About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Captive Of Lust Mekhet tipped her head away slightly when she felt the Apsiu grasp her arms in that possessive gesture he'd used so many times before. He'd never held onto her for so long though. Or moved his body so close to hers, almost pressing against her. The breath from his nostrils fanned over her cheek. A moment later the tip of Hn'hrakhu's soft muzzle nuzzled against her neck just slightly. His hand moved from her arm, slowly sliding over her back.
Mekhet closed her eyes and bit the inside of her mouth. The Kana emitted a pungent musk which only grew stronger the longer she stood there. The smell of sex. She had been his slave for quite some time now, his "Moru"...so why not be treated as a female Moru? She knew it would be only a matter of time before he stopped seeing her as a human and started seeing her as Moru...female...his.
Apparently, the time had come...
Warm wet tongue against her skin. She fought down a shudder, reminded herself what she tolerated this for, and relaxed. If it makes him trust me...if it sets them free...
She went over in her mind all that the Moru females had told her, in their rudimentary language, of their master's likes and dislikes; how the Kana made love; what she could be expected to do. Should things actually get that far, she intended to surprise him greatly with her knowledge.
His hand stroked her back. His muzzle twitched. Mekhet forced her fists to unclench and let out a breath, hoping he heard it as a desirous sigh. "My Lord...if I may presume so much, if you wish me to remove my clothes--"
"Yes. Do it now." Abrupt. He was more excited than she'd realized. Reaching for the straps on her dress, she loosed them, then pulled it off over her head, not too quickly. Beneath it she was naked. She fought the instinct to cover herself up and dropped her dress to the floor, tucking her arms in front of herself and staring at the floor demurely.
The Kana moved to stand in front of her, appraising her. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed his lustful stare. Usually the Apsiu found humans repellent, and the thought of coupling with them disgusting; however, he was a male first and foremost, and had been spending much time with her. His eyes looked her up and down; he reached forward to lightly pinch her breast. Mekhet flinched slightly. She heard a faint low rattle in his throat, and he came forward.
Her fists were bunched below her belly; her arms forced her breasts out and forward, where they bobbed slightly when he touched them. His fingers trailed over the skin and he bent close as if to smell her; he spoke instead.
Her bareness, her nakedness, seemed to intrigue him. "Tell me, Moru," he said, voice slightly rough. "Do all females of your kind look as you do?"
"Yes. You wear no coat." He paused, examining her. "Except upon your head, and between your legs." His look became more lascivious.
"Yes...we all share this. No fur like My Lord's people. Please...this pathetic Moru waits for her master to do as he wishes."
He snorted, ears pricking. Her speech had even become Morulike. Eyes narrowing a bit, he queried, "How should the little Moru wish to see her master?"
She'd heard of the sex games the Kana often played, asking their females questions before engaging in the act itself; it was intended to stroke their egos, she supposed. Eyes diverted, cheeks pink, demure stare on the floor, she replied. "Whichever way her master chooses...but...if it's not so bold...she wishes to see her master as well."
It was bold. Moru females were not supposed to lust after their masters. Still, it worked; the Kana's ego and sex drive overpowered her temerity. With another snort and a crooked smile he stripped himself quickly, until only his skullcap remained. Mekhet made certain her eyes rose just as far as his member, which strained upwards full and throbbing, before casting them down again, her blush growing deeper. Hn'hrakhu let out a pleased growl and moved back toward her.
"You like, Moru?"
"Y...yes, Lord...I've never seen one quite the same as you."
"This is because there is only one of me." He came close enough so their bodies touched; Mekhet tried not to let the musk overpower her. "Have I told you, Moru, of the time I took two of my females at once?"
"No, Lord."
"It was most pleasing. A method I heard of from one of your kind, actually. To give hakh'tua--to mouth one--while giving nesakh'ai to the other. Then to switch. I spent my seed in both of them. Both of them I managed to get with child. Both of them bore me Kana sons." He beamed proudly, then brought his mouth down to her neck. "The thought makes me hard like a tree full of sap...do you desire nesakh'ai, Moru?"
"My Lord, I desire only to please you."
"Then please me now." Tongue on her neck, hands fondling, squeezing her breasts. "Firm and round...yet no coat...it's a most strange feeling..."
In response Mekhet sank to her knees, hands trailing down his thighs. She reached forward, hands grasping in the thicker hair between his legs. Forcing down her nausea, she leaned forward. A moment later her tongue trailed along his penis, down to the root, over his testicles. Hn'hrakhu's breath started coming in excited spurts. Mekhet trailed her tongue teasingly, tauntingly.
The Kana was surprised, to say the least. "You...you already know...hakh'tua?"
"Yes, Lord." A murmur. "It is known among my people..."
He seemed unable to say anything else. Mekhet continued to mouth him. He was large, as she suspected all Kana were, so she couldn't take all of him in her mouth at once; yet she made certain to swirl her tongue around, caressing the tip of his member, until he trembled with the anticipation of his orgasm. It was only then that she broke away from him, instead nuzzling her face against his crotch.
The Kana let out his breath abruptly, whether in relief or disappointment she couldn't be sure. She knew what she'd just done was dangerous. Still, there was no reason to waste it all on the first act...she would need to draw this one out as long as possible, give him the greatest night of pleasure he'd ever experienced, in order to gain his trust.
After a brief moment of panting his response allayed her fears. "So," he said, voice nearly breathless. "You wish to tease me then, do you, human Moru? Is this also common among your kind?"
"No, Lord...I...I merely..."
"Speak up, human." A shuffle. "I grow impatient."
"I...I merely feel inadequate to attempt pleasuring you this way. You are too large for me to...to complete hakh'tua." A demure blush, eyes averted, but hand lightly caressing his sac.
A halfhearted snort. "Well...perhaps then you may accommodate me otherwise. On your feet, Moru."
In truth, she delayed slightly for a chance to prepare herself. Although the musk, his body, his need were beginning to arouse her as well, she wasn't so certain she could tolerate him. She needed to prepare.
Not much time though. She stood, hands still clenched, eyes still down. Hn'hrakhu touched her arm.
"To my bed, Moru. Come."
She followed him. When they reached it she clenched her hands again but the Apsiu seemed more interested in feeling her, hands exploring her body, eyes scouring her skin, tongue grazing her shoulder. She made no attempt to stop him. She even sighed softly when his tongue reached her ear.
"Most unusual, human." His voice, low and hoarse, speaking to her alone. "I should not see any reason to be attracted to a creature such as yourself. But somehow...somehow, I can't help but find myself so...your skin, most unusual, so unlike mine...your whole body...so unlike mine..."
"I pray that you will find me compatible, Lord..."
"Compatible?" Raising his head from nuzzling her neck. "I should hope so...my rod, your opening...humans are not quite so different from my kind, after all..."
It was time. She knew it. Grasping him behind the neck, fingers clutching his short stiff mane, Mekhet lay back upon the bed, bringing Hn'hrakhu down upon her. He snorted with surprise; in Apsiu society, females rarely compelled their masters in such a fashion. Still, she had to take control now, or else lose it altogether.
She knew the Kana preferred a more dominant position, taking their females the way a dog takes his bitch; yet he made no move to break away. Mekhet brought his head down and finally kissed him, tongue entering his mouth. Her hips bumped, straining against his. For a moment he hesitated, as if confused; then a low growl arose within him.
"Aggressive, are we, human?" Breathless again. "You desire your master so much? I hope I don't disappoint you."
"My Lord..." Whispering, caressing his face, his body. "There is nothing within you that could disappoint me...please prove to me who is Kana and who is Moru...please."
The definite meaning of her words excited him. He gave another low growl. Mekhet felt him strain at her; parting her legs, she wrapped them around his waist and clutched him tight; a moment later his member pushed within her.
Mekhet gasped and bit her lip, hoping he didn't see her flinch of pain. But Hn'hrakhu was moving already, thrusting steadily. His breath came out of his nostrils in fierce snorts; his eyes were slitted and glazed, teeth slightly bared. He squeezed her arms, claws gouging her skin.
She had him...for now. She tolerated his weight moving atop her, and even moaned and moved when appropriate, stoking his fire. She stroked his wings; his answering growl made her smile inwardly despite the discomfort.
If he makes love to me...if he grows to trust me...then I must stay behind, but they can be free...it must be worth it...
After some time, his voice came, shaking her out of her thoughts--"Moru. Human."
She blinked and looked up at him. Hn'hrakhu's eyes were still glazed and slitted, but not quite so much now. "Your body...I must say your body is most pleasing and strange to me. So also your methods of lovemaking. But I wish for nesakh'ai now, the way we give it. I hope I do not put you too much out of your way..."
His words certainly surprised her. Kana never needed to ask for permission. She moved as soon as he did, turning herself over compliantly as he pulled out. She lay down, but his hand under her belly brought her bottom half up again. She waited, felt his touch, his push within her. She bit her lip again, and again was surprised. Hn'hrakhu panted heavily and pushed just as hard; yet he wasn't aggressive, as several of the females had warned her he might be. He was only hungry, hungry for her--and now, after months of knowing each other, he knew her at last, and took of her hungrily...
* * * * *
Akh'ha heard the noise, knew what was going on. In the dim hallway he heard the barely concealed sounds from Hn'hrakhu's quarters. The heavy breathing, the labored moving, the occasional growl or moan. His master was taking one of his females. The lesser Kana licked his lips and crept toward the doorway. It was most entertaining to watch the bigger Kana engage in nesakh'ai...many were the times Akh'ha felt the need to relieve himself, and pleasuring himself watching his master do so only fueled his lust. Hn'hrakhu had not called a female in a long time; this time it must be good. On occasion, though it was a grave crime, Akh'ha would, on showing the select female back to the stables, stop and take her himself in some secluded corner of the house. Perhaps so this time; the females never spoke of his actions, and he desired to couple with one this very night. He peered within Hn'hrakhu's quarters with anticipation, hoping he was with that small gray Moru, the one with the skilled tongue and the tight little opening, the one who felt new every time...gods, she was the one he wanted...
Peering within, his eyes finally focused on his master's bed and the forms moving upon it. Hn'hrakhu taking his female. Akh'ha licked his lips again and studied her to see which one she was. It was then that he suddenly noticed just what was really happening in his master's bed.
Hn'hrakhu knelt with legs spread wide, tail high and quivering, buttocks contracting; his hands were upon the hips of the female, holding her in place for him, and his head was thrown back, eyes shut, mouth hanging wide, tongue lolling. His entire body glistened with sweat, reeked of musk, trembled with pleasure. Even as Akh'ha watched a guttural groan arose in his throat, thick with ecstasy. He clearly enjoyed this female very much, more so than usual.
Only...this female was not Moru. She wasn't even Apsiu. It was Mekhet. That human!
There was no denying what he saw. The female crouched kneeling, head upon the bed, hindquarters within her master's grasp, was Mekhet. She faced Akh'ha so he could see her closed eyes and open mouth, her wordless mouthings, could hear her gasps, see her own body, smooth and shining, tremble beneath the Kana's thrusting. She appeared to enjoy it as much as he did. Hn'hrakhu coupled with her from behind, as a Kana takes his females, and as Akh'ha watched he had started to move harder, less time between his thrusts, breath heavy and an occasional forced sound escaping him. The female moaned. Hn'hrakhu grunted, pushed, grunted again; his claws sank into her, pulling her close and tight onto him. His buttocks contorted.
Akh'ha backed away with a hiss. His master was engaging in nesakh'ai with...with that human! Hn'hrakhu had all the females he could need--why then did he resort to this? It was so vulgar he could hardly even think about it!
He moved away from the door with disgust and disappeared down the hall, trying to force the filthy images from his head.
* * * * *
Upon Hn'hrakhu's bed, Mekhet felt it coming. The Kana was full and hard, ready to climax. Unbelievably, so was she. She'd thought she'd have to fake it, but the feeling was there, and it was genuine: She was aroused.
Hn'hrakhu groaned bitterly. She sensed he didn't wish it to end. The experience was novel, to say the least. She let out a high, loud whine to get his attention--this he must have taken to be her climax, as he suddenly grunted explosively and pushed hard, releasing within her. Mekhet gasped and did come this time, earning a high-pitched whine from her master. His seed flooded inside her; she sensed the pleasure coursing through him, his hips spasming at hers as he drained. He let out his breath long and slow and finally pulled out; Mekhet collapsed. Her master collapsed beside her, panting at the ceiling; after some time, she assumed sleep took hold, as he fell silent...and the room gradually went dark for her as well...
* * * * *
Morning. Dim light came in the window. Mekhet blinked and rubbed an eye, then sat up, squinting and frowning.
She was still in Hn'hrakhu's bed, and he still slept beside her, snoring lightly. It was not custom to allow females to sleep with their masters for the night. Still, she supposed most of what they'd done last night wasn't "customary."
She ached. That was only natural, considering his size and how long they'd been occupied. She stretched out her legs and rubbed them, refraining from getting up lest she wake him or, worse yet, be accused of trying to escape.
I must keep his favor at all costs. No such luck on the first, however, as his eyes opened at her movement, and he too sat up, rubbing them. He blinked, saw her, realized she was real, then relaxed.
"Good morning, then, Moru," he said with a lazy yawn. "I trust you were not disappointed last night?"
"No, Lord...not at all."
"I would not have thought it possible but I most enjoyed our little coupling. You are quite skilled for a human."
"Thank you, Lord; this pathetic Moru does not deserve your praise."
"Nonsense...I praise those who please me. 'Tis only fair." He stretched a bit and smiled at her, and she caught the glint in his eye. Uh-oh. "Perhaps we should please each other again, Moru? It's a fine morning, hard to see it go to waste." He touched her breast, and too late she saw that he was stirring again already.
She tried to stall, to throw him off. "Please forgive this pathetic Moru...but I feel still a bit tired, and sore from our activities last night..."
He pouted like a petulant boy denied some treat. Mekhet had expected anger, perhaps even violence. Instead, his voice was plaintive, almost a whine. "You mean to say that even after your restful sleep, you are still too tired to play at love again with your master?"
She had to keep his favor. No matter what the cost. Any moment, if denied any longer, he might explode with anger. She touched his hand quickly, hoping the gesture wasn't too familiar.
"Of course...to sate my Lord, to pass the morning, this unworthy Moru could give you hakh'tua."
His face lit up. "Hakh'tua? Yes, I do recall you were most skilled at that. I also recall you never finished the job properly. All right, Moru, hakh'tua it is. You may please your master yet."
Mekhet only smiled shyly, in reality relieved inside, as she brought herself forward on hands and knees, reaching into Hn'hrakhu's lap, and bringing her mouth down to close around him. Her master whined, put back his head, and trembled with pleasure.
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.
I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.