About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Beauty & The Beast 2 Tebhet blinked open her eyes and yawned, stretching languorously. Her insides ached, but it was a good ache, the ache of exertion; the cause of the ache lay beside her snoring lightly, the big Kana she'd coupled with last night, so deliciously. She turned herself over to look at him in the daylight, and smiled at his taut muscles and perfect form. She shirked closer to him and trailed her fingers across his chest. He looked so peaceful while he slept. He had put his skullcap back on at some point, as she assumed he must feel strange without it; but aside from that, he was unclothed, a flimsy sheet obscuring him from her. She drew her leg up to his and kissed his shoulder, resting her head against him.
His breathing changed and he too blinked open his eyes, looking around until he found her. She smiled at him.
"Good morning, my strong bull."
The slightest of smiles came to his own muzzle. "Good morning, my sweet little calfling."
She giggled at the name and snuggled close to him. "I know that this will sound trite...but I did enjoy what we did last night, how we did it...I was not wrong about you, you are filled with beauty, much of it on the inside as well as out."
"It was your beauty, sweet one, that brought it out."
"Well...whichever it was...I did enjoy it. All of it." She sighed and curled next to him, loving the feel of his arm drawing her close. His soft muzzle brushed her forehead. "I hope that we may join each other again, sometime, when it most suits us both..."
He gave a light snort. "We...among my people, nesakh'ai was common in the mornings, as well as in the nights..."
She lifted her head to look at him. "What, you're thinking of excuses for us to mate each other?" she said, and laughed at the chagrined look on his face. "I only joke...truly...your people, this is a preferred way to start the day?"
"Preferred perhaps is too strong a word...but it was common...for masters, especially...a most pleasing way to start the day." He peered at her carefully. "You, you were the one who suggested...I merely offered a thought."
"Well, sweet Djeretu...it's a glorious thought. One that I'm not averse to trying, however Kanalike it may be." She kissed his forehead and drew herself up over him for the moment. "We have much of this day free to spend, anyway."
"You mean...do you mean that you desire nesakh'ai?"
"Yes, of course this is what I mean...mmm..." Another kiss. "Please, dear Kana, take your time to submit me as you see fit, and most pleasurable...I'm feeling quite up to it, today."
He gave another snort, this one harder. He lifted her from him and set her down upon the bed, stroking her back. A moment later he had gotten ponderously to his knees and she sighed to see the golden-brown sac and sheath between his legs. He was not aroused yet...but he would be.
As he stroked himself he moved to be behind her. She placed her head down upon the pillows, but when he touched her she spoke.
"Dear Djeretu...would you mind if I asked you something?"
"Of course not, my little calf...what do you wish to know?"
"I want you to tell me, please, everything you can...everything you know...about this, about nesakh'ai."
He paused as if perplexed. "Nesakh'ai?" he echoed, voice uncertain.
"Yes, yes...I wish to know all about your people, how they came to be in such a world, what we humans could learn from your example. I wish to learn pleasure, the way that you have practiced it. I wish to know more, more. So please...if it's not too uncomfortable for you...please offer me the story...the story of how your people make love."
"Well..." He did sound embarrassed, now. "I would not know where to start, little calf."
"First of all...come inside me...then perhaps you may find your tongue more inspired to speak..."
He flapped his wings once, embarrassed, and took hold of her thighs. Tebhet arched her back sharply. She moaned as he buried his shaft inside her willing moistness, shaping and forming and tightening around him, causing him to breathe more quickly.
"Tell me about nesakh'ai, dear bull..."
"This is our way, our way of showing our love, getting our mates with child, and of proving our claim. Our claim over those beneath us. Nesakh'ai. It means to 'impale.' For this, this is what we do, as a bull and his cow, my little one..." He bent over her to kiss her neck.
"Do you always do it in such a manner, from behind like this?"
"No, we do not...though this is how we like it most...as it is most familiar, and comfortable, to us...we have found otherwise that our wings may get in the way...and it is much easier for us to reach the pleasure spots in our females, to bring them satisfaction, in this manner..."
"P...pleasure spots?"
"Yes, sweet one, as this one here." She felt his hand go between her legs and gently seize the flap of skin at the front of her pudenda, which he rolled between his fingers. Tebhet stiffened with an erotic shock, tingles running down her limbs.
"This we call thik'ahi, or place of desire. Every female has one, Apsiu or human."
"Y...yes...I know if it already...though our name for it is different." She shut her eyes and gave a low murr of pleasure when he lightly seized her nape with his teeth, growling and rocking into her. "Pl...please...tell me more. Hakh'tua. What...what does that mean?"
"Hakh'tua...this is the way we show our dominance over our slaves...though it is also a good way to show desire...it means 'mouth offering,' as this is exactly what one gets...a most exquisite activity..."
"What...what do you call it, when you pleasure yourselves? When you have no one, and do it as yourself?"
"Ahi'akhta. It means...it means 'hand love.' Many of us do this, from time to time...there is no wrong with it, as some believe..."
"What do you call those who have never done this...those who are untouched? Do you have a name, for them?..."
"Yes, sweet little calf...they are iat'ah...unplowed...until they allow one to plow their soft lush fields..."
He trailed off, grunting softly. She sighed and put her head back, relishing the sensation. His hands caressed her thighs and hips, and the tight pressure of him filling her was most exquisite, most delicious indeed...she so loved the warm feel of his fur brushing against her skin...
"Dj...Djeretu...have you ever...have you ever been...with a male?"
He gave a strained snort. "With a male..."
"Yes, yes...one of your own kind."
He was silent for a moment as he moved before sighing and saying, "Yes...twice. I have been with males of my kind twice...this is not uncommon, for us..."
"Who were they, Djeretu? Why were you with them?"
"I was young, the first time...he was one of my training partners, a Kana, like myself. We were both so young and ready for the world...we went out to drink, and I know that I did so a bit much...we laughed when I could not speak properly...and then we started to touch one another...laughing the whole time...only eventually, our laughs changed to murmurs as we could not speak, for our mouths consumed one another. I do not even remember which of us began it. All I know is we were still within the tavern, but we were so inflamed and ready...we hurried, and retreated to one of the back rooms...where we were so quick to tear at each other's clothings...and oh, I cannot even begin to describe to you, how glorious it was...believe me, or believe me not, I was still iat'ah; I do not know about him, but when he knelt for me, and exposed himself for me, I knew, I knew I had to...'Come, come inside me, my friend,' he begged, and I could not resist him. I was his friend, and he was mine." He gave a soft grunt. "And so...I plowed him...and I plowed him deep."
"You...you lost your innocence to your friend?"
"Yes, if that is how you put it...I did not regret it though, and neither do I now...for he was the best, the best one for me to lose it to...for he plowed me as well, when I was done, and the feeling was so great, so painful, and yet so gorgeous...I was happy that I gave my blood for him. We kissed and caressed each other long. I cannot describe the feel of his hands upon me, all over me, nor of mine upon him. I miss him, and wonder what has become of him, for he was always the truest friend I could ever hope to possess."
"He sounds...very noble..."
"Yes...he was, and I hope he still is...unh."
"And...and the other...?"
"This one...was a Moru. I was visiting another of my fellows, one of my superiors, and became distracted by the sound of lovemaking within the stables...some male was taking his female most loudly, and exuberantly...it filled me with longing, so I stole to the master's stables, but could not locate from whence the sound had come. Neither...neither could I find a female to sate me, for I was burning up...there was a male, older than myself, standing near the door...I went to him, and I spoke.
"'Please, elder Moru,' I believe I whispered to him...'my need is most strong now...and if you may help me, your master need not find out ever, and I shall assist you whenever you shall need it...'
"I had not meant for him to sate me...yet sate me he did...with a smile he touched my arm, and it felt like ice to my uncontrollable fire...'The females, they are busy right now,' he said softly, 'yet not all of us are occupied...come, My Lord, and be with me, for this little while...I shall take away your pain.'
"I did not believe it at first, but...I followed him, so badly in lust was I. And he had a very fine build, so very fine. We retreated behind the partition, where they sometimes go for privacy...and immediately he was upon his knees, sucking at me, hakh'tua, with a tongue so skilled...I could not control myself, and moaned. And soon he offered himself to me, spreading his legs wide, and so I plowed him, hard and deep, yelling in my triumph, holding him and filling him so hard...I must have been the envy of the other Moru, for they came to look at us...I believe a couple of them may have joined us, as I felt cool hands caressing my heat, yet I never looked to see them, I was so enraptured by my new love..."
Tebhet quivered. The Kana's stories were arousing her greatly, and she appreciated when his hand slid to her breast.
"You said that...that this is...common with your people? They do not punish you for being with your own sex?..."
"No, they do not...those who prefer mates of their own sex are sen'akha...they are sometimes tormented, as they cannot have children if they are exclusively with another of their own kind...yet if they get some female with Kana sons, then they are tolerated, the same as all of us. I knew many Kana who were not loath to take a male every so often; some of them much preferred it, it seems. Some would choose from among their Moru; others would mate with their companions. I remember this would happen at night in our military quarters, at times; it was not uncommon to awaken to find two Kana in the bed beside me, kneeling and coupling with greatest desire. I would sometimes have to pleasure myself when they awoke me, it inflamed me so..."
Tebhet moaned softly. In her mind she saw the shadowy forms of two big Kana, one bent over the other, thrusting into his anus, both of them panting and groaning quietly, their fingers digging into soft flesh, their eyes glazed, tails quivering, hips thrusting, fluid rising...
"...and sometimes, if there were no females to be had, while we were away from our settlements...the men would pair off with one another, to satisfy themselves as they most saw fit...I remember, one night, stroking and caressing one of my companions beside the fire, touching him until he cried out in orgasm, though I did not mate with him; but I was certainly excited by the sounds of the others of my group mounting and pushing into each other and moaning into the night..."
"Ah...please, Djeretu...your story makes me burn inside...nesakh'ai...please, now..."
He complied. Tebhet threw her head back and quivered beneath him.
* * * * *
They stopped in the street, ducking into the narrow alleyway beside the townhouse. One whispered to the other conspiratorially.
"...I tell you, I heard her, last night...with someone...and I could not help but take a peek, as she has not had a man with her in absolutely ages...and what I saw in there, you would not believe!..."
"This is most foolish," the other whined, trying to pull her arm free. "To be running around, sneaking in alleyways like criminals...let us go back home already and leave Tebhet alone!"
"No, you must see this--I could not believe my eyes--and neither will you!"
They paused and listened. Nothing could be heard near the front of the house. They knew Tebhet well, had visited her before, and knew her sleeping quarters were near the back. This was the direction in which they went next, the first tugging the second forward, both of them gasping and ducking down abruptly as soon as the sounds of panting and murmuring emerged from the window. They crouched against the house and listened. The soft creak of wood indicated a bed that was occupied, but not by sleepers. Someone took a long shuddering breath and let it out in a desirous whisper. "Djeretu..."
The second woman cocked her head with puzzlement. "'Djeretu'? Is that his name? It's an odd one..."
"An odd name for an odd mate...if he is indeed the same one I saw her with last night...it was just too unbelievable!"
"Would you just tell me what was so unbelievable, and let us get home?"
"No, you would never believe me...hush...I'll take a peek in and see if I can see them from here...it was the other window I used last night..." She turned back to the house, creeping up to the window and peering inside for a brief moment while her friend waited. A second later she gave a tiny gasp and ducked down again, turning bright red and covering her mouth as she tried not to laugh aloud.
"What is it, already? Is it the same man?"
"Same, yes...man...hardly!"
"What? You mean--she is with a woman?" The second began to move toward the window but the first stopped her.
"No, no--he is definitely male." A knowing giggle. "But not of our sort!"
"What do you mean, our sort? If he's not one of us, then what..."
A husky cry came from inside the house--"Djeretu!" This was followed by a low answering rumble that hardly sounded human. The second's eyes widened.
The first laughed into her hand and waved her forward. "Take a look, take a look! You will not believe it!"
Obeying, and dying to know, she put her hands on the sill and lifted her head, peeking inside. Tebhet's house looked completely different from this window and this angle, but after a moment she could make out the shape of a bed with long gauzy curtains surrounding it. Two dim forms moved within and she blushed, feeling guilty about peering in on them, until the strange shape of the second form drew her attention anew. What...?
Tebhet knelt on her hands and knees, her head tossed back and her neck arched. Her eyes were closed but her open mouth turned up slightly with pleasure. Her breasts bounced with each movement; her fingers dug into the bedclothes as she shifted, once, twice, in a steady, leisured pattern. Her back arched as well and she moaned softly, buttocks parting wider to accommodate her eager partner. At first the second looked only at his thighs and hips as he met hers, thrusting within; he was massive. His own buttocks tightened and loosened, tightened and loosened; his hands grasped her hips, squeezing into the soft skin. His thigh muscles tightened as well, in tandem with her own; he gave a low growl that indicated he felt the same amount of pleasure she did. But...he had a tail, rising and quivering from just above his buttocks. And...he had fur all over his body.
The second's eyes widened and she lifted her head. The body of the man that coupled with her was much the same as any other. But the similarity ended with the wide wings fanning from his back, the erect tail quivering behind him, and the long-muzzled face that snarled softly, eyes narrowing, head tipping back to growl his pleasure at the air. Red lappets swung over his shoulders as they moved. Tebhet moaned again, and his lustful noises joined hers.
The second opened her mouth to cry out, only to feel a hand go over it, dragging her back down from the window. Her friend giggled hysterically.
"How can you laugh?" she cried in a whisper as soon as she was let go. "A Kana is raping our friend!!" She started to get up again, but was pulled back down. Her companion shook her head, still laughing.
"Dear friend, he is hardly raping her. Just last night she welcomed him into her house, and her bedroom, and you should have SEEN the two of them go at it, like hot-blooded teenagers!"
"What? You cannot mean that she...that she COUPLED with that thing, WILLINGLY!"
"Of course this is what I mean. By the gods! First she clove herself to him, and then she went down upon him from behind!"
The second made a gagging sound. "How vile!"
"Oh, please! Is it really as vile as you say? Take a look--take a look at them now."
They both peered inside this time, the second covering her mouth. Tebhet still knelt, legs spread wide, the Kana holding her in place as they mated. His head tipped forward now, and he even bent down to seize her nape with his teeth, earning a sharp cry. Juices flowed down their legs and the two watchers could even see her tight pinkness, now not so tight, spreading and accepting him, and the tiny tight ring of his anus contracting more with each thrust. They rutted like dogs in heat.
The second gagged and bit her hand.
The first laughed again. "Why are you getting so ill! Let me tell you something, one of my greatest fantasies that I've had for years now. I've always wished to be taken most brutally by a big Kana male!"
"Ugh!" the second cried, nearly forgetting herself in her disgust. "You MUST lie!"
"No, I lie not--it is the truth! Oh my, this is so embarrassing. Ever since I was a teenager I've dreamt of it. I even imagined it while pleasuring myself! Can you imagine how grand it would feel? Being completely helpless and at the mercy of a strong brute like that? Oh my how I'm tingling!! I always imagined that one of the elite captains of their force was holding me down and plunging within me however he saw fit. Once when I had my lover take me I insisted he couple with me from behind, just as they do! I would even spy on them in their quarters once in a while--"
"You are SICK!"
"--and I would watch exactly how they did it. They aren't allowed slaves in the city, anymore. But some of them still have Moru servants. And I would become so excited watching them take their females--it always made me most wet!"
"Ugh, I cannot bear to hear any more of this!"
"Please, friend, this is so funny! Anyway like I said I always dreamed of being taken by the Kana elite...oh my..." she giggled hysterically "...one time I even imagined four of them at once assaulting me! One took me in front, the other from behind, one pushed himself in my mouth, and the fourth, well--that unlucky fellow had to satisfy himself spraying his seed all over me!"
"And afterwards they simply switched, so each had his proper turn!" She crowed now, heedless of the two still occupied within. "Oh, this is so very embarrassing."
"Yes, well, you SHOULD be ashamed just to have THOUGHT it!"
"Please, friend, it's not like I ever did it." She peered back in; Tebhet and her Kana lover moved somewhat faster now, their moans and grunts picking up in speed. "Though I dreamed of it so much, and once in a while I would even make excuses to get close to the guards in the marketplace. I would brush up against them and everything. Once in a crowd I was practically rubbing my opening against a commander's leg for a good five minutes before he wondered what I must be doing!" A giggle. "I dreamed of him that night, when I went home. Oh. Such pleasant dreams. So sorry that they never came true!" She smiled at Tebhet, who, in the throes of lust, could not see her. "Lucky Tebhet! I had thought she had eyes for the guard at the front gate...the way she looked at him, just the same way I did, and brought him cool beer to drink and bread to eat on the hottest days...no other women would do that for the Kana."
"For good reason!"
"PLEASE, friend, they have changed; they're citizens now, as are the rest of us. They're not evil. The king would not have them guard the city if they were."
"Well, perhaps that was merely a lapse on his part."
"No, it was not a lapse...at least a few of them are trustworthy." Her smile grew wistful. "Such as this one here, what did she call him, Djeretu? Djeretu. Such a name. I wonder what it means in Apsi. I'm betting it means Virile Bull!" She stifled a laugh.
The second rolled her eyes with disgust. "Truly, how much longer can you blather on about this? It disgusts me. How can you find that--in there--UGH!--desirable? Look at that brute! Filthy and dirty!"
"He looks much clean to me, friend. I bet he smells good, too."
"They stink. I know because some lived not far from us before the takeover. Especially when they mate with their slaves, they stink even worse!"
"That's not stink! That's their musk, silly!"
"And you know of this how--?"
"From watching them myself! You are so misguided. That is the smell of their desire!"
"Oh, for love of the gods. I find it quite attractive! In fact, I believe I began to smell it as I rubbed against that guard in the marketplace, so perhaps he knew what I was up to all along and went along with it!"
"YUGH! This is so VILE! Why do I bother with you--?"
"Because you are curious, too! Do not shake your head and deny it--see who has been looking in the window the longest today?" The second quickly ducked away from the two writhing shapes, her face flushing bright red. Her friend laughed.
"Yes, you cannot hide it! It attracts you! You LIKE the big hulking Kana!"
"I--I do not!!"
"Yes, you do--come on--I'm feeling incredibly lucky today, what do you say that later on this eve, we both visit the other guards at the front gate--and see if they are attached to anyone yet?"
"You are DISGUSTING!" the second shrieked, standing up and walking briskly away. Her friend glanced at Tebhet and her mate, but they had not noticed, so lost in need were they. She watched her friend disappear from the alley and shrugged to herself, smiling. Upon Tebhet's bed, the big Kana threw back his head, hips grinding, a rasping growling whine rising in his throat as surely as his seed must rise within him. Tebhet followed suit, moaning loudly. He moved faster, and faster, now; the woman pressed her fingers to her sensitive area, finding it swollen, and gently massaged it to gain relief from the scene. The Kana's pushing forced Tebhet's hindquarters into the air so she rode upon his mighty shaft, crying out, crying out his name as he climaxed with a bellow--
Her body quivered like a taut bow. The friend watched and imagined the feel, made pleasant plans to visit tonight one of the other captains at the gate. She licked her lips and smiled, lowering herself from her peering place. Ah, yes. They couldn't all have mates. And her body had felt hungry for Kana for so long, now she could realize her dream. She didn't care with whom; perhaps she could get his friends to come along, as well. Greatly anticipating the thought, she crept away with a wide smile, making plans for pleasure.
* * * * *
...And it was in exquisite pleasure that Tebhet cried out her lover's name, bucking beneath him, hair flailing. She heard his answering bellow and was pleased that he'd gained satisfaction from her; his wings began to beat the air and she relished the cool breeze they cast upon her. His seed seared hot inside her, her fluids guiding the way; she trembled. When she sank in exhaustion he pulled her back up to him, lifting her easily and cradling her to him. His dark brown eyes were so gentle and welcoming, and thankful. She touched his face with a tired smile and allowed him to lay her back upon her pillows, and he lay beside her, nuzzling her face and slowly stroking her belly. They both tried to catch their breath.
She sighed and snuggled close to him, enjoying the musky scent that indicated his arousal. She wanted to lick him, lick the drops from his member. Perhaps later. Right now she smiled at him again, tracing her hand over his chest.
"Most pleasurable...indeed most pleasurable, my big strong bull."
"It is likewise with myself, sweet little flower." He brushed her hair back from her sweating brow and kissed her. She caressed the soft furry sac between his legs for him. "I had missed nesakh'ai for a long time now...never did I believe it could feel so sweet, yet again."
Tebhet rested her head upon his shoulder and sighed, shutting her eyes. "And never had I believed I would find such happiness with you...if we may get a little sleep, then we may only end up repeating what we have done, only in various...interesting...combinations." She opened her eyes to grin up at him wickedly, and lifted her leg to her side in a most alluring, confusing position.
Djeretu snorted, ears twitching and flustered. "I...ah...I should greatly enjoy this, then, later--when we are rested!"
A soft laugh. "Those are the best times, are they not, dear one?" And she snuggled close, holding him and feeling him hold her to him, their exhausted bodies retreating once more into sleep.
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.
I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.