About Tehuti
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I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.

As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!

My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!

Tar! :)
Never Again

Inakh put his hand on Mi'aasa's shoulder. The boy met his eyes, but only for a moment.

"Mi'aasa," Inakh said. "I can make you a true Kana. Do you wish to be a true Kana?"

On hearing the word the boy's eyes widened and met his again. "Yes," he said, in a soft but clear voice.

"Your father would be pleased with you."


"You would bring honor to your family and yourself." Inakh tilted his head, smiled slightly. "All of this, and more. You show great promise. Your father made no mistake when he entrusted me with you. Do you believe I can fulfill the task?"

"Believe...?" The boy's look turned uncertain. "Well...if my father thinks so..."

"Do you not trust me, then, Mi'aasa?"

"What--? Oh no, Lord, no! That's not it at all! I just--"

"You must trust me if I am to make you a true Kana, Mi'aasa." He stepped closer, so their bodies barely touched. Mi'aasa's look became slightly tense, as if he wished to back away, increase the distance between them, yet he did not. Inakh tipped his chin up with one finger. The boy's large amber eyes met his.

"Do you trust me, Mi'aasa?" he asked softly.

Mi'aasa blinked. Then his eyes became a little less wide. "Yes, Lord."

"All of the training I have put you through, did I fail you even once?"

"No, Lord."

"I have served as your guardian and sponsor the past seven months. Do you believe I've met your father's standards?"

"Why--yes, Lord! He would never choose one inferior to train me..."

"Yet you still hesitate to trust me..."

"I--no, Lord, not at all...I do trust you...I believe..."

"Then let us both prove this." Mi'aasa took in a breath when Inakh's muzzle lightly touched his, side to side. Inakh's dark brown eyes bored into his. "Prove that we trust one another, so the bond your father declared shall never be broken. Your father brought you to me; would you want him disappointed in you?"

An exhale. "No, Lord." His eyes were glazed.

"Then let us seal the bond...prove that I trust you, and you trust me...and you shall make your father proud of you."

"Yes, Lord!"

So willing, to please his father. Inakh smiled again, kindly, a smile he was certain the boy had never received before. Mi'aasa smiled back, shyly, tentatively.

Inakh approached, put his arm around the boy's waist in a protective manner, and led him further into the room. "You have no reason to doubt your father's judgement, Mi'aasa. You truly do have talent, among the best I've seen."

"I'm not certain, Lord..."

"Nonsense, boy. You need only trust in it. And trust in me."

"Yes, Lord...anything."

Inakh stopped. The boy did as well. He put a hand on Mi'aasa's shoulder and smiled kindly again, but this time said nothing.

Yet Mi'aasa smiled back again, still shyly and uncertainly, but sincerely.

I've trained you well, Mi'aasa. You need only trust me.

He gently pushed down on Mi'aasa's shoulder, also turning him away. The boy obeyed, leaned down on the tabletop. Inakh lifted his kilt in back and his heart sped up to see the soft seemingly untouched flesh before him, lightly furred creamy-golden buttocks clenched tightly together, leading downward into perfect legs, and upward, he supposed, into a shapely back. The boy's tail pressed tightly to him as if out of protection. Inakh admired the fleshy canvas before him.

He leaned forward and down to look. The boy's testicles hung free, just the lightest, softest down surrounding them. Inakh's heart ached.

He pulled up his own kilt, only in front; his own penis, surrounded by tough, grizzled fur, yearned already from its sheath. He reached out, lifted the boy's tail, which he moved aside. His hands cleft the buttocks, for what he felt must be the first time. His fingers sought the boy's opening and found it--a small pink ring, untouched, he assumed, by any so far. Inakh intended to claim it as his own.

His fingers inserted and began to explore. The boy's breath broke out, and he trembled.

Inakh leaned over, whispered in his ear. "Do you trust me, Mi'aasa?"

The boy's voice, still so young and naive, yet now tinged with a husky edge, deeper and more controlled. "Yes, Lord."

"Then I will show you...and you will show me..."

The Kana withdrew his fingers and, holding the boy's hips wide, pushed his own hips forward, up and in. Aimed for the little pink opening, which relaxed then tightened again on his entry. The boy gasped softly and jerked, muscles tensing; but when Inakh's fingers began to caress him, gently tugging the soft downy fur of youth, tongue lightly running along the edge of his ear, the boy relaxed back onto him, melting into him, breath releasing wavery and penis rising from its velvety sheath to thrust outwards. Inakh admired it from his view and ran his hands along it. He wished they could perform hakh'tua. Perhaps afterwards.

"Do you trust me, Mi'aasa?" he asked again, huskily.

"Yes, Lord." The merest whisper. Mi'aasa's eyes were closed. "I trust you..."

"Then let us prove it..." Holding the boy's hips tight, Inakh pushed upward, and pushed again. The boy gasped and tightened, head thrown back. Inakh panted heavily as he began to build a rhythm, pushing, pushing, licking Mi'aasa's wing, tongue running over the membrane, then along his jawline. Mi'aasa put his head back against his shoulder, mouth open, eyes closed. He let out a throaty moan which fueled Inakh's passion to roaring. He bucked hard, pressing the boy onto him, relishing the broken mew he let out.

You are still quite young, Mi'aasa...and still inexperienced...but I will teach you...all you ever need to know, to be a true Kana...

His hands slipped beneath Mi'aasa's armor and stroked the soft pale fur along the boy's abdomen. His young lover whimpered, trembled against him. Inakh's muzzle met his ear, tongue briefly going inside.

"What makes you cry, young one? Do I move too swiftly, or too slowly?"

At first, nothing but a hard sharp pant, through the boy's nose. It was as if he were struggling not to speak. For a moment Inakh wondered if he hurt him. He was still in his teens, just barely into puberty; Inakh realized he had no idea how experienced or inexperienced Mi'aasa might be.

"Young Mi'aasa..." The boy whimpered again. "Tell me...have you ever...been with a female?"

"Been, Lord--?" He finally spoke, voice reed thin, almost childlike.

"Yes, little one...nesakh'ai...have you ever engaged in nesakh'ai with a female, one of our own kind?"

The boy's face flushed deep red and his wings hunched in with sudden embarrassment. "I...of course, of course, Lord, many, several times now--different females--very good Moru--"

Inakh smiled softly to himself. "You lie to me...do you not, Mi'aasa?"

"Lie! No, Lord, no, I...I mean..." He trailed off, face redder than ever.

They moved in silence for a moment, Inakh gently straining into him, before he ventured, "You have not yet been with a female, have you, young Mi'aasa?"

Mi'aasa's wings hunched even further; he looked humiliated. "I...no, My Lord...not yet...I...didn't wish to...disappoint you..."

"Nonsense, little one...you disappoint me not. I'm merely surprised. I am your first, after all?"

"Yes, Lord...I believe so...though..."

"Yes, Mi'aasa?" A pause. "You need not fear telling me, young one. What you tell me when we are together I shall keep between the two of us alone. Not even your father need find out, if you wish it to be so."

A slight look of relief came to the young Apsiu's face. "All right, Lord...if you say so...I've just sensed that my father would not be happy to hear, he becomes angry very easily..."

"What is it that you wish to tell me, little one?"

"Well...in training...when I was with the other boys, before my father brought me to you...sometimes...sometimes they would surround me...because I was the youngest and smallest one...and sometimes they would...would..." The embarrassed look came back; he shut his eyes again. "Sometimes...they would...ask me to perform hakh'tua for them...on them...and if I refused then they would make me do so...so I would do this, just to avoid them beating me...they did so the first time and I learned not to protest...after some time they stopped threatening me and merely came to me for me to do it...but..."

He trailed off. The two of them continued moving, Inakh going slowly now, caught up in the young Apsiu's story. "They humiliated you further, young one?" he prompted, on hearing the other's silence. "How could they have done this?"

"They...there was one day when several of them came to me...they asked that I perform hakh'tua, upon one and then the next, upon them all...I don't know why, but for some reason I refused...it was stupid of me, actually, Lord, but I refused anyway...they were angry because they had told me I had the best tongue to do so and now I wouldn't...and so..."

Another silence, this one longer than the first, which drew on and on. Inakh said nothing this time, only moved. After several moments the boy gasped softly, wings flaring and head rising. Inakh could sense his pleasure. He ran his hands along his young lover's shaft, hearing his soft, almost inaudible moan.

He nuzzled his ear.

"...And so," Mi'aasa whispered, eyes shut yet again, "when I refused hakh'tua...they surrounded me...overpowered me in the barracks...pushed me down to the floor, on my stomach...one held my arms and one my legs and...one put himself in my mouth, forcing me to give him hakh'tua...while another pulled up my kilt and...came into me from behind...I could not even cry out for the lieutenant, he must have been just outside...yet they weren't even gentle, or even quiet, while they did it...they laughed and shouted...'See how the little one can give both hakh'tua AND nesakh'ai!' one of them said...I could hardly breathe beneath him, he was so heavy...and my mouth was filled...I nearly gagged...when he came and moved away from my face I could finally see out the barracks door...the lieutenant stood just outside, his back to me, but he must have been able to hear them...yet he said nothing, didn't even look my way, even stopped another lieutenant from entering when he must have heard the noise...sent him on his way...he never even looked in at me, or told anyone to stop...and they only continued...another one came in my mouth...the one on top of me, inside me, finished--I could feel him--and got off, only another one took his place...and it went on like this for over an hour it seems...each of them coming in my mouth, and then taking me from behind...a couple of them maybe more than once...I can't remember...I believe there were five of them but it went on for so long, it felt as if a dozen or more came inside me...at first I tried to shout and fight but I think I felt a knife pressed to me, someone told me not to bite...or I would regret it...and they laughed the whole time...I believe I cried during most of it but by now I'm not sure...I grew so hazy, it hurt so much...by the time they were done I don't believe I even cried anymore...I remember one pulling out of me, and the other pulling out of my mouth, and I could suddenly breathe again...I felt like spitting up...and then one took my face and said something...I can't remember what but he smiled at me when he did so...and then they were gone and the lieutenant was coming in, hitting me in the side with his stick, demanding that I get up and clean myself off...inspection was coming up soon and there was no way I would pass in my present state...he told me to clean up my clothes and straighten out or else I would be put to work hauling stones like a Moru...when he left that was when I looked back to see that my clothes, my kilt was stained with blood and--and with something else...I believe I remember now what that one Kana said to me before he left, 'So we are your first, little boy!'...yes, that was what he said...and he smiled when he said it...'You are not that bad for an untouched Moru!' And they all laughed and left...and the lieutenant left...and I had to gather myself and go to the bathrooms to wash myself up...and I had to go back out and march with all of them, right beside the same ones who had done this, as if nothing had happened...though I hurt so much all over it was difficult to walk, still I did so, to make my father proud...even though he never knew, I could never tell him...either way he was not satisfied with how they were training me, which must be why he brought me to y-oohh!"

Inakh jerked. He had been so absorbed in the young Apsiu's story that he'd almost forgotten what they were doing, until the boy tightened around him, jerking and tossing his head back. Inakh followed suit. He suddenly felt a slight apprehension, wondering if they should be doing this at all. The young one did not protest however. Inakh pressed himself close, wrapping his arms around Mi'aasa's body, cheek pressed against cheek. For a moment the boy seemed surprised by the gesture.

"Little one," Inakh whispered, "you do not need to fear those creatures anymore...nor your father's wrath should he find out...for he will not find out, not from me. I shall keep your story between us as promised. And such brutes shall never threaten you again, so long as you are with me."

Mi'aasa blinked a few times as if caught off guard. "My...Lord?"

"I am not only your trainer, little one, I am now your guardian as well. The 'Kana' in your barracks were not fit to train you, much less even be called Kana. They are insignificant Moru, lesser than Moru, for all I care, and for all you should care, too. They are not interested in what it takes to become a true Kana."

"A true Kana..."

"A true Kana such as yourself. You are not there yet, young one. But you will be."

Muscles tensed. "Both they and my father claimed I am too weak..."

"We will prove them wrong, yes? Have faith; I would not have trained you for this long if I felt you were of no hope."

Muscles relaxed. Mi'aasa stood up taller. "Yes, Lord!"

"Good, little one! Trust me, and I shall make certain you don't regret it. Just place your trust in me, and in yourself. No one else. You will be a Kana fit to rival any of those in your barracks by over a hundred."

"Yes, Lord--oh--yes!"

At first Inakh thought he cried out his agreement, only to realize it was his pleasure talking through him. The young Apsiu's wings flared and his neck and back arched, body shaking, high whine rising in his throat. He stood on his toes, impaled on Inakh. As the older Kana thrust, hands splayed to his young lover's hips, Mi'aasa let out a long low bleat which set Inakh on fire. He clasped Mi'aasa tightly to him again, wings crushing against his chest, breathing in his musky scent as his own mingled with the boy's. He licked his neck, hand going low...

* * * * *

Kh'aat stood in the hallway outside his master's quarters. He had known what the Kana had in mind when he had escorted the younger Kana in, even if it had not been Inakh's only intent and purpose. He had once been surprised when the Kana had selected both his sister and himself from among his Moru, having them brought to his private rooms...and then once his other Kana were dismissed, sending the female into another room to sit, while leading Kh'aat to his bed, gently pressing him down, and taking him as he should have taken his sister. It had been...unexpected, to say the least. Although not entirely unpleasant...he had feared his master would beat him on finding his sheets stained with the result of Kh'aat's excitement, yet no beating had been forthcoming; the Kana had merely smiled at him in a friendly way and had him escorted back to the Moru's quarters. Once there Kh'aat had taken a female just to sate the burning that had been aroused within him.

After that moment, he had been entrusted with many trivial duties, and some not so trivial. Household duties, such as guarding particular doorways when his master was preoccupied...such as now. The other Kana didn't understand this level of trust, nor did they wish to; they simply scowled at Inakh's perceived ineptitude and kept it to themselves. A Moru, guarding a Kana house? What kind of household was Inakh running, anyway?

His master had taken him several more times since then, with both nesakh'ai and hakh'tua, depending on his moods...Kh'aat was more than willing to oblige, as he preferred not to see his sister engage in such acts, plus it was always best to keep a Kana sated...he had never had one moment of trouble since being bought by Inakh, nor did he ever wish to. This Kana, as peculiar as he was, was the best master Kh'aat had had.

On hearing the sounds, he peered within the chambers, to see he had been correct. His master coupled with his young protege, holding him close, hands running up and down his belly and chest, tongue running along his ear. Their hips swiveled, buttocks thrusting. The young one--Mi'aasa--had taken hold of his member with one hand and caressed it, fingers traveling up and down as he moaned. They moved quickly. Inakh's thighs pressed against Mi'aasa's. The boy whined, while his master groaned heatedly.

Perhaps this fresh young blood was meant to replace Kh'aat for good?

He paused. The other two only continued. The reek of their musk filled the air. Kh'aat recognized his master's particular smell, though the boy was a new one to him. They looked to be enjoying each other very much; he hoped the agreement was a mutual one.

It seemed to be, if their increasing cries were any indication...at the same moment, seemingly in unison, Inakh and Mi'aasa climaxed, the old Kana groaning harshly and freezing, the boy stiffening and howling. His brief moment triggered a reaction in Inakh, who jerked and grunted. The young Apsiu went hard and sprayed across the tabletop.

Kh'aat blinked. This boy had a lot of good seed in him. He'd probably make his family proud, should he find a suitable female to bear his children...

* * * * *

The two Apsiu leaned over each other, panting now, though Inakh did not stop touching the young Kana. Mi'aasa tipped his head back with a hoarse whisper that Inakh could barely pick up. "My...my Lord Inakh..."

Muzzle lightly brushing his ear. "Yes, little one."

"I...I have never...felt this way before, My Lord."

"This is natural, little one...we all must discover, sometime."

"Am I...am I sen'akha for this?"

"Perhaps, little one...perhaps not. I cannot tell. It matters little, in the end...so long as you have children of your own."

"Have you ever had sons, Lord Inakh?"

Inakh lifted his head and blinked. "Sons--? Yes...yes, I did. I've had seven of my own."

"Seven!" Mi'aasa looked up at him, awe in his large round eyes. "My Lord was most fortunate!" He flushed a little, and looked away. "I often believe I will never have any...then my father will care for me even less..."

"Nonsense, boy." Inakh nuzzled him tenderly. "You shall find a suitable mate, and you shall have children...and your father shall be proud of you. I know this will all happen, if you give it time."

"But...but, Lord Inakh...how may I find a mate when..."

"When what, little one?"

"When..." He flushed harder now, looking uncomfortable. "...when I have had nesakh'ai with you?"

Inakh stared at him. The young Apsiu grew even redder.

"I hope you do not misunderstand, Lord! I did not mean that you have soiled my reputation--I've done that well enough on my own. What I mean is--well--I--"

"Please, dear one, do not be afraid to tell me what you think! I will not tell another soul, I promise you."

"...Well..." Mi'aasa said faintly, still staring at the floor. "...What I mean is...why would I wish to find a mate...when I have been with you...and enjoyed it so much?"

Inakh was quiet for a while, absorbing what he had said. After he had done so, a slight, gentle smile came to his lips.

"Dear little Mi'aasa...I am honored that you found joy with me...as I have found, very much, with you...but this is something I may not grant you. I will still train you, yes, but you must find your own mate, one who is proper for you."

"But..." The young Kana looked confused. "Why can I not be your mate, and you mine? You said that you enjoyed me--and I you--what better mate would I find? If you have sons of your own--I may adopt them--or I could go without--"

"No, little Mi'aasa, it is not this simple...our relationship...would not be looked upon kindly by others. They would mock us, and at worst, shun us. This is not what you need, when you have come here to earn respect."

"Then...you knew we could not be together...and you...you took me anyway?"

Inakh frowned. "I what?"

Mi'aasa pulled away from him abruptly, turning to face him, eyes wide and hands going to cover his body although he was still dressed. "You--you took me! You engaged in nesakh'ai with me! I--I had thought this meant something!"

"It did, dear one, I--"

"And then you tell me we cannot be together!" the young Apsiu cried, voice rising. "You did not care for me--you--you did the same thing THEY did to me! You only did it with kindly words! This is the only difference!"

Inakh felt his heart shrink up within his chest. He put out his hand. "Dear Mi'aasa, this is not--"

"Do not touch me!" Mi'aasa shrieked, backing away. "You are the same as the rest! Enjoy me, get your pleasure, and then leave me behind like I am nothing! Just your pleasure slave, nothing more than a Moru!" His hands went up to his face. "I am such a fool! My father was right--I will never be anything! Not when I cannot even defend myself from creatures like you!"

Now, it was as if he had plunged a knife through Inakh's breast. The older Kana stopped in his steps, hand faltering. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, when just moments before, they had been lost in the throes of love...

"Please, Mi'aasa," he begged. "I never meant to use you. I do cherish you. Deeply! And I am glad that you cherish me! But if we are found together--"

"Then I jeopardize your career. This I understand! Believe me, I will do nothing to harm your position. I will forget we have ever done this, that I ever allowed this! I am a fool!" He started sobbing. "Please, please forgive me, Lord Inakh--I know that you are the finest warrior among the Kana in our tribe. But I cannot stay here. Not now. I feel too ashamed. I have shamed my father. Please forgive me!" He turned now and ran from the room before Inakh could even begin to follow. The older Kana made it only as far as the door before his legs gave out from the shock, and he grabbed onto the wall to steady himself. He stared out into nothing.

"Dear Mi'aasa!"

* * * * *

Mi'aasa fled Inakh's house, running all the way to the training barracks of the Kana, where he had lived until Inakh had taken him in. He slowed to a walk, gasping for breath, small broken sobs escaping him. He rubbed furiously at his eyes and told himself to stop crying, it was not like a proud Kana to bawl like a baby, but his self-advice did not help. He felt too broken, too humiliated. To first allow himself to be used by the Kana, then by Inakh himself! He knew Lord Inakh was a good person. Therefore it was his fault. He must have seduced him, in some way, although he did not know how. True Kana did not allow themselves to be taken as he had. Therefore he was not a true Kana.

This realization only made him cry harder. He walked inside the empty barracks--the other Kana must have been out training--wiping a hand across his eyes and sniffling. At the very least, he could now be alone. He needed to decide what he should do--stay in this wretched place, or return to his home in disgrace. Neither choice looked very welcoming, but he had to make one...

He started when he heard someone whisper, "There he is." And immediately an arm went around his neck, dragging him back to the wall. He choked and started struggling, letting out a panicked cry before a dagger pressed against his throat and a voice sneered, "Let out one sound, dear little one, and you'll find yourself ferrying boats for the dead in the Duat!"

* * * * *

Inakh paced his quarters for several moments after the young Kana had left in an upset frenzy. He had never planned for this to happen. He had known that it was primarily lust that had first triggered his interest in the young Apsiu, but that...that had changed. Truly it had! As he had grown to know Mi'aasa...and as they had finally, sweetly made love...he had known then that he loved the young one. He cherished him as his own, although he knew that to claim him would ruin them both...and Mi'aasa had come to him to be spared any further humiliation. What had Inakh done but furthered it, instead? He ground his knuckles to his head out of frustration. This had all gone so wrongly. He had to clear it up, to make amends.

With a sharp sigh he turned to the door and exited the room. He had to find him, to let him know how he felt--and to let Mi'aasa make the choice.

* * * * *

As soon as he had gotten outside, he realized he had no idea where the young one had gone to. He tried to think of where he might "hang about," before remembering Mi'aasa had had no close friends, indeed had been shunned and threatened by the bulk of the other Kana. He did know that they spent most of their time in the barracks when not training. As Mi'aasa was supposed to be training with him, and had missed the first part of the course, he must have gone back there on his own.

Inakh loped off in the direction of the barracks.

* * * * *

He reached them a bit later than he'd thought, as it was so hot, and he was tired already...he simply wasn't in as good a shape as he used to be. He came to a halting stop and leaned over, hands on his knees, outside the door, gasping for breath and dripping sweat. Oh how he wished he were younger again, filled with life like Mi'aasa was. That's right--he'd come here to find Mi'aasa. Standing up with a groan, he stretched and shook himself off, wiping his brow and turning to the barracks building. He went inside, walking slowly, his gait slightly pained.

As soon as he got inside he took a breath to call Mi'aasa's name, only to find his voice stuck. He searched for the reason, finally discovering it when he sniffed at the air. There was a...smell there. Faint, but detectable. He frowned a moment before recognizing it. Musk, Apsiu musk. All of them smelled like it, but usually not so strongly. Not unless... He carefully smelled himself, wondering if he had emitted that much as he and Mi'aasa had coupled. Yes, he had, but this particular scent was not the same. And he still had Mi'aasa's upon him, and it was not his either. At least, not all of it.

But then, that meant some of it was?

He frowned even deeper, confused and, now, growing tense. Something...didn't seem right.

He started walking forward, very slowly now, and found that the peculiar scent only grew stronger the further back he walked. That meant he must grow close. At first he heard nothing, but eventually faint sounds began to come to him, and he had to slow down again and hold his breath, straining to make them out.

First, a faint sort of creaking sound, like wood. Then a very faint muffled sound--he couldn't place it. And then a voice, also very faint, difficult for him to make out; he couldn't be certain he even heard it correctly.

"I told you--oh--he's a good one, yes?"

And now a second voice: "Yes--you were right. Oh, he is good. Very much so...mmm."

"And so compliant, too..." And a small laugh.

The mostly-silence, cut only by that odd creaking, resumed. Once in a while it too was broken by a sigh or a soft moan. Growing ever more anxious, he began moving forward again, hand going to the hilt of his sword. What had he come upon here?

"Come on, quit stalling--keep it up. I can't feel you. Ohhhhh, that's right."

"When I am done here--oh--we shall switch places, yes? He has a very good mouth..."

"Mmm, don't talk to me, I'm busy...oohhhhh..."

A whimper broke through, followed by, "Do not even try, foolish one, or you will feel my blade, truly..."

He had gotten closer now to hear more of what they said, what was going on, though he still wasn't clear on it. The creaking was louder and rhythmic--creak, creak, creak. And now there was a thick, heavy breathing along with it--two pairs. The faint slap of something soft. The tiny whimpers kept coming through, once in a while interspersed with a low moan or a soft grunt.

"Oh yes--oh yes--oh yes...gods, yes...yes...you are good."

"Oh--oh--bring me...bring me now..."

"Yes. Yes. Gods, yes. Oh. Yes. Just like that..."

"Mmm. Yes. Oh. Oh. Bring me. Come on. Come on."

A slight groan broke through, followed by another whimper. "Come on...yes. Yes. Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhh. Yes. Mm. Yes. Oh, yes."

"I think I am coming...I think I am coming..."

"Yes. You are good. Mm. Very good. Just stand still now. Just stand still. Yes. Like that. Yes. Oh! Yes. Oh gods, yes!"

"I am coming, I am coming--!"

"Mm, yes--yes--gods--do it--yes--do it--do it to me--yes--like that--like that--oh gods--just like that--yes--yes--yes--!"

The whimper rose, grew, as did the cries of the other two involved. Inakh stood still to hear them reach their peak, crying out in obvious joy--

"I am coming--I come--I come--oh, I come--oh yes!"

"Mmph. As do I--I am coming--I am full of sap. Oh. Yes. Yes. Yes. Mmph. Little one! Yes! Like that! Move beneath me! Move! MOVE! YES! YES! YES! OH GODS! YES!!"

A harsh groan, and the whimpering grew louder and then trailed off. The musky smell filled the air with a reek. Inakh let down his guard a little. It was now evident what he'd come across...he felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. He was not the only one interested in sex. He could only imagine how often the younger Kana, still in their prime, would bring in Moru slaves to couple with them, out of sight of their superiors, or would instead mate with each other. It was technically not allowed, though that did not mean it didn't happen, and often...

He paused in his own thoughts, frowning now. It was one thing if they had brought in a female Moru. But...they had said he. Did this mean...they coupled with a male Moru?

A strange thing, but not uncommon...perhaps it was why they hid back here, so as not to be seen and mocked, as he had feared would happen to Mi'aasa.


His heart ached. Where had his little one gone...

He started to turn away from the barracks as he heard the two eager Kana switch places. There was a loud groan as one evidently thrust himself into their Moru, and he heard the panting of the second one, heard him whisper, "Now, just stay still, little one, and don't try anything, or you know what will happen; and let me feel that wonderful tongue of yours--yes?"

The whimpering again. He heard another gasp--he assumed the Kana seized his mate's head in his hands--followed by a loud, long grunt of joy. The Moru was sobbing by now but both of the Kana laughed breathlessly.

"Yes, you were right...he's very good! Especially back here!"

"Yes--but his mouth is even better. I told you he was skilled. He should be after we all taught him!"

The laughter grew before breaking off into pleasured groaning, the wood creaking in protest.

And Inakh froze.

I told you he was skilled. He should be after we all taught him!

And what Mi'aasa had told him...

I believe there were five of them but it went on for so long, it felt as if a dozen or more came inside me...

Fear, horror, rage rose up inside him. He knew it now--he did smell Mi'aasa's musk. And the two others. Whoever they were...he knew Mi'aasa had not asked them. He had been crying...ashamed. Vulnerable. The whimpers, the threatening...Do not even try, foolish one, or you will feel my blade, truly...just stay still, little one, and don't try anything, or you know what will happen...

Filled to overflowing and beyond with rage, he drew his sword and whirled back, forgetting about his pain. He stormed toward the secluded back of the barracks, sword high, teeth bared, eyes flaming.

They will not hurt my little Mi'aasa!

He reached the back of the barracks, behind one of the beds. There was a flimsy wooden stand here and his heart clenched in on itself again to see Mi'aasa, his dear Mi'aasa, pressed down upon it, sobbing and shaking, a big Kana clutching his hips apart and thrusting into his anus, grunting happily, a second, even bigger Kana clutching his head and pushing his face to his crotch, head back and groaning with delight.

"He is...he is...most delicious inside!" the first Kana cried.

"Yes," the second agreed, rotating his hips in a most pleasured motion, Mi'aasa choking on his large penis. "He is most delicious! OH!"

Inakh surged forward, kicking aside a bed. Immediately the two Kana froze in their coupling, turning to gape at him with surprise. The first stayed within Mi'aasa but the boy managed to pull away from the second, crying out brokenly, "Lord Inakh--!"

Inakh didn't give them time to savor him any more. With an enraged yell, he raised his sword, bringing it down at the first Kana who still impaled his poor Mi'aasa. He managed to pull himself out in the nick of time, just missing being hit, stumbling backwards with his engorged member still flailing at the air in an almost comic motion. Inakh swung next at the second one, standing near Mi'aasa's mouth. He was not so lucky. Inakh misjudged the distance but still managed to hit him--the sword cleaving cleanly through, slicing his penis from his body in one swoop. With a bloodcurdling screech, the Kana backed away, hands clamping to his blood-spurting groin, crazed with agony.

The first Kana, seeing this, went sickly white but bellowed and brought out his own sword. Inakh just missed it slicing off his arm, bringing up his weapon to block it. They parried at each other for a moment or two, swinging and missing, before the older Kana grew lucky again, knocking the other's sword from his hands and slicing into his arm, through muscle and down to the bone. The Kana shrieked and clutched his flailing arm to him, sinking to his knees.

Inakh, panting, ground his teeth and moved toward him. His bloodlust hadn't been sated yet. The other Kana looked up to notice him and fell back even further, whimpering and sobbing with pain and fear.

"Pl-please, Lord, please have some mercy, I am Kana like you--!"

"Filth. Filthy dog." Inakh spat on him. "You think you bear the honor to carry the Kana name? You fool yourself. I despise you, you living rot. There are Moru far more worthy to be called Kana than you are." He positioned the sword at the offender's crotch, hearing his sobbing grow louder. "I should do exactly to you as I did to your friend. What a lucky strike. Filthy curs. Then I shall shred your wings, slice off your balls, and slit your throats from ear to ear, contemptible scum."

"L--Lord Inakh!"

He blinked, then turned to look back, to find where the voice had come from.


He couldn't believe he'd forgotten the reason he had come. He inadvertently lowered his sword, staring numbly as the pathetic Kana stumbled toward him, holding his torn and bloodied kilt up with one hand, other hand reaching out to--Inakh. There were bruises on his arms, and his legs--his eyes were bloodshot as if he'd been strangled. He could barely walk, he was in such pain. Yet he made his way toward Inakh, the one he had fled from earlier, had fled from to run directly into this hell.

"Mi'aasa," Inakh murmured, despair overtaking his anger. "Dear one--little one--I'm so sorry--"

"Lord Inakh--" The young Kana finally reached him, grasping his arm; Inakh helped him stay on his feet, before Mi'aasa collapsed against him, sobbing. The young Kana's arms went around him, clutching him tight.

"Lord Inakh! Thank...thank the gods...they surprised me...I could not fight them...I tried to, but they throttled me...and...and...the knife...and...I thought that they would...would..."

"Hush, hush, little one," Inakh whispered, holding him close, touching his head to Mi'aasa's. "Do not cry...they will never hurt you again. I swear it. Shh. Do not fear them anymore, they are nothing more than cowardly dogs now..."

"Pl...please...no killing...they are Kana...they...they have hurt me, yes, but...please, do not kill them, Lord Inakh..."

"What?" Inakh lifted his head, took Mi'aasa's arms and held him away. "You--you wish me to spare them? Spare these filthy creatures? Look at what they have done to you, have kept doing to you!"

"I know--I know, Lord Inakh, but...but I cannot...I cannot bear to have their blood on my hands." His eyes welled up and his chest started hitching anew. "Please, Lord Inakh...report them to the lieutenant...let him deal with them...anything...but do not kill them. Not yourself. Please..."

Inakh stared at him in disbelief, before giving a frustrated sigh and embracing him again. "All right...all right, dear Mi'aasa. I'll honor your wish, if only because you made it. They do not deserve any compassion for what they've done. I would sleep perfectly well at night after sticking my sword through their throats." Mi'aasa sobbed louder. "But all right!--all right--the lieutenant may deal with them--and if he does not punish them, then I may have to break my promise to you, little one."

"I know...I know...but please, let them be for now...I can't take any more of this...please, take me back with you, I cannot stay here..."

"Of course, of course, dear one! I would never leave you to stay. You will be safe with me." He picked Mi'aasa up in his arms--the Kana was so light, he did not hurt Inakh's bones, though perhaps it was the adrenaline still coursing through him--and he turned away from the wounded Kana and stepped over the second one, lying on the floor panting weakly, eyes glazed and blood pooling around his legs. Mi'aasa caught sight of him and shut his eyes, burrowing his head against Inakh's shoulder, crying softly. His arms encircled his neck.

Grief twinged inside Inakh. He touched his head to his young lover's as they left the barracks, heading back to his home. His lips softly touched his forehead as he picked up his pace.

"Hush, little one...I will never let anyone hurt you again."

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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