Why I Write
When I write, I draw on my experiences as a woman with a painful past, a rapturous wife and mother, a world traveler, and a spiritualist. For me, writing is an art form. Like an artist, the work becomes more than I imagined it would be. When I set out to write a story with a particular idea or character in mind, words I cannot claim as my own flow from a magical and mysterious place through me and onto paper. The work takes on a life of its own; it is living art. The process fascinates me, satiates me, and makes my life more meaningful.
Please read my stories! If you would like to offer me feedback on my work, please click here and sign up for a free membership: https://heftynicki.Writing.com
I hope to see you there!
Reviewers Unite! (for Common Causes)
To Reviewers Unite!
For a limited time, "Merit Badge Bonanza!" and "Invalid Item" have joined forces to tackle common goals. I'd like to clarify that you are not obligated to participate in BOTH activities, but if either of the following ideas appeals to you, please join the fun!
It all started when I opened the newest round of the "Merit Badge Bonanza!" . To help my dear friend in need, participants are asked to donate a minimum of 10,000 gift points. All proceeds will go to the crazy-talented writer/poet Cherokeescribe , to save her lapsed membership and recover over one hundred of her beautiful poems, currently locked.
Showering Acts of Joy group leaders Annette and wakko71 put their heads together. You see, "Invalid Item" is in need of reviewers to offer honest and encouraging feedback to shower package recipients. They have agreed to donate 5,000 GPs to Cherokeescribe for EVERY Showering Act of Joy review done by a WDC member who mentions the Merit Badge Bonanza!
SO, Love to Review? Always looking for good stuff to R&R? Here's your answer! Just remember these few, important points:
~ Between Now and June 15, 2010 ~
Visit this forum: | | Invalid Item This item number is not valid. #1453453 by Not Available. |
Choose item(s) to review from ports listed on that forum's Shower Recipient board.
Use one of the group's review signatures AND choose Showering Acts of Joy as the group affiliate. (NOTE: If you aren't a member of Showering Acts of Joy Group, you won't have the group listed as an affiliate for your public review. In this case, either join ~OR~ include at the outset of your public review "This review is made on behalf of Showering Acts of Joy.")
Reviews must be public, contain at least 500 characters (not including WritingML), and come from the heart .
Lastly, post a message in the "Invalid Item" indicating who you reviewed, how many items, and that you made the reviews on behalf of the Merit Badge Bonanza. That's how group leaders will know to make the 5K donation to Cherokeescribe for each of your reviews!
Extra Incentive Group Leader Jen says, "Also, please let your constituents know that each of their reviews for Showering Acts of Joy will be individually rewarded with Review GP Credits from 500 to 1000 GPs per review as long as they are over 500 characters without writing ML, honest and encouraging."
And that's all there is to it! Shower recipients get their reviews, Showering Acts of Joy donates 5K in GPs per review to help a member in need, and YOU feel the power in making a difference in this community.
YOU ARE AWESOME, and we thank you so much for your help!
© Copyright 2010 NickiD89 (heftynicki at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.