About Tehuti
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I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.

As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!

My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!

Tar! :)
Captive Of Lust 2

A shadow appeared in the doorway and Mekhet shielded her eyes. A voice then spoke, soft but gruff.

"Human. Moru. Come, we have much to do."

Knowing who it was and what he wished to do, she carefully pushed herself up to her feet, wobbling unsteadily, before following him obediently.

* * * * *

Hn'hrakhu led Mekhet to his quarters, closing the door behind them. Once inside he stood before her to look her over appraisingly. She stood with her gaze on the floor. Her shape was ungainly, her breasts and belly heavy with the child that she carried. His child.

She had never believed he would be able to impregnate her. Neither had he, when he'd found out.

Now he came forward and placed his hand upon her stomach, an almost wondering look upon his face. "Will it be human, or will it be Apsiu?" he said aloud, drawing his hand away when it kicked.

"I...I have no answer to give, Master."

"Eh. The answer matters little to me. If it is Kana, then I will raise it. If it is Moru, or human, then you may keep it, but it will have no business with me."

"Yes, Lord."

"We have other things to attend to now," he said, licking his lips and narrowing his eyes. "Come, little mate. You know what to do..."

* * * * *

The two young Kana knelt outside the window to the master's quarters, the gauzy curtain obscuring their gaze from anyone within. They waited for the moment Hn'hrakhu entered, and then tapped each other excitedly when he entered--with the pregnant female in tow.

"Look, see, I told you! A human Moru!"

"Unbelievable--I would not have believed it had I not seen it!"

"I'm telling you, he mates with her every chance he gets. The other night, I heard that he brought in both her and one of his females--and had them both at once!"

"Both of them? If only we were all so lucky..."

"Take a peek, she is heavy with child. I wonder if he did that!"

"Him? No, no...this is not possible. She is human, Moru."

"Still, they are not that different...at least...once they are unclothed, the difference is minimal!"

They laughed quietly so as not to be heard. Then they turned their attention inside again. Hn'hrakhu had taken his mate by the arm and led her to the bed, where she put her hands upon it, palms flat, and stood bent over. Hn'hrakhu then moved behind her and began undoing his belt.

"Oh, look, watch this! Already they are getting ready for nesakh'ai!"

"No hakh'tua? I must admit I am disappointed..."

"Hush. He has dropped his kilt and he moves to her. See how he's swollen already! How he lusts after her!"

"Bleh, she is merely a human; I see no reason for excitement."

"You are too bland." The first turned his attention back to the window. "Forget what you say. I'm going to see the action!"

He kept to his spot while the Kana removed his kilt and his armor to wear nothing but a loincloth. This he untied and let hang loose at his waist. He moved toward the female, one hand gently caressing his sac, furry sheath already distended. As his hand moved the glistening member slowly slid from it, trembling at the air.

"Ohhh," the watcher moaned softly.

The Kana touched his mate's buttock. "I come for you, now, my little treat; prepare your tender fruit for the swift cleft of my sword."

The woman trembled as well, saying nothing, but shutting her eyes.

Hn'hrakhu gave a gruffing sound and moved to her. Their watcher began to pant when his hands slipped between her flesh, parting it, exposing her juice-filled flower; he nudged her legs wider and grasped her thighs to bring himself in, plowing within her with a soft grunt and a shudder.

She moaned. The watcher forced himself not to do the same. His companion, seeing his state, returned, crouching beside him to peer inside at the spectacle as well.

"I told you...this would be interesting!"

His friend said nothing, just watched with large eyes while the Kana began to move, first slowly and with great relish. His fingers lightly scored her legs, their muscles tightening and loosening. The female lifted her head, taking a shuddery breath. Her belly, great and heavy with child, quivered beneath her while her full breasts swayed.

"My sword finds ample purchase," Hn'hrakhu breathed. "There is much here for me to split in twain, and much joy within it."

"M...Master..." the woman whispered.

"My little treat speaks..." He leaned over her, legs twining to hers; his hands reached under and clenched her breasts, a squirt of milk escaping them. The watchers choked back a gasp. The woman didn't bother cutting it off, but stiffened and moaned loudly. The Kana laughed under his breath.

"Her teats bring me an offering as well...full and round they are...mmmmm." He continued squeezing them as he pushed and the milk trickled down his fingers. "Full, as I am...and when I am through I shall suck."

"Suck me, Master..."

"Mmmmm. You say it well. Mmmmmm..."

The first watcher panted softly, fingers digging into the dirt. He could feel the hardness between his legs and hoped it wasn't visible, out here in the dark. Surreptitiously he reached one hand down, beneath his kilt, seeking sweet relief.

--And skin touched his own. He started, without a sound, to find his friend had crept closer, so their legs touched; without a word the other Kana reached for him, into his lap, beneath his kilt and between his legs. The first gasped to feel his fingers, cool to his throbbing skin; and he was further surprised when those fingers began moving up and down, very slowly and gently.

He gaped at his friend. The other Kana finally turned from the window to meet his eyes, and he saw how glazed and desirous they were.

"We shall never get through this night in silence so long as we watch this, with no relief. I will relieve you, if you do the same for me. No one need hear of it, if we are discreet." His eyes grew pained. "Do you agree with me, friend?"

The first Kana stared at him for a moment, before nodding. He knew it was true. With a slight shuffle he reached beneath his companion's kilt to fondle him, and they both sighed, legs touching, hands touching even deeper. They looked back within the window...

The Kana within moved faster, harder now, plowing his female deep. Her belly bounced and she cried out continuously, rocking on the balls of her feet as he pushed her hindquarters into the air.

"Oh gods--My Lord--My Lord--my master--!"

"I plow you, Moru--I plow you good and hard--feel my sword as it rends your earth--"

"Oh gods, Master--please--please--!"

Hn'hrakhu grunted heavily. Mekhet sobbed her lust at the air.

"Oh gods, please--fill me so!"

The Kana gave a harsh groan. He clutched her large belly and squeezed her to him, head going back.

"My seed within you, Moru! My seed! Mine!"


"It was I who got you with child..."


"It is my child you shall bear..."

"Yes...oh gods, yes..."

The young Kana's friend stroked him faster. He stroked faster in turn.

"You shall bear my seed...and bear my fruit!..."

"Yes, yes!"

"If it is Kana...then I shall get you again...and again...and you shall bear me more..."

"As many as I can, Lord...as many as I can..."

The stroking grew more frenzied with need.

"You shall bear me a family of Kana sons..."

"Yes! Yes!"

"They shall be my children...my seed...MY seed!"

Grabbing her belly tight and groaning loud, hips pumping and spasming at her own. The female cried out hoarsely, bucking underneath him, her milk spraying and juices leaking from her body.

The young Kana dropped his head back, eyes rolling and tongue lolling with a low moan. He felt his release, the slick seed running down his penis. He smiled rapturously.

Inside, the female nearly collapsed, until the Kana caught her, brought her to her feet, crushed her to him. She went limp in his arms, eyes glazed and cheeks flushed. He smoothed the damp hair from her face, still panting to catch his breath. His fingers caressed her sensitive area, beneath that round belly, and he even leaned down to nuzzle it with a crooked smile.

"Mine, whatever it shall be...it will be mine..."

"Yes, Master...ohhh...Master..."

"Why is there a moan of pain in your voice, my little treat? Was my sword too big for your flower to take? Or does your flower beg for more of my sword?" He winked and grinned.

Mekhet smiled faintly before moaning again. "Ohh...Master...please, please allow me to beg of you..."

"Speak, beg, whichever you shall do, little Moru, for I am of a need to know."

"Please...I am not fulfilled this eve. Please, if you would deign to, please drink of me, Master...drink of my juices...they collect, just for you, yet they stay, and they gather...please, Lord, drink of them, relieve me of this pain, please..."

The Kana snorted. "You ask me to do this? Gladly will I do it, and again, and again, as many times as my little slave shall need it...the master shall serve his slave...is this not proper once in a while?" He climbed upon his bed, bringing Mekhet with him, lying upon his back and drawing her over him so her opening faced his mouth. White juices trickled down her legs. She placed her hands upon his belly and straddled his face when he grasped her thighs.

The young Kana moaned under his breath.

Hn'hrakhu's muzzle jabbed upward. Mekhet lurched and cried out, belly heaving. Her buttocks wobbled. She started to sway back and forth, head back and eyes shut, as her master drank from her, making the most delicious nuzzling noises.

"Ooohhhhhh..." The young Kana's eyes glazed over. He began to stroke himself.

The two merely continued their motions, making sounds of need and lust. He watched them as he rubbed, up and down, licking his lips and panting. Even though she was human, he wanted to be inside her, feel her juices upon him, grab at the child within her belly. And her breasts...oh gods. They were so full, how had Hn'hrakhu not taken them in his mouth yet? He knew the lord would, soon. They swayed forward and back heavily with each move. Mekhet leaned upon him with one hand now while the other stroked his quivering penis. It flailed out at the air like some snake in search of a tight crevice, purple head throbbing and faint juice trickling from the tip. The young Kana licked his lips again. He rather wished he could taste.

Something suddenly grabbed his shoulders and pushed his face down toward the ground. He let go of himself, starting and struggling, but whoever held him down was stronger than he was.

A voice, heated and husky, came to his ear. "I need to do it...need to have it...need to do it, now..."

He started again when he recognized the voice--his friend, who moments before had been masturbating him. Now he kept his head pushed down to the ground, while his hand slipped beneath his kilt, roaming up the surface to the tight buttocks there.

The first Kana jerked and hissed. "What are you doing! Let me go, fool!"

"I must have it..." A nuzzling at his ear; he cringed away, loathing. "Please, forgive me someday, friend, but I am so full of need right now..."

"Get off me!" the first whispered viciously, struggling. His efforts were futile. He felt wet fingers testing him and jerked with a hiss, still fighting desperately as his companion seized his nape with his teeth and pushed his kilt up over his hips, undoing his loincloth and letting it fall. A hand cupped his testicles and squeezed. He tried bringing his legs together but a knee between them prevented this.

A deep, husky whisper: "Please."

"Let go! Let--go!!"

Useless. He scrabbled and flailed as the thick throbbing tip of his companion's penis pressed to him. Teeth jerked at his nape even harder, causing his muscles to stiffen and then momentarily go limp. Only when he realized his friend did not intend to stop did he renew his fighting, letting out a silent shriek when a thick hot hardness pushed up into him. His companion murmured and shuddered with pleasure and, holding onto his thighs, began to thrust. The first Kana let out a gurgling noise and sank limply against him, submitting as his companion slowly, leisurely raped him upon the ground.

Within, Mekhet moaned aloud, her hips trembling at her master's face. His penis sprayed into the air and they both let out their breath and relaxed against each other, unable to hear the soft grunt-grunt-grunt just outside their window, completely oblivious to the act being committed just beyond their sight. When Mekhet finally did hear a soft moan of despair and stiffened, listening, Hn'hrakhu tilted his head in silence for a moment before smiling at her and teasing her nipple.

"Ah. 'Tis only one of my men taking one of his Moru, somewhere around here. As if we should be the only ones busy at love right now, my little sweet?" He nuzzled her neck.

"It sounds like two males," Mekhet murmured, uncertain. She curled against him. He gave a small scoffing noise.

"This is common. There are some of my kind who simply prefer it that way, though I am not one of them. Lord Ki'ukha from the north hall of my household regularly takes two of his Moru males into his room every night. What sorts of things they do together, I would rather not know, though one of my other men states he walked in on them to find Ki'ukha most definitely playing the part of the slave to his Moru. Apparently one impaled him from behind while the other impaled him in the mouth." He chuckled. "He must have been quite embarrassed to be caught like that." He stroked his mate's hair. "In any case...do not let it worry you. They should be done, soon enough." He paused to listen to the grunting grow faster. "See, they approach climax already. Mm. I begin to grow hard again. Take a look at those, they are most magnificent." He reached out and played with one of her breasts. "Would you mind terribly...?"

"Oh. Of course not, Master." She cupped it in her hand and offered it to him. The Kana placed his lips around the fat nipple and began to suck. He sighed contentedly and snuggled close to her, drinking his fill. His fingers gently rubbed between her legs, collecting her moisture.

Mekhet let out her breath when he pulled away. "If you wish, Master...the other one, please...they ache from being so full...please, if you would not mind relieving me once more, I will greatly pleasure you afterwards..."

A snort. "This is a fine bargain, indeed!" He mouthed her other breast for a while until Mekhet felt the pressure relieve itself, after which she sat up and moved over him, her hands running up and down his body. He panted as he stared up at her. She trailed her tongue along his chest and down to his groin.

"Master...how have you always most wished to take me? Yet have not? Please tell me, Lord...and it will be yours."

Hn'hrakhu's eyes widened and his breath sped up considerably. "T-take you? Most wished? What is this you speak of?"

"Anything, anything you most desire from me, Lord. Please tell me, so I may pleasure you once more this night." She planted a kiss atop his sheath, which was slowly swelling yet again.

The Kana briefly shut his eyes with a trembling sigh. "Most desire...most desire. Well...this is not the most desirable thing, for you, merely a fantasy of mine, little Moru..."

"A fantasy? Please tell me, Master! I wish to know!"

He chuckled again at her look of open curiosity. "Well...do not think me mad...but I have greatly desired to take you as a dog does, from behind, while you kneel; to thrust not into your place of pleasure, but into your anus; and to have you restrained, at the same moment I do this." He flushed a little bit. "Please, again, do not think I have any desire to hurt you...this is merely a fantasy."

Mekhet smiled and kissed him. "So shall it be, Lord...have you any binding cloths?"

He started and his penis instantly rose. Yet he quickly got to his feet and called for a servant.

Not very long after this Mekhet knelt upon the Kana's bed, her wrists bound and arms suspended above her head, both ankles secured by long bits of cloth to the opposite bedposts so she was forced to kneel with her thighs wide spread. She panted, belly heaving, waiting. Hn'hrakhu took little time. It was not long before his fantasy had come true, and he thrust madly into his mate's anus, gripping her hips sharply, relishing her moan as he plunged within, cupping her full round belly and shouting out his lust and joy. Mekhet, for her part, enjoyed every moment of it, crying out hoarsely as she submitted to him--"Yes! Master! Yes! Yes! Take me! Mount me! Mate me!--" Her arms began to grow tired, but as her master neared climax he jerked upon them to loose them, pushing her down onto all fours and grunting hard as he finished the job, both of them wailing and spraying or contorting.

"YES!" Hn'hrakhu shouted in orgasm. Mekhet shuddered and accepted his seed before sinking. He caught her, and turned her over so he could suckle at her breasts yet again. They spent the rest of the eve satisfying the rest of their urges with their hands alone, gently rubbing and caressing, laughing softly.

Outside in the darkness, one body continued slowly shifting upon the other, panting heavily with need. The first Kana lay upon the ground now, eyes glazed and distant, while his companion clutched his body, caressing him and murmuring, licking his neck and easing himself in and out, in and out. He began to moan softly as he moved, speaking words of desire.

"Ohhh...my friend...my dearest friend...I love you...I love you so...mmmm...I desire you so...so badly...mmmm ohhhhh...yes...your body is good, my sweet friend...so good...so gooooood...mmmmmm...oh, yes...oh, yes...oh yes...mmmmm...oohhhhh so good...oh gods...mm yes...yes...yes, my sweet mate...oh gods, yes..."

He nuzzled at his mate's ear, pleasure coursing through him deeply. What a gorgeous feel he was! So tight and firm, so very perfect! He would end this eve most satisfied! His hands ran down his lover's body to fondle his buttocks, which tensed against his touch; he slipped a hand beneath them to grasp him tight.

"Ohhhh...yes...my sweet...your balls are so hot to my touch...mmmmm...I love you so...I hope that you come for me...as I will come for you...may we come together, my love...ohhhhh...yes...mmmm yes..."

He could not hold himself any longer. His groin was on fire! With a hard groan he lifted himself and began pumping his hips forward faster and deeper into his prone companion, thighs trembling, head falling back, crying out in the throes of passion as he neared completion.

"--Oh--yes--mm yes, dear one--yes--I love you so deeply--my mate--oh gods, yes--oh gods, yes--oh gods, yes--oh gods, yes!--oh gods!--oh yes! oh yes!--oh gods yes, yes, yes--!

"YES!" He gave a loud grunt of lust and plunged down and forward, impaling the Kana, his hips spasming in orgasm. He felt his companion gasp and tighten weakly and a wide smile came to his lips, tongue lolling. He shut his eyes and reveled in his bliss, his hands tightly clutching his lover's arms, holding him steady. Ah. It was so very good, so very fine. He knew they would both be happy, now.

His seed ebbed and he pulled himself out, letting out his breath. He let go of his mate's arms and rolled to the side to stop beside him, smiling and reaching out to touch his beautiful face, to tell him how greatly he loved him.

The Kana lurched upwards onto hands and knees, hissing and spitting at him violently before pushing himself away. The second Kana blinked and sat up with confusion. His companion staggered to his feet, shaking and pale, reeking of his musk. His hands went to smooth down his sweaty, semen-soiled kilt and he bared his teeth with blatant disgust.

"Do not come near me, filthy beast!"

The second Kana blinked again. "Wh...what? Friend, what is wrong--?"

"You know that which is wrong! Vile brute! You call me your friend? I spit upon you now!"

To illustrate this, he spat upon him, and backed away when the second Kana tried to draw close.

"But--but I don't understand why you are angry with me--!"

"You don't understand?" The Kana shrieked and started flailing madly, kicking out at him when he again tried to approach. "DO NOT COME NEAR ME! To do what you have done--to then call me friend--had I my sword I would flay the wings from your body! You are NOT my friend! You are a filthy dungeating Moru!"

The second Kana gasped and his eyes stung. "What--at least tell me what I have done before you accuse me of this! I demand to know!"

"Demand?" He gave a harsh, sick-sounding laugh. "You DEMAND to know! The same way you demanded my body for your own, hah? The same way you 'could not help it,' the same way you 'had to have it,' eh? You hoped I would forgive you? I SPIT UPON YOU! If you ever come near or touch me again--it is not you who will have taken my blood--I will have taken yours! And you will be DEAD!"

He spat again and turned. The second Kana glanced at him to see a streak of blood streaming down his leg, and a pang hit him in the chest as he realized what had happened. He began to follow, holding up a hand in supplication.

"Please, friend, I am so sorry! I had no idea! I thought--I thought that you welcomed me--!"

"DO NOT TOUCH ME!!" his former friend screamed with fury, grabbing a brick from the ground and hurling it at him. He ducked as it flew past his head and smashed into the wall. "IF YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!"

So saying, he again turned and stumbled away, gasping and sobbing and laughing brokenly all at once. The second Kana was left standing outside the window, his heart sinking and tearing to shreds within his chest, his joy failing.

Oh, gods. How had he made such a grave mistake?

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.

I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.
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