About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Guardian Ien'et lay upon her blanket and stared off into space. She knew he was awake, as he always was, when she was supposed to be sleeping; she could very nearly hear his breathing by the fire. The smoke funneled up into the small opening in the roof of the tent and drifted away. The crackling noise was soft and quiet.
She tipped her head back to look at him.
It had been several weeks now, at least, that she knew she was in love with him. He had been her guardian for years. She had been but a girl when her father was brutally killed by an enemy Kana mob, and the captain had taken her in, promising the dead Apsiu to care for her always. He didn't take Antakh's place. But he had been by her side for a long time now, and had always been there when she'd needed someone to talk to, to cry to, to laugh to. Everything she could no longer receive from her father she had received from him, plus his undying loyalty. He was different from most other Kana.
It had taken her a while to realize what the feelings growing inside her were. She'd never loved someone in such a manner before, but she knew it now. To look at him brought her a tiny thrill that was almost uncomfortable in its intensity, and many a time she'd turned away squirming before he could notice. She didn't know for certain how he felt about her; he could simply see her as his charge, as he always had. She hoped there was more to him beneath that.
Several days ago, while sitting in the dark by herself, she had taken the handle of her small dagger and, lifting the flap of her dress, slowly pressed it between her legs and inside herself, biting her lip and squinting her eyes shut to feel it finally rupture her maidenhead, the blood flowing down her fingers. She knew that sex would be a painful thing, and she didn't want that pain to take away from any joy that might be had. Especially if she wasn't certain if there would be any at all. Lord Djeretu was her guardian, and she had no reason to believe he had ever wanted her in such a manner. Still, she prepared herself anyway, biting off a cry of pain and stanching the flow and lying upon her side until she'd felt ready to walk again. That took care of one barrier.
She had gently touched herself several times since then, making certain of her readiness for him, should he accept her attentions. He was a big Kana, over twice her size, as she was still quite young, at sixteen; she'd tried inserting all of her fingers and thumb at once, and found it discomforting; which wouldn't do. She'd made certain to stretch herself a bit, but not too much; males preferred some amount of tightness, she was sure. She had fingered her thik'ahi and trembled with pleasure, but had stopped far short of coming to orgasm; she would save that for him. Many times, when he was outside, she had examined herself from head to foot in the large copper mirror, or had examined her reflection in the water, pinching her small, still-developing breasts and wishing they were larger. The skin between her legs she had shaven smooth; she hoped he would prefer it that way. Every day she anointed herself with scented oils, and carefully lined her eyes with kohl, things she had never done before; she hoped he noticed. Once in a while she could swear she'd caught him looking at her with some puzzlement, and hoped that he wondered about the change that had come over her. She was no little girl anymore. She wanted him to be aware of that, and even though her profession taking her father's place as the head of the army guaranteed that she wear the appropriate clothing, off the battlefield she begged the other women to help her design the most beautiful, alluring clothing, in which to dress herself for him. They had done so, preparing her with several dresses that, while not being overly feminine, did manage to accent her body in just the right way. She had selected one to wear, this night, and still wore it; it was made of softest leather and linen and molded to her form perfectly, emphasizing both her breasts and the hollow between her legs while allowing her freedom of movement. Its color nearly matched her fur, and she liked the effect it created, of her walking about almost nude. This fact brought a blush to her cheeks, and she didn't have to apply rouge.
She lay now, listening to the fire, steeling herself and building up her courage. Tonight was the night she planned to approach him. They were alone in her tent, aside from the few females sleeping in the other room. She knew they would not bother her. None of his Kana were around, which relieved her; she couldn't bear the thought of them interrupting. She took a breath and let it out, sitting up in her bed and turning to look toward the fire.
The tents they used were very large, multiroomed and spacious. The fire burned not too far from her but far enough that he didn't hear her get up. He sat with his back to her, staring out a small opening left in a tent flap, eyes perusing the desert. She approached and came up beside him, kneeling and sitting down not far away before he was able to turn to her with a start, his eyes widening. He touched his arm to his breast in a surprised salute.
"Mistress. Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"I can't sleep. I hope you don't mind if I sit beside you for a while..."
"No, Mistress; of course not. Please do so."
"Thank you, Djeretu."
"You have my welcome."
She sighed and looked up through the smoke flap at the few stars twinkling beyond the haze. "Djeretu," she said quietly, after a while. "Would you mind if I asked you something?"
"Of course not, Mistress. What do you wish to know?"
"How...how many mates have you had?"
He blinked. After a moment his head tilted to the side a bit.
"How...how many mates?"
"Yes...how many females have you claimed as your own?"
He seemed to turn a tiny bit red but answered her. "There were three, Mistress."
"Did you love them?"
"Of course, Mistress; I loved them all."
"Did they give you children?"
"Yes, they did. I was proud of them."
"How old were they?"
A pause. He seemed to sense something odd about her conversation.
"Well...Kyret...my first...she was twenty-three when we first met. Nibuhet was thirty-five. And my last...T'kisit...she was twenty."
"You have never had younger?" she asked, with surprise of her own.
"Oh...I have been with younger, yes, Mistress. But they were not my mates."
She placed her elbows on her knees and rested her chin on her hands. "Which was the youngest, Djeretu? Please don't be ashamed to tell me, I'm merely curious."
"Well...I believe she was in her fifteenth year, Mistress, though I cannot be certain..."
Ien'et felt a twinge of relief, and also of disappointment. So she would not be his youngest. She had mildly coveted the honor for a while. Oh well. It didn't matter. She sat up again and moved her way a little bit closer to him. He stared down at her from the corner of his eye with a slight frown, and she hoped she wasn't too obvious. When she rested her head against his arm he didn't pull away, and she hoped he thought the gesture was a childlike one, meant to elicit a paternal response. At least for now.
"Do you ever miss them?"
"Of course, Mistress...from time to time."
"I would miss my mates greatly, had I any..."
He seemed to interpret her response in a different manner from what she'd planned, as she felt his muscles relax--they had been tensed--and heard him say, "Mistress, your time will come one day; you'll find someone you love, who will love you back. You are young still. You must merely be patient."
She shivered a bit. She looked up at him and met his eyes. He looked confused again, seeing her expression.
"I know, Djeretu...but...what if I feel my time has come already? How would I know for sure?"
"I...you..." He broke off from his stammering, trying again. "You...you may not know for certain, Mistress. Not at first. But eventually you will. It is only a matter of time."
She sighed and lowered her head again. His skin was soft and warm. She played with the corner of her dress, and wondered if he noticed how it accentuated her form.
"Lord Djeretu...do you believe I would be too young to feel love? Not just young love, either...I mean real love?"
"Anyone may feel real love, Mistress...even one as young as yourself. Simply keep your heart open."
"I have...which is why I'm not sure what to do."
"You are in love with another?"
"Yes...I believe I am..." She sighed and closed her eyes and tried to catch the scent of him. It was too faint. "Lord Djeretu...how do you feel about me?"
"About you, Mistress? Well...I...I have sworn to your father to protect you, Mistress, and so I would never take you lightly."
"Not even now?"
"Of course not, Mistress. Why are you asking?"
She lightly stroked his arm and he looked down, following her fingers as they made the movement. "Djeretu...I've been...feeling this way, for some time now...and at first I tried to make it go away, but it wouldn't, and now I think about it all the time."
She sat up to look into his eyes, those beautiful brown orbs staring back down into hers. He didn't give her the chance to say anything before he'd stood up, and she followed. He was already shaking his head.
"Please, Lord...I mean no offense."
"There is no offense taken, Mistress...but...what you are hinting at...if I understand you correctly..."
This time, she moved first, not awaiting his next words. She pressed herself to him and felt his muscles tighten in protest. She nestled her head to his breast and took his hand.
"Djeretu, I...I've been having these dreams lately...and you are always with me."
"This is my duty, Mistress, to protect you from harm."
"I know...and I thank you, dear friend...but...sometimes, my dreams are...different." Her cheeks grew warm. "Sometimes I...I dream that you and I, we are both mates..."
"Mistress, please..."
"No, please, don't pull away." She held him to her more closely, praying he would not let it end so soon. "I'm...I've been...preparing myself. For the male who will first claim me. I wanted it to be a pleasurable experience."
He seemed more uncomfortable now than ever. She had to hold his arm to keep him from leaving.
"Mistress, why you...why you tell me this, I cannot understand..."
His breath hitched and he snorted abruptly. Ien'et had touched her muzzle to his breast, and her tongue touched his skin. She trailed her fingers down his side. His ribs rose and fell in a steady but faster tempo. She touched his arms, and then stood to reach his neck, tonguing the warm skin.
His voice came faint and tremulous with hesitancy and confusion. "Mistress..."
She looked up at him, trying to gauge his obviously mixed feelings. "Djeretu, I..." She trailed off, realizing she had absolutely nothing prepared to say to him. She hadn't even thought of having to talk. The red rose in her cheeks, but she didn't break away. "...I wish to have nesakh'ai with you, Djeretu..."
She kissed his breast, his shoulder, his neck. He shut his eyes and let out his breath with a whistle; she could almost feel the tiny sparks of heat rise from him at her cool touch, and she touched him much. She stroked his chest and sides and arms, his shoulders and neck and back. Her mouth trailed over the hollow of his throat. Her body pressed against his.
"M...Mistress, you are still quite young...I am your guardian..."
"I know, Lord...but I've ached inside so badly, and only now know what it is...and you yourself said that I am not too young to love..."
"Please, Mistress, do not make me..."
"You may refuse me, Djeretu, and I would not punish you...but this feeling is so strong inside me...please do not make me deny it...I feel it for you..."
He gave no reply, though a low, vibrating moan rose in his throat. She smelled his musk now, and the scent both excited and frightened her. She shivered deliciously as she licked at his ear, standing on her tiptoes; she loved that he emitted the scent just for her. She'd never smelled it before, and tried to familiarize herself with it, even as she was sure he must be taking in her own distinctive scent, imprinting it on his memory, making it part of his own...
His hand tentatively touched her cheek. She pressed her head to his palm in encouragement. His muzzle brushed against her neck, and she arched to let him lick her. He nuzzled at her gently and she shivered again and sighed.
Please mate with me, Lord Djeretu; make my body one with yours.
His hand moved to her back, to support her. She trembled against him and her wings flared. When his husky breath moved to her face she whispered, "I am ready," and slowly he lowered her to the ground.
He laid her upon her back and came over her. Their mouths finally met, and she relished his taste. His tongue, his breath were so sweet to her senses. His touch made her feel as if butterflies fluttered within her skin, seeking escape. Every inch of her body tingled. His knee rubbed against her thigh and his hand moved to her front, to the sleek dress she wore. It carefully untied and lifted the breastflap and she arched again with a soft moan when he cupped the small mound, kneading it gently with his fingers. She loved that he enjoyed exploring her body.
His breath, husky and labored now, returned to her face and fanned warm upon her. "Mistress..."
"I am ready, sweet Djeretu...mount me, mate with me, please."
She brought herself up. He moved away. She knelt upon all fours, lifting her dress and spreading her knees. She had seen her father mate with her mother once and even back then it had raised a spark of excitement within her, the way they had pushed and rocked in a frenzy, Antakh finally exploding inside her with a loud sound of lust. She desired to hear that sound now, again, from her own, her beloved Djeretu.
She parted her dress open and her tail rose. She arched her back, spread her opening for him.
She could hear his breathing, hard and excited. It excited her as well. He pressed himself to her, and even as he did he lifted his kilt. She shivered to feel the soft warm fleshiness of his sheath and testicles rubbing against her in the most sensitive area. She gave a low moan and put back her head. His hands slid beneath her and splayed her open, slippery wet. She reached behind her to feel for him, and grasped his warm sheath; the heat burned in her ears but she ignored it, stroking her hand up and down until he rose from it, and carefully took her hand and moved it away. She placed it back upon the ground and dropped her head to wait for him. She could see his sac swinging, engorged, between her legs. She shivered, again.
"Mate with me," she whispered, and the sturdy Kana obeyed.
His powerful hands wrapped around her thighs. She braced herself but he moved forward so unexpectedly it still caught her off guard. His hips bumped forward and in and the thick head of his penis thrust itself inside her, spreading her virgin tightness and causing her to buck and cry out with a jolt. Immediately he was nuzzling her nape and stroking her tender breasts.
"Mistress, I..."
"N...no..." Ien'et lifted her head, her whisper husky with need. "I am not hurt...you have not hurt me...dear Djeretu..."
One hand to cup his hot testicles convinced him. He snorted and, seizing her nape with his teeth, causing her to go limp beneath him, he began to push.
* * * * *
The Moru female opened her eyes and blinked groggily. She sat up, rubbing one and noticing that two of her companions had done the same, glancing around the darkened room with a bit of confusion. It took them a moment to realize where they were, and instinctively now they searched out that which must have awoken them, a soft sound coming from behind the tent wall separating them from the other room. A fire burned within there so it was still well lit, while their room wasn't. They blinked and peered at what they could see.
The firelight cast a shadow upon the wall, large and in detail. A young female...Ien'et...knelt upon the floor beside the fire, her mouth open and body bobbing, as a large male...they assumed it must be Captain Djeretu, the only one who had been in the tent with her...grasped her tiny breasts, mounting and pushing into her forcefully. Their lappets swung as he grunted with the movement. His mate tipped her head back and moaned, at which he seized her nape and tugged, driving himself further in and growling. Her body loosened and she accepted his mad thrusting, her panting rising with his own. Their musk rose and mingled in the still air, broken only by the crackling of the fire and their own cries.
The Moru watched the shadows move for a few moments. It looked as if the big Kana had surprised and overpowered the much-smaller female. Indeed, there had been a time when Antakh and Djeretu had been deepest enemies, when the Kana had served in Set's army; he could easily have bided his time and, now that the Moru was dead, take his fury out upon his young and tender daughter. At the moment his shadow's jaws clamped upon her neck and she wailed as he shook her like a dog shaking a rat, their hips still tightly joined, a growl rising from him. Yet the women knew this wasn't true. He had been Ien'et's loyal guardian for years now, since her father's death; the two Apsiu had been steadfast friends. He would never rape the young daughter of his friend.
And so the two of them, mistress and guardian, pushed and panted within the next room, lost in the throes of desire. They weren't certain who had initiated the act or why, but their intent was obvious. Even as the women watched, the Kana groaned and Ien'et cried out, "Djeretu!"
"My beloved mistress!"
One of the women nudged another. "To be why the mistress desired a beautiful dress...no?"
The others giggled silently. "To impress her big strong guard. To preen before the mirror all day, to await the virile Djeretu at night."
"To have wondered about her plan. To envy her!"
They giggled again, softly; "To bear him a good strong son," one said with a satisfied nod, and the others agreed. Their mistress was still inexperienced, but apparently she was strong enough to hold her own under the heated ministrations of her lustful captain. Not only was she young and most likely ripe and fertile for the attentions of a male, but he himself was sturdy and potent and eager, as the strong waft of musk indicated. They sensed a busy night ahead for the two as they rocked and moaned, and nodded at each other, contented that they'd found the source of the noise, satisfied that it was a good sound, a harbinger of luck--what else could the lovemaking of a Kana and his willing female foreshadow?--and laid themselves down again, yawning and sighing tiredly, readying themselves mentally for the eventual appearance of young ones to look after...
* * * * *
Ien'et kept her head back, tears springing to her eyes, but not from pain. A whine rose in her throat and her claws dug into the earth. Oh gods. This feeling was so good. It was much more than she had ever expected it could be. She had been wise to prepare herself, as his size was massive, yet she enjoyed him greatly. She sensed his pleasure as well, in her snug tightness and lack of pain, in her willing submissiveness and yet excited responses to his actions. A nip to her neck earned a high yip, and she shivered delightedly at his growl of pleasure. His claws raked her breasts and she felt her first delicious twinge of pain as he scored her yielding flesh. He nipped at her ears, and then seized her nape again in his powerful yet somehow gentle grip, pulling her to him as he pushed himself within, his penis exploding his seed into her, the searing feeling racking her body with sobs of joy and ecstasy. She shuddered beneath him, arching to accept his creamy offering, thrilling at the snorting of his breath upon her neck as his teeth still held her in place.
"Oh gods," she moaned softly, when he let her go.
She slowly sank to the ground. He took hold of her arms and, pulling himself from within her, gently turned her over onto her back. She lay there panting and exhausted as he touched his head to hers, nuzzling her and stroking her wing, earning another shiver; the slight feeling brushing against her membrane was a good one.
He touched her face, licked the sweat from her cheek. "How did it feel, sweet Mistress?"
"Oh...Djeretu...it felt so wonderful, thank you, thank you, for allowing this...I am so glad that I have you here, I know Father would be happy for us, for this...I hope that I never lose you."
"Dearest Mistress, I am here for you now, more so than ever. I will protect most greatly those I love. I love you more with each passing moment, sweet little one."
She giggled softly and placed her arms over his broad shoulders, rubbing her hips to his. "Oh...my guardian is more than my guardian now, is he not? Sweet Djeretu, promise me you'll never let me go, and I will be your mate forever."
"I will never let you go, sweet Ien'et, never."
Ien'et sighed and smiled to herself. He kissed her cheek and she snuggled closely when he lay beside her, curling up in the protective embrace of his arms.
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.
I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.