Getting Acquainted
I spend most of my time playing alpha female for my pack of dogs. Lucy (Boston terrier), Harley (chihuahua). Hershey (miniature dachshund) and Jasper (standard schnauzer) are my entertainment and sometimes muses. Jasper is a puppy mill rescue dog and I'm in the intital stages of writing a series of vignettes of his life since the rescue contrasted with eduaction about rescues and puppy mills.
I do actually have other interests than writing and my dogs. I love to scrapbook, watch ice hockey, listen to a variety of music genres and reading. My parents both were avid readers and passed that love on to me. I'll read a cereal box if you set it in front of me!
June 7--Booby "You dumb Boob! Get back here!"
"Who're you callin' a Boob?"
Martha sighed as if explaining to a child, "You, Pete! Get back here. We need to talk."
Pete waddled back to his bride of ten years dreading what he knew was coming.
"Did you not recognize a witch when you saw one?"
"No Martha."
"Let's make this simple. Did you not think there would be consequences of some sort when you decided to cheat on me?"
Pete hung his beak. "Yes dear."
"And yet you cheated anyhow? How dense could you be Pete?"
Pete muttered through his beak, "Pretty dense."
"What dear?"
"I said you have pretty skin."
"Pete I have no skin now, only feathers. And do you know why I have only feathers?"
"Because your husband is a Boob."
"Yes dear. I want you to remember that every moment of every day. Do you understand?"
"Yes dea...."
Both birds glances up as a lovely young woman with a rather, er, bountiful figure emerged from a nearby gate. Heather smiled as she came upon her new friends.
"Good morning Pete, Martha! How are my Boobies this fine day?"
Martha grumbled and Pete merely gawked. Martha nipped Pete with her bright yellow beak and he looked swiftly away.
"Oh Martha, let him look. It is what got him into trouble in the first place. If he hadn't been tripping over himself looking at my bosom neither of you would be nesting in my yard now."
"I still don't understand why I'm being punished," Martha chirped.
"Well," Heather drawled. "I couldn't just have one Booby, could I?" |
© Copyright 2010 Nikola~Loves Her Gracie Girl! (nmarshall at Writing.Com).
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