Defender of the Everglade Forest
Image of muse Rainey
Defender of the Everglade Forest

The sun played hide-and-seek amongst the leaves of Everglade Forest, dappling the mossy earth in a shifting dance of light. Here, tucked away within a lush labyrinth of ancient trees, existed the elven village of Verdant Hollow – a sanctuary of vibrant life veiled from the harsh world beyond. Within its protective embrace lived Viridea, a green elf whose spirit mirrored the resilience of her forest home.

Her skin held the earthy tones of rich loam, and her long, unbound hair was the color of midnight beneath the forest canopy. Her eyes, the green of new fern fronds, reflected intelligence and an inner strength hard-won through countless years of guardianship. Viridea was more than just a woman elf; she was a warrior, a beacon of hope, and a symbol of the unyielding might of their people. The masterfully crafted armor embracing her lithe figure spoke of countless battles, its interwoven vines and supple leathers forming a shield as natural as the forest itself.

“Viridea, please!” A young elfling, barely tall enough to reach her knees, tugged at her sleeve, eyes bright with adoration. "Show me how to track a deer, just like you!”

Viridea's stern features softened. With a gentle hand, she brushed a stray leaf from the child's hair. “Patience, little Aspen,” she said, her voice as soothing as a summer breeze, “First, you must learn to hear the forest’s secrets – to understand the language of rustling leaves and whispering branches.”

The lesson, however, was interrupted. A tremor ran through the earth, not the gentle pulse of nature, but a discordant rhythm that made the very birds fall silent. A shadow fell across the clearing as Chartren, Viridea's magnificent green dragon companion, spiraled down from the heavens. His scales, each the size of a man's shield, shimmered like polished emeralds. Yet, his eyes, ancient and fathomless, held not their usual serenity, but a simmering fury.

"Intruders, Viridea," Chartren's rumble echoed ominously beneath the canopy. “Men clad in iron and ill intent. They trespass upon our borders.”

The air crackled with tension. Viridea's smile vanished, replaced by the warrior's focus honed over a lifetime of vigilance. “Gather the defenders, Aspen," she commanded, her voice now a clarion call, "We shall meet this threat as we always have.”

The hidden village transformed. Laughter gave way to grim determination as elven warriors materialized from the shadows, eyes blazing with a fierce protective light. Archers strung their bows, the soft twang echoing through the once-peaceful glade. Viridea stood amidst it all, a beacon of unwavering resolve.

With a mighty surge of his wings, Chartren lifted into the air. "I bear you aloft, Viridea. We will greet them from the skies and rain down judgment upon these fools."

Muscles taut with the strength of the forest itself, Viridea leapt onto Chartren's back, securing herself with the practiced ease of long partnership. They ascended, the village shrinking beneath them, until the intruders came into focus – a horde of grimy men in mismatched armor, fueled by greed and ignorant of the power they dared challenge.

"They covet our magic," Chartren snarled, the scent of avarice thick in the air, "They will pay for their arrogance."

"Indeed, they shall," Viridea replied, her voice a whisper as lethal as an arrow.

Chartren dove, a streak of emerald against the azure sky. He exhaled a torrent of blinding flame, washing over the invaders in a wave of emerald fire. Viridea loosed her arrows, each finding its mark with merciless precision. Panic shattered the ranks of the invaders as the implacable might of the forest descended upon them. Those with an ounce of sense turned and fled, their cries swallowed by the hungry trees. But, for those who stayed to fight, there was only death.

As the last invader was driven back, Viridea surveyed the scene. Sorrow tinged her triumph, for even victory carried a price. Yet, through it all, the green elves of Verdant Hollow stood tall. Their spirits might be bruised, but they were not broken. Guided by the fierce heart of Viridea, and the unbreakable bond between elf and dragon, their sanctuary in the emerald depths of Everglade was secure… for today, and for countless tomorrows to come.

WORD COUNT: 703 Words
WRITTEN FOR: "Free For All in March--CLOSED UNTIL 2025
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