About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Natural Tia awoke from uneasy dreams, reaching up a hand to wipe the sweat from his brow, stretching out a cramp in his leg. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, scratching his neck, before finally realizing what had actually awoken him. He heard a slight noise, not too far away--a thick, heavy panting, accompanied by an occasional stifled mew or a soft grunt. The straw rustled; there was an additional faint, rhythmic slapping sound.
Tia frowned and rubbed his eyes again, pushing himself up and squinting in the direction of the noise. It took only a moment for his eyes to adjust; not far off to the side, he could see the Moru, old Kasa, bent over his wife, taking her from behind. He panted and grunted softly, clutching her hanging breasts; she mewed in response, tail and buttocks quivering. Just beside them, about an arm's length away, their young son slept, oblivious to his parents' lovemaking.
Tia turned away quickly, his face flushing. The two were making no effort to hide themselves. How could they just go at it like that, right in front of everybody? They were only lucky everybody else but him was asleep, so they could go unnoticed...
He paused in his thinking and frowned again, realizing he wasn't quite correct. At the far side of the stable moved the shadowed forms of two other Moru, also coupling with each other; these two made a bit more noise than even Kasa and his wife, and the male moved rather more quickly, as he guessed they must be nearing completion of the act. And not too far from them, in fact, right within their view should they choose to look, a female Moru crouched on her hands and knees, a male thrusting rapidly into her; when he shuddered and pulled himself out, panting, Tia saw another male--he recognized him as the brother of the first--move forward to take his place behind her and, to Tia's horror, mount the female and copulate with her again, not moments after his own brother had come.
He couldn't believe it. So many of them here, asleep, and yet so many of them oblivious to the fact, enjoying each other while their companions slept several feet away! How could they do this without the embarrassment, the disgust, the shame?--
He felt movement and looked down to see the Moru female--the one he had taken--still beneath him, stretching and blinking sleepily up into his face. His memories of last night--the uncontrollable, consuming, painful need inside of him, the sight of the young Moru--foreign to him, yet female--guiding her back behind the partition, pressing her down into the straw, pulling himself out--gods, he'd been so hard, so inflamed--pushing into her--feeling her softness, her wetness, her tightness, yielding to him...the memories came rushing back, filling him with guilt. Yet he only stared at her, then glanced at her parents. He noticed her do the same, turning her head to see Kasa and his wife, rocking on their knees, Kasa's hands now pressing on his wife's buttocks and his own tail raised, a murmuring groan in his throat as his wife mewed thinly and arched herself. Tia turned back to the Moru girl as Kasa's soft heavy grunts gained in frequency. Yet she wasn't turning away from him in shame. She was staring up at him, a mild curiosity in her eyes.
He couldn't understand it. But the longer he stared at her the less he cared about understanding. Kasa and his wife, the two brothers and their female, the other pair--he heard and smelled their sex in the air, and not one of them cared that another could notice. The Moru hadn't protested last night when he'd stolen off with the girl. In fact, he had the feeling Kasa had prompted her to approach him; it had been she who had come to him first. This--the sexual act--it must be...normal for them. Not private or hidden or shameful, but natural. Even as he thought this he heard Kasa and his wife finish, the female squealing softly, Kasa's voice speaking quietly and soothingly to their son when he briefly awoke and then went back to sleep again...apparently, with the Moru, none of this was any reason for embarrassment. It was completely natural.
His eyes roamed over the Moru girl as she gazed up at him, as if questioning what he was going to do next. She still wore her shift; he'd never removed it when he'd taken her last night. He hadn't wished to, then. He'd merely wished to relieve the pain, and then hopefully forget about it, as long as possible. But if this were accepted as normal...if he had no reason to be ashamed of being with her...
He was never going to return to human society. Their master had pretty much guaranteed that. So what was to stop him from doing as he wished? From satisfying himself for once?
He sat up. Already he could feel his member stirring, growing hard, aching painfully. He took the Moru's arm, indicated she should remove her dress. He expected her to resist but she did not. Instead she complied readily, as if it were expected of her; when she had removed her clothing she still stared at him, curious. He removed his own clothing and noticed how her eyes moved briefly down his body and then shyly turned away--shy, but not embarrassed. She said nothing. He wasn't certain if he would have understood her anyway.
At the far side of the room, the second brother groaned as he climaxed; the female moaned softly, spent. Tia's breath came fast. If he was to be a Moru now...he might as well act like one. He took the girl's arm and helped her up, turned her around, gently but firmly pressed her down again. Again, he expected resistance. But as soon as she realized what he was doing she complied with no argument, going down on her hands and knees. Panting, Tia grasped his member and reached for her; he was surprised to see her tail move up and aside, her buttocks spreading to reveal her opening for him. His breath came harder; she was expecting this. She'd been expecting it all along. It explained why she'd been so puzzled about him lying atop her the previous night. This was the way her kind was used to doing it...he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before.
No time to dwell on whys. He grasped one buttock, pulled it aside, moved so his tip just barely touched her opening; he grabbed her hips and pushed upwards and in. The Moru let out a high, soft whine. He panicked briefly, fearing he'd hurt her; only to notice her own breath, coming in quick, shallow spurts, the way she trembled against him. He understood her look of curiosity now. She'd been asking him: Why do you wait to take me again?
He abandoned all thoughts of shame and disgust and of hiding himself. He concentrated only on the feel of her, the feel of him inside her. She was young, and tight; not much used to males, but not completely naive either. As he began to push at her heavily his hands began to roam over her body. What he'd found repellent the night before now drew him to her. The soft light fur covering her body...her small breasts, still growing as she reached maturity...the short crinkly hair between her legs, where his fingers trailed now, grasping, clenching. She moaned. Tia just barely felt Kasa's and his wife's stares turn their way, noting him coupling with their daughter, but the two Moru said nothing, just briefly glanced at each other before lying back down to sleep. They did not care that he did what he did. He did not care that they saw. He cared only for her tightness, her smoothness...the way she brought him relief...the feel of her as he thrust...
He pushed deeply, not daring to move too fast, savoring her; when she whined he leaned over her as Kasa had leaned over his wife, his tongue trailing over her ear, along her neck, her shoulder. He tasted her fur, smelled her sweet musk, the Moru musk that he had at first found so disgusting. Now it attracted him, inflamed him like nothing before; he grunted and pushed hard, once, again, earning a short yelp, his hands squeezing, pinching the nipples on her pert breasts. He no longer cared whether he was human or Apsiu, whether she was human or Moru...it no longer mattered. He was male, and she was female...that was all that was important anymore.
He actually despaired that he felt his seed coming, despaired that the heat built up so rapidly, despaired when he groaned and she shuddered in their shared orgasm. He pulled himself out and collapsed, she just beside him, panting heavily, his body shining with sweat. Yet when he glanced at her again, saw her eyes, tired but almost glowing, saw the pleasure that he too had brought her, he knew he would feel no shame in taking her again...and again...however many times if need be, he would copulate with her, until the pain inside him went away, and he knew she would offer no argument. As far as they all were concerned...she was now his mate.
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.
I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.