About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Blood Hunger CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Unnamed GeeBee/Emma Leeds (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Potential spoilers. This scene is WAY out there as far as my scenes go. In the Manitou Island fiction, the GeeBees are a race of Wendigoes--cannibal giants (really about 7-8' tall)--who are all male, but who are not in the least bit interested in women...except as dinner. I mean that literally. Prior to the Return To Manitou Island storyline, however, a devout, kindhearted woman named Emma Leeds finds a wounded GeeBee and takes him home to TEND TO HIM! :O Yeah, she must be really ignorant, too. Well, somehow, the GeeBee is grateful for this...and decides not to eat her, though he does get a few bites in...since she has to feed him her blood to keep him alive. They have a brief fling before he departs (there is a second scene with the two, as yet unfinished, while she is pregnant) back to Devil's Kitchen...and a while later, she gives birth to...READ THE FRIGGIN' STORY!!
DISCLAIMERS: "Emma Leeds" was previously known as "Lady Richington," before I decided to give her a better name. Also, way back when this was posted under the pseudonym Shywriter, in an attempt to disguise my fiction I rewrote the part of the GeeBee as a "vampire"...please get that idea out of your head as I DO NOT WRITE ABOUT VAMPIRES! >_<
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Blood Hunger
She turned her head, baring her neck, and after a moment felt his teeth gently sink into her flesh. They punctured the skin, pierced the vein, and she gasped. But the pain was no greater than that which she felt whenever he bit into her arm, or more lately her thigh. More and more she found the strange sensation arousing, exciting, beyond all measure. She knew it was a sin, a horrible sin...yet she shivered with pleasure as he began to slowly suck at her blood, filling himself. He could easily have killed her a hundred times over. Yet he had not. He was not a bad creature.
Yet yesterday, when she had had him bite into her thigh, high up, not far from her most hidden place...she had been secretly disappointed, when he had not licked at the other fluids that had gathered there. And now, as he fed at her neck, his large eyes slitted with the satisfaction that he derived from feeding upon her life essence, she so badly wished for him to...touch her. Just once. That was all. One touch, could not be such a sin...
She shut her eyes and let out her breath in a shaky sigh. His lips were warm against her skin, one of his bony hands resting upon her arm as he drank deeply. She wished that she had enough blood to feed him forever. He would always stop, as soon as she swooned into unconsciousness, and he would refrain until she regained her strength...she didn't know why. She began to feel a little dizzy, and strove to fight it off. Please, Lord...just a little longer. Please. Just a little bit longer...
She couldn't resist her feelings any longer. She gave a soft moan. Her hand rose, fingers spreading, and met the side of his face. He snorted but didn't break away, uneager to lose his meal. Her fingers trailed over his cool skin, down the line of his jaw. She peered at him, saw his eyes open a little wider, looking at her hand with a bit of confusion. He was here to feed, not to feel.
She traced her fingers down his neck.
Please...please. Do you not feel it too...?
He continued to suck, the motions of his cheeks slowing. Her vision blurred and her breath grew heavy as dizziness threatened to overtake her. She fought it off valiantly. She must not lose consciousness...not yet...not now. Not when the fire burned within her loins greater than ever.
Oh, God, please, I know this is a sin...but please, grant it to me, just this one time, please, I beg You...
She cupped his cheek and moaned, louder, hoping that he understood. He snorted. His hand, resting upon her arm, clutched it tightly, and she clutched him back. She tipped back her head and her moan rose in her throat. His eyes slitted again yet did not close. She trembled and whimpered. Her free hand slid down to her britches, loosening them, loosing the flap that concealed her bounty. That which she had never granted to any man before, which she had prayed to grant upon her wedding day. She knew this day might never come...but this day, this was here. This was now.
"I need you now," she whispered.
The creature sucking the blood from her neck blinked. She sensed his surprise; she had been told that the Wendigoes did not take mates, did not engage in intercourse. Yet he felt solid enough, real enough, good enough for her. And the bond they two had formed...this symbiosis...she was drawn to him more than anyone she had ever known. Her hand moved up to touch his side.
Her vision began to dim from the loss of blood. Yet he finally pulled away, fangs lined red, a thin stream of the liquid trailing down his chin to drip upon her almost-exposed breast. She tightened and gasped. He bent again and licked up the blood that lined her neck--yet there was more to the gesture than hunger. It was a deeper hunger. The way that his tongue trailed over her bruised skin...his grip tightening on her arm. His breath shallow and fast. He was excited. She knew he was.
She murmured and squirmed her hips, slowly bunching the britches down somewhat, the golden hair between her legs, her untouched bounty, just barely peeking out. She licked at his cheek, nibbled at his ear, and he seized the top of her dress in his teeth and tore it down with a ripping sound that made her shudder. A moment later they had sunk into the tender flesh of her breast and she finally cried out loud. He sucked, but not her blood this time; his lips and cheeks moved furiously, tongue swirling around her nipple. He growled.
She sighed, gave a slight smile. "Yes...yes, this is it..."
She let go of him and ran her hands down his body. He leapt up atop her bed in one fluid motion. She giggled softly and welcomed him. He knelt above her, mouthing her full teats, licking her chest and belly, back to her neck. He panted heavily. His claws sank into her arms, and she realized now that she was pinned down by him. She didn't care. If anything, the sensation made her laugh aloud and arch beneath her lover. She wiggled her hips again, inviting him in.
"Come...come. You know what to do..."
His teeth scored her flesh and she flinched. She could sense his overwhelming hunger, his desire for her flesh to fill his mouth, his throat, his belly. The thought gave her a small bit of fear. Yet at the same time she sensed his desire, his willingness, his...love? She gasped. Was there a reason after a while that he had grown to love her?
Another thought consumed her. Would he be able to do this as her people did?
As he crouched over her, growling and chewing at her shoulder, she slipped her hands beneath him. He lurched and hissed loudly. Oh yes...right there. Even beneath his flimsy clothes she could feel a long hardness, crowned at the bottom by two tight bulges. Yes...the Wendigoes had the same equipment as her own kind. So they must have the desires that came with it. She slipped down his pants past his narrow hips, ignoring his hiss, mouthing his own arm. She spread her legs wide.
"Come, you can do it...I let you...I let you. Come...please, come..."
It was a moment before he seemed to understand what she was asking. He peered down at her hips, up at her face, and down again; a moment later his fingers ripped through her britches, freeing her. The tight curls of gold popped free of their constraints, as did her other breast when he tore open the other corner. She arched upwards and cried out loudly. His hand cupped her mound and squeezed as if testing a ripe fruit. Her cry rose even louder and she quivered helplessly.
"Yes! Right there! Come--come--!"
He rasped in her ear, eyes slits. His bony fingers grasped her arms, pinning them down. She giggled wildly and flailed herself. His hips lowered to hers; he hissed and gave her an uncertain look.
"Inside...inside me," she whispered huskily. She smiled at him. "Come...your shaft...place it inside me. Push, push more. Until you fill me. This...this is what we do, for pleasure..."
He understood. He nuzzled her neck again, tightened his grip. His hips pressed to hers. One foot slipped beneath her own, parting her. She spread her legs, wrapped them about his waist, heard his startled murmur.
"Come...enter me, love..."
Love--? Can one love a Wendigo--? She found out as soon as his shaft impaled her, fiery ice, scalding cold searing throughout her body. She screamed and arched stiffly. Her GeeBee lover arched as well with a ragged cry, unused to the feeling. She sensed that he was as much of a virgin to this as she was, and this made her more excited than ever.
"Come! Come in me! More, more!"
More--? This, she felt, from him; she laughed insanely and hugged him to her.
"Yes, yes! This is what we do! Deeper, further, faster, longer! All we enjoy! Come, take me, more, more...!"
He growled and complied. She screamed and wailed. His hips plunged into hers with an icy rapidity, his breath fanning cold over her face, teeth gleaming, still red with her own blood--when he forgot himself and bent his head down to bite her anew, she didn't fight him, but welcomed the pain with a wild, free laugh. Oh God, this felt so good.
And this was how their coupling went, the strange first coupling between human and GeeBee, the Wendigo panting and hunching himself rapidly into his supine lover, she wrapping her legs tight about his hips, crying and laughing at once, bouncing along with him and crying out his name in the Wendigo language. He couldn't refrain from sinking his teeth into her flesh, leaving his bites upon her shoulders, her neck, her breasts and arms; when they had finally climaxed together, both screaming and writhing in a frenzy of release, he bit at her anew, only her thighs again this time, the two of them clutching at each other's hips in an unusual yet intriguing position. He howled when she sucked at him. She cried out, then screamed when his teeth punctured her labia. That had not been expected. Her head whipped back and she bucked repeatedly upon her bed as her blood flowed once more. He gently licked up it and the mess she had made, and she licked up the drops that escaped from him. He was smooth and hairless, so she enjoyed him all the more, her tongue licking along her lips.
And finally they could take not even this anymore. She didn't know when they both collapsed upon her bed, side by side, panting at the canopy, yet they did, resting within the darkness. After a while she shut her eyes and sighed.
"Such a sin," she murmured softly. He looked at her lazily, large yellow eyes barely open. "Such a horrid sin..."
His fingers touched her cheek. She turned her head to look at him. For the first time that she had ever seen, his mouth twitched at her in a smile. She blinked, noticing the glazed satisfied look of his eyes, and smiled back. He tipped his head to nuzzle at her arm and she laughed and stroked him.
"No...not yet, I'm afraid...I'm still so weak."
He made a gesture that told her he was weakened as well, by his own loss. Her laugh grew to a healthy volume, and he rasped in return.
"Oh...poor thing. I'm sorry. Of course. When I get stronger...you may drink of me all that you wish. And I of you. From my neck, from my breast, from my thighs...I offer it all to you, and hope to keep you from ever going hungry, beloved one."
He smiled, all fangs and yellow eyes. She sensed his thoughts, rather than heard them. Always hungry...for you.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.