About This Author
Hi there!
I'm a grandmother, a nursing educator, an avid knitter and an aspiring writer. I created this page for family and friends who expressed interest in reading my writing. It is mostly poetry with a few short stories sprinkled here and there .
The poem on this page is one my Mom favored. The collectible trinket is from a needlework picture of Longfellow's home she completed. Mom loved poetry and was an avid reader. She and my brother, Rasputin   , inspire me still.
I have a published form modification called the Rondel Grand Modified; it is located here:
Drop me a note by clicking on the "Contact Me" link above and let me know you stopped to visit.
Happy reading and write on!
David's Farewell
Walking along the clouded path,
Following the scent of flowers;
Listening to rolling waters,
Rushing crystal clear down the stream-
Tumbling over rocks in a dream.
Hiking, your happy smile flashes,
You laugh, we talk of many things.
Our children, our life and our love -
Strolling along the path, my thoughts
Tumbling over rocks in a dream.
Wearing your khaki shorts, but your
Standard buttoned shirt now a black
Short-sleeved tee with a high crew neck.
I remember this struck me odd,
Tumbling over rocks in a dream.
A forest devoid of color,
Black shale path underneath our feet
I spot brown boulders, a lit path
Leading toward rushing water
Tumbling over rocks in a dream
As I reached the worn path’s entrance
With bright blooming flowers, I crouched,
Face upturned, smiling to my love-
You disappeared, vanished at night,
Tumbling over rocks in a dream.
The path to pure running water
Spilled into dissolute blackness.
Only love's flower vibrant show
Remained by the path to the stream,
Tumbling over rocks in a dream.
30 lines
Context ▼ This was a dream I had in June 2001; David died 9/5/2001. This is the only written record of it. We were walking along the railroad path in Carbondale near the Falls – Rails for Trails – I wanted to show him the path to the water, the stream, and he disappeared. The strangest thing about this dream was that he was wearing a black tee shirt with a short crew neck and short sleeves; we walked and laughed and talked and he was very like himself, like the man I married and once loved, the father of my children. We talked a lot about our girls, especially about Jaime – he was very worried about her.
I still remember the bright bunch of flowers growing near the brown gray rocks at the path entrance to the rolling stream. At the bottom of the path was a beautiful green grassy patch that I saw in the dream and wanted to show him. On our walk, I told him about it. When I crouched down to the bright blooming Spring flowers and then turned to tell him about the path, he was gone.
He disappeared – he could not stay; he was dying, but I didn’t know.
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