff and leapt off from it, bouncing off of the jagged rocks and making their way quickly down to the shore. Mani landed carefully but the lead manitou was a bit abrupt, nearly tossing Winter Born from her back; Charmian ground her teeth and dug her fingers into Mani's ruff so deeply that he snorted and flared his ears.
EASY, Niskigwun warned her, flapping his wings to descend nearby and casting her a dark look. Remember we are in their land now, and practically trespassing! We need only put up with them a little bit longer. You did want to find Shawondassee...?
I'm starting to think it'd be easier to find him on our own, Charmian grumbled, but kept her mouth shut. Winter Born shakily let herself down, gasping and hopping back when the manitou whirled about, nearly broadsiding her with her antlers, and whistled at Charmian. She indicated a nearby cave with one hoof.
There! Right inside. Big deep cave. Animiki in very back. Can't see him, but will hear him. Tell him to go back home! And let manitous rest in peace. Want no trouble with him, just want our caves back.
Charmian climbed down from Mani's back. "Fine. No need to be so snippy!" She started picking her way among the tumbled rocks, glancing at the manitou as she went. "You'll still be here when we come out...?" she prompted.
The manitou looked disgusted. Manitous always keep their word! Dumb fool child! Go find Animiki, and then go find South Wind One. Easy as that.
"Cripes!" Charmian turned away and started stomping toward the sea cave as best as she could. "Never met such a rude manitou before...except for maybe Mudjikawiss...and even he had his friendly moments, in comparison!" She nearly started when Manabozho almost bowled her over storming past her. "Huh--?" she blurted out; Thomas grabbed her by the elbow to keep her from falling over, Niskigwun and Marten approaching as well.
"You don't know Animiki," Manabozho called out as he went. "I do! I'll deal with him."
Charmian blinked, then scowled. "Excuse me--?"
"He's just bluffing!" Marten exclaimed, and puffed his tail. "Now if anybody knows big birds it's ME! Just leave this Animakawakkathingie to me!" He hopped down from Niskigwun's shoulder and went running after Manabozho. Niskigwun and Thomas just gave Charmian sympathetic looks.
"What about you two?" she muttered, kicking sand off of her sandal and following. "Ready to tell me I'm not fit to go in and face that thing?"
"Actually," Thomas said, "I think you probably stand a better chance of scaring it out than either of them does!"
Charmian rolled her eyes. "Well...thanks a lot!"
"The Animiki are best approached with respect," Niskigwun insisted. "That oaf and that mite will hardly show him the proper deference! Hence I will come along merely to smooth the way after they are finished making fools of themselves."
A panting noise came up behind them and Winter Born popped up on Charmian's left. "Ch--Charmian--?" she gasped. "Can I come in too--?"
Charmian opened her mouth and nearly told her to go back where she would be safe, until she glanced down and met Winter Born's eyes. They were so wide and hopeful that no matter how smart it might be, she hated the thought of crushing that enthusiasm; a glance back toward Moon Wolf showed her the look on his face, and she bit off her protest and nodded. "Okay," she said, and Winter Born's face lit up. "But stay behind me, and keep quiet."
Winter Born nodded and fell back into step behind her. They approached the wide but low mouth of the cave and peered inside; only sand and rocks greeted them as far back as they could see, which wasn't that far. Manabozho's and Marten's footprints vanished within. "Kind of wish Moon Wolf had come along," Charmian said, then felt like slapping herself. "Duh." She held up her hand. "Fire...please?" she asked; a moment or so passed, but at last a small weak flame appeared over her fingers. She looked at it and sighed, but waved the others forward. "Guess it's good enough, considering that we're practically on the water...let's go."
They ducked their heads--except for Winter Born, who was short enough to avoid hitting herself on the ceiling--and stepped inside. The wet sand squelched under their feet and they peered at the black jagged walls encrusted with slime. Charmian shivered and rubbed the damp chill from her arms.
"Kind of have to wonder what manitous in their right mind would want to live down here," she murmured.
"Lake manitous, maybe...?" Thomas offered. He nearly struck his head on a low outcropping and dodged aside with a muttered yet oddly polite curse.
"Well...whatever manitous they are..." she dodged an overhang herself "...they don't have great interior decorators. OW!" She stubbed her toe on a rock and started cursing herself, not quite as politely as Thomas.
They had to nearly crawl into the cave as the ceiling and walls closed in even further, and the noise of the water outside faded to a dull booming. Charmian's flame barely managed to illuminate their surroundings, so she almost welcomed the closeness. "How did a bunch of families even fit back here, anyway...?" she grumbled, then frowned when her light picked up the small quivering form of Marten, smooshed into a little recess in the wall. "Marten--? Something go wrong?"
The Mikumwesu hurriedly shook his head. "N-no...not really...um...I was just remembering...I've dealt with big birds before...just...not with Thunderbirds! You know? Thunderbirds are an ENTIRELY different thing!"
Charmian furrowed her brow. "You mean you're scared--?"
Marten's face went brilliant red. "OF COURSE NOT! I just--well--thought it'd be better if I stayed with you guys, since you guys know Thunderbirds so much better than I do! I mean, isn't that the smart thing to do--?"
"Let me guess," Niskigwun deadpanned. "Manabozho chose the stupid thing to do."
"Well..." Marten rubbed his head as he popped out of the recess to accompany them. "If by stupid you mean, saying, 'I'm the one meant to defeat that Animiki and show everybody who's the boss!' and then storming into the cave without another thought, then yeah, I guess stupid!"
Charmian sighed. "I knew letting him come in was a bad idea..." She stopped so abruptly that the others nearly ran into her. "All right! This is getting frustrating. Where exactly in this cave is that guy located? If this is anything like the sea caves on the Island, then it's full of little tunnels and cavelets and probably leads into way BIGGER caves...so how do we know..."
A low rumbling noise from further ahead made her trail off, and they all stood and listened until it died down. The boom of the water outside replaced it.
Charmian blinked in disbelief. "Was that--was that thunder?" she blurted out, surprised.
Niskigwun and Marten both looked at her oddly. "What were you expecting him to sound like?" the Michinimakinong asked.
Charmian blushed. "Well--I don't know! It's just--where I come from, thunder is caused by rapidly expanding gases along the path of lightning's electric discharge--not by giant birds!"
Niskigwun and Marten stared at her for a moment, then both burst out laughing. Charmian's mouth fell open, then she fought a scowl as they wiped at their eyes and tried to suppress their amusement. "I do not know what sort of teacher you had," Niskigwun managed to gasp after a moment, "but thunder has ALWAYS been caused by giant birds!"
"Gas?" Marten exclaimed, and cackled. "You think thunder is GAS?!"
Charmian didn't even bother fighting back her scowl now, and merely stomped deeper into the cave. "You could help," she muttered at Thomas, but all that he did was shrug in response.
"After everything you've shown me on that Island," he said, hurrying to catch up, "for some reason, giant birds sound normal now!"
"I must again urge caution," Niskigwun said. "Animiki have tempers! And from the sound of it, this one has a particularly poor one. Perhaps he has been separated from his tribe. This could be enough to put an Animiki in a poor humor."
Charmian frowned a little. "Why would he be so upset to be separated from them? Can't he just go after them?"
"Well..." Niskigwun scratched his head. "Normally, yes. This is why this puzzles me. Animiki do not dwell down among mortals! Not even in the worst of circumstances. They are hardy creatures who rarely if ever lose their way. If one is lost he need simply fly west to rejoin those who remain there most of the year. For a Thunderbird to stay behind on its own is foolish. A Mishupishu may not be strong but it can easily kill a solitary Animiki. They know better than this."
"Maybe we got stuck with a stupid one," Charmian said, and he gave her such a ferocious look that she rolled her eyes. "Fine! Respect. Got it." She had to lower her head to fit through the passage. "Though I can't say the same of someone else..."
As they crept through the ever-narrowing cave she found that she couldn't stop mulling over all of the reasons why this planned encounter didn't make much sense as it was. From the sound of it Thunderbirds are really big, she thought, at least, if they can take on Mishupishus. Big powerful birds. So how would he fit back in here...? And Niskigwun's right--why not just go back home and wait for the others to return? Birds don't just forget how to migrate! Is he hurt or something...? Maybe that's why he's in such a lousy mood...?
"Maybe he broke his wing," she suggested, feeling along the cave wall. "Chakenapok broke my arm the last time on the Island, and that hurt like a son of a--um--it really hurt bad." She grimaced. "Crap, not even a week here and already I'm losing my grammar..."
Niskigwun chewed his lip. "I suppose this could be so...though I still find it rather odd...why the Animiki would just leave one of their own behind like this. And the strongest among them know medicine--they could easily heal a broken wing." He trailed off and looked pensively into the tunnel; Charmian well understood his confusion, as it was her own.
"Maybe he just wasn't taught which way to go," Winter Born suddenly said, and Charmian nearly screamed; she'd completely forgotten that the girl was even there. When she glanced back at her Winter Born rubbed her fingers together meekly. "Before Father taught me all the ways around the Island, I got lost all the time," she ventured.
Niskigwun seemed somewhat put off by her suggestion, but said nothing, just turning to face forward again. "Perhaps," he muttered after a moment. "Though unlikely..."
Charmian expected Winter Born to look crestfallen; which was why when the girl merely sighed, as if dealing with a stubborn debate partner, she furrowed her brow a little in puzzlement at the unexpected look.
The tunnel at last started to widen into a proper cave again, though Charmian's neck still hurt from keeping it bent at an unnatural angle. "How are we supposed to know when we find it, exactly--?" Thomas started to say, when another rumble, even louder this time, came from within; the cave walls vibrated, and they froze in place, waiting for it to die down. Thomas's face turned a sickly shade.
"Something makes me think we're getting closer," Marten said, just as a horrific CLAP made them all jump, Thomas and Niskigwun hitting their heads on the low ceiling, and Marten had to scurry up into Winter Born's arms before Charmian could step on him. She grimaced.
"Gee! What makes you say that?" she snapped, then took in a breath and held it; faint thudding noises came from ahead, though they didn't seem at all the same as the giant thunderclap that had just come. She finally recognized them as footfalls, and blinked when Manabozho came into view, keeping his head bent forward as he tramped through the tunnel. He halted when he reached them, leaning on his knees and gasping for breath, his feathers limp and wet.
Charmian stared at him. "What just happened?" she asked, confused.
Manabozho stood up as best as he could--considering that he was the tallest of them--and ran a hand across his brow. "St...stupid bird!" he gasped. "Won't even listen to reason! What sort of self-respecting Animiki won't even listen to reason--?"
Charmian started to feel vaguely nauseated. "What was your idea of reason?" she demanded.
He made a face at her. "Just as I said! Reason!" When she didn't stop glaring at him he huffed. "I ONLY did as that manitou asked! Told him to get his tail feathers out and find his own cave if he's going to be so lazy!"
The blood drained from Niskigwun's face. "Y--you did--what--?" he choked out, before a blinding light suddenly filled the little passageway, striking Manabozho and making him let out a bloodcurdling scream. Charmian wrinkled her nose at the stench of burnt feathers; a terrible rumbling boom came from ahead, and she and Winter Born and Marten peered into the tunnel uneasily.
"Like I said," Charmian grumbled when the noise died. "BAD idea." She gestured at the others. "C'mon...single file. I'll go first; and Manabozho, you either take up the rear, or just stay behind, because it looks like your approach isn't going to cut it."
Manabozho glowered, but merely rubbed at his behind in response. He looked his singed clothes over in much annoyance as the others went on without him.
"So I take it they cause lightning, too...?" she asked, feeling her way along; she carefully shook out her fire so they were plunged in near-darkness, as she didn't relish the thought of antagonizing him with flames when he apparently could shoot some of his own.
"Of course," Niskigwun whispered.
"Let me guess!" Marten exclaimed. "If thunder is the gas, then lightning is HEARTBURN!"
Charmian made a throat-cutting gesture and Winter Born scooped the Mikumwesu up, covering his mouth. "It opens up here," she whispered. "You guys stay put, and I'll peek around in the cave and see where exactly he's hiding. It can't be too far now, if that lightning was any indication."
"Good luck," Winter Born whispered, and she nearly grimaced, stepping into the cave.
Well...getting fried by lightning was never listed as one of my favorite ways to go...though I guess it's as spectacular a death as any, and I'm bound to make the local paper if so...
"Charmian Struck & Killed By Giant Bird." Yeah, that'll definitely make the headlines. Story at eleven.
She at last found the lefthand edge of the cave, and started feeling along it. She rather wished she hadn't been so hasty in putting out her fire, then decided that it would be best not to call it back, and possibly startle the Thunderbird. He hadn't killed Manabozho, when he'd certainly had the chance and ability to, so perhaps he wasn't as bad as it sounded. Still, she crept along slowly, feeling the jagged wet rocks and chewing furiously on her lip the entire way. Several times she came across tiny openings in the walls, but they were so small that out of all of them, only Marten could have easily fit inside, even Winter Born probably having to squeeze. She made a circuit of the entire cave before coming back to the others and frowning.
"You did not find him?" Niskigwun asked, seeming perplexed.
Charmian shook her head. "No...no bird." She bit her lip. "Come in and help me look. It's dark; maybe I missed something."
The rest of them, save Manabozho, entered, and started feeling around; Charmian and Winter Born again took the left, while Thomas and Niskigwun took the right, and Marten clambered up the little ledges set into the wall and started poking around near the top. Charmian meekly called up a little flame so they could see a bit, though she didn't like doing so. They slowly worked along until reaching the middle of the wall, and all looked toward Manabozho, who still watched from the entryway; he stuck out his tongue at them, and turned away. Charmian looked up at the little holes all over in the wall and sighed.
"I don't get it," she murmured. "He has to be here. Do Thunderbirds practice invisibility?"
"Only when flying," Niskigwun said with a frown, feeling at the stone. "And then it is only the storm that conceals them! Where might he be if not here...? I could have sworn that bolt came from here..."
"I looked when we came in," Winter Born said. "There's no other tunnel out behind us."
"And he's not in the room," Charmian finished, rubbing her head in bafflement. "So where would he go...?"
She pressed her back to the wall and looked all around the cave, yet of course with still no results; Winter Born leaned back beside her, Thomas and Niskigwun standing near the other side of the cave looking disconsolate. Charmian's head sank a little.
"Maybe he left on his own," Marten suggested, hopping down in front of them and shrugging. "Could happen!"
"I don't know," Charmian sighed. "Why would he stay here all this time and then just up and leave? Makes no sense."
"Maybe Manabozho scared him off at last?" Winter Born suggested; Charmian elbowed Niskigwun when he snorted, and he nearly dropped his spear with a grimace.
"I guess it's as good an idea as any," Charmian admitted, though of course Manabozho was no longer in the doorway to hear her comment. She pushed herself away from the wall a bit. "We should check out the other caves just in case he found another tunnel into one of them. He could've just moved a bit, and we never would've noticed. I should've told somebody outside to keep their ears open." She lifted her head. "Thomas, maybe you can go on ahead and try to convince Moon Wolf or somebody to take a listen--?"
Thomas opened his mouth to answer, then shut it. His eyes grew round and his face slowly went white. Charmian stared at him in growing alarm, then saw that Niskigwun was getting much the same look; when Marten dashed to stand beside them and puffed up like a Halloween cat, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle, and not just from anxiety. It felt almost like the air itself was charged with something.
Winter Born turned her head to look up at her, brow furrowing. "Charmian? What is it...?"
Charmian turned her own head, then shivered when the distinct feeling of being watched passed over her. She saw Winter Born's eyes shift just barely to the side, to look at the cave wall that they leaned against; they grew wide, and her mouth slowly fell open. Charmian followed her stare without a word.
One of the numerous little holes was situated in the wall right above and between them. When Charmian turned her head to the side, she noticed that what had looked to be an empty hole wasn't quite empty. For a gigantic yellow eye was within, staring back out at them.
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
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© Copyright 2007 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.