About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Lucky Lorenzo CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Both scenes NA
PAIRING: Det. Lorenzo Ingrisano/Det. Erica Tulie (M/F)
EXPLANATION: 'Tis quite simple. I wanted to explore the theme of food and sex. New character Det. Ingrisano looked like a good place to start, as he loves food. Then along came Det. Tulie, young enough to be his daughter, and I thought, why not make it a May/December thing, too? Lucky Lorenzo.
DISCLAIMERS: There seems to be a bit of plot discontinuity between the two scenes, but oh well, you only came for the food, right? Mm-hm, sure you did.
* * * * *
Lucky Lorenzo
Tulie took Ingrisano by the lapels, pulling him forward, and kissed him. He was a little surprised when her tongue probed at his lips and into his mouth; surprised, but not upset. He rather liked it. After a moment she pulled away slightly, giggling, and pulled him with her, further into his bedroom. He'd thought that her offer of dinner would be just that--dinner. He'd never hoped for anything afterwards. But here it was.
"I enjoyed dinner," she said, still grinning up at him even as she was undoing his shirt.
"So did I," he replied, feeling that his smile was a little stupid. She didn't appear to care. She pushed off his jacket and let it fall, then started tugging his shirt out from where it was tucked into his pants.
"Maybe we can do it again sometime?" she inquired, now nudging him over toward the bed. Ingrisano stepped back without watching where he was going, being too busy watching her; he ran into the bed and fell over backwards, but before he could push himself up she dropped down over him and stared him in the face with another giggle.
"Sounds good," he said, another stupid grin on his face. She kissed him again; this time it was a long one, and he found himself nearly gulping for air through his nose. Tulie let out a slight noise as her tongue explored his mouth; he felt the surprise again to realize that she was unbuckling his belt and now tugging at his pants. He shifted a little to let her.
She sat up and reached for her own belt. "I think we'd both enjoy that," she said, in response to his earlier statement, pulling down and removing her pants and underwear. Ingrisano stared. He couldn't think of anything else to do. She climbed back up and swung a leg to the side, sitting down and straddling him just below the hips. He watched her, the breath catching a little in his throat.
Jeez, we're really going to do it, aren't we?
"I think we'll both enjoy this, too," Tulie cooed, offering him a seductive smile and lightly trailing one finger along his member. Ingrisano's muscles tightened; as Tulie continued running her fingers up and down he could feel it start to swell and grow hard, rising up slowly. Tulie dropped her eyes to watch, and then smiled at him again, this time slyly.
"That was easy," she said, stroking her hand up and down his erection. He tried to smile back and wasn't sure if he succeeded; his head felt like it was whirling. Nevertheless, the look that Tulie got on her face was absolutely radiant; she sat up, brought herself forward along on her knees, and, guiding herself, sat down again, mounting him. Ingrisano couldn't control his breathing anymore; if his mouth had been open he'd have been panting. As it was his chest rose and fell rapidly as he watched Tulie slide toward him, her hands trailing over his chest.
"Not bad," was all that she said, offering a quick kiss. She sat up on her haunches and grinned down at him, locking her hands behind her back. "Want to see my show?"
Ingrisano nodded breathlessly.
Tulie giggled back and reached for the buttons on her shirt, undoing them one by one. She pulled it off and dropped it over the side of the bed, then unlatched her bra and let it fall, also dropping it over the edge. She shook herself slightly from side to side and her breasts, small and pert, jiggled with the movement. When she sucked in a deep breath and arched, closing her eyes, at first he thought that she did it for him; then he realized that he'd in fact moved beneath her, almost unconsciously pushing his hips upward. He sank back to the bed, openly panting now. Tulie's legs were drawn up, gripping him on both sides; she dropped her head now, her unruly blond hair trailing down around her face.
"Looks like we've both got a lot for each other," she panted, lowering herself to kiss him. He was surprised again but pleased that she touched him, running her hands up and down his sides and belly; he was even more pleased that she let him return the gesture, at first cautiously touching her sides, then gently massaging her hips; her hand closed over one of his and guided him further back. He gave her a questioning look.
"Go on," she whispered, grinning. "The whole grand buffet."
That definitely turned him on, her comparing herself to food. When she kissed him now he kissed her back, his tongue probing almost fiercely at hers; he clutched her buttocks to further impale her on him, and dimly heard her responding giggle, as she shivered and started moving atop him, rhythmically swiveling her hips against his. He felt fire coursing up and down through his body, concentrating where Tulie swayed upon him; he panted heavily to see the look of rapture on her face as she supported herself, hands on his belly, and undulated a little faster.
His head swirled. His eyes watched her breasts rise and fall with her quickening breath. Breathing thickly, he reached up and took one, squeezing gently. Tulie sat up further and moaned aloud, her own eyes still closed. He definitely liked it that she liked that.
Go ahead, Renz. The whole grand buffet.
He grasped her hips, pleasure welling up in him simply from the feel of her skin rubbing against his. He hadn't expected to get lucky for quite a while, and especially not with someone good looking and young enough to be his daughter. Tulie gasped and pushed against him. Still panting, Ingrisano began to guide her, pushing his hips up as well, slight, gentle, even thrusts. Though they were both moving at a relatively good speed he didn't want to rush her. Like the grand buffet this was something to be savored.
Tulie apparently agreed. She moaned again, sliding her hands over his chest, her head tipped to the side. She swayed a little faster. Her thighs squeezed tight on Ingrisano's hips. He tried to imagine the feeling she must have with him full and engorged inside her and the thought gave him pleasure as well. He wanted to please her just as much as she pleased him. He thrust a bit harder, hoping to go deeper. His muscles tensed again, feeling her trembling, the slight increase in her tightness. Yes, this was good. This was good for both of them.
Each time Tulie appeared to want to go faster, he complied, and every time he moved a little quicker she followed suit, matching his speed push for push, thrust for thrust. Ingrisano could feel his fluid now, hot and thick; it swelled up into his member as he pushed, and he tried to hold it a little longer; Tulie threw back her head and cried out, clutching his hips, arching, forcing herself down upon him deeply. Ingrisano released with a gasp and brief cry of his own; his fluid shot thick and fiery deep inside Tulie's body, and he shivered almost violently in pleasure. Tulie shuddered also and sank down over him, gasping. She laid her head upon his chest and tried to catch her breath. Ingrisano liked the feeling of her still around him even as they climaxed and finished making love. She didn't make a move at first to pull herself off; he liked the sensation, and sighed in satisfaction. He stroked her bare back lazily, giving her a fond look.
After a while Tulie lifted her head to look back at him with a tired smile. Ingrisano smiled back and gently rubbed her shoulder. Tulie rolled off to his side and gave him a kiss on the cheek, both of them still hot and flushed. He wasn't sure about her, but Ingrisano could still smell their sex in the air, and he liked the scent. Tulie dropped down and nuzzled her head near the crook of his arm, taking in and letting out a deep breath as if in agreement.
The Whole Grand Buffet
Tulie stroked his shoulder and smiled as she turned toward the bathroom. "Why don't you get out of these and make yourself comfortable. I'll be out in a minute."
Ingrisano watched her go, shutting the door behind her. He took off his jacket and loosened his belt, removing his clothes as she'd said. He wondered what she would be up to in there; last time she'd undressed in front of him. He didn't mind much, though; she'd be back. He lay down on the bed with his head propped up against the headboard and waited, picking out patterns on the ceiling. He'd done that many times before. Just never with any company. He supposed that he wouldn't be doing it once she came back; he'd have other things to look at.
The door leading into the bathroom opened a crack. "Ready?" Tulie called out coyly.
"Yes," he said, not sure what else to say.
"All right." He saw her hand on the edge of the door, and then it opened all the way. Ingrisano gaped. Immediately his member rose and went fully hard.
Tulie stopped and stood right before him, arms behind her back and a smile on her face. She was completely naked--except for foamy patches of white on the front of her breasts, and another between her legs, with foamy straps going around in back. Two cherries nestled where her nipples would be.
All that he could do was stare.
"Whipped cream," Tulie said, as if he couldn't tell. "What do you think?"
He tried to move his mouth but no sound came out. He still couldn't believe what he was looking at.
"It was kinda hard getting the straps on right," she continued, glancing down at her hip. "I had to use the mirror. Looks good enough to eat, huh?"
His throat worked again and he said nothing.
She looked up at him again and smiled and shrugged. "Oh, well. Fewer words means more time for play. It's your turn first."
She put her hands on the foot of the bed and came toward him on all fours, smiling all the way. Ingrisano just stared at her with what he was sure was the stupidest look. She sat up and his eyes inadvertently fell on the cherries.
"How do you like your pie?" she asked. "On your plate or in your face?" She laughed out loud.
He swallowed and it hurt his throat. "How...how about you choose."
"Fair enough." She straddled him above his hips and leaned forward. "Come on, take one. On the house."
He practically had to force his jaws to work. He craned his neck toward her and took one of the cherries in his mouth, feeling it split open between his teeth, the juice running down his throat. He chewed it slowly, trying to keep his head clear.
"Come on, little buddy over here is getting lonely. Down he goes too."
Ingrisano took the other cherry. Tulie kept her arms back. "Now the rest of the pie. Make sure you take care of it all. No leftovers."
He leaned forward and licked a dollop of the whipped cream from her breast. When she laughed he started sucking at it hungrily, not stopping at the whipped cream, but swirling his tongue around the nipple, the sweet tastes of sugar and flesh mixing.
He could barely hear her laughing above him. "That's only one. You can't forget the other."
Breathing hard, he moved to her other breast, sucking noisily. No woman had ever let him do this. Then again, no woman he'd been with had ever sprayed whipped cream clothing on herself, either. It was like she'd crawled deep inside his head and pulled out the fantasy he liked the best and put it on display for him. He'd never even told her--
She pulled away from him slightly, a strand of his saliva glistening on her left breast. "We're forgetting the best part. I told you to save room for dessert, didn't I?"
He nodded.
Tulie smiled and raised herself, moving forward on her knees so that she was over his chest. Ingrisano's eyes felt ready to fall out of his head. The third foamy patch lay right before him. Between his legs the fiery ache only grew stronger; he felt ready to explode.
"Come on, Rennie," she cooed, barely above a whisper. Her hair fell down around her face as she bent over him. "Time for dessert."
He hesitated a moment before deciding to go for it. Tulie sucked in a breath when he buried his face in the whipped cream, more interested in what lay beneath. He reached up to stroke her hips as he nuzzled, his tongue flicking out, straining to reach the best of her. She allowed him to root at her hard, swaying and breathing in deeply while he let out a heated growl. His fingers sank into her buttocks and he prodded at her, desiring entry.
"Don't forget my turn," Tulie murmured, her voice husky. Ingrisano pulled away reluctantly; Tulie giggled and wiped a spot of whipped cream off of his face with her finger, dabbing it to her mouth. "Don't worry," she cooed at the look on his face. "I think you'll enjoy it too."
She sprang up lightly and retrieved the can of whipped cream from the bathroom, alighting upon the bed again and coming toward him. He watched her shake the can and proceed to spray its contents over his member; the cool cream only made him ache harder. His breath sped up. Tulie finished spraying and tossed the can aside with a flourish.
"Are you forgetting the cherry?" he was barely able to ask.
"No, I'm not forgetting." A coy giggle. "It's already right here. See?"
He gasped when she brought her mouth down on him. His heart started hammering wildly; he feared that it was ready to burst out of his chest. Still, he figured, there was no better way to go than this. His fingers raked the sheets as she teasingly licked the whipped cream off of him, down to the root; when she smiled up at him and asked, "Did you like that at all?" he nodded. She laughed again--"Thought you would!"--and put him in her mouth again, tongue teasing and swirling. The motion, the feel made him delirious. His nails gouged the bed; the blood roared in his ears. He trembled at the fire surging up within him, wild and out of control, swelling him up harder--Tulie held up a hand and made a sound that might have meant "Wait!"--but all that he could do was groan loudly and clutch the bed as his fluid spurted out of him and into Tulie's waiting mouth. The pressure died down, and with it the fire; Ingrisano let out his breath with a small shudder, his muscles going loose. He blinked at Tulie and wiped sweat from his face.
"I'm sorry," he said.
She sat up, wiping her mouth and smiling gently. "There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong at all." She got on all fours again and crept forward, draping herself over him and tracing a finger over his chest. "You should learn how to hold it in a little longer, though."
"Hold it in?"
"Yeah." She looked at him closely. "You've never tried that?"
"I...I wasn't sure..."
"You'd be amazed what things you could do when you hold it in." She rolled over so her back rested against him, and smiled at him sideways. "All kinds of things."
"You've seen it done before?"
"Oh, yeah. Several times. You'd be surprised." She sat up and stretched. "You could keep at it for hours if you wanted."
"Hours?" His heart started up again.
"If it's what you really wanted. Of course, you'd need the stamina, too. And somebody else with the stamina to take it."
"I've got that." He felt that he needed to justify himself, somehow.
"Of course you do." She spoke now as one might speak to a small child, cupping his face and pursing her lips. He didn't mind it. "But you might want to learn how to hold it in. Not for too long. Just for a little bit. When you get used to it you try longer. But you've got to have patience."
"I can have patience."
She kissed him lightly and stroked his leg. "Of course." Again in that odd voice. "My big strong bull could go at it for hours, couldn't he?"
He grinned back at her. Big strong bull! That was different. "We could try it out tonight," he suggested, hoping that he wasn't being too presumptuous when he ran his hand down the curve of her back, gently caressing one buttock. Tulie just smiled and kissed his cheek.
"See? Learning already. You could keep this up all night."
The room grew dimmer with shadows while they spent the rest of the night at their loveplay, each time experimenting longer than the last.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.