Underbelly - InkSpot.Com
About This Author
Writing poetry allows me to exercise my imagination and share it with others. I strive to write for the benefit of the reader using carnival fun mirror images of my life's experiences.
The corporate media,
Fears failure to revert,
To a passive consensus,
The community convert.
Complicit in oppression,
As a new age Machiavelli,
The media pretends to be,
Exposing the underbelly.

Inflicting intensive policing,
Only serves the wealthy few,
To comfort and reinforce,
Their bigoted point of view.
Such lawful propaganda,
Cuts like a machete,
Until we are successful,
Exposing the underbelly.

Lies about the crime rate,
Profile, stop and frisk,
From brokers and politicians,
Else an election they'd risk.
Reduce the confrontation,
Serves none to get sweaty,
We must think logically,
Exposing the underbelly.

A recent NYPD slowdown,
In protest of the mayor,
No increase in crime rate,
The public became aware.
Demilitarize the police,
The ax we should bury,
Reduce the tensions by,
Exposing the underbelly.

The National Security State,
The war on drugs and terror,
A myriad of endless wars,
Can be writ as trial and error.
Money saved by scaling back,
Would be the final cherry,
If we employ the lessons learned,
Exposing the underbelly.

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