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The Cleaners
The Cleaners
With a mop and bucket they clean the floor,
those unsung heroes, I didn’t notice before.
They clean all areas, protect the human race.
Disease and infection we’re less likely to face.
They always seem cheerful when doing their job,
they’re often un-noticed by the passing mob.
They’re experts with chemicals, they know every solution.
I must take time to greet them, that’s my new resolution.
With a spray and a cloth, they remove all the dust.
They even know how to treat those small specs of rust.
At set times each day they will go for a break,
they need a rest and eat the snacks that they make.
When you notice a place that is tidy and clean,
spare a thought for the cleaners, even if they’re unseen.
For their professionalism, and all the work that they do.
When you next see a cleaner, just say, ‘Thank you!’
![Winning Trophy [#1874108]
Winning Trophy - Poem a day contest.](http://www.InkSpot.Com/main/trans.gif)
Poem a day contest. Thursday 7th June 2012. 1st Place ~ WINNER
Freestyle poetry. Each stanza is a quatrain and I follow an AABB rhyme scheme.
© Copyright 2012 ~ Santa Sisco ~ (siscok at Writing.Com).
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