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Murder on Cabot's Landing
From the New Omnibus Mandaean Almagest and Dataset [NOMAD]Cabot's Star, NOMAD 129.683.365.120, is a class K star approximately 562 light years from the Immaculate Concourse. The Cabot system has six planets in conventional orbits ranging from .2AU to 86AU. The system was purchased in 2312 CE from the Grand Alliance by Cabot Industries Trust of Old Home Earth. See the entry for Cabot's Landing. Chapter 01--Murder on Cabot's Landing Elam arrives at his new assignment Chapter 02--Murder on Cabot's Landing Sigurd starts his investigation Chapter 03--Murder on Cabot's Landing Elam and Bender find Mrs. Torrance NOMAD catalog & map for Cabot's Landing Map of Cabot's cove Ghostly Engines -- an op-ed An op-ed on the history of ghost drives Christmas Day on Cabot's Landing
The Grand Alliance downsizes the Marine Base on Christmas eve |