About This Author
Well, hello. I’m still testing this.
Humble Stories
In the process of tidying up *Smile*

Where Dragons Play
A bunch of stories and poems…
Angel in Wonderland
A little girl and a sleepy pug dog on a grand adventure… plus other fun stuff!
Of Snails and Fairies
A bedtime story...
Moon Rover
A boy, a dog and a big project... Under 500 words
The Mansion
Lights, camera… Achoo! 298 words
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
Or so the saying goes...
Cinnamon Rolls and Stun Guns
A boy faces down a dragon (995 words)
Look what you made me do... (371 words)
An undercover Christmas (500 words)
Rob's Rescue
A baby robin and a lesson about our Heavenly Father. 299 words
The Hermit
It's just too much for her...
Gone Quackers
A little boy, a lemonade stand and a talking duck (496 words)
For the Dialogue 500
Yoda the Hen
Vegan shepherds pie recipe and a 500 word story (2nd place in Sharmelle's Kitchen Oct '23)
The Smiling Rabbit
Writer's Cramp entry
I'm only a man with a candle to guide me...
An age of exploration on Mars...
You gotta work for them...
Almost Home
So near, and yet so far...
Happy Dance
Charlie Brown's friends want to cheer him up...
I Am Home
Marie gets a letter jolting her from a dissatisfying life. 2nd, What a Character, 12/24
Enya's Audition
A young elf dreams of joining Santa's team. Will she?
Santa's long-lost nephew shows up with a gift...
An unexpected family reunion...
Let It Grow
Winning back a lady's heart
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