About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Apophis's Day RAPE WARNING
CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): "Apophis's Day On Earth"
PAIRING: Apophis/Maftet (M/F)
EXPLANATION: For some reason I came up with the scenario that the serpent demon Apophis would cause the sun god Ra, his bitterest enemy, to feel even MORE hatred toward him--involving Ra's daughter, the lynx goddess Maftet. Surely an attack on the goddess would be a prime way for Apophis to spite the sun god, yet also a prime way to piss Ra off. The way the original idea went was outlined in the novella "Apophis's Day On Earth," which is pretty much the PG-13 version of this scene. Let me make it clear that THIS, much more graphic version was written first; yet while this contains only the rape itself, the novella covers the entire story from before until afterward. You'll notice, if you read both (or at least browse), that the description of the rape as given in "Day" is very tame, and doesn't quite match events as outlined here; this was because there was no way I could hint at the second part of the attack (the anal rape) and maintain the PG-13 rating. Thus in "Day," Maftet learns her attacker's identity almost immediately, whereas here her discovery is delayed. As this is X rated the specific description of the assault and beating is also much more graphic. "Day" proved a challenge to write in that I had to "dumb down" the story to make it more presentable. (It was posted before I had begun publicly showing my X-rated material.) In this scene, I wished to portray both Apophis's hatred for the House of Iunu (Ra's family), the head of which has kept him locked in the Duat (underworld) for ages, condemned to attack the sun boat on its nightly journeys through the underworld. I'm hoping the brutality of his assault on Maftet shows this hatred, and clarifies Ra's actions toward him near the end of "Day" (when Apophis gets his comeuppance). This scene also laid the groundwork for the later relationship between Maftet and Upuat, another wounded soul (see "Role Reversal" for his particular story).
DISCLAIMERS: Please be aware of the necessary differences between this, original, version of events, and those as outlined in "Apophis's Day On Earth." While the before and after of the novella are about correct, the rape scene itself is more accurate as given here. Also note that this scene was not intended to be so similar to "Broken Ghost," but they turned out that way anyway.
* * * * *
Apophis's Day
Maftet started when an arm went around her neck, dragging her back from the water. She hadn't even heard anyone approach--who could be so stealthy? She had no time to wonder as she felt herself being pulled along a ways and then wrenched around. She blinked dumbly at the cold glittering yellow eyes that bored through hers before she was pushed violently to the ground.
Finally her fighting instincts kicked in. With a hiss she leapt to her feet and started clawing at her attacker with one hand, the other attempting to reach for her dagger. He effectively blocked her, and his hand grasped her wrist painfully so the dagger dropped harmlessly to the ground, just out of her reach. His grip was so strong that her hands felt like they were going numb. She snarled and tried to wrench herself free without success. When she tried to kick he blocked her again, anticipating her moves. She had only one option left, and stopped fighting, only for a moment.
As expected, his grip loosened, just barely. She took her chance and yanked one wrist free, swinging her hand around and gouging across his eye with her fingernails. He screamed with pain and fury and when his eyes met her own again--filled with hate--he bared his own teeth, and she noticed that he bore fangs. Her eyes widened.
At the last minute she saw his fist hurtling toward her face. A shock slammed through her jaw and her limbs crumpled as her thoughts glazed over. Her vision grew dim and she sank downwards, whether literally or figuratively she couldn't be certain. After a moment she felt the ground pressing against her back, something pressing against her front; she dimly heard the faint tearing of cloth, and a sharp panting sound, before everything went black.
Pressure. Pressure.
She wasn't certain how long she had been out, but she started to come to. Had she been out hours or only moments? It felt like both. She shook her head mentally, trying to clear her confused thoughts.
Pressure. Pressure. Pressure.
Something was still pressing against her, repeatedly. She felt a hard pressure moving against her hips and stomach but couldn't determine what it was in her current state. She drifted in a haze before the return of pain--the throbbing ache in her jaw--started to draw her back up to reality.
Foggy, indistinct sounds around her began to clarify. A murmuring noise she'd heard solidified into muted grunting. She could hear birdsong, and water lapping; the sounds grew louder the more conscious she became. She could feel the grass beneath her now as well, scratching at her bared skin, and something hurting her arms. The pressing continued, repeated and rapid. Mixed scents returned--a musky smell, the salty smell of sweat.
Maftet dragged her eyes open.
A face...the same face she'd seen before blacking into unconsciousness...appeared above her, moving back and forth. The slitted yellow eyes looked directly at her, yet through her, as if not seeing; the teeth were still bared. The grunting noise issued from here, and she could tell he was moving quickly, panting and grunting as he did so. His movements matched the pressing feeling against her hips. She could feel something pressed against her legs, keeping them down and in place. The grass scratched against her thighs and buttocks; his hand was what twisted and hurt her arms. She hadn't even noticed until now the state of her dress; how it was torn in front, her breasts spilling out, clawed and bruised and wet with the spittle which still trailed from his mouth.
She dimly realized she was being raped--her battered breasts, the repeating pressure against and within her, the yellow eyes slitted with lust all proved this. She couldn't understand why she couldn't feel it, why she couldn't feel the pain inside; before now she had been untouched. Even as she wondered she could feel her blood upon him, his hips holding hers down, an increase in the pressure and discomfort but still no pain. She must have numbed it out to preserve her sanity.
Her muscles and full senses still refused to work properly; as such she merely moaned when he bent down and suckled at one of her maimed breasts, his fangs sinking into the tender flesh and drawing blood. When he realized she was conscious again he hissed and his mouth moved to her neck, then to her own. She attempted to turn her head.
"Don't," she murmured, her voice strangely calm, as if she merely rebuked him for a discourtesy. His expression grew ugly and he grasped her aching jaw and forced her head back to face him.
"I take what I want," he hissed, and kissed her. She tried to keep her mouth shut, with no success; his tongue probed inside her, caressing over her teeth and her own tongue. She gasped for air when he pulled away, and he pressed his face to her ear. His fingers played with her nipple. His voice came in a harsh, lusting whisper.
"You can enjoy this with me, if you wish to...I can be more gentle, and we can both enjoy this immensely, pretty Goddess."
Maftet shuddered with revulsion. Her response was to bite his ear, her teeth sinking into the cartilage and refusing to let go. He shrieked again, flailing and trying to pull his head away. It took him several moments before he could do so and she felt him exit her body, letting go of her arms and clutching at his wounded ear, blood streaming from between his fingers. He continued screaming, enraged beyond belief. She started to push herself up weakly, only to glance up and feel his fist crash into her face again. Something in her jaw popped and a raw tendril of agony tore through it as it disconnected from her skull. The pain was so exquisite that she couldn't even scream, but only gasped brokenly. Her head cracked against the ground and within seconds he was over her again, his fists raining blows down upon her body, one or two striking her face, the rest pummeling her chest and ribs and stomach. She spat blood, feeling one of her ribs crack.
"STUPID--NETERI--BITCH!!" he screamed, one blow to her stomach causing her to gag and lose control, nearly choking on her own vomit as it lunged upward into her throat. She struggled for breath and felt him grab her arm and turn her over onto her side so she could let it out, coughing and spitting up in the grass. She fell over onto her stomach and coughed again, weak and sick. She tried to push herself up.
Something slammed into her nape, driving her back down with a sharp expulsion of breath. Stars danced in front of her eyes. She felt him press her down and tear open her dress in back, what little was left of the pathetic rag. Sharp fingernails dug into the backs of her thighs and drove them apart.
For some reason, this was worse than what he had done already. She could not change the fact that he had raped her, had taken her maidenhead by the worst violence possible; but this extra humiliation was much worse. As such she attempted to fight harder, even crying out for whatever help there might be. He was too strong and held her down easily. The only answer to her cries was the startled flapping of a flock of riverbirds fluttering away. She heard him hiss.
"Cry all you like. You chose this spot, neteri bitch!"
Maftet growled and snarled and pitched. His knee drove down into her thigh and pinned it to the ground. He repeated the gesture with her other leg and pried her buttocks open. A finger jammed first into her vagina, earning a gasp, and then into her anus, digging deeply. Her body lurched with pain and surprise. She hissed and writhed.
All efforts in vain. He pressed down against her and spittle flecked her ear as he whispered, voice vicious.
"This is what you get, uppity neteret. Always believing you are better--now you crawl on the ground upon your belly like a lowly snake. Fitting!"
Maftet's ears pricked. She recognized the voice now, as she'd recognized the strange yellow eyes, and the fangs.
"Apophis!" she screamed, just as he thrust into her. She lurched again and cried out, a mistake, as his breathless laughter told her that he'd considered her yelling of his name quite amusing. He thrust again.
"Cannot hold your tongue for your one true love? You wish for me to go hard? I--gladly--will!"
He emphasized each word with another vicious push and punctuated the sentence with a hard grunt, moving rapidly now, his fat member tearing through her anus. Maftet gasped brokenly, tears streaming from her eyes. She didn't sob, but neither did she fight anymore. She simply lay broken and battered while the demon humiliated her further, his hips pumping as he gave a harsh laugh thick with lust and pleasure. She had never considered him capable of such a hideous act, though she supposed this was her fault for putting it past him. She knew better now.
She lay still upon the ground now and waited patiently for him to finish. He didn't seem to go as long as he had the first time, but then again, she didn't experience the merciful act of slipping into unconsciousness again, although she did try. His rapid pushing caused the heat to rise inside her; she knew this was not her fault, but it disgusted her still--to become aroused by such a filthy crime? She couldn't control it; when he climaxed, grunting hard and then groaning loudly with release, she gasped and tightened around him, drawing his seed within her. His body shuddered and she could tell he liked it.
He leaned over, hissed in her ear again.
"Fun for you as it was fun for me, was it not, pretty little neteret?"
Maftet didn't reply. She waited for him to roll off. After another moment he pulled himself out rather quickly, pain searing through her again so she gritted her teeth and waited for it to pass. He collapsed beside her, panting heavily, and even reached out to run his hand down along her shoulder and arm. She didn't push him away, although her skin crawled.
"Pretty goddess...too bad, the two of us could have made excellent mates." He gave an appreciative hiss. "You, beautiful and powerful, myself, strong and virile. You could have given me many good little offspring."
Maftet lay still, waiting. She felt like going to the river and washing out her insides to remove every trace of his horrid seed from her body.
He snorted at her silence. "You have made your decision, now I make mine. Little whore. You deserve what you get." He stumbled to his feet--she could smell the reek of his sweat and semen upon both of them--and spat on her, kicking a bit of dust at her bruised and bleeding body for good measure. She could hear him start to walk away and her muscles began to relax out of their stiff state of terror. He muttered under his breath as she went; she could tell that while sexually satisfying, he was beyond peeved by her resistance and silence, so this was one tiny bit of comfort for her.
"Damned neteri slut...suck off your esteemed father, for all I can care..."
After some time the muttering and the footsteps vanished. All she could hear was the birds and the river.
She lifted her head, her right eye swollen shut, her jaw throbbing and limp. She twisted her head around very slowly to survey the damage to herself.
Bad...very bad. Her jaw felt as if it had been broken; at least one of her ribs, the same. He had twisted her arm hard enough to crack, though she had not noticed that until now. Great multicolored bruises littered her chest and stomach, arms and legs; his teeth and fingernails had slashed open her breasts, and he must have bitten her lip as well, as it too was swollen and bleeding from puncture marks. Vomit trailed down her neck and chest, pooling on the ground beneath her as the blood and semen and sexual fluids pooled between her spread legs. She very slowly drew them back together, and the sensation was strange. She could feel his slickness still inside her and felt like vomiting again. If only she could reach the river, clean herself, and get home.
She tried to push herself in that direction, dragging her pathetic body several feet along the ground, snakelike, before her muscles gave out entirely and she slumped in exhaustion. Her eyes glazed and the darkness began to move in again; this time she welcomed it more than anything, and gratefully allowed herself to disappear...
The birds sang and the water lapped, oblivious to the ravaged bloody still form lying in a heap not far from the bank.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.