The StoryMaster's InkSpot
| My Blog || My Portfolio |
My Editorials
Containing my editorials for the InkSpot.Com For Authors Newsletter.

Guidelines to Great Reviewing - The Quiz
A quiz to see how well you know the Guidelines to Great Reviewing.
Promoting Your Portfolio URL
My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL!
Help Us Help YOU!
Help spread the word about Writing.Com and gain exposure for yourself!
My Convention 2003 Formal Toast
The toast I made to Writing.Com at our 2003 Convention's Formal Night.
Guidelines To Great Reviewing
Writing a detailed review takes time. Follow these guidelines for best results!
Gaining Exposure Within Writing.Com
My column discussing six tips to gaining exposure within Writing.Com!
About This Author
I'm a Husband and Dad. I maintain and create the inner workings of Writing.Com (and by extension InkSpot.Com). I hope you enjoy my InkSpot!