About This Author
A changeling spirit,
constantly evolving,
revolving around an inner core,
spinning forth legend and lore,
stories and lives
as I come to grips
with who and what I am,
have been and may be.
I am a phoenix:
rising ever above and beyond!
OCT/Nov NaNoWriMo
A place where my nano stuff can steep, simmer and eventually, boil!

How I will and when I won't!
Recycled Jacket
Interview your protagonist--how changed and how are you now?
Kick-the-butt letter
Letter to me regarding 2011 NaNo.
oct 6 nano prep
setting description
10-9 Oct Nano Prep
write a background story about the protagonist
10-7 October NaNo prep
describe a scene
day 5 oct nano
My target audience
Day 4-Outline
Beginning outline
Day 2 Oct nano Prep
Sunday, Oct. 02 CONTEST ROUND: Write a background story about your protagonist.
NaNo Book 2011
Maybe I will actually do it this year!
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