About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Majesty CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Legend (unwritten)
PAIRING: Menes/Bata (M/M)
EXPLANATION: When I first wrote these scenes they were WAY out there for me, as up until then I had considered King Menes...straight! Bata, in the early versions of the storyline, had merely been a very dear friend of his. However, the two were so close that I had to wonder...what if there was a little something else going on? I just had to explore the idea...and I ended up liking it. So, here they are, Menes and Bata. (For the record, Bata is later on murdered by people angered by some of Menes's policies...*sniff*)
DISCLAIMERS: I can't think of any, as these are relatively recent additions to the storyline. Though there's some annoying voyeurism in here. Why does that keep popping up?! >_<
* * * * *
Bata backed away from the balcony, accidentally brushing against Menes as he did so, just the lightest touch. The king still glanced at him with what to Bata was an almost stunned, but more indignant look, as if asking what he thought he was doing. He flushed and ducked his head, not even offering a mumble of apology; he knew it would be worthless. He gave a short bow instead and stood up again. Menes grasped his arm.
Bata nearly jerked away, but forced himself not to. The familiar gesture caught him offguard; though they were good friends, and knew each other well, they were not supposed to touch each other, at least not so indiscriminately. He supposed it was Menes's decision, however, whether he wanted to follow the rules or not.
Menes's grip moved to his hand and his fingers squeezed tightly. Bata found himself grasping his hand back. He flushed again; this was far too familiar a behavior for someone such as himself; but then he raised his eyes to look up at his king and something changed.
He remembered the many long days on the move to and from their new city as they fought the pretender kings. He also remembered the many long nights, and how often they were spent sleepless. He had never been with a woman before, not even once. Some nights he watched the men wander off with pretty young girls they'd met at the taverns. More often, they slept near the desert, away from the cities. He remembered one night watching a couple of the men slip away from the sleeping group toward the tethered donkeys that carried the remainder of their goods, seeing them select one and separate it from the rest, one of them holding its head while the other pushed up his kilt, placing himself behind and easing himself inside it. His head had fallen back and he'd moaned audibly, even at a distance. Bata had then watched dumbfounded and yet strangely intrigued as the soldier coupled with the beast, moving his hips widely and stroking its furry sides with a loving whisper; it let out a short bray only once and was quieted by the second man, when the first grasped its legs and quivered against it in climax. And when he had removed himself, panting, from it, the second man moved quickly to take his place, thrusting even more rapidly and groaning softly in pleasure.
He remembered most of all, even more than the men's occasional desperation, seeing Menes himself when they all slept out in the open, watching him as the other men slept. He remembered how he would often forget to breathe, round eyes watching intently as their king lay upon his back, one arm folded beneath his head, his other hand down, fingers lightly, smoothly, slowly stroking his penis to erection, finally moving down to cup himself, his motion growing just slightly faster as the time wore on until his back would arch and he'd silently come, his fluid spraying from him into the air in a graceful arc. Whenever this happened Bata would take in his breath for the first time in minutes, his heart beating quickly in his chest. He hadn't known why. But whenever he sensed the nighttime's solitary pleasures he would open his eyes and roll over to watch until they were over. And sleep would come afterwards only with great difficulty, and even then with the strangest, most heated dreams that he could thankfully never remember.
Only now...he did remember.
His fingers grasped Menes's hand. He focused on Menes's eyes, that strange pale gray color so unusual to their people, sharp and cruel and penetrating like the eyes of a bird of prey. He felt like the prey.
One of them, both of them...he didn't know. All he knew was that Menes's tongue ran along his collarbone and to his ear, and his hands trailed over his king's chest and to his hips. He shut his eyes with a soft moan. His fingernails lightly scored Menes's skin as he sank to his knees. He pushed at Menes's kilt, tugging it up and aside; his fingers deftly loosened his bulging loincloth. The king kept himself shaven; Bata leaned forward and his tongue trailed along the smooth hot scrotum, licking the root of his member and trailing upwards. His lips closed around the head and he murmured as he sucked in the delicious taste of his pre-juices, his hands roaming everywhere.
His king did not allow this for long. Bata felt him seize his arm, bringing him to his feet. Did he expect punishment? Menes leaned close to him so their foreheads touched; his breath was short and fast, coming out between his teeth. His cold gray eyes scoured Bata's body. When his hand seized Bata through his kilt the younger man's head fell back and he moaned aloud.
He had to serve his king.
Menes let him loose. Bata turned away from him and placed one foot up upon the balcony ledge, the other upon the ground. He lifted his kilt, untied his loincloth and let it fall. His breath came fast. Menes grasped his buttock and elevated it further, pressing the other one away with his other hand. Bata arched, grabbing onto the column beside him, and his eyes shut and his mouth fell open. The head of Menes's shaft pressed against his tight opening, then in, then in. Bata jerked to feel his warm sac against his backside, then pulling away and again moving forward. Menes took hold of his hips. With a hard pant he began to move.
Bata's head fell back. His breath hitched and he began to sob silently, tearlessly. His own saliva moistened the thick hot hardness within him, facilitating their actions and minimizing the pain; yet a delicious agony tore through him anyway, borne partly of Menes's slow, forced motions, and partly of the frustration that Bata had carried for so many months. Menes established a rhythm and moved with it, bringing his young lover along. Bata moaned softly. Menes's panting was an exquisite sound for his ears. The fingernails of one hand gouged the column that he clung to, while the other clutched Menes's hand, upon his thigh. He felt his beloved king's fingers twine with his own and quivered violently. Menes said nothing but he leaned over and his tongue grazed Bata's ear. Bata whimpered, and Menes mouthed at his neck, teeth scoring his nape as if they were two wild animals mating. They moved faster.
* * * * *
Ta-Merit walked silently down the hallway, searching for her lord. She knew he would most likely decide to bed with Ankhnes tonight, as he cherished his Great Royal Wife more than anyone she knew. She didn't resent the woman for her position, but she did envy her sometimes. Menes was a difficult man to please, but not when you knew just the right erotic arts to keep him interested. Ta-Merit--and Ankhnes, she was sure--knew many.
She passed out of gloom into a more brightly lit section of the hallway facing a small inset area and one of the balconies, a few drapes creating the illusion of a separate room. She glanced briefly out at the courtyard and then stifled a gasp and moved ahead quickly, back into the shadows, then halted.
Had she seen--?
She turned and, walking slowly and carefully, peered back out toward the balcony, eyes widening.
Bata--the young man she had seen about the palace often before--stood at the ledge, his left foot perched atop it as if he readied himself to jump. One arm wrapped around the supporting column. Menes stood behind him, swaying, their kilts pushed up, thrusting into his anus. They both panted heavily, though only Bata tipped his head back and moaned softly. The king's hands grasped Bata's hips firmly and held him in place as he pushed. He gave a low groan.
Ta-Merit backed into the shadows again, silently, though she still kept a stunned eye on them. She'd known for a long time that the two were close; why else would the king grant the young man so many privileges? But she'd never had any idea it went this deeply. They had simply never shown any...sign. Judging by the heatedness with which they moved, she had to guess that this was their first coupling together, a culmination of many long weeks of waiting. Menes pushed at Bata as he had pushed at Ta-Merit herself, and at Ankhnes, and perhaps at his other concubines; the young man cried out as one of Menes's women must have done, plenty of times in the past. His muscles tensed tightly, and his lithe back arched. Menes arched as well, gripping him with a soft grunt. His buttocks contracted and then quivered. Bata moaned and pressed back against him.
Ta-Merit watched, silent.
* * * * *
Bata moaned. He couldn't believe this exquisite pleasure, this lust, rising inside him as their lovemaking culminated. Oh gods, how he wished that it could last. He wanted nothing more than to sink with his king into a pool of lotus-scented waters, their limbs a tangle, their mouths meeting, their bodies one. He longed to have Menes drive into him like a mighty bull. Blasphemously, he longed to stoop over his king upon all fours and couple with him as Menes did now. He felt one of his king's hands reach around and grasp him in front, and whimpered. He felt as if his member were pitifully small, especially compared to the king's magnificent example; yet Menes leaned closer to him, lips to his ear, and whispered.
"Magnificent, little bull..."
Bata's eyes opened and he gasped and lurched. His knees locked when Menes clutched him and grunted. Immediately Bata sprayed against the balcony, ribbons of white seed lacing the mudbrick. He heard a soft murmur from his lover and arched again, gasping brokenly at the delicious pleasure-pain tang, the wet warmth spreading throughout him within. Menes orgasmed for what to Bata seemed like forever, yet not long enough; with another whimper, he slid down against the column, letting out his breath. And he felt Menes leaning down beside him, arms embracing him to lift him back to his feet.
They kissed now, almost chastely, just their lips, and the tips of their tongues, gingerly experimenting. Bata twined his fingers with his king's again. Their kilts fell down to conceal now-flaccid, satisfied members. For the briefest moment, their legs brushed; but then the moment was gone. Menes pulled his mouth from Bata, pulled away his hand as well. Bata could not see him for the fog in his head, but he bowed his head anyway, still panting, arm crossing his breast. They were no longer lovers, the hawk and his prey; they were again king and subject.
He thrilled inside when Menes very, very softly brushed his lips against his cheek, sending chills through his bones. And then he was gone, departed from him lest their bodies betray them once more and they be forced to spend the eve in the royal bed. Bata did not dislike the thought...but he knew it was impossible to ask. He was grateful for what undeserved bounty he had received already.
As his king vanished from sight, ostensibly to find Ankhnes to relieve the rest of his tension, Bata leaned back against the column and balled his fist against his thigh. He let out his breath, both overjoyed and sorrowed.
Tonight...tonight perhaps he would find himself a woman in one of the taverns...and bring her back with him for just a while.
It was a thought.
Mighty Bull
Bata stopped when he noticed one of the king's guards approaching. He put his arm to his breast and bowed his head, and the guard returned the gesture before stopping as well. He hadn't expected that.
"Lord, His Majesty would like to speak with you privately."
Bata blinked. He hadn't expected this either. The king was often busy lately, and he hadn't had much chance to even see him about the palace. Nevertheless he bowed and followed, his heartbeat picking up a little. He loved his king, dearly, and would do whatever he asked. Surely if he wished to speak with him, it was important enough a reason to go.
Once at the king's quarters the guard opened the door but stopped outside, bowing to Bata again. He went in unescorted, trying to keep the nervousness from showing on his face. He lifted his eyes and looked around.
Menes had heard him enter and turned to look at him immediately. He had one servant with him, and gave him a curt nod; the old man set a jar of wine down upon the table and bowed his way from the room, leaving them alone. Bata kept his hands locked behind his back and forced himself not to wring them. Menes poured two cups of wine and approached him with a disarming smile.
Bata struggled to find his voice. "...I heard Your Majesty wished to see me."
"Yes." Menes reached him, slipping his arm deftly around Bata's without spilling the drinks. Bata's heart did a surprised flip. He took the drink offered to him without a word, and his fingers wrapped around it tightly.
His breath picked up when Menes leaned in, lips close to his ear. "I thought you might like to spend the evening with me," he said softly, and the words caused a thrill of excitement to course up and down Bata's spine.
"Of course, Majesty..." he murmured, cheeks flushing red. He averted his eyes almost shyly, and allowed Menes to gently pull him forward into the room. They approached his bed and sat down upon the edge, Menes taking a drink of his wine, Bata holding his cup up to his mouth and very nearly downing it all at once with shaking hands. The drink burned on the way down but helped calm him somewhat, the warm fluid working its way through him and soothing his nerves. Menes smiled at him and reached for the jar, filling his cup again and watching him lift it to his mouth.
"You much prefer Delta wine? I've grown more used to it than to our own wine, myself."
"It...it has a much sweeter taste than the southern wines, Majesty."
The king's smile grew as if he had just said something remarkably funny. He took another sip, and rested his cup against his leg. His fingers reached out to lightly trail over Bata's knee.
"I can think of a juice much sweeter than any wine..."
Bata lowered his cup, knuckles growing white even as his face grew redder. He struggled to control his breath.
Menes lifted his hand to touch Bata's face now. Bata closed his eyes and shivered. "Do not tell me you are cold? So early?"
"N...no, Majesty...not c-cold."
"You have no response to give?"
"I...my words merely fail me, Lord...when I should love to give them most..."
Menes stared at him for a moment before smiling again, a soft, kindly smile. His fingers played over Bata's ear and jaw, tracing along his cheek to his neck. He leaned close again, slowly, and his lips brushed Bata's skin. Bata took in a breath. He felt Menes's tongue slide gently over him, tracing the curves of his ear, then down to his neck as his hand had gone, up again and nibbling under his chin. Bata whimpered softly.
He had loved Menes always, since they had met, but he had had no idea that his feelings had gone so deeply. He had especially had no idea that his king had felt the same way. He couldn't tell what the sturdy, handsome Menes saw in him anyway, as weak and frail as he was. He had been with him only once before, and their reaction had been purely spontaneous, hurried and needful; now that they had much more time to explore each other, he found himself embarrassed again. He'd seen what Menes looked like. He was beautiful. His smooth tanned skin, his lean muscles and strong chest, his searing gray eyes and warm fingertips, his sardonic look and powerful presence, the smooth warmth between his legs and his godlike form. Bata felt like nothing next to him. He was the lowest nobility, barely a lord at all. Yet his king's touch was stimulating him in ways that he'd never known possible before, and his kiss was igniting all of the fires of desire deep within him. He put his head back and moaned and Menes gripped the side of his neck possessively. Bata knew that he belonged to him and to him alone. Ever since Menes had stopped the other princeling-soldiers from attacking him, he had belonged to him.
Menes's lips moved to his own, sucking gently. "You do not wish..." he asked, breathless, between bites, "...to finish your wine?"
Bata shivered again. "...No, Majesty..." His hands squeezed tightly around the cup in his lap and it suddenly shattered, splashing the sticky liquid all over his legs. He jerked and flushed red in humiliation at the unexpected gesture, but heard Menes give a low chuckle.
"Perhaps the future may be told in drink...if you so desire it..."
Maintaining his grip on Bata's nape, he turned him and slowly laid him down upon the bed, settling him back into the pillows. Bata gave a wavery sigh. Menes's fingers tracing patterns over his breast made him tremble anew. The wine he had drunk was going to his head, making him dizzy, intoxicated, yet somehow heightening his senses. He whimpered again when Menes kissed his neck, nuzzling at him and stroking his side.
"You did not tell me, last time, dear Bata, if you enjoyed our union or not..."
"I...yes, Majesty...I...enjoyed it most greatly...my words fail me, I cannot dare to flatter one so much greater than myself..."
Menes's fingernails raked his skin. "Come now, sweet one...when we are unclothed, and in need, we are all of us equal in our animal desires...this night, we will not be hurried nor interrupted. All that I wish will be mine, and all that you wish...will be yours."
Bata's entire body shuddered in pleasure. His arms wrapped around the shoulders of his king. "Then all I wish has already been granted, Lord...for to be with you, has always been my greatest desire..."
Another soft laugh, and a touch to his face. "Then seeing as your main wish has been granted, I'll grant you your second and third as well. Time willing, I'll also grant the fourth, fifth, and sixth."
Bata trembled wildly. The next moment or so they spent unclothing each other, which was somewhat awkward in their position, yet the fumbling and inadvertent touching only made them laugh. Bata allowed his king to disrobe him, and then helped while Menes unclothed himself, tossing their garments carelessly over the side of the bed. Spilled wine still trickled down Bata's legs and Menes gave a crooked smile as his hand brushed against it.
"Wet already?" he said, and Bata couldn't help laughing, his face burning. Menes's smile grew and he sat up further, running his hand down Bata's thigh.
"We'll take care of that..."
His fingers trailed up again and cupped Bata's testicles. Bata gasped and stiffened against the touch, all senses responding. His penis rose immediately, hardening and flushing deep pink.
Menes smiled at it and stroked it gently. "Do I assume my little bull would like his king to service him, then?"
Bata's face went red again and he shook his head abruptly. "Oh--no, Majesty, no--I would never ask this of you--Majesty--"
"Nonsense." Menes kissed him lightly. "Consider me honored to grant you your second wish...as I said, everything you desire will be yours, should you only name it..."
He leaned down. Bata tensed. Menes gripped his thigh in one hand, and his tongue flicked against the tip of Bata's penis, licking up the pearly bead of juice that had already formed there. Bata moaned and arched, his fingers digging into the sheets. He writhed at the feel of his king's tongue gently, delicately swirling about his tip, then licking slowly further down his shaft, under and around his shaven sac--strong hands firmly but carefully separated his legs, and he felt the warm wetness sliding along him there, poking just slightly at his opening and sending shivers through him once more before withdrawing. Menes mouthed his testicles, sucking on them briefly before letting go, and then blew on them lightly. Bata convulsed against him with a soft sob.
He felt a tight squeezing at the base of his member and bit off a cry. Menes leaned over him, still smiling, and ran his fingers through his hair. Bata stared up at him, panting weakly. Menes nuzzled at his neck.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, Lord..." Bata wrapped his arms about him again, spreading his legs wide as his king came down over him, hands parting his thighs. He lifted his hips upward to meet him. With a low cry he let his head fall back as his lord's thick rod pierced him, driving deep inside until their bodies pressed together. Menes's weight brought him back down to the bed, and then, grasping Bata's arms, he began to push, panting heavily.
Bata silently wept as he clung, as tightly as he could. Their hips rocked in rhythm as they made love. Eventually he could stand it no more, and released his king, clutching at the bed again instead. Menes's even panting above him drove him wild with ecstasy. He loved that his love was so aroused by him, even if he couldn't understand why. He lost track of the time, his body responded so favorably. When Menes gave a soft grunt and released within him, he arched a second time, head craning back and fingers clawing the air, yet let out no cry. He was simply too overwhelmed.
The rest of that eve was a blur for him. He remembered lying upon his back and smiling while his king licked his breast, tonguing his nipples. He remembered the shivers that coursed through him when Menes knelt upright and grasped Bata's head in his hands, guiding him to his throbbing penis, having him mouth it, Bata's hands roaming all up and down his backside while he did so...he remembered his king's low guttural groan of pleasure and the bittersweet tang of his seed deep in his throat. (Such an unusual taste!) He remembered them laughing softly together as they touched; and in between their laughter, before their heated acts of love, he remembered most of all the two of them clasped to one another tightly, arms and legs twining, mouths meeting and sucking, rolling about upon the large bed as their hips pushed at each other, eager for reentry. Menes's hand rubbed up and down Bata's shaft again and Bata shut his eyes and flushed.
Lips brushing against his own. "So, my love, are you satisfied this eve? Or shall we play at love with each other once more? Your decision." He nuzzled his ear, nibbling at the skin.
Bata shut his eyes. The wine had caught up with him and slightly slurred his speech and thoughts. "Inside...to be a great bull, mounting my own...to feel My Lord inside..."
He snapped awake when Menes started laughing out loud at the canopy. He blinked, uncertain, until Menes looked down at him again, wiping a tear from his eye.
"So...the little bull wishes to not be so little. You'd turn a king into a cow to suit yourself!"
"N--no, Majesty!" Bata wailed, sitting upright. He reached for his kilt, lying beside him where they'd dropped it in their frenzy to disrobe. His ears burned in humiliation. What had he just said! To the king, no less! He wasn't certain but it hadn't been good. He tried to push himself off of the bed. "Please forgive me--I've drunk too much and cannot control my own tongue--"
He cut off abruptly when Menes's mouth met his, devouring, consuming. Bata struggled a little in a futile attempt to free himself--on hearing his king's laughter his member, previously growing hard again, had quickly deflated and shriveled between his legs in shame--but Menes, more powerful than he, easily held him down, preventing his escape. Bata murmured and tried to pull free to no avail. His king's grip was one of iron, and he pressed him back into the pillows. Bata began to realize that he must intend to rape him, and fell still.
As soon as he did, however, Menes let go. He stroked Bata's chin with a knowing smile. "Remember, little bull, what I said...all my wishes, and all of yours. Who is to say that one of your wishes is not mine also? Though I would hardly reveal to you half the heated thoughts scurrying around in my mind right now."
Bata flushed. "You...Your Majesty has other desires, as well--?"
Warm tongue against his neck. "Of course. Many more than could be satisfied in one night. Perhaps another day. But we have still some time left to grant your desires, and sate a few of mine." He pushed himself off of Bata, taking his arms again and rolling onto his back, bringing Bata over him and gently nibbling at his nipple as his hands caressed his buttocks. "Allow me to put you in a better mood than you're in now...then we will see just how the little bull will conquer the Mighty Bull."
Bata's insides lit up in instant lust. Menes's fingers upon him rapidly brought his swelling, and when his king murmured he felt that it was for him. Was he...bigger than he usually was? He felt bigger. He felt almost...proud now, to have been so chosen, so honored. And when his king knelt upon the royal bed with thighs spread for him, for him, he climbed atop and mounted him immediately and thrust deeply inside with all that he had, both of them groaning aloud and shaking hard. Menes's voice, a husky whisper, somehow reached his ears.
"Come, little bull...fill this mighty one with your seed..."
And for the next hour or so Bata first mated with his king as if he were the ruler, pounding long and hard and full until he had sated all of his lusts and Menes had sprayed upon the bed with a shout; and then the two rolled about in the sheets again, murmuring and kissing and laughing softly, their hands occasionally reaching out to stroke until one or the other stiffened, eyes closing, and released his warm spray upon the other, until they were wet with each other's juices; yet they laughed still until the falling night bade them fall asleep in each other's arms in weariness and contentment.
Bata sighed and snuggled close, placing his head against Menes's breast and adoring the feel of his beloved king's arms about him. He would love him and serve him forever.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.