About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Father's Daughter CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Ocryx/Silver Eagle Feather (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Firstly--this is technically a nonconsensual scene. Although Ocryx doesn't use force, he DOES use coercion...or rather Silver Eagle Feather uses extortion to get her way. (Yes, she's the victim, but at least she doesn't end up emptyhanded.) See "The Demon Comes" for some backstory to this piece--Silver Eagle Feather, as you can see, is Ocryx's own daughter. She's also probably the most powerful of his offspring, aside from maybe Tal Natha (who is completely demon, not just half demon). This scene ended up being a very complex one because of the characters' emotions involved, and you can sense it in Manitou Island as well when the two of them meet at Devil's Lake; Ocryx loves Silver Eagle Feather as a daughter, and yet lusts after her, but is also afraid of and jealous of her powers. Silver Eagle Feather, on the other hand, loves Ocryx as a father, but is fully aware of what he's capable of, and knows that it's best to keep him at arm's length. And even while she takes control of and even eventually enjoys what happens in this scene, to turn it to her own advantage, there's some emotional fallout for her as well; this shows up in the non-erotic story "Winter Born," in which her young daughter learns of her grandfather Ocryx, and Silver Eagle Feather hesitates telling her of the relationship between the two of them. Although she doesn't believe that Ocryx would ever hurt Winter Born, she still warns her daughter to steer clear of him. "Did Grandfather ever hurt you?" Winter Born asks...and Silver Eagle Feather doesn't answer. I had not realized until then just how much this scene had affected her; so she doesn't make it out as unscathed as it seems. (This scene results in the later birth of X'aaru.)
DISCLAIMERS: Even though this is a nonconsensual piece, Silver Eagle Feather takes enough control of it that it turns out more as an erotic piece. And do not ask me why Moon Wolf is watching in on this; I have absolutely no clue. Was he even around back then? Urgh. O_o
* * * * *
Father's Daughter
Silver Eagle Feather's eyes shot open, focusing straight on Ocryx's--and she could tell that she'd caught him offguard. The big demon's hand froze on her shoulder, his hip poised beside hers. Her gaze went down to see that he had started to pull up her dress. His penis bulged large and throbbing from its sheath, and she could tell how close she'd been.
She gave him a slight smile.
Ocryx's baffled look turned angry. He couldn't penetrate the small protective shield she'd put around herself, not in his state. And it was exactly his state which had brought him here.
He growled at her, mentally. Take it down!
And what? Silver Eagle Feather questioned. Let you do as you will?
The growl grew louder. Still Black Elk Horn slept peacefully beside her. Don't try my patience, girl!
You may have it then, she said, cutting off his growl, but only if you promise me something in return.
The baffled look again. What? I am the one who makes bargains! Not you!
You must not wish for it badly enough. Her eyes narrowed. My husband still sleeps, only because I allow him. Either grant my request, or face the both of us...Father.
The demon blinked for a moment before his face contorted in anger. Name it then! Quickly! he snarled.
You must allow me my full power, Silver Eagle Feather said, including the power you denied me from birth. These abilities shall be mine to use freely.
Yes, yes! Ocryx snapped impatiently. Get on with it!
You must also vow that this is the only time, Silver Eagle Feather continued. The next time you lust after me I shall not be so accommodating. This will be the only time I allow you to come inside of me. She cocked a brow. Have we reached an understanding?
He was silent, but only for a moment. Then his growl grew into a snarl and his eyes flashed blood red.
You may receive that end of the deal, his voice boomed in her head, but for our time together I shall take you however I most like!
Silver Eagle Feather offered no argument. Instead, she relaxed, letting down the shield. Her father was upon her immediately--licking her neck, pawing her breasts, clawing her clothes. She lay and endured it all, silently. He came up and over her, and his penis, almost a foot long and throbbing pink, hovered before her face for a moment. Then he pushed himself up on his haunches, lifting her as well. He turned her and placed her back down upon the bedding; Silver Eagle Feather sat with belly and breasts pressed to the furs, but with her head up, and both legs bent up at her sides, left wide open for him. And--he was ready for her, and she knew it.
A shadow, and heavy panting breath. Fur, a heaviness against her backside, coming over and almost crushing her into the pallet. Large hips positioned at hers.
She let out a husky cry when the thick fleshy rod pierced through her, abruptly yet slowly, Ocryx pushing himself into her to the hilt, hipbone pressed to her trembling buttocks. He stayed still for a moment, savoring the feel, then began thrusting, slowly, steadily. His sheer weight pinned her down. She bit her lip. The position was highly uncomfortable for her but the demon seemed to be touching something just right; waves of pleasure passed over her as he moved.
* * * * *
Moon Wolf watched the vision in interest. In the image, Silver Eagle Feather squatted pressing her belly to the ground, dress hiked up to mid-back, while the large Ocryx crouched over her, buttocks pumping hard. His tongue lolled over his teeth, head back, and he growled with lust. His hands squeezed her breasts. She, in turn, tossed her head back as well with a gasp, thighs tightening. The two moved in unison, demon panting harshly, woman letting out a moan throaty with pleasure.
Moon Wolf smiled.
* * * * *
Ocryx savored his half-human daughter as he had savored her mother, his hot shaft pressing in and out of her repeatedly. She was tight, but not too tight; slender, yet also strong; he felt for the soft fur between her legs, squeezed it, tugged it. She growled, her Ocryx nature shining through. Yet she continued to accept him. He'd desired her for a long time, since the girl had reached puberty; numerous times he'd watched her descend into the water, breasts just beginning to bud, yet her eyes seemed far older than the rest of her. There was something knowing in her stare. Something Ocryx.
He heard her moan, looked to see how great the pleasure was that he was bringing her. The way that she crouched beneath him--dwarfed by him yet accepting his girth--made him think of his mate Ocryana...and he had not coupled with her in ages. The similarity inflamed him; not thinking, he snarled and leaned down to grab at the back of Silver Eagle Feather's neck, growling and tugging at the skin, drawing blood. Silver Eagle Feather cried out in pain. He realized that he could not seize her by the scruff as he wished to and gave up on it.
In response Silver Eagle Feather tossed her head backwards, long neck bared; Ocryx licked it. Her breasts heaved; Ocryx seized them and squeezed. Best of all, to him, she growled like a wolf, teeth scoring him when she could. Impatiently, he repositioned himself over her, this time seizing the top of her dress in his teeth, and came down.
She bucked against him, then relaxed again, breathing hard. She bared her teeth and hissed softly.
His eyes opened in surprise on hearing that. He growled deeply at her, as if to ask her what she meant.
Her own eyes stayed shut, head back, but her voice was heavy with desire. "Mate with me, Father...make love to me...take me as yours...come into me...push into me deep...fill me with your seed...dear Father..."
Ocryx's growl grew. What was this she was saying! It inflamed him like nothing else! With a snort his mind met hers.
Little Daughter, do you even know what you say?
"Yes, Father...take me...pierce me...deeply."
I already do this, girl. But if you want me to go harder I will!
"Harder, Father, harder...and deeper...please..."
His own teeth showed now, eyes glowing bright and lascivious. If this is what you wish most, dear Daughter...then who am I to deny you your greatest desires. And with an explosive grunt he let go of her dress and rammed his hips into her roughly.
Silver Eagle Feather screamed, arching.
You cannot handle me, little Daughter?
"Father! Come in me, come in me! Fill me, please, Father!"
He snarled and rammed into her again, and again, as if to spite her. Her moaning was driving him mad. He had never expected such a response as this!
He let out a harsh noise and gripped her shoulders, pressing down on them as he pushed within, nearly crushing her into the furs. Yet she somehow withstood his weight. He balanced upon his haunches and threw his head back with a ragged howl. His claws sank into her flesh.
"Father!" Silver Eagle Feather moaned, arching.
I fill you with my seed, Daughter! I--FILL YOU!
His hips bucked and then stiffened. His fluid spurted thickly, searing inside her. She screamed and convulsed; for a brief moment he feared that he hurt her, only to notice the way that she bared her teeth at the air, her green eyes mere slits. Her scream died into a growl and he bent forward, gently seizing her neck in his jaws; her body instinctively went limp. She lay still, panting, waiting for the flow to die; when it did, they both sank to earth, their breath heavy and exhausted. When he was able he lifted his leg and pulled himself from inside her; he gave a small grunt when a bit more of his seed squirted from him unexpectedly.
He finished catching his breath and resting himself before looking her over. Aside from a few clawmarks and bruises, she appeared to be fine, though tired. He reached out to turn her over onto her back and sniffed at her. He sliced open her dress and she gave a small gasp, her arms going up to cover herself. It seemed more of an instinctive gesture, however, than any modesty. He growled and nudged her arms away.
Remember, girl; while I am here, I am going to make the most of this!
She said nothing, so he sniffed at her again--he loved her scent--before gruffing and clambering up, straddling her in a crouch. Her glazed eyes opened to look up at him. He licked her breasts and salivated. His hand went down to his sheath, which was already distended.
This would be good.
* * * * *
Black Elk Horn drifted in a dreamy haze, unable to awaken, unable to completely sleep. He had no idea where he even was, or what went on around him. All that he could see was a dim pearly gray mist all about; noises came from far away, muted muffled noises, yet he couldn't tell what they were, either. He wandered, floating, from one place to another, only all looked alike. He followed the noises he'd heard, in an effort to find his way out of this place. As he moved they grew louder and closer, and even slightly distinguishable; he could make out a faint repeating noise--"Ungh. Ungh. Ungh. Ungh..."--and an occasional soft whimper interspersed with it, "Mmmhh..." He thought that he could hear a soft but steady shifting noise beneath. The mist around him broke and swirled; light formed, then dissipated. The mist then swirled again, breaking--or coalescing?--to form a faint blurred image, something moving. Black Elk Horn frowned and moved toward it.
As if merely a dream image, it formed before him and he looked at it.
His wife. Naked, glistening with sweat. Fingers clawing the furs. Nipples peeking hard from her breasts, eyes shut tightly. Body arching. He ached a little inside on seeing her; he remembered how they had spent the night before, how she had laid herself down and he had placed himself atop her and begun moving quickly, in and out, body coursing with pleasure. She must feel that same delicious tang inside her right now, within this dream.
And something else, something large...large and dark...atop her. Something giant, covered with fur. Large hips slowly rolling forward. A clawed hand, three fingers extended, rubbing up and down against dark velvety fur. A swelling, distending; something pink and purple and wet emerging. A giant, glistening member pushing its way into the air, purple head throbbing, juice collecting at the tip. Haunches moving, shifting, aiming downward. The great shaft making its way toward his wife's parted lips. Her moist mouth closing around it, swallowing it, a moan arising from her, body arching anew. A low, husky groan...and the great shaggy hips, moving anew, pushing slowly, slowly, rolling ever so slowly. Clawed fingers moving downward, between legs, prodding, rubbing at slippery juices. Looking upwards. A heaving breast, a wolfen head tossed back, teeth bared, tongue lolling, eyes glazed with lust and pleasure. His wife, sucking and gasping, body moving beneath it, hands clutching the furry hips which now moved faster, fondling, disappearing beneath it. Probing and touching. Bodies shifting steadily. Thick breathing. Faint murmurs, moans. Pushing, pushing; accepting, sucking, swirling, surrounding. A long deep push; a long, heavy grunt; a shiver; a tremble. An arch, a swallow; head tossed back, a husky cry. A splash of thick white against tawny skin, a strong salty scent; a release of breath; and then two bodies sinking together into one. Black Elk Horn watched his wife and the demon climax together and sink into an exhausted heap, panting hard and damp with sweat.
The images made no sense to his sleep-addled brain. He found himself sinking again, uncomprehending of what he had just witnessed.
* * * * *
Silver Eagle Feather lay panting and spent beneath the great weight of her father, whose breath fanned thick and hot over her breast. She had already had her fill, twice over, yet she said nothing to him, did not even ask him to remove himself. She knew him better. He would keep his word, no matter what it was.
And thus he did, and she endured it; endured him when he pushed himself up and parted her thighs, pressing himself inside to take her again, coming soon after with another strong spurt. After this, he lifted her, resting back upon his haunches and bringing her to him, so she rubbed herself up and down, impaled upon his mighty shaft, reaching beneath her legs to grab onto his soft swinging sac as she moved; she had to admit that she rather liked this coupling in particular, as he pressed into her anus, his fingers playing idly with her slick swollen pudenda. After that he made her stand, yet bow far over, and, grabbing her hips, drove himself at her furiously until she could take it no more, her cries of orgasm and then pain shattering the air. He gave a satisfied grunt and for some reason pulled himself free, spraying between her legs, hitting her in the mouth and slickening her hanging breasts.
Before he could leave her sweating and exhausted, she somehow convinced him of one last favor, and spent the next ten or so minutes with her head upon her pallet, her hips held up at his shoulders, sighing contentedly as he nuzzled her juices away, making her shiver in her final small climax. When he had finished she lightly stroked his swollen member, gently squeezing the tip and hearing his murmur as he shivered, feeling his seed upon her fingers; she licked it away as he watched, and smiled when he groaned and stood, turning to the wall and gushing his thick semen upon it one last time. She would have loved to give him a final kiss before he left...but he was so flustered with both exhaustion and additional, confused need that he gave a loud grunt at her--This eve has been satisfactory, Daughter; pray make the most of your powers, as they came at so cheap a price--before turning and leaving, disappearing into the dark.
Silver Eagle Feather lay upon her back, breathing softly, her skin glowing pink, thighs spread and gleaming wet. She turned to look at her slumbering husband. Then she reached out to gently shake his arm, one hand going down to slowly rub at herself as she did.
She and the demon would not be the only ones satisfied this night.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.