About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Chosen CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): "The First Priestess Of Upuat"
PAIRING: Upuat/Taheret (M/F)
EXPLANATION: This scene is the story behind "The First Priestess Of Upuat." Yes, this is a nonconsensual scene; however, she turns out to enjoy it, and I think she might have married him later on, at least until she died...though my memory is bad on that one...
DISCLAIMERS: A LOT of them! Firstly, this scene was written LONG before "The First Priestess Of Upuat," and so MANY of the details are way, WAY off. For example the dialogue between her father and his servants is nowhere near the same as that included in the PG-13 story. Also, when this was written the woman's name was given as "Ankhet"--her name was changed to "Taheret" in "Priestess," as I had forgotten what it was. I have merely replaced all occurrences of her old name here with the new one. ALSO, there's mention of Anubis, and I'm pretty sure that he wasn't even BORN yet when this takes place! Long story short, never write two versions of the same story without checking the details of the earlier story first!! >_<
* * * * *
Taheret glanced up at the sky. The stars were shimmering already in the glow of the west. Most of the townspeople had already gone back to their homes for the night and it was time that she did, too. With a small sigh--she felt again that she had accomplished exactly nothing this day--she turned and headed back to her own home at the other end of the town. As she walked it grew darker and quieter. Nobody roamed this part of the city. She was alone.
She gave a little yawn and rubbed one eye. Perhaps she would accomplish something tomorrow. Perhaps not. But at least she would get some sleep.
She heard a very slight shifting noise, or was it just the wind? With a puzzled frown she started to turn to look behind her, when something struck her between the shoulders, knocking her to the ground. Stunned and surprised, she tried to get to her feet, only to find herself pinned down. Something--someone--grabbed her arms and forced them above her head.
A voice, the merest whisper, came close to her ear: "Please forgive me."
With that she felt instantly the ripping of cloth and realized that her dress was tearing. Cool air struck the back of her legs and she trembled. Only then did she begin to understand what was happening, and started struggling, gasping with fear.
Whoever held her down pressed against her back to stop her fighting. She twisted her head to the side to see who it was. Then she gasped again and buried her face against the ground, wishing that she hadn't looked. For the face that had stared back down at her, lupine with glowing eyes, wasn't her kind.
She stopped fighting but strained to keep her muscles locked. It was useless. He was much more powerful than she was, and bigger as well; with one hand he easily forced her legs apart. She dug her toes into the earth and squinted her eyes shut, biting off a whimper. She felt him come down over her, his belly pressing against her back, his legs braced against hers. One foot crooked against hers for leverage. She suddenly felt his breath on her neck, and his warm hips against her backside; she shuddered and whimpered again. He was breathing heavily, and she could tell that he was excited. Why her? Why had he chosen her?
Her fingers dug into the earth as well and she sobbed silently. He pushed his hips against her several times in rhythm, readying himself, and then, keeping her spread with his knees, his hard penis pushed into her, slowly at first, not viciously as she'd expected, but still it hurt. She was a virgin, and he was big. She felt her maidenhead give way before him and cried out. He didn't hush her but his panting grew, heavy and doglike. He withdrew, and then entered again, and again, slowly, then a bit more rapidly. His fingers sank into her hip and he began thrusting.
Taheret went completely limp beneath him, allowing the horrid reality to seep in. She was being raped. She didn't even know by whom or what, but it was really happening. She couldn't fight him and so she didn't try. She just hoped that it would be over quickly, and that he wouldn't hurt her further.
Part of her mind insisted on rebelling futilely: Why did he choose me? Why me? Why me...?
Something warm and wet against her neck. She gasped and shuddered. His tongue traced over her nape, and behind her ear; she heard a soft moaning whine in his throat. His free hand gently caressed her cheek. She drew her face away in revulsion, unable to quell the tears now streaming from her eyes. As if to spite her he licked at those too. She felt his velvety muzzle, and shuddered even harder.
"Forgiveness...please..." he whispered, voice thick and hoarse and halting as he thrust. "But...I had to have you..."
Why me? WHY ME?
He didn't answer, even if he could read her mind. His hurried pushing only grew faster. He whined aloud the way a dog might, and she realized that what he, what they were doing right now, was just the way that dogs did it, in the street, one atop the other, and the realization made her begin to sob aloud. Her body shook with the force of her cries. Did this only excite him more? For he only pushed faster, whining louder and gripping her more tightly. His thighs rubbed against hers, harsh panting grunts escaping him, and she felt herself swelling inside. Was it just her? Or him? Or both of them? She'd never had sex before, so she had no idea what was happening. A strange burning tingling started to fill her insides, centering down between her legs; even as it hurt, it began to feel...good. A tiny part of her wished that he would just move a bit more one way, reach the spot that she perceived as most sensitive, and send her into paroxysms of joy; then the rest of her mind reviled herself with disgust. And as if to spite her again, he moved that way, penis pressing against just the right spot, and she lurched and wailed beneath him.
He yelped. His hips bore down into hers hard, pressing them to the ground. She cried out again, sobbing as she felt his seed enter her violated body. Gods, no, please, no, don't let me give him a child--I can't tolerate that now--please don't let me get with child...
But even as she called out to the gods to protect her, she knew finally what it was that assaulted her, and her throat went bone dry. Her body felt as if it were shriveling up and when, after lying atop her panting for a moment or two, he finally pulled himself out, she curled in on herself, fists balling against her stomach, and wept quietly.
He touched her again, then lifted her head. She shut her eyes, but not before peering at him again, to see the same strange wolfen face and eyes in silhouette against the stars. That was before she felt a numbness overtaking her, and gratefully allowed herself in it, even as his muzzle brushed against her neck.
* * * * *
"Where is she? What shape is she in? Tell me!"
"Lord, believe me, she is in fine shape, physically. Otherwise...things may be different."
"What happened to her?"
"She claims she was assaulted while on her way back to your home."
"Yes, Lord...raped."
"Oh, dear gods..."
"The perpetrator did not harm her physically aside from this. She was not beaten or injured, aside from the loss of her virginity. In fact it looks as if he went to great pains to make certain she was unharmed..."
"I cannot believe this...who would do this? Who would do such a thing? She is my daughter! I'm expected to stand and wait? What is it if he didn't harm her? Of course he harmed her! He raped her! Whether or not he hit her is of any concern?"
"My Lord, I mean only to soften the blow..."
"Well, you have done a very poor job of it, a very poor job...who did this? Have you any suspects at all?"
"Well...she described him to us..."
"Then go out and FIND him! It cannot be that difficult!"
"As it turns out, My Lord, we believe it is...for she tentatively identified him...although she does not know his name..."
"Who is it, then? Who did this to her? I'll seek him out myself if need be!"
"Then you may have to fetch a ride upon the sun bark, Lord..."
A pause. "Wh...what?"
"Your daughter...she claims that it was a god who raped her. A neter."
"Yes, My Lord." A short pause and then a cough. "She saw his face...he had a body like ours...but the face of a wolf. Only the neteru have such features. As I said, she did not know his name, and neither have any of us heard of a neter with the face of a wolf...there is only Lord Anubis, but he has the face of a jackal, and she was adamant that it was not he...and why would the Lord of the Dead go about raping innocent women?"
"And so we suspect that it is another god, one we have not yet heard about. There may be many. Who knows from where they come. Oh...he did tell her his name, but only in passing, and we have never heard the name before now..."
"A name?" Sharply. "He gave a name? He SPOKE to her? Tell me what he said! Tell me all!"
"Well...after he had knocked her down and...completed the deed..." a soft groan "...she claims she slipped into unconsciousness, for how long she is not certain. She came to and he had moved her into the shadows beside the town wall, almost as if he wanted her to have some privacy."
"Go on, go on!"
"She claims that he was very gentle with her...very gentle and polite. He did not like that he had forced her, but he was overcome with desire for her, had been for some little while now. She says that she was afraid of him but even more afraid of fighting him. She complied when he asked that they have intercourse again."
"She...she allowed him to couple with her again. Ahm...this is most awkward. I assume, from what she said, that he merely asked if they could do so, and she agreed. I do not know how or why. She only says, 'He pressed me back into the grass and parted my thighs and entered me again. He went very slowly and tenderly. He was very gentle, and he stroked my face and whispered to me.' Almost as if he wanted her to think of him as a lover, My Lord."
"Her lover? HE RAPED HER, FOR THE GODS' SAKES! What sort of sick thing is this--?"
"Please, Lord, if you'll remain calm! This is only what your daughter told me! She didn't wish to fight him if he should end up becoming violent, so of course she agreed. She did so only out of fear, I'm certain. Though I...um..."
"You'd best tell me what it says in that report, Sergeant, or else. What are you holding back from me?"
"...Um...well...she did say...that she enjoyed it...somewhat...at least, the second time...though not the first..."
"It is here, right in the report, Lord! 'He made love to me again. I was still afraid but the way he moved made me feel good inside. He went very slowly and he touched me and kissed me. It was much different from the first time. I know he did not mean to harm me.'"
--Taheret lay back in the grass, her neck arching, her body arching. Her dress had been pulled down slightly to reveal her breasts which heaved in the starlight. Her eyes shut, but she breathed deeply and evenly. Her fingers clawed the earth. Her legs were parted wide, knees bent and feet planted firmly--while a massive shape, manlike and yet with the features of a wolf, moved between them, very slowly, breath heavy, hand brushing her face. She sighed at his touch, pressed her cheek into his palm; his other hand squeezed her buttock, and she arched into him, accepting him, trembling with desire now, whispering softly for him to take her pain away. He leaned forward to kiss her, and promised her that he would. Their mouths met. Tongues touched. He pushed, pushed; their hips rolled into each other. They coupled tenderly under the starlight.
"A pack of lies!"
"But from your daughter's mouth, My Lord--do you call her a liar for what happened?"
"He twisted her mind! You said he told her his name? Why? What was it? Who is he and why in the Duat did he rape my baby daughter?"
"She claims that when he made love to her again--"
"When he RAPED her!"
"--That he whispered to her, also, his feelings and such...she became bold and asked him why he had done this...he could not offer her an answer aside from what he had said already, that he had desired her from afar. She did not know him. She wanted to know his name."
--Her long, honey-golden fingers reaching up to trace along his face. When he pressed close she touched her lips to his neck, took in his wolfish scent. His hips stopped moving and again she felt his spicy warmth enter her body. "Who are you..."
He kissed her jaw and gently caressed her breast. "I am Lord Upuat..."
The man blinked. "U...Upuat? Did I hear that correctly?"
"Yes, Lord."
"Opener of the Ways...? Who is this? Why have I never heard of him before now?"
"We're not certain, Lord. He may be new to the Paut Neteru. None of the elders have heard of him either. It is as if he appeared out of nowhere."
"Well...I do not care if he is a god or not...what he has done is reprehensible, unforgivable, and I shall have to do something about it, quickly--"
"Lord--what can you do? He is a GOD! Even your daughter admits this. Even she claims she has no anger, she feels this was done for a reason. She claims that she was chosen for this honor--"
"HONOR! She has been most hideously defiled and you call it an honor just because the rapist is a neter? I will never agree! I will kill him with my own bare hands, or else be stricken down by Ra himself, if I have to!"
"But My Lord...you should kill your own flesh and blood then if you do this."
"What--? What are you talking about, fool? Speak up! What do you mean?"
A long pause. "Your daughter...the god told her, before he departed back for where he'd come from..."
"What, fool?"
The sergeant looked him in the eye.
"She is with child, Lord. She will bear the god Upuat's babe within the next year."
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Please DO NOT rate if you won't review.
Thank you!
This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.