The Truth Will Make You Cry - InkSpot.Com
About This Author
Writing poetry allows me to exercise my imagination and share it with others. I strive to write for the benefit of the reader using carnival fun mirror images of my life's experiences.
when I read poetry I search for the truth I want it raw and not hidden behind a bunch of words I have to lookup tell me how exciting it was to secretly masturbate in a ship's berthing compartment of 50 men in a rack behind a thin blue curtain with men lying above and below trying not to shake and give yourself away tell me about the power one feels having the choice pick of many beautiful women to spend the night for a mere five dollars to be treated like a king ignoring the fact her life is in your hands because without money, she would starve to death I know how hard it is to write about things like caring for your mother dying of cancer to have doctors mistrust you with her morphine because you have long hair and a beard when all you want is to run away because seeing a loved one suffer hurts so much those are things I appreciate in poetry some say the truth will set you free but I know the truth hurts the truth will make you cry