About Tehuti
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I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.

As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!

My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!

Tar! :)
Deep In The Night

Djeretu lay upon his back, dozing not far from the dying fire, one arm draped over his eyes. He had slept for an hour or so already, yet now he slowly drifted back toward consciousness. He wondered what the reasons, perhaps if he had to relieve himself, even so soon. He brought his arm down and rubbed his eyes with a silent yawn. His leg had fallen asleep, and he stretched it.

A faint shuffling noise came from off to his side, away from the fire. A soft whimper broke the silence. "Please...please, do not..."

"It will not hurt long," another voice said quietly, and the shuffling noise came again.

By the fire, another Kana yawned. Djeretu turned his head to see that two or three still sat awake, warming themselves and chewing on dried meat. Once in a while one of them would spit or scratch himself and yawn again.


"Stand still...mmh."

A soft crying.

One of the Kana at the fire stood up and wandered unsteadily away before reaching a patch of brush. He lifted his kilt and loosed his loincloth, and a moment later splashing could be heard against the earth. He scratched the back of his neck as he went.

"Unh. Unh. Unh. Unh. Unh."

The soft sobbing finally drew Djeretu's attention. At the edge of the camp one of the smaller Kana--Djeretu recognized him instantly--lay flat upon the ground, face pressed to the ground and claws raking the dirt. A bigger Kana sat atop him, knees bent, hands upon his shoulders, swaying his hips forward and back in slow even measure. His tail quivered in the air and he grunted quietly. His penis slid in and out, his eyes shut as he shivered with pleasure. The small Kana beneath him wept as he moved. Djeretu had felt the runt might have to bear the attentions of his bigger fellows, especially the further away from their Moru that they got. He missed his own females. He would have most liked to mate with one of them now, if he had the choice.

"Oh...oh gods, please...be careful...please, be careful with me..."

"Quiet, Moru...I am being careful...you are simply tight...unh...hold still, you make it worse...unh...there...like that...that's not so bad, is it?...unh."

The smaller Kana gasped and stiffened, back arching and head falling back. The big Kana atop him sighed and murmured and leaned down to nuzzle at his neck, stroking his arms.

"Yes...as I said...good, isn't it?...now stand still...let me finish...unh..."

Djeretu's gaze drifted to the left. He had a good view of part of the treeline that most of the others didn't have. Beside one of them, pressed up against the trunk, he saw one of the lieutenants, face twisted with strain. He clung to the tree, stark naked with his legs spread wide and his penis flailing and sac dangling. The Kana behind him looped his arms beneath his lover's and bore into him steadily, ankles locked around his own, holding him fast. His tongue lolled out. Djeretu recognized their captain coupling with his subordinate, and couldn't help but smile to himself. The other day their leader had been adamant about them retaining platonic relations after the sun fell. It looked as if the pressure had gotten to him as well, if the low pleasured grunt he let out in response to his lieutenant's soft whine were any indication.

Djeretu sat up and rubbed his eyes again. No sooner had he done this than someone was gently shaking his shoulder. He turned back to see another of the lieutenants staring at him.

"Fai'akh?" he whispered, trying to remember his name. "What are you doing awake?"

"I apologize, Lord, for disturbing you..."

"No, I was already awake. What do you want?"

Fai'akh licked his lips nervously, and his eyes surreptitiously darted toward the big Kana thrusting atop his smaller companion, then moved back to Djeretu's face. Djeretu understood the meaning.

"You are seeking nesakh'ai, Lieutenant?"

"Yes. No. I mean, I don't know." The Kana flushed furiously and fell into awkward silence for a short while, before taking a breath and meeting Djeretu's eyes again.

"I apologize, Lord, if I am too forward...yet...I have carried this aching inside for the past three nights. If he had not gone to him..." here his eyes again drifted toward the small Kana, sobbing softly into the earth as his mate groaned aloud "...I fear I would have gone to him, first."

"If you are afraid of being called sen'akha, take a look at the captain over there. I doubt he would kick you out if you were to tell him you saw him mating Lieutenant Hus'kha last night."

"This...this is not what I meant to ask you about, Lord." Fai'akh's face flushed even redder and he began to crawl back, away from Djeretu. "I...I apologize for waking you. I leave you alone now."

Djeretu's ear twitched. "Wait, Fai'akh. What was it you wished to ask me? You may speak freely. As I said, our captain's rather busy at the moment."

Fai'akh stared at the ground. His hand clenched at his chest.

"I...I had meant to ask you...to help me relieve my pain. Just for the n-night...though I do realize this is asking much, especially since I do not know you well, nor you me...so please, if you let me apologize once more..."

"Relieve it how?" Fai'akh blinked at him and Djeretu raised one eyebrow. "You must be more specific than that, Lord, if you expect an answer."

The lieutenant stared at him for a moment or two. The color rose in his cheeks once more as he glanced back at the ground, fingers fiddling furiously.

"I...I had h-hoped, Lord, that...that you...um...ahi'akhta...nothing more...I would ask for nothing more..."

"This is a thing you cannot do on your own?"

"N-no, Lord...it...it will not work by my own hand...I do not f-feel the pleasure..."

"Very well then, come, sit near me. I will see what I can do."

Fai'akh's stare was incredulous this time, full of disbelief that Djeretu had accepted his request. Still, he obeyed. Djeretu himself reached out to rub his arm as he did so. He had no real desire to engage in nesakh'ai with a male right now, so was happy he hadn't asked; ahi'akhta was tolerable. Fai'akh sat down and pulled up his kilt, quickly undoing his loincloth, face still flushed. Djeretu reached down and brushed his fingers against Fai'akh's swollen sheath, earning a soft shuddery sigh as the Kana let his eyes flutter shut. Djeretu eased two fingers into the sheath's opening, felt the glistening head within; pulled his fingers free and watched it slowly emerge from its constraints. He took it between his fingers as it lengthened, listened to his comrade's shaky sigh. He moved his hand, slowly.

For a time, the two Kana sat upon the ground, one with his hand moving upon the other's lap, the other swaying rhythmically back and forth. Djeretu moved his hand up and down Fai'akh's hardened penis; Fai'akh rocked slowly, moaning into the night. After a time he took Djeretu's hand in his own, guiding him more quickly, thighs tightening and loosening. His tail stood up high and quivering, his head tossed back. He moaned and clutched Djeretu's fingers tightly. The Kana's fingers grew slick from his companion's juices, and he yawned, although in truth he found the action somewhat arousing. His other hand slipped beneath his kilt occasionally to finger his own swollen member. He sighed again as he thought of his females back home. One was such a tight smooth fit; he had much enjoyed her just before leaving on this journey. How she had giggled as he pushed into her anus, proclaiming the feeling was an odd one, yet pleasurable. He'd been pleased to please her; he wished she were here now.

"Oh gods..." Fai'akh moaned softly. "Please, please, please...oh gods...oh sweet Inath'i...oh gods, please..."

Djeretu's ear pricked. Inath'i? So...Fai'akh had an eye for their commander. He glanced over at the two still at the tree; Inath'i and Hus'kha moved rapidly now, the lieutenant crying out silently and arching against the wood, his penis stiff and proud; Inath'i's claws drew blood. Their hips bumped hard against the tree as they rutted and he could hear the captain's muffled groans of lust as he neared climax. Fai'akh's hands guided Djeretu's up and down in time with the heated sounds, and Djeretu could tell he envisioned himself at the tree instead of Hus'kha, plunging deeply into his accepting master, perhaps hoping for his master to plunge into him when he was done.

"Oh no, oh no, oh gods, please...!"

This cry came from the other side of the camp. The big Kana had looped his arms beneath his smaller lover's as Inath'i had, pulling him up as he thrust ever harder, his grunting forceful. The smaller Kana cried loudly, whether in joy or pain, Djeretu couldn't tell.

Inath'i's head whipped up from where he had been biting at his lover's neck. His eyes widened when he saw the two rocking upon the ground. He gritted his teeth and abruptly pushed Hus'kha against the tree, and judging from the surprised look on the lieutenant's face, Djeretu could tell he hadn't expected such a rough and sudden orgasm. He gasped brokenly as his seed splashed upon the trunk, Inath'i pulling from him unceremoniously and leaving him there. He snapped something at him under his breath; Hus'kha flushed as if embarrassed and ducked low, digging around for his scattered clothes. Inath'i smoothed down his kilt and came walking toward the camp.

"Fai'akh." Djeretu stroked his companion's penis one last time, hearing his moan. He dropped his hand to squeeze Fai'akh's swollen testicles, heard him yelp softly and felt him jerk and spray.

"L-Lord..." Fai'akh whispered with disappointment. Djeretu let go of his softening member and pushed down his kilt, not looking at him, but nodding in Inath'i's direction. Fai'akh followed his stare and his eyes widened. He reached beneath himself to hastily tie his loincloth into place.

The captain reached the big Kana lustfully taking the small Kana upon the ground. The first was so overcome by pleasure that he didn't even notice the approach of his commander, until the captain's hand had struck him behind the ear, sending him reeling forward over his lover, grunting loudly. The small Kana shrieked and stiffened.

"So! Coupling like dogs? Rutting like stupid beasts?" Inath'i shouted. Djeretu and Fai'akh glanced around; the other Kana were snorting awake and sitting up, hearing the yelling. "What a lovely way to pass the nights, huh, you sen'akha Moru? Get yourself out of him, swine! And you, pick yourself up! You lie around and let yourself be mated like a woman? Pathetic piece of excrement!" He struck at the small Kana's back as he staggered to his feet, earning a loud cry. The Kana stumbled off and Djeretu felt Fai'akh squeeze his arm. Blood ran down the small Kana's legs; he had been iat'ah when the other had taken him. As for the big Kana, he was now the focus of Inath'i's attention, the captain cuffing him upside the head repeatedly. The other Kana winced and endured it, stumbling backwards.

"And you! Filthy pig! You have forsaken your females now? You rut with men? Pile of dung! I should tear the lappets from your head, shred your ears, proclaim you a slut! See how many of the others are so willing to service you! You should like to be mated by all the camp, shouldn't you, whore?"

Near the tree, Hus'kha had finished clothing himself and now watched and listened to the spectacle. Djeretu noticed how he rolled his eyes on hearing Inath'i's speech, and felt like chuckling at the captain's blatant hypocrisy. Fai'akh himself flushed, and Djeretu could sense his displeasure. Inath'i continued railing at the other Kana as he pulled up his loosened loincloth, ears folded back and teeth bared in humiliation. The other Kana around the fire started yawning and mumbling and lying back down to sleep, losing interest.

Fai'akh gave a disappointed sigh. "Thank you, Lord, for...assisting," he said to Djeretu, who looked at him and nodded. "I rather wish it had been a bit longer, but I suppose we all know how he is..."

"Fai'akh. He will return to bed shortly. He needs his sleep as well. Lie down a piece. I noticed how much you enjoyed ahi'akhta. If you are not truly satisfied yet, relax a bit, and if you can keep yourself quiet unlike our friend, you should have a decent sleep..."

Fai'akh stared at him a moment, eyes hopeful, before doing as he was told. He lay down upon his belly and rested his head upon his arm. Djeretu kept his eyes upon their commander until certain his attentions were turned thoroughly elsewhere; he surreptitiously slipped his hand beneath Fai'akh's kilt, gently squeezing his buttock. The Kana stiffened but said nothing. Djeretu's fingers sought out his opening, poked at it lightly until it relaxed and opened. He slid his fingers, his hand inside. Fai'akh murmured softly and sighed. He rested his head again, claws gouging silently into the earth, as Djeretu slowly pushed his hand in and out, sending waves of pleasure through his body.

They were still engaged in this when Captain Inath'i paced by once more, yet their commander was too busy with other matters to much notice them. He turned to the chastened Kana who followed him now, ear red from cuffing, and whispered viciously yet quietly in his face.

"You. Dungball. You have one chance whereby you may redeem yourself of this intolerable behavior. There. Go wait for me over there, by that tree. I shall be with you shortly. And if you have not removed your clothing by the time I arrive, be prepared for an even greater punishment." He hurried away, walking awkwardly from the swell beneath his kilt, the other Kana left blinking and wide eyed with confusion. Djeretu had to keep himself from laughing aloud even as Fai'akh moaned in satisfaction and moistened the ground with his seed.

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.

I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.
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