About This Author
A changeling spirit,
constantly evolving,
revolving around an inner core,
spinning forth legend and lore,
stories and lives
as I come to grips
with who and what I am,
have been and may be.
I am a phoenix:
rising ever above and beyond!
Construct Cup: Chinese New Year
Construct Cup Prompted poetry

She is who she is and who she isn't
Forceful Refinding
Sometimes we don't know what we lost until we find it again!
Passing the Torch to the Writers
A new addition for the next Winter Games - but could anyone actually accomplish it? :)
Stick To It
A bouquet of sticks...
Ain’t We A Pair?
My Four Pawed People
Cutting Strings
Getting past; going beyond.
Am I greeting you or wishing you ill? Contonyms
Journeys of Clay
An army waiting for...
Aspect Juncture
Then and now
The Road to Hana
Dreamscape on Jeweled Isle
Red Pocket Memories
Hugs and Kisses
Lanterns for Linda and Cheyenne
From whence it cometh may, indeed, surprise.
Defeating the Dragon
Overcoming what held me back...
Zhinü and Niu Lang
Love always finds a way.
More than a job
Paczki Day!
Shrove Tuesday Indulgence
Year of the Dog
The animal representing 2018 in the Chinese calendar
Minute, but Mighty.
Personification Poem
Going forward
Crooked Spine
40 deg. 25 min,50sec N by 116 deg 33 min 54 sec E..
Year of the Horse
self identity
Pillow gods
An Unexpected Dragon
Because who ever expects one?
my description
Guarded doorways
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