About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Consummation CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Various novels in the D Is For Damien/Minot crossover storyline, following Blood Secrets (unwritten), & NA
PAIRING: Chance Devetko/Stan Brooks (M/M)
EXPLANATION: Here I welcome you to read of the TWO MOST PROLIFIC PARTNERS IN MY EROTICA! Yes, Det. Devetko and Stan Brooks so far hold the record of the MOST completed erotic scenes together, with a total of seven so far, and an eighth in progress. Awwwww! I'd tell them to get a room but they already have one, obviously. ^_^ These two, I believe, were the first real steady gay couple I came up with, and yes, they are STILL together, even after Brooks finally revealed all that unpleasant Will stuff (see "Last Warning"). Although the stories with Devetko and earlier partners Page and then Russell Whittaker came first, those relationships did not last...whereas this one did. The story goes, Det. Kristeva (Devetko's partner), seeing his state after breaking up with Russell Whittaker (see "Getting To Know You"), and being nagged by his friend Stan Brooks ("You know a gay person who's single? SET ME UP! SET ME UP! PLEEEEEEASE!"), sets the two up on a blind date. Brooks is ecstatic. Dev, not nearly so. (Kristeva set him up without his knowledge.) He however agrees and while their first few dates are awkward, Brooks is VERY patient, and VERY persistent...and manages to wear down even Devetko's reserved exterior. They've been together ever since. I can't help it, for some reason I REALLY, REALLY like writing these two together. Aren't they cuuuute? "I Can See Your Face," BTW, takes place after Dev has returned from the hospital following a shooting--hence the comment about Brooks's blood--Brooks was a donor.
DISCLAIMERS: Now that I've gotten all jubilant with the explanation, I need to dampen things a little with the disclaimers. Firstly, as these are from unwritten novels, there may be some plot/continuity problems, and maybe some point of view issues; "Impulse" in particular is iffy as it makes a point of stating that Dev has never been by Brooks's apartment before, when in reality I think he has been by that time. (I also believe Brooks is on a higher floor than just the third.) Another example is Brooks's memories of former boyfriends in "More Than Words Can Say"--Will (see "Last Warning") isn't mentioned, as he hadn't been created yet. Secondly. See Scene 2? "Things You Can Do In The Office"? FORGET IT EVER HAPPENED! It did NOT happen! Never never no no NO! I don't know WHAT the hell I was thinking when I wrote that. GAH ACK GAG BLAGH. It is TOTALLY out of character for both of them--while Brooks MIGHT entertain the idea, he would certainly not push it on Devetko, and Devetko would NEVER in a million years consent to it. Never! Ever! Just pretend that scene is set in an out-of-continuity timeline where anything can happen and then BLOT IT FROM YOUR MEMORY! I command you! (BTW, Kristeva isn't "too straight" as Dev claims in that scene. He's actually bisexual.)
* * * * *
Brooks smiled slightly. Devetko did the same and glanced down at his drink. Brooks sensed that they'd reached a draw; it was time to do or be done with it. He stared at Devetko until he lifted his head, and then they stared at each other.
The detective didn't make any move. Maybe he was still going over in his head how things had ended up the last time. Brooks wanted to show him that it didn't always have to be that way. He also wanted to prove that to himself.
He tentatively leaned forward, watching for any reactions. Devetko didn't move away. He closed his eyes and allowed Brooks to kiss him. They both opened their mouths at the same time; Brooks took this as a good sign and started to explore his mouth with his tongue. Devetko did the same.
Brooks lightly touched his face. Devetko still didn't move away. He drew himself closer and put his hand on his neck, kissing him deeper. So far all of Devetko's actions were positive; he accepted Brooks's mouth and his touch, touching him back, brushing the side of his face. Both of them were breathing deep and evenly. Brooks allowed his hand to trail down Devetko's back, and Devetko let him.
This is the best reaction I've gotten so far. Nobody else he'd been with had liked being kissed and being touched too much. He'd almost forgotten how good a kiss could be. He and Devetko gently teased each other with their tongues, pulling lightly at each other's lips. Devetko took Brooks's free hand and held it in his, rubbing his fingers. Brooks squeezed his hand back. For a long time he savored the taste and feel of Devetko's mouth, easily caressing his back and his hand. Neither of them made any other move.
After some time Brooks pulled carefully away, breaking the kiss. Devetko opened his eyes to look at him. His mouth was still slightly open and his eyes glazed over; Brooks could tell how desirous he was. He touched his neck.
"How do you want it?" he asked softly.
Devetko blinked. "Huh?" he asked, his voice sounding dull and confused.
Brooks felt mild surprise. He's never been given a choice? "How would you like it?" he repeated himself, smiling with a little embarrassment. He waved his hand slightly between them, first indicating Devetko, then himself, several times.
The detective blinked again. "Oh." It seemed as if he weren't completely awake; he shook his head a little as if to clear it before he could answer. "You," he said; it sounded so decisive that Brooks wondered why he'd even had to think about it.
He just nodded and smiled again, leaning forward to kiss him. Devetko seemed to surrender himself to it completely; he barely noticed as Brooks undid his shirt and removed it, then his own, then released Devetko's buckle, loosing it and unzipping his pants. Devetko didn't make any move to remove Brooks's clothing--he was too far gone already--so Brooks did it himself. He took his partner's underwear and pulled them down, over his hips and knees; Devetko's chest was hitching slightly, and when Brooks placed his hand over him he could feel his heat increasing.
All I did was kiss him!
When they were unclothed he took one of the packages and put one on both Devetko and himself, as he knew that was how he wanted it; he then caressed Devetko's shoulders and back, thinking that maybe he'd prefer that as foreplay. However, the detective took his hand and placed it on him again, sliding it up and down. Brooks took the hint. He curled his fingers, running them not only up and down but around in a massaging motion. Devetko hitched in a breath suddenly and began to harden outward. Brooks pulled away slightly and turned him away from him, so he lay on his right side, his back to him. Devetko was shaking slightly; Brooks pulled himself close and continued running his hands over his body, managing to keep his own breath level even as he felt his own erection begin. He also made certain to caress Devetko in front several times, each time earning a gasp from his partner. Devetko reached back for him, finding his hardness and running his hands over it, squeezing slightly; he let out a slight moan.
God, he's rearing to go already!
Brooks nestled closer so their bodies touched, pulling his hips to Devetko's and caressing his pelvis. Devetko turned his head, as if to talk to him; but his eyes were closed and all that he could do was moan softly again. He didn't seem to be used to too much foreplay. Brooks raised his leg, placing it over Devetko's at the hip; he reached down and gently spread his buttocks open, keeping them apart with his fingers, noticing how Devetko's breathing had turned into a sharp, fast pant at the touch. He drew it out a little longer, feeling him underneath and between the legs, to in front; Devetko let out a little cry and jerked against him, quivering hard. He was definitely ready. Still keeping his breathing level, Brooks parted his buttocks again, guiding his hardness between them and slowly inside. Devetko gasped again. By now Brooks's breath was beginning to come a little faster. He pulled back a bit, then grasped Devetko's hips, wrapping his leg around his partner's and pressing forward and in deeply.
Devetko cried out.
It's like he's never even done it before.
Brooks knew that he had; but either he'd been away from it for too long or it had never been quite right for him, or both; he could literally feel the pleasure and desire course through his partner's body when he entered. He nestled his head against Devetko's neck, kissing him; as he did so he began pumping slowly and gently, not only forward and up, but in a slow, rotating motion which he knew from experience was extremely pleasurable. Devetko apparently thought so. He gasped sharply again, reaching back to grip Brooks's hips tightly in his hands. Brooks ran his left hand over the detective's throbbing heat, down between his legs and over his thigh as he moved. He murmured slightly and heard his partner's answering moan. Devetko was still breathing heavily. Brooks reached up his right hand to touch his neck, sliding it under; Devetko clasped it in his own hand tightly. Brooks thrust inside and he cried out again.
So far everything he was doing led Brooks to believe that he wanted him to move faster, harder. Yet somehow he knew that wasn't true. Devetko had responded easily; he was aroused by going slow and easy. Brooks could handle that. He closed his eyes and nuzzled his partner's neck again, feeling his own desire, tenderly fondling and squeezing Devetko's buttocks as he swayed into him, his hips swiveling slowly.
Once he pulled himself out completely, clutching his partner's buttocks tighter, kneading them between his fingers. He was panting by now too, a little surprised by how excited he was. Devetko let out a long, low moan and writhed, his back arching and his legs tangling with Brooks's. He couldn't turn around to kiss him but the motion itself was highly passionate, the way that he pumped his own hips back when Brooks rejoined him, lightly raking his fingers over his thighs. Devetko even reached behind him to part himself for Brooks's reentry, gasping hard for breath. Brooks placed his hands over Devetko's, one resting on each buttock; Devetko cried softly as he twined his fingers around his, keeping his hands in place and pushing back in. Brooks's hip against his body pressed Devetko's hand in place; judging by the sound he let out, Brooks could tell that the friction was giving the detective immense pleasure. He did like having his hands touched, and what better way to do so? Panting hard, Brooks leaned closer to him, caressing Devetko's bare shoulder with his cheek, and began moving again.
For a while they continued, Brooks thrusting slowly and gently, Devetko holding him behind, gasping or crying out when his partner pushed inside deeper. He kept expecting Brooks to say something to him--to maybe tell him that he loved him, or he felt good inside, or how he needed to force himself deeper--yet Brooks never spoke, the closest time being when he groaned softly, urging himself fully and deeply inside. The first man Devetko had been with had liked to talk, and it had always made him feel self-conscious. The last one he'd been with hadn't talked but had preferred being the passive party. Brooks had given him the choice.
Brooks was thinking all kinds of things in his head as he thrust--how easily Devetko had been aroused and how that had made him feel, Devetko's reluctant courtship and then ready acceptance of him sexually, almost as if Brooks had finally earned it. He sensed that he had. As a reward for being patient. He knew with a slight pang the pain that Devetko had been through, he'd even told him on one of the many occasions when they'd met to talk or eat together before this, this culminating experience, this--consummation. That was what it was, he suddenly realized, and wondered why he should have been so surprised.
Devetko cried out loud again.
Abruptly coming back to the present, Brooks realized how full and aching and ready he was, ready to come. When he stroked his partner he knew that he was just about ready too. If he hadn't made any noise Brooks probably would have missed it!
He pressed himself close, their bodies meeting, moving faster against each other, both of them gasping. He undulated his hips faster, urging himself in deeper, yet still remaining tender and gentle in his motions. Devetko writhed against him, his chest heaving, throwing back his head and moaning with passion. His legs kept moving; Brooks rubbed his upper leg against his partner's. Anyone watching from a distance would have seen two figures writhing and twining passionately around each other, one holding the other close and pumping deeply into him from behind, both of them groaning softly with thick passion and pleasure. Brooks squeezed Devetko's buttocks with one hand, holding his partner to him across the chest with his other; his own buttocks contracted as he pushed in full and hard, almost plunging but still gentle, then relaxed as he pulled himself out, repeating the motion, contracting, releasing, pushing in, pulling out. He felt himself growing thicker and hotter, expanding; when his fluid spurted out he gasped, clutching Devetko to him hard, his body quivering like a taut string. Devetko gave another long moan, almost as if in pain; Brooks knew that it was instead pleasure so great that he couldn't give it words. Neither could Brooks.
His erection died. He let out his breath and relaxed, feeling Devetko do the same, and they both slumped against each other, panting and slick with sweat. When he was able Brooks removed himself; as soon as he did the detective turned back to him, pushing himself over heavily, and they resumed kissing, no less passionate than before even after the act was complete.
Brooks was impressed by the apparent magnitude of Devetko's desire, especially for him; Devetko was surprised by it as he'd never felt so much desire for one person before. When they were able Brooks made love to Devetko again, going faster this time, at his partner's own insistence, finishing with him plunging full and swollen and deep, both of them crying out; and later in the night it was Devetko who coupled with Brooks, even once whispering his name in the desperation that came before release. In all, that whole night they made love three times, each time more urgent than the last, their great passion for each other never once dying down, even as they waited for the next time that they could feel and taste of each other deeply. In the early morning when they awoke, before either got up to get ready for work, they enjoyed yet another passionate and pleasurable coupling, groaning out loud at their shared climax; and though they didn't speak to each other about it afterwards, Brooks could tell, even as he went off to work, that Devetko would be waiting to see him again that night as soon as they had the chance.
Things You Can Do In The Office
"He's going to be looking for me and he'll be pissed if he doesn't find me there." Devetko nodded and turned to the door.
"Hey, Chance," Brooks said. Devetko turned back with a questioning look. Brooks stared at him for a moment before asking in a quiet voice, "You want to stay here for a little while?"
Devetko knew what that question meant. He glanced around the office and back at Brooks, shrugging. "This is kind of a public place, Stan." He looked at his watch. "Besides, I've got to be back at work in about a half hour."
Brooks's eyes never wavered. "I've got a way," he said after a long while, as if confiding a secret.
Devetko fell silent and stared back. He could feel his blood pumping faster. He watched as Brooks went to the office door and locked it, coming back to the desk. He reached down and unzipped his pants, pulling himself out; Devetko could tell that he was already becoming aroused even though neither of them had done anything. It must be just the thought of it. When Brooks sat down in his chair Devetko got what he meant and a brief thrill passed through him.
In his office? God, I must be nuts.
He stood there undecided for a few minutes before putting the folder down on the desk, reaching for his own belt and undoing it, pulling it free. "I wouldn't even be thinking of this if I were in my right mind," he muttered as he reached for his zipper.
Brooks smiled slightly. "You're not in your right mind?"
"Not right now I'm not."
He stepped toward Brooks, pulling his pants and underwear down to mid-thigh; Brooks attained his erection watching him, and Devetko could feel his coming on. Both of them were attempting to keep their breathing level. Devetko actually glanced around the office as he pulled out a small package, ripping it open and putting it on himself.
"There's no hidden cameras," Brooks said, as if insulted.
Devetko looked back at him. "Lucky for you." He came forward, reaching for the arm of the chair and turning his back to Brooks. Brooks's breathing was coming a little faster. He reached up, taking hold of Devetko's bare buttocks and spreading them as his partner brought himself down to sit on his lap. Brooks was very nearly panting by now. When Devetko sat down, Brooks penetrating him, they both sucked in their breath, closing their eyes momentarily. Devetko steadied himself, taking hold of the chair arms and cocking his head in Brooks's direction, nodding. Biting his lip, Brooks placed his hands over Devetko's hips and started to move.
The detective jerked slightly, biting down a gasp. Brooks shifted and began purposefully contracting his own buttocks, in the seat of the chair, with each movement pushing up into his partner. Devetko himself didn't move; Brooks looked over his shoulder, panting, and saw that he was fully aroused, swollen hard and thrusting outward; with each push he gripped the chair arms tighter. Brooks surreptitiously reached a hand into his lap and caressed him. Devetko fought down a moan; though the door was locked neither of them wanted anyone outside hearing what was going on. Devetko placed his own hand over Brooks's and guided him, up, then down, up, then down, slowly, slowly. Brooks could see that his eyes were closed. They were both being very discreet, as discreet as they could be considering the circumstances, yet he knew that part of the stimulation that Devetko was receiving was from the fact that they were doing it in his office in a public building rather than in the privacy of their own homes. There was always the possibility, however slight, that someone would find them. He also knew that Devetko would never have agreed to this had that possibility been real; yet one never knew.
Brooks alternated between rubbing Devetko's aching hardness and gently but firmly squeezing his hips. He did the latter whenever he pushed in especially deep. Once in a while one of them or the other wouldn't be able to completely force down a very slight sound, a brief moan or a sharp gasp; both of them were breathing heavily yet trying to suppress the extreme pleasure coursing through their bodies. Devetko bit his lip; Brooks gritted his teeth. He squeezed his partner's hips tight, pulling Devetko to him slightly. No matter how he tried now the motion wasn't enough. He could feel the throbbing at his tip and could tell that his partner was going unsatisfied as well. He had to get deeper.
He shifted his position slightly, sitting up straighter in the chair. He supposed that he should have warned Devetko first as the detective gripped the chair and cut off a startled murmur. Brooks squeezed his thighs together, taking a deep breath; he slowly started rocking his hips, rising slightly each time and thrusting upward gently. He couldn't contain a soft moan of desire. He slid his hands underneath to knead Devetko's buttocks as he moved; Devetko's breathing came out broken and erratic and he jerked, sitting up straight. His own breath hot and thick, Brooks seized his hips again, pushing hard, pushing deep.
Across the street, in the neighboring apartment building, a custodian was vacuuming the floor when he happened to glance out the window. He paused and looked again. Through the window of the opposite building he could see two men sitting in a chair. Or rather, one man sitting in a chair and the other one sitting in his lap. Puzzled, he left the vacuum and went to the window, squinting out and trying to get a better look to figure out what they could be doing. It took him a while to notice that the man sitting in the chair--underneath--was in fact moving slightly, in a slow, regular motion, almost rocking. The man on top was just holding the arms of the chair, though once in a while his head would fall back a little. Usually when this happened the other man's head would fall back too, and he could see their mouths open. It took him a little while longer to notice one final detail: The man in the chair was clothed, while the other one's pants were partially down, gathered around his hips; squinting a little harder he could now very clearly see the second man's arousal, rising upward.
The custodian blinked. Holy shit. He's screwing the guy.
The man in the chair jerked upward, grabbing the second man's hips; the second man's head fell back again and he appeared to be yelling at the air, his back arching.
Well, whatever they wanted to do on their own time was their own business, not his. The custodian reached up for the pullstring and let the shades fall.
Devetko panted harshly at the air, oblivious to their observer across the street. If he'd have known it would have turned him right off; exhibitionism certainly wasn't something he enjoyed. He didn't know anything about it, though, and by now neither of them cared to get up and close the blinds.
Brooks thrust upward, inward, deeply, his fingers sinking into Devetko's hips. The detective threw back his head and gasped at the air.
He wanted to cry out loud, vocalize the thoughts in his mind, hear his voice bouncing off of the walls, Brooks, oh God, you're making me hard; God, please, go deeper, deeper, please, please, please--I have to feel you! I want to hear and feel your pleasure mixing with mine, just scream, yell, moan, tell me how you feel, but fill me up full, touch me, reach me deep inside, deep, deeper, please, please--
It was nothing he would ever say in real life out loud; it sounded a lot like what someone else he'd known would say. It was what he was feeling, though, and it was growing more and more difficult not to make any noise.
Brooks gripped him tight and grunted slightly as he pushed, his muscles contracting. Devetko gasped again. He knew that he couldn't keep it all in much longer. He turned his head to the side, letting go of the chair to reach down under himself; he took his own buttocks and spread them wider, wriggling from side to side as if to impale himself further. Brooks was the one to gasp this time. He whispered, half confused, "Chance--?"
In response Devetko reached down to clasp Brooks's buttocks, drawing him closer sharply. Brooks jerked and forced down a cry, understanding. He placed his hands flat on the front of his partner's hips and rocked his hips harder, moving up and down slightly in the chair, using his legs. Devetko tried to assist him but the passion swirling in his head was making his thoughts confused. He only lived for the moment when Brooks released inside him and he released himself. It seemed like it would never come. His mouth fell open, moaning soundlessly at the air.
Brooks's muscles were jerking. With each push he grunted softly, unable to suppress it. Both of them wanted to go faster, just to end it before they lost it all. Which he knew would be very bad, getting caught coupling together, lost in physical pleasure and desire for each other, in his office suite at noon. That would be very bad indeed.
Devetko was moving now too. He'd unconsciously wrapped his ankles around Brooks's and was straining against him, his muscles taut with expectation. He'd raised himself a little, taking his hands away from his partner and elevating himself with the chair. Brooks glanced down at his own lap and could see how, with each deep, steady thrust, Devetko's buttocks contracted in, then released out. The sight aroused him further; he grabbed them, hearing his partner gasp in surprise, and squeezed each time he plunged. Devetko almost cried out.
Panting hard, Brooks kept pushing, pushing, pushing, grinding his teeth, squeezing the detective harder, grinding his hips up and inward, up and inward. A strained, strangled sound arose in his throat; he fought to keep it down but still it rose, he squeezed harder, he strained harder, he pushed harder, he thrust harder--
Release! Brooks climaxed suddenly, feeling himself explode and gush out, thick and hot, deep inside his partner. He gave a strangled gasp. Devetko jerked against him, arching abruptly; his buttocks tightened and his hardness quivered. He groaned, a strained, forced sound, heavy with deep, intense pleasure; he tried so hard to keep it down but couldn't. However it wasn't nearly loud enough to be noticed by anyone save a person purposefully eavesdropping at the door, who would have heard the sound thick and muffled and wondered what it was. Devetko's orgasm ebbed; he let out his breath and sank back into Brooks's lap, both of them panting hard, deeply relieved and satisfied sexually.
Devetko took a moment or two to recover before he pushed himself up from Brooks's lap, standing a little shakily and turning around. Brooks's erection had waned; he barely glanced up at the detective as he reached down to tuck himself back in and do up his pants. Devetko smiled slightly, removing what he'd put on, pulling up his own pants, zipping them, replacing his belt and doing up the buckle. He was brushing out the few wrinkles that had formed when Brooks stood up to join him.
"So," he said, almost conversationally, giving a slight smile of his own; his voice was still a little breathless. Devetko looked up at him and his own smile grew wider.
"I've never quite done it that way before," he murmured, still intent on straightening out his clothes.
"Really?" Brooks returned. "There's a lot of things you can do in the office when no one's looking." He wagged his eyebrows slyly.
"I think I prefer it in private." Devetko stepped forward and kissed him; Brooks touched his face and their tongues caressed for a moment. What the hell, Devetko thought, he's earned it. They embraced, Brooks running his hand down the detective's back, squeezing him slightly at the bottom. Devetko caressed his neck before pulling away.
"Though I did enjoy today's little office adventure," he added, at which Brooks smiled back. He turned to pick up the folder that he'd set on the desk before they'd made love. "I'll see you tonight if I can. Like I said, Max is probably out looking for me and he'll chew my ass if he finds out I've been dawdling around here."
"Would you like him to?" Brooks hinted, his grin dirty.
Devetko whirled on him with a shocked look, appalled by the joke; he smacked Brooks with the folder, a little hard. "Damn it! They let you go to waste!"
Brooks only laughed, though he was sure that Devetko hadn't appreciated the joke at all, it being a personal stab at both Devetko and his detective partner. "I know, I know," he said, half apologetic, half sarcastic. "Kristeva isn't your type. He's too self-contained and he's too mysterious."
"Not to mention he's too married and he's too straight," Devetko shot back. He snorted slightly as he put the folder under his arm. "Like I said, I'll see you tonight. If I feel like it by then."
"Bye," Brooks replied, just having to get in a last word. Devetko shot him a dirty look and headed for the door, fumbling with the handle before he realized that it was locked. He flushed in annoyance as Brooks had the last laugh, coming to his rescue to unlock the door and let him out, earning another folder smack for his pains.
He slammed the door of his car and jogged up the steps to the apartment building. The place was much bigger and better looking than where he lived; he could understand now why Brooks had thought to ask him if he'd like to move in there. He pushed open the doors to the lobby. He hated doing this, hated doing things spontaneously, arriving unannounced for a trivial reason; yet he felt that it would probably be the best thing, as he could tell that Brooks had sacrificed a few of his own small attributes for him. Being spur of the moment was the only thing he could think of to pay him back.
"Hi. Brooks?" he asked at the front desk. The desk clerk directed him to the third floor. Devetko took the stairs rather than the elevator; it might give him a chance to work off some of his anxiety about being so impulsive. Can it, a voice in his head said. As if this is impulsive. He's asked you over before. It's not like he's going to get mad and throw you out.
He still felt stupid doing it.
He was clenching and unclenching the fingers of one hand by the time he reached Brooks's apartment and knocked at the door. He surveyed the hallway while waiting for it to be answered, asking himself if he should leave or see it through.
The door opened. He forced a smile at the look of surprise on Brooks's face, and Brooks smiled back. "Chance!" He used Devetko's first name; it wasn't something that bothered the detective, but he was rather unused to it, being called "Dev" all the time by Kristeva. "Man, I didn't expect to see you here!"
Devetko raised his eyebrows, managing to look nonchalant. "I'm too blue collar for you now?"
"No, no!" Brooks laughed and stepped aside. "Jeez, this is a surprise. Come in!"
Devetko stepped inside, automatically looking around as Brooks shut the door. It was a nice place, bigger than his own; and aside from a briefcase and some papers scattered on the table, it was clean. Devetko could almost feel his earlier anxiety fading away. He liked clean.
"You keep this place nice," he said, looking up at the fans set in the ceiling. Brooks moved around him to straighten up the table, shuffling the papers and putting them back in the briefcase.
"Yeah, I hate messes myself," he said; Devetko glanced over at him as he shut the case, stowing it under a chair and dusting off his hands. Brooks noticed his stare and smiled back as if to say, "All done!"
Devetko didn't grow embarrassed getting caught watching him. He's not too different from you, the voice said. A little more outspoken, but not too different at all.
"So what brings you here?" Brooks asked.
"I just thought I'd drop by and see how the other half lives," Devetko replied. Brooks laughed and shook his head, walking away and into the kitchen. Devetko followed.
"I'm not a rich man," Brooks admitted, turning on the tap to wash his hands. "You can leave all your little fantasies behind, Detective. Take away the briefcases and 'power lunches' and I'd be a lot like you."
"You already are." The words came out before Devetko could stop them. When Brooks looked up he pretended to be examining the kitchen. "How do you keep this place clean, for God's sake? The only reason I live in a space the size I do is because it's tidy."
"What? No price range issues?" Devetko shot him a fake glare and Brooks grinned. "Believe me, if it weren't for maids this place would be a mess or I'd have to quit my job to clean it. I think I'd prefer quitting to wading around in week-old food cartons. With my hours that's about all I get to eat."
"You too?"
Brooks snorted jokingly and dried off his hands. "Yeah, I guess we are a lot alike." He paused and turned back to look at him again. "Really, though. Why'd you stop by? Something going on I should know about?"
"No, I just wondered what it would be like to do something impromptu," Devetko said with a faint "You've-got-me" smile. "Which is the way you operate most of the time, so I've seen."
Brooks's smile was faint also. "Yeah, well, you've never seen me preparing for some big muckamuck presentation. Organized insanity. It's what my life revolves around."
He walked toward him to exit the kitchen. On his way he stopped and turned to look at Devetko, as if just realizing something. Devetko met his eyes and made himself keep quiet. They stared at each other for a moment or two before Brooks broke the look, seeming to glance somewhere off to his side, his expression turning somewhat thoughtful. He turned away and went down the hall.
Devetko paused before following.
His real reason for coming must have been apparent from the look in his eyes, which Brooks had evidently seen; he entered his bedroom and obliged Devetko by pretending to be looking for something rather than being there for some other purpose. Devetko wasn't sure how he knew what to do so well; he secretly admitted to himself that he would have been a little upset if Brooks had just turned to him and asked to make out once they got there. More than a little upset. Brooks seemed to realize that he preferred things more subtle and even a little roundabout rather than upfront. That was why it always took him so long to get to know people, or more like for them to get to know him. He wasn't someone who simply came out and said what was on his mind. He preferred others to figure it out.
"This place I clean up on my own," Brooks said, conversationally, dusting at a side table. "Don't want any nosy maids poking around my room. Though I'm sure you'd have no idea what I mean."
"Of course I do," Devetko said, sounding slightly offended.
"No you don't. You've never had any maids at your place."
The detective realized that he was right about that, and snorted as if in annoyance. Brooks continued pretending to check the room out, before turning back. They stared at each other again for several moments, in silence.
"I'm assuming there's another reason why you're here," Brooks finally said, his voice quiet. It was all the prompting that either of them would allow. Devetko didn't reply for a moment, so Brooks took his hand and held it, giving him a look that was almost challenging him to make the next move. After another brief pause Devetko did, tipping his head forward to kiss him. Brooks's grip on his hand tightened, and Devetko felt the blood start coursing through his veins. He tasted Brooks's tongue, sucking at his lips.
Devetko was still dressed from his last shift; Brooks was wearing baggy pants and an old T-shirt that Devetko assumed he wore around the apartment. Twining his fingers around Brooks's, he reached to pull off his jacket and unbutton his own shirt. His blood felt like fire coursing through his body; he managed so far to keep his breathing even, yet something in the situation was arousing him rapidly. He felt the urge inside him growing stronger by the second, more demanding. He usually appreciated going slowly, yet whatever it was inside him was demanding to be satisfied now.
Brooks must have sensed it in the way that Devetko fumbled simply trying to remove Brooks's pants. He assisted him without complaint, pulling them down and pulling his shirt off over his head, tossing it aside. He was used too to Devetko's usual need to go slow, but didn't question anything he did. He just continued kissing him, allowing the detective to take control.
Breathing heavily now, murmuring into Brooks's mouth, Devetko fell over him onto the bed, gripping his arms tight, his own pants half unzipped. Brooks reached down to pull them off for him. During the times they'd been together so far Devetko had been the dominant party several times, though by far he seemed to prefer being the passive one; Brooks had never seen a reaction from him quite as urgent as this. He still said nothing about it as Devetko tugged on his lips with his teeth, even growling softly under his breath. Devetko also almost always used protection, even though he'd allowed Brooks to go easy on that himself, trusting him that much; however, he was making no move to do anything about that, either. Brooks simply supposed that he had something he had to get out of him, something he'd been cooping up inside for too long. It was good to let it out before it exploded in some other way--probably at his job. Kristeva had been known to blow up. Why not his partner?
Devetko sat up, grasping Brooks's head, still kissing him fiercely. Brooks followed him up. He knew enough from his motions to turn away when Devetko broke the kiss, placing himself on hands and knees, a little breathless from the first attack. Devetko panted heavily and rapidly, kneeling himself behind Brooks, taking hold of his buttocks. Brooks waited; he was getting an erection right now, though he could tell that Devetko had gotten his much earlier--he'd felt it while they were still standing and undressing. Devetko didn't usually get aroused that quickly; he must need it.
He shut his eyes and grunted softly as Devetko spread him, pushing his legs apart and straddling him to press deep inside. He felt Devetko's body warm against him as he bent forward, reaching underneath him to take hold of Brooks, cupping with both hands. Then he began pushing, thrusting about once a second, so that with each movement a voice in Brooks's head said, "One thousand one, one thousand two..." It was much faster than Devetko usually started out. Brooks dimly realized as Devetko's hips rolled against his that this was going to end up a little messy, at least for him; but Devetko didn't seem to have taken that into consideration, so he pushed it out of his mind as well.
Devetko barely paid attention to anything else as he moved, stroking Brooks in front. His breath was thick in his throat; he could feel his muscles tightening with each stroke, his whole body aware of the fire raging deep within him. It was true, he'd been passionate before, but he'd never felt anything quite like this--this lust. He hadn't realized that was what it was before. He'd come there because he'd needed Brooks--needed him to release himself, relieve himself, the urge that had been building in him all day long. Maybe it was the strain of the case that he and Max were working on, maybe it was just himself, maybe--he didn't know, but he was sure now that if Brooks hadn't been there he'd have absolutely lost it. Just like Max. Somewhere very deep in the back of his head he wondered if that was how it worked with Kristeva, if it just built up and built up until he couldn't take it anymore, and if he'd mellowed out because of his therapy or because of Natalie. Right now he tended to believe that it was because of Natalie.
Not that he could think about it much. His pushes were full and deep; he needed to release himself inside somebody, not the other way around as he usually did; he needed to let it out on somebody. When he opened his eyes he could see Brooks, bent over and back to him, naked with his fingers clawing the bedcovers. He vaguely wondered if this was something Brooks didn't like--being passive to Devetko's overwhelming need. All that he could hear from him was his quick breathing, a brief murmur of strain or a broken-off groan the further Devetko thrust. He made no complaint. And, deep down, Devetko was thanking him for it, because compliance was what he needed right now. Simple compliance, simple passivity. He needed to use Brooks; though it made him feel guilty, it was what he needed.
For a long time--longer than he'd have thought they'd go--they knelt on the bed, rocking together, Brooks moving back and forth as Devetko's hips rolled into him. Devetko paused from stroking him to run his fingers over his buttocks; he spread them apart and pressed his crotch against Brooks hard, feeling his tailbone pressing on him. "Oohhh," he groaned, squeezing. Brooks remained silent except for a gasp. Devetko rubbed him again, up and down, thrusting quicker, more deeply. Brooks dropped down onto his elbows, groaning through clenched teeth and clutching the sheets. He wadded a portion up in his hand and waited, eyes closed, for the end, Devetko full, hard, and deep within him, pulsing hot, stabbing down to his core, the heat building. When the heat broke, being doused in cooling liquid, he gasped and pulled up the sheets.
Devetko felt his fluid come out, spurting warm and thick. He let out a broken cry and jerked. Brooks gasped and Devetko felt cloth against his hand. Brooks pressed the sheets hard against himself as he climaxed, stopping the spray with his hand. Devetko shuddered as waves of pleasured relief passed over him, then let out his breath. He was--and he felt--drained, all of the urgency and desperation draining out of him with his fluid. He steadied Brooks with his hands and slid out, collapsing beside him on his back, panting at the ceiling. Brooks slowly sat upright, wadding up the used sheets and pulling them from the bed, disposing of them over the side before also lying down. They stared upward for a while, allowing their breathing to settle.
When the room had again grown silent Brooks turned over to touch Devetko's face, staring at him. "You can stay here tonight if you want," he said softly, still a little breathless. Devetko turned to glance at him, looking passive again. He didn't move when Brooks lifted himself onto one elbow, tenderly stroking his face and chest. "You can stay here any time you want."
Devetko stared at him for a while before reaching up to caress Brooks's face with his fingertips. After a moment he summoned up a faint smile. "Sometime I might take you up on that offer," he promised, his own voice soft. Brooks's smile grew a little foolish; he averted his eyes and nodded, knowing very well that he was pushing at the subject a little too hard. Something which Devetko didn't like. He was actually surprised when the detective added, "Right now I think I could settle for tonight."
Brooks gaped at him for a moment before smiling again, lying at his side and nuzzling his neck. He sighed contentedly; Devetko drew himself close and they held each other, their legs slowly tangling and their hands feeling each other's body as they tenderly kissed.
More Than Words Can Say
Brooks let his hands trail down Devetko's sides as his mouth moved over his partner's bare shoulder, his lips brushing against his throat. Devetko dropped his head back, eyes closed, panting and running his own fingers down Brooks's back. He was receptive this day, receptive to Brooks's kiss and touch. After spending so much time together the two of them were deeply in love. Brooks had known from the moment they'd met that Devetko was the one he wanted to be with; for Devetko it had taken a little longer, but to Brooks now it was worth the wait. Devetko was responsive to his needs, which weren't much; he didn't ask for dominance or passivity, or a certain rapidity, or anything; he simply wanted someone to share these feelings with. These feelings of love and desire, coursing through him like fire in his blood. Devetko accepted them, and Brooks knew his own needs well enough to fulfill them. Devetko wasn't an outspoken one, especially on his feelings; yet the way that he reacted to the feel of Brooks's hand caressing his side and down his chest was proof enough of how he felt. Brooks met his lips; their tongues met briefly before Devetko cocked his head to nuzzle at Brooks's neck, his chest rising and falling as his fingers clutched in back.
Right now they weren't even making love, were instead enjoying the feel of each other's body. With their work schedules it was something they didn't often get to do. They were both kneeling upright on Brooks's bed, the shades to the window drawn; in the dark they were mostly a tangle of hands, hot breath mixing as it brushed against their faces. Brooks could barely control the need of his mouth and his hands to explore; but Devetko appeared to like it, arching his neck, allowing Brooks to trail his tongue over his throat, shoulder, and chest. Both of them took turns fondling the other in front, giving nothing more than a quick squeeze or caress, until they were both hard and rubbing against each other as they moved. Brooks found that he liked the sensation; he discovered Devetko's mouth again and kissed him deeply, his tongue probing deep inside. Devetko responded; he wrapped his arms around his partner's waist, bumping his hips forward. The move surprised Brooks a little; and even more so when Devetko started rotating his hips against him, as if Brooks were a woman and they were making love already.
The motion also made Brooks think briefly of all the other times he'd had sex, with women before he'd discovered what he was, with men afterward. He remembered the first girl he'd been with, exactly how she'd felt, nice and tight around him, yet how for some reason the feeling had been wrong and he hadn't understood why. He remembered the other girls he'd dated briefly, just for show, fumbling with them in the dark, once with two in one night, in a failed attempt to curb the burning that he'd felt inside him. He remembered when he'd finally found out, his junior year in high school; and the first man he'd been with, not much more than a boy really, at seventeen just his age; the awkwardness and the tenderness blooming into a blazing desire that had finally quenched his ache, the joy and exhaustion and satisfaction and terror he'd felt afterwards. He remembered the man he'd seen steadily through college, how they could release their passions together at night, until they'd drifted apart for one reason or another. He remembered the stillness inside him until Detective Kristeva had found out and asked him if he were looking. Brooks had misunderstood and thought that he was the one. Kristeva had said no, he certainly wasn't; but he knew someone who was.
That had been months ago. Devetko hadn't been happy at first that Kristeva had told him about his personal life, which was pretty much nil at the time. Brooks didn't care. He'd been lonely, and Devetko had struck him as being just the one. He hadn't cared how long it would take. Just as long as he wasn't alone again, for so long.
He pulled Devetko to him, tasting him, biting at him gently. Devetko usually preferred the two of them going slowly and easily, but tonight it was as if he could feel all of the past pains and desires rising up in his partner; there was an eagerness to him that Brooks hadn't seen before. He silently thanked Whoever might be watching and cupped Devetko's buttocks, running his hands up and down.
Devetko broke the kiss. They'd touched and teased each other long enough, Brooks could agree. Devetko moved to the head of the bed, still kneeling upright, and grasped at the headboard, his knuckles going white. He turned his head to the side. He was breathing through his mouth, his breath a soft pant. Brooks understood his unspoken entreaty and moved forward to join him, pushing his hips to Devetko's behind, his swollen member pressing tantalizingly against the cleft between Devetko's buttocks. Devetko moaned softly, his head falling back again. His back arched slightly, and as it did Brooks, panting more heavily now, grasped and rubbed himself against his partner, earning a gasp. His fingers clawed harder at the headboard.
Brooks studied the patterns made by Devetko's muscles tightening and flexing beneath the skin of his back, as lithe as the movements of a cat. It excited him. The fact that he had someone else this excited excited him. He allowed himself to savor the look and feel of Devetko's body a little bit longer, running his hands down over his hips and thighs, up between his legs. As soon as he reached there Devetko moved, kneeling with his legs spread wide, supporting himself with his knees and feet, wide open and waiting for his lover to enter deep inside. He was thrusting upward and outward in front. His buttocks quivered; a shiver passed down his spine in anticipation.
Brooks took his waist in his hands and brought himself forward, pushing up, up, up and inward, Devetko wrapping smooth and taut around him. Devetko arched again, and Brooks saw his shoulders hitch up as he hitched a breath in. He brought himself up and Devetko did the same, scooting his knees closer together now that Brooks had embedded himself deep inside. Brooks lifted a leg to allow him to do so, and straddled him now on both sides; he felt the fires rise inside him when his partner coyly ran his toes down over Brooks's calf, twining their legs around each other. Brooks could feel Devetko's body literally vibrating in exquisite desire. When he managed to look in front at Devetko's own member, swollen hard and thrusting out, he felt a surge of admiration; taking Devetko's shoulders now for support, he began thrusting himself, squeezing and pumping his hips inward as if to inject Devetko with his love. Devetko felt it. He threw back his head and clutched at the wood of the headboard, letting out a guttural cry that was thick with passion. Brooks felt a thrill of pleasure course through him and pumped steadier.
He kept his rhythm, once releasing Devetko's shoulders to give his buttocks, contracting against him, a gentle squeeze, another time running his fingers smoothly and deftly upwards and down again over his partner's throbbing hardness. He maintained his steady rocking motion, breathing deeply and thickly, keeping his back straight as his hips worked. It was almost as if they were apart from him, moving of their own volition, reacting only to the warm tightness inside. He couldn't stop his eyes from closing, as much as he wanted to devour Devetko's lean body with his stare--the quiet strength of his muscles beneath the tightness of his skin, the graceful arch of his neck, the glazed look of desire on his face when he turned his head to the side, in his closed eyes and slightly parted lips. Most of all his own pleasure, his own desire to become one with Brooks, evident in the warm, full hardness between his own legs, quivering as its hunger went unsated.
Brooks took Devetko's shoulders again and pulled himself closer so their bodies touched. Devetko pulled himself up straighter, a slight whimper escaping his throat. His own breathing was very rapid, short, shallow gasps that contrasted with how measured and steady he always was on the job, whenever they weren't inside each other. Brooks nuzzled Devetko's neck this time as he moved, pumping, thrusting more fully and deeply. He began to speed up, his own fingers gripping Devetko's shoulders harder, his eyes closing, biting his lip against the tide swelling up inside him, murmuring throatily in pleasure and delight and ecstasy--
Devetko jerked. He grunted slightly, then cried out, spurting thick and warm against the headboard. The fluid trickled to a slight flow, then sprayed again, Devetko half grunting, half crying out again as Brooks spurted deep inside him, warm and abrupt. Neither had used protection; they knew each other well enough now, knew that they were both healthy, and even in the throes of passion nothing as minor as the spray of his own fluid over his legs was enough to turn Devetko off. It was always something that could be cleaned up, something that didn't bother him as long as it wasn't spoken of later on. Right now he slumped against the headboard, panting rapidly; Brooks took care to remove himself, panting also. He fell back on his haunches and ran a hand back through his hair which had fallen forward into his face when he'd climaxed. He allowed Devetko a moment to catch his breath before he turned himself away from the headboard to face him. His lips were still slightly parted, breathless, his eyes glazed. He sank down onto his knees and Brooks moved forward to join him.
As soon as he did Devetko leaned against him, leaning his head against Brooks's shoulder. Brooks automatically took his lover in his arms, holding him close and nuzzling against the top of his head, whispering to him as if he were a baby. Nowhere else would Devetko ever, ever dare show anyone this vulnerable side, this side in want of holding and comforting. They never discussed this either. Brooks unconsciously understood Devetko's need for silence on the subject; he only allowed himself to show this side now because it would embarrass or even shame him at any other time. He was a grown man, a detective, for God's sake, and any display of vulnerability wouldn't do well for his position. Brooks understood. And it endeared him. He carefully, slowly moved back on the bed, holding Devetko to him and cupping an arm beneath his legs, almost as if to carry him, in fact moving him down on the bed. He lay down and wrapped his arms around Devetko, sighing contentedly as he felt Devetko snuggle up to him again, searching for warmth and love, receiving it, sighing himself as he faded into a deep, satisfied sleep. His muscles relaxed against Brooks as he went silent.
Brooks stroked his cheek, adoring the peaceful look on his lover's face as he slept. He wished that he could tell Devetko just how very much he loved him, but he knew that Devetko would only find that painfully embarrassing to hear. It didn't matter. He had Devetko's trust, and his love; both of those he could tell from his partner's extreme pleasure and passion, and his willingness to depend entirely on Brooks's protection, at least in the night. It was much, much more than he'd ever gotten before, and had ever expected or hoped to get. He prayed thank you silently again, and, nestling his head against Devetko's, joined him in sleep.
I Can See Your Face
Brooks ran his tongue along Devetko's ear and they pressed against each other, hands touching and caressing. Brooks closed his eyes as he nuzzled at his lover's neck. He ached so much inside. He was so grateful to have Devetko back, after so long and so much worry. He thought of how his blood now flowed through Devetko's veins. It seemed only right.
Devetko lifted his head to look at him. Brooks looked back, eyes glazed, and lightly stroked his hair.
"I wish when we made love I could see your face," he murmured. He nuzzled his partner again.
"Maybe you can," Devetko whispered back, his voice breathless. Brooks wasn't sure how, but for the chance to be inside him, or feel him inside, he'd have tried anything. They disrobed a little hastily in his living room, tossing their clothes onto the coffeetable; together they sank to the floor, mouths meeting. The floor wasn't normally where they would do it, but right now neither cared, they were so heated with desire.
Murmuring, Devetko pulled away from Brooks's mouth. He sat up over him and spread Brooks's legs a little. Brooks was already erect. He shut his eyes and tensed when Devetko took his member in his hands, rubbing it.
Please, please, take me in you. Take me inside you, deep. I have to feel you. Please.
"I love you," he murmured. He wasn't afraid to say it now.
Devetko said nothing. He knelt with his legs wide so he straddled his partner; Brooks looked up to see his silhouette, and his hardness rising out before him. He murmured appreciatively and stroked it.
Devetko shivered. He raised himself, taking hold of his own buttocks and spreading them wide. Brooks finally understood what he was going to do and his breath sped up with excitement. He helped guide him. Devetko came down slowly until he felt Brooks, positioned himself, and eased him in, moving his hips gently from side to side as Brooks achieved full penetration. He moaned softly. Brooks clawed the carpet, arching and whispering. "Oh, God..."
Devetko bent over him, panting rapidly. "I can see your face," he whispered, managing a faint smile.
Brooks's voice was just as breathless. "Why didn't we do this before?"
Devetko started moving. Brooks took his member and caressed it. Devetko continued rocking forward and pulling back, his skin warm against Brooks's. As he began to rock faster Brooks quit stroking and locked his hands behind his back, bringing his lover down and holding him tight. They started struggling now, their hips jerking from side to side, slight grunts rising in their throats, twisting upon the living room floor as they tried to obtain release. Their jerking motions, and the guttural noises they let out, made it look as if they were fighting. Anyone who knew them, though, would have known better.
Brooks jerked beneath Devetko. Devetko tensed and warm spray spread across their bellies. Brooks laughed softly and they sat up, kissing.
Both highly heated now, after the requisite wait they moved, and knelt; Devetko mounted Brooks and thrust into him as if he were a bull. Brooks moaned long and low; his lover's motions increased, his eyes shut, his buttocks quivering in and out, in and out. The two of them didn't move but for the steady swivel of Devetko's hips. He groaned and gently squeezed his partner, pushing faster; and at the sublime height of their lovemaking, their shared climax, he groaned again, loudly, pleasure mixed with relief; he felt Brooks arch sharply, heard his cry of release, saw the thick strong stream of his climax go shooting out ahead of him. The sight stimulated a multiple orgasm; Devetko shuddered wildly as a shockwave of pleasure swept over him.
He and Brooks sank to the carpet again, panting and sweating. After they'd had time to gain their breath they caressed and kissed each other lovingly, not interested in sex now but just in being near each other. They actually giggled together, as they twined and fondled and caressed, greatly enjoying their loveplay.
Want more? Please see "Something About The Water" !
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.