Thank the Lord - InkSpot.Com
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Writing poetry allows me to exercise my imagination and share it with others. I strive to write for the benefit of the reader using carnival fun mirror images of my life's experiences.
Thank the Lord

I wake up slow feeling tired and lazy,
My wife's up feeling fresh as a daisy,
We split an orange as a breakfast treat,
I hope for a cool day, she loves the heat.

It's the weekend so to the park we go,
Taking our two puppy dogs for a stroll,
As we blithely walk hand in hand I thought,
To thank the Lord for everything we've got.

Now I'm just a human trying his best,
I bow to temptation just like the rest,
Often I'm one of the unhappy lot,
That fail to appreciate what we've got.

Different opinions I appreciate,
But with riots, looting, violence, hate,
I worriedly wonder, "What have we wrought?"
Then thank the Lord for everything we've got.

I thank the Lord for the freshening rain,
I thank the Lord and try not to complain,
I offer this heavenly food for thought,
And thank the Lord for everything we've got.

20 Lines

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