Life's Laughter Life's Laughter
The March wind clattering budded branches
Melting the hard-packed dingy snow
Calling to the sleeping Earth to come and play.
Flirtatious eyes, crinkled at the corner
One hand tugging another to run in the rain
Posing with a special slice of cake, poised.
Tiny hands patting together in glee
Little pajama-clad feet kicking the air
Drool sliding down a clefted chin
Ecstatic shouts, the first bike ride
Wheels spinning, pedals flying 'round
Rubber singing on the hot sidewalk
Waving to the college-bound student
Knowing there is so much more to learn
Books won't teach him everything
Two on the porch, rocking the sun down
An old joke remembered and exhumed
Two gnarled hands reaching to touch.
Like the wind whispering in the aspens
The fall leaves chattering to one another
Falling to tumble, merry in the wind.
Written for a defunct contest.
The object is 'laughter'.
© Copyright 2008 Legerdemain (legerdemain at Writing.Com).
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