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Bubbles ![Bubbles [#1655552]
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Bubbles can be FUN!
Bubbles, bubbles, floating everywhere.
Under the table; landing on the chair.
There they go, up into the sky.
Except for this one, it got me in my eye!
The bath is full and covered with bubbles.
Soak in them; forget all your troubles.
If you need something else to give you cheer,
There are plenty of bubbles in a glass of beer.
Get some bubblegum and chew it first.
Blow a big bubble then watch it burst.
It gets on your face and in your hair.
If you have a beard, you will despair.
A balloon is a bubble in a rubber jacket.
When you burst it, it makes quite a racket.
We all have fun with bubbles, in our own way.
So tell me, reader, are you having bubble fun today?
Freestyle poetry. Each stanza is a quatrain and I follow an AABB rhyme scheme.
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