About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Part 102: Bay Tripping Main story folder & table of contents: "Escape From Manitou Island" 
Previous chapter: "Part 101: Cold Welcome" 
Bay Tripping
"YOU SAY YOU come on behalf of Wisakedjak," the bowman echoed himself.
"Duh!" Charmian snapped. "How many times do I have to say that?"
"Then you surely won't mind if we take some preventive measures," he said, and before she knew it, spears were aimed at the two GeeBees' necks, and she could have sworn that she'd never seen Pakwa and Augwak look quite so panicked before.
"Fl-fl-fleshling!!" Augwak hissed between clenched teeth.
Charmian blinked, then her mouth fell open. "W--wait a minute!!" she cried, waving her arms. "They're not dangerous!!"
The bowman rolled his eyes. "As if we are to believe such a thing! Did you not just hear it speak--? Fleshling? Don't you rather think that means they eat HUMAN FLESH?"
Pakwa's lip stuck out thoughtfully. "Not necessarily," he said in a mild voice.
"You said you wanted passage across the bay," the bowman said, giving Charmian an icy glare. "If this is what you truly want--if you truly come on behalf of Wisakedjak--then you won't argue with this. If you want passage then you agree to place those two creatures in our hands."
Charmian opened her mouth to protest, but Manabozho stepped forward out of the water, raising a hand to cut her off. "You ARE fully aware," he said in a pompous voice, "that in order to defeat the Wendi--er--Whittikos, Wisakedjak needs to capture several of them alive--?"
The bowman frowned a little, as those wielding the spears lowered them a bit, looking uncertain. "Alive...?" he said doubtfully.
Manabozho nodded loftily. "Alive! How better to study how the creatures work and think? Besides, can't you tell just by looking at them that these are the WEAKEST Whittikos to be found? I mean, look at their pathetically diminutive size!"
Everyone looked at the GeeBees. Pakwa was gnawing on his toenail again. Augwak was steaming and grinding his teeth.
"Pathetically diminutive...?" he fumed between his teeth. "I'm taller than you, you pathetically diminutive piece of..."
Charmian took a step forward now. "He's a close personal friend of Wisa--Wis--whatever!" she exclaimed, wringing her hands. "And he has manitou friends--" she waved at Mani and the okis "--and everything--surely you believe him?"
The bowman's frown grew and he looked at the GeeBees again. "How is it that they are so small?" he asked, sounding genuinely curious.
Charmian let out her breath. "It's a LONG story," she said, "but I can tell it to you on the way across! If you'll just--not spear them--okay?"
"Oh-kay?" the bowman echoed, then shrugged and let out a gusty sigh. "Very well! Only because the friend of Wisakedjak says so. But they can't be allowed to wander about as they are! They must be restrained if they're to be allowed anywhere NEAR our camp! And I can't guarantee how the others will react once they're seen. They come close to our home at their own risk."
"Restrain...?" Charmian said, frowned a little, then lit up and nodded. "Sure! Fine. We can do that."
"FLESHLING!!" Augwak screamed.
Charmian turned to Winter Born. "She has ice and winter medicine!" she exclaimed, earning an odd look from the girl. "Because of her hair. Remember?"
The bowman nodded.
"She can use her medicine on the Gee--um--Whittikos, and restrain them." She waved at Winter Born. "Go ahead, you know what to do!"
Winter Born raised an eyebrow as if to ask, "I do?" but let out a weary-sounding sigh and turned to walk over to the GeeBees. She halted beside Pakwa and stared at him for a moment, then peered at the others over her shoulder. She chewed on her lip a bit, then turned back to the GeeBee and raised her hand, palm outward. Everyone in the canoes leaned forward in awe.
"Poof," Winter Born said, and Pakwa promptly fell over.
Charmian had to stop herself from doing the same. She grabbed at her head, grinding her teeth and wishing that she'd given clearer instructions...but the people in the canoes took in a collective breath, seeming impressed by the action. Charmian's eyes began to widen. Don't tell me that they're actually going to FALL for that--! she thought in disbelief.
As if reading this thought, the bowman's frown returned. "You mean to tell me that that is the extent of your medicine--?" he snapped.
Winter Born blinked and her ears went pink. Charmian felt like jumping into the canoe and clobbering him with his own paddle. But the girl shook her head quickly and hurried to stand at Pakwa's other side.
"Um--no!" she said. "There's more!" She held both of her hands out now, biting her lip again, then her face lit up. She raised her hands higher and took in a breath.
"Oh-lee-ah-coo-kee-lah oh-lee-ah-CUCKOO!"
Charmian could just about hear everybody's jaws hit the ground. There was the briefest second of dead silence, then Peepaukawiss and Marten burst into hysterical laughter. Pakwa started twitching as if he were being electrocuted, then made an awful rasping wheezing noise, his eyes goggling; Winter Born hurried over to Augwak and held out her hand. "That's a sign that it's working!" she cried, and yelled, "POOF!"
Augwak bared his teeth at her. "If you think I'm going to--" Something made a little fwip sound, he blinked, then disappeared with a puff. Winter Born jumped back; everyone in the canoes let out a startled yell and quickly paddled backwards.
"WHERE IS IT?!" the bowman shouted, glancing around wildly.
Charmian was doing the same, looking around at everybody. "WHERE DID HE GO?!"
Niskigwun waved frantically at her to catch her attention. She blinked when he held up what looked like a tiny crystal--then she let out her breath, whirled back to Winter Born, and nodded urgently to tell her to keep it up. Winter Born's brow furrowed a little, then she waved at the empty spot that Augwak had left behind.
"Oh-lee-ah-coo-kee-lah oh-lee-ah-CUCKOO!" She slapped her hand against the ground. "Wow! He was a tough one but I think I took care of him!"
The bowman blinked himself, then clambered out of his canoe and started looking carefully over the spot that Augwak had vacated. "Where--where IS it?" he demanded, sounding confused. "Why did this one disappear but not the OTHER one--?"
"Well--it's obvious!" Winter Born said. When he glared at her she wilted a little, but a look from Charmian made her stand up straight again, and she pointed at Pakwa. "That one's STRONGER than this one so of course I couldn't make him disappear like that!"
The bowman let out his breath. "Then you mean that--you banished the weak one and this one here, this is the one we should be more concerned about--?"
Winter Born nodded, mimicking Manabozho's superior attitude. "Of course!" She hurried to correct herself. "But--not that you should WORRY! They're both taken care of...right?" And she cast Charmian a desperate look.
Charmian nodded hastily. "Uh-huh! Both restrained--just like you asked." She let out a shaky breath of her own. "Can we please go across now?"
The bowman stared at her for a moment--she couldn't believe that after all of that he was still skeptical--but at last nodded curtly, and they got back in the canoes, two of the Cree carrying the apparently subdued Pakwa. Charmian glanced at Niskigwun as she settled herself in the lead canoe, all of her muscles feeling like she'd just run a marathon.
Your wind medicine! she thought. The stuff you used on Augwak and Chepi the LAST time. I completely forgot about that!
Niskigwun made an unpleasant face. I WOULD have used it much sooner, were it not so unpredictable! He winced. I used a weak version so he should be reappearing within the hour. However, I still do not know WHERE!
I'm sure he'll figure it out on his own, Charmian replied, and sighed. Thanks, Niskigwun. He blushed a little but quickly averted his eyes as she turned back to Winter Born, who was now crawling into the space before her; the bowman got back into the front and picked up his paddle, giving the unfinished ice bridge another look before pushing away from it. Winter Born peered at Charmian meekly.
"Sorry I couldn't think of anything better," she murmured.
Charmian shook her head. "Considering that you had like two seconds to think of something--I think you did pretty well! At least, they seem to have fallen for it," she whispered, looking at the bowman, who glanced at her before beginning to paddle. The canoes turned northward and began coasting along; they looked out at the water of the bay and could see the dolphins wandering away eastward. Charmian sighed and tried to relax a little.
"Now what exactly is this story of your little Whittikos?" the bowman demanded after a moment, making her blink.
She bit her lip a little. "Well...it's a long story..."
"And this is a long ride," the bowman retorted. "Explain why you have little Whittikos in your company, and what all of this has to do with seeking the North Wind!"
"They're vaguely related..." Charmian rubbed her head, then spotted Mani swimming alongside and waved at him. "Hold on! He can tell you! If you'll let him, that is." When the bowman frowned at her she gestured at the approaching manitou's head. "All you have to do is touch him and he'll tell you everything. With time to spare."
The bowman started gnawing on his own lip and she was surprised to see that he seemed to be more afraid than skeptical. "This isn't some sort of Whittiko trap...?" he asked.
Charmian's eyes grew. "What--? NO! Of course not! Trust me, if there's anybody who hates Wend--um--Whittikos, it's Mani." Mani whistled at her, pulling up beside the canoe. "Go on and tell him everything, Mani," she said, then, Everything he NEEDS to know! I don't know if we should trust him with everything ELSE--nor if he can TAKE it!
Mani nodded. Got Red Land One. He swam ahead a bit and tilted his head to the side. The bowman fiddled his fingers a little before reaching out and gingerly touching the top of Mani's head. After a brief moment, he frowned as if puzzled, then gasped and stiffened, and Charmian could tell that he was learning in the same way that Lieutenant Barrington had.
Everyone in the other canoes fell silent as well, watching him. Another moment or so passed, then the bowman slowly pulled his hand away. He glanced back at Charmian, brow furrowed.
"Your Island is in trouble," he said, after a pause.
Charmian nodded. "This big manitou named Megissogwun destroyed it in the past, and he's going to try to destroy it again. We hoped the North Wind might help us find Kabeyun--the West Wind."
"Why don't you seek the West Wind first off--? From what I know, he's much more approachable than the North."
"Well...we would...except that nobody seems to know where to find him. That's what we were going to ask Kabebonikka--the North Wind."
The bowman stared at her for another moment, then turned away and picked up his paddle. "Well...I doubt you'll find any assistance there. But it's your time to waste, not mine. My name is Stands Somewhere."
"Charmian," Charmian said, her face screwing up at the odd name, but she shrugged it off; he probably felt the same way about her name. "What exactly are we supposed to...do with our Gee--um--Whittikos when we reach shore...?"
"If you simply let it off, it will likely be cut apart and burned by the others in the camp," Stands Somewhere replied.
Winter Born tugged on Charmian's sleeve. "Charmian! We can't let them burn them!"
"Any other options?" Charmian asked.
Stands Somewhere frowned over his shoulder. "Not many," he said curtly. "It's still odd that you travel with Whittikos...but if you can keep it restrained, perhaps it can be shoved into the back of one of the lodges. A fire will be kept burning--just in case."
Charmian glanced over at Pakwa. He gave a small shrug. "Eh," he whispered, before letting his eyes go crossed and his tongue hang out.
"Deal," Charmian sighed. She sat back a bit, then noticed Francois helping to paddle in the neighboring canoe; she supposed that it gave him something to do. He, Baptiste, Thomas, Lieutenant Barrington, and herself were drawing a good number of odd looks; she frowned a little.
Why do I get the feeling that they've never met white people here before...? she thought.
Francois managed to hitch one shoulder a bit as he paddled. Judging by the state of the land, it could very well be so, ma chère. You said this glacier disappeared thousands of years ago. Our people have likely not even landed here yet.
Creepy. Charmian shivered. You seem to know the way around a bit. Who's this Wisawhatever they keep talking about?
Wisakedjak, Francois corrected her. He switched sides. Some of us call him simply "Whiskey Jack," so perhaps this will help you remember his name.
"Whiskey Jack." Charmian pursed her lips thoughtfully. Wisakedjak...I guess it sounds easier now.
From what I've heard, he's sort of their hero in these parts, Francois went on. Much as Manabozho is where we come from.
Oh! Charmian's face lit up. You mean a culture hero! I never even thought about there being different ones...but now that I think of it...Glooskap's pretty much the same too! Only--older, I guess. And goofier. And with a better sense of humor. She made a face. So to speak.
"We should be reaching the shore soon," Stands Somewhere said. "I suggest you keep your Whittiko in check."
Winter Born placed her hand on Pakwa's head. "Check," she said.
Stands Somewhere started looking the rest of them over, finally noticing just what an odd group they were. He looked at Marten and Peepaukawiss for a very long time, frowned a little, then looked at X'aaru, swimming in the water. Another look was cast at Charmian.
"Should I even be asking?"
Charmian blushed. "Well..."
Mani swam up beside him and whistled again. Stands Somewhere touched his head, paused, then pulled his hand away. "Never mind," he said, and resumed paddling.
"Cripes." Charmian sat back. "Maybe we should do that more often."
Mani swam back so he was beside her. Told him they came from far away, even we do not know what they are, he said. Easier than going through the whole thing.
Charmian's face screwed up again. "Not THAT far from the truth!"
The noises of distant chatter came within earshot, and they started craning their necks. The camp was visible now--it wasn't too far from the shore, built right upon the glacier, just as Stands Somewhere had said--and Charmian eyed the rough wigwams and scurrying figures with a bit of unease. She couldn't quite place her finger on it, but something about the camp was different from the ones she'd seen before, even Wazhashkooquae's camp. As they pulled into shallower water, she began to realize what the difference was. The wigwams didn't bear the small but distinct decorations that the Island ones did...and the occupants weren't dressed as well, nor were their eyes and faces as bright. Instead, they almost skulked about, eyeing the canoes with a mixture of what looked to be fear and suspicion. They looked more nervous than curious about the newcomers. Charmian's expression grew tense. Every other camp they'd come across--even the Iroquois's--had been more curious than suspicious, and none of them had been fearful. Even the dogs trotting around in the camp did so with their tails either bristling or between their legs, and what she had earlier mistaken for chatter now resolved itself into furtive murmuring.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
Stands Somewhere gave her a look. "What do you mean?"
"Well..." She gestured vaguely at the camp. "Look at everybody! How come they're all whispering and looking at us like that--?"
"Why not?" Stands Somewhere turned away again, paddle sloshing through the icy water. "You look strange." Charmian blinked, then started fuming. "Your skin looks like ice," he added, and she looked down at her hands, thinking, No it doesn't!! "It was only because of that hair of yours that I figured you weren't a Whittiko yourself."
Charmian's mouth fell open, then clicked shut. "I don't think I've ever been happier to be a redhead," she murmured after a moment.
"Your friends, however," Stands Somewhere said, glancing at the others, "may need more explaining."
"Oh," Charmian said, blushing. She pointed at the other four. "Actually...um...we all came from across the really REALLY big water, to the east." She paused. "Where really pale ice-looking people come from." Another pause. "We don't eat people, honest," she added, lamely.
Another look was cast at Winter Born. "And her story?"
"I'm part Ocryx," Winter Born said, before Charmian could stop her. When Stands Somewhere frowned at her, she pointed at X'aaru. "That's an Ocryx, right there. He's my half-brother."
Stands Somewhere stopped paddling and twisted himself around as best as he could. "All right! EXPLAIN all this!"
Charmian winced and waved her hands. "Mani!!" she cried, and the manitou dutifully swam forward and offered his antler. Stands Somewhere practically grabbed onto it, waited a moment, then let go and started paddling as if he wanted to win a blue ribbon.
"You and your Island are incredibly weird!!" he snapped, but left it at that. And Charmian let out her breath again.
"At last," Barrington muttered. "Somebody finally realizes that."
"Get your Whittiko ready, or the dogs will grab it," Stands Somewhere advised, and Winter Born reached out to put her hand on Pakwa's head again. Several people finally approached the shore as they started jumping out of the canoes, splashing through the water and toward land, but Charmian saw that they were all men, and they were all carrying axes and bows, suspicious looks on their faces.
"I don't like this place," Singing Cedars murmured from his own canoe.
"For once, ditto," Charmian said with a shiver. Stands Somewhere hopped out of the canoe and started pulling it along behind him; she waited until its front end scraped up onto shore before gingerly climbing out herself, as the air was even colder here. She was surprised to see how many trees were around, though--the camp seemed to have been built in a small parting between the pines--and she had a clear view of the land as it stretched away, fading into white which slipped up and eventually formed the slope of the glacier surrounding the mountain. She looked down at the hard earth that she stood upon, rapping her heel against it, but it felt just like regular dirt.
"We're on the glacier...?" she murmured.
"We are upon that," Stands Somewhere said, and pointed up toward the great swath of the glacier above, rising over them like a frozen river of milk. "Every moon, we measure its progress, and every year, it travels a tiny bit further southward. Eventually, they say, it should cover up the entire bay, and the entire Turtle Island."
"Turtle Island--?" Charmian blurted out so loudly that several of the Cree jumped, glancing at her. Stands Somewhere frowned as she blushed and lowered her head.
"This is what they call the continent, ma chère," Francois said. "As well as the island you're thinking of."
Stands Somewhere stared at them both for a moment, then his frown grew. "Wait a moment...this Island you keep speaking of...it's the Turtle Island?" When Charmian said nothing he took a step forward. "The old Turtle Island...?"
Charmian frowned now. "I'm not sure what you mean. It's where the Great Turtle let the Sky Mother rest when she fell. Or where she created the second Island after the flood. You tell me."
Stands Somewhere continued staring at her. An odd look came over his face, then he turned and waved at them to follow. "Try not to stare at anyone too much," he said as he went. "They might think you're trying to curse them. And try not to avoid anyone's eyes too much, for that makes you look suspicious. Don't look too gloomy, because this is the mark of a powerful medicine man--and don't look too cheery, because everyone can see right through that what a powerful sorcerer you must be..."
Charmian's face screwed up. "Cripes, what will happen if I scratch my nose, will the world end...?"
"I rather get the feeling that they don't take too kindly to visitors," Thomas commented.
"I understand why they might be kind of paranoid, but still, whatever happened to hospitality?" Charmian agreed. "Well...it's not like we plan to stay long, is it? All we need to do is resupply ourselves, and get climbing up there." She gestured at the mountain.
"Try not to point too much," Stands Somewhere called out. "This is suspicious as well."
Charmian rolled her eyes. "Sorry!" She lowered her hand and made a face at him behind his back.
"And stop making faces," he added, at which she promptly did so, blinking. She turned to look at Moon Wolf.
"How the heck did he see that...?" she whispered.
Moon Wolf shrugged, fighting down a scowl of his own. "Perhaps they have eyes in the backs of their heads," he muttered, then glanced to the side when one of the dogs came running at them, barking and snarling. They immediately froze, but the dog didn't stop; Manabozho's wolves, toward the back of the group, growled and came dashing forward, but they were too far away to stop it when it launched itself at Moon Wolf and sank its teeth into his arm.
Charmian saw the comically surprised look flit across his face, then her own face went gray and she whirled around, throwing up one hand. Moon Wolf was faster than she was, however, and a split second later the dog was scampering off, whining, its fur singed. The other dogs that had been surrounding them broke away as well, scattering to all corners of the camp; Manabozho's wolves slowed down and stopped, and Charmian let out her breath in relief.
"Cripes! Even the dogs are paranoid--?" she managed to say, before noticing that just because the dogs weren't there anymore, didn't mean that they weren't still surrounded. One glance showed her that all of the men who had come down to the shore were standing around them now, and every weapon in the camp looked to be aimed right at them.
Her face started quivering, and her voice came out thin and tremulous. "Why does this keep happening?!"
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.
I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2011 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.