About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Unreal CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Sokar/Upuat/Selket (M/M/F)
EXPLANATION: As you can tell from the ending...this scene never happened! ^_^ Sorry, I had to give it away. While Selket might go for it, and Upuat MIGHT go for it (I stress the MIGHT), there is no way in HELL that Sokar would agree to a threesome involving another male. That's just the way he is. He would also never be caught dead with another male himself, especially not Upuat...but Selket just happens to have this naughty little fantasy. She's been in love with both gods, so of course, her fantasy would tend to run this way...I thought it would be interesting to see how the two gods would act so out of character, and yet still in character (witness Sokar's domination and Upuat's submission), all together in one coupling. I think it turned out rather intriguing.
DISCLAIMERS: Already given--this piece is merely a fantasy.
* * * * *
Sokar smiled down at Selket, his eyes glowing that unnatural red. "There are many things you wish for us to do tonight, am I correct? We'd best get started, before any more of the night ends up wasted. The more time we waste, the less time we can have fun with each other."
Selket smiled back, her own eyes as dark as obsidian. "Whatever it is you wish, Lord Sokar. How should you like to begin? Or is that a matter for my decision?"
"How about you attempt to surprise me. A surprise could do us all some good."
She laughed silently. "All right. I doubt you'll be much surprised, though, considering that it's one of your favorites, as well."
She knelt down before him, pulling aside the flap on his kilt and untying his loincloth. Her hand ran up his member, slowly caressing and grasping. He hardly reacted, though she could sense a slight increase in his breath, and his eyes glowed just a little redder. He looked down at her and grinned, eyes narrowing.
"You're right, not much of a surprise. But pleasant nonetheless."
"Things will soon become even more pleasant, believe me." Selket started to move toward him, mouth opening, only to feel someone's hand upon her shoulder. Startled, she turned her head, looking up--
Her breath caught in her throat. "Lord Upuat!" she gasped, unable to check herself. The wolf god stood behind her, bending down and touching her shoulder. He smiled back at her slightly; Selket turned back to Sokar, her heart racing, only to see that he still smiled at her as well.
What is going on?
"What's wrong?" Sokar asked in a bantering tone. "I thought you would enjoy having the two of us here together, at once. Or have you changed your mind and it's now all too much for you to handle?"
Both of them...at once? No, it wasn't too much for her to handle...but it was too much for her to believe! There was no way that this could be real!
She realized that this all--all of it--had to be a dream. She was dreaming...none of this was real.
Except for the sharp pain she suddenly felt deep inside her...
Upuat took her by the arm, brought her to her feet. His muzzle touched her neck.
"Dear Goddess, we shall pleasure you most greatly tonight, if this is your desire."
Selket swallowed, throat dry. Sokar smiled at her and moved closer, and Upuat did as well, until they both touched her. She was literally pinned between them. She let out a tiny gasp and her heart fluttered like a trapped bird.
"I..." she murmured, voice faint. "This...this isn't real..."
"Of course not," Sokar replied, still smiling. "You doubt that I would be unwilling to share? We are merely here for you, to bring you pleasure tonight."
"If this is your desire, Goddess," Upuat added.
Selket bit on her lip. Their nearness both frightened her a little, and drew her in. She had never been with two men at once, though she had considered it. Now that it was happening, she wasn't certain if she wanted to go through with it after all. It was too easy to lose control, to let one of them take control over her.
She could control one of them at a time...but both?
"I believe she has second thoughts now," Sokar said to Upuat, grin growing. "Perhaps we'd best convince her."
Selket trembled. "Please, we do not need to force her," Upuat said in return, and she thanked him silently. "We may merely prove it to her, ourselves...then perhaps she may change her mind..."
Prove? As if in response to this thought, she felt Upuat drop to his knees behind her and part her buttocks. She gasped in shock when his muzzle poked between them, tongue meeting her anus. She'd never felt anyone do that before! Strangely, as much as it startled her--she also found it oddly exciting, and had to stand on tiptoe to avoid plunging herself down upon him.
Sokar just grinned. "Looks promising." He too got down on his knees, though not as quickly as Upuat had, and took Selket's thighs in his hands. She gasped again. A moment later his tongue played along the edge of her vulva, gently poking inside. She had to place her hands upon his shoulders with a shuddering moan, to keep herself from falling as they nuzzled at her most secret places.
Gods, what is happening!
Upuat began to stroke her, running his hands up and down her back and buttocks, then her legs. Sokar followed suit. Eventually their hands even met--and instead of jerking away, their fingers twined and they stroked her in unison. This gesture inflamed her to no end. Oh gods! Such feelings that were rising up inside her!
Sokar pulled his head away and smiled up at her. "Well, Lady Selket? Have we convinced you enough?"
Upuat followed suit, though he still clutched her legs. "Goddess? Do we please you?"
Selket could only stand above them, trembling, eyes closed, mouth open. She finally managed a weak nod, fingers digging into Sokar's shoulders.
She could tell that his smile grew, and felt the motions of the both of them getting to their feet. Sokar took her by the waist, and Upuat gently grasped her shoulders. "Well then, little Lady Selket...let us then do as Lord Upuat has suggested, and 'bring you pleasure.' I'm positive you won't be disappointed."
Selket whimpered. Upuat's mouth brushed against her ear. "Do not be afraid, Goddess," he murmured softly. "We will be kind with you."
"Of course!" Sokar rejoined. "That is--if that's what she wants!"
Her whimper only continued. "P...please..."
She felt their fingers splay her open, Sokar in front, Upuat in back. She shook harder as they pressed their bodies to hers, their breath coming fast. She wasn't even aware of who made the move first--but Sokar pushed into her vagina, and Upuat into her anus, and at the sharp throbbing pressure of both of them filling her she put her head back against Upuat's shoulder and moaned loudly.
Sokar laughed, breathless. "See, we make her happy already. Perhaps we should go quick and hard, the better to bring her to the brink of desire?"
"I wish to go slowly," Upuat whined. "I may enjoy her better this way. She is a most beautiful goddess, with a most beautiful feel, that I cannot resist her."
Thank you, thank you, Lord Upuat, Selket moaned mentally. Sokar gave a light snort and shrugged one shoulder.
"Fine," he said. "We shall take her your way. But remember that when we shall take her again, we shall do it my way!"
Again--? Selket had time to think, before he had plunged upwards hard enough to lift her onto her toes, and she shrieked and convulsed at the motion.
"Lord Sokar!" Upuat snarled, clinging to her more tightly. "Already you break your word! SLOWLY!"
Selket whimpered and sank back down between them, tears springing to her eyes. "Very well," Sokar sighed. He bobbed his head to suck at one breast. "Fortunately I have these to keep me entertained, until later..."
Upuat growled softly and his hand took hold of her other breast. He pushed his hips upward, and then released; and then Sokar did the same, letting out a low sound that might have been a chuckle, might have been a groan. One push, and then another, gently pressing her back and forth between them. She leaned back against Upuat, whom for some reason she favored at the moment, though her hands, out of necessity, played along Sokar's body. She gave a soft moan.
She felt Upuat's muzzle at her ear and he whimpered. "You I have always found most exquisite among the goddesses, Lady Selket. That you allow a lowly dog to make love to you honors me greatly."
"Oh, feh," Sokar muttered. "You already have yourself inside her, 'lowly dog,' and even take her like a dog as well. You needn't waste your breath on such prattle. Find some better use for that tongue of yours...like this." He kissed her neck and she arched.
Upuat let out another growl, this one of irritation, but obeyed, licking gently at her nape. Selket shivered wildly. Their bellies pressed warm against her skin, their hips slowly meeting hers. Gods, this felt good.
She completely lost track of time, of how long the three of them coupled in such a manner, though she did know that near the end, both of them--all of them--could not help but pick up a bit, moving faster as they neared completion. Oh gods, did it need to end so very soon? She was only just getting used to it, letting herself lapse into a blissful semiconscious state as they stimulated her at both ends, when they both grasped at her tightly, Sokar growling his pleasure as he spurted, Upuat whining and tossing back his head as he gushed. Selket could do nothing but gasp and tense and accept their plentiful seed. Her thighs shook wildly. She was so weakened when they pulled out from her that she did not mind when they both took hold of her arms, carefully guiding her across the room to the bed. They laid her down upon the soft cushions and she lay panting weakly, spent.
She heard Sokar snort. "Well, what shall we do then until she recovers? I had no idea she would be so exhausted by something so trivial; she is not quite as enduring as I thought."
"Let her rest. Can you not see how weak she is? You have no thoughts but for yourself. You will find something else to do."
Sokar paused, and then chuckled. "Well, you were the one who suggested it, dear Upuat. I dare say she looks as if she could use some entertainment to get her juices flowing yet again. What would you say? Should we entertain her?"
The wolf god gave a soft whine. "I do not know..."
"Oh, please. What do you expect, a beating? You know me better by now...come now, let the lovely goddess be entertained, then perhaps we shall taste her bounty once more for the night. And the next time we have her, I will take the lead, as you are too slow!"
Selket just lay still, trying to catch her breath, and listened to them argue. Their annoyed-sounding banter eventually died down into silence and she listened merely to the sound of herself breathing. After some time Upuat gave a soft whimper and she heard Sokar slowly let out his breath. For some reason her stomach muscles tightened and she held her own breath.
Sokar's voice came quiet and deep. "Mmm...perhaps she should look now, and regain her desires."
Upuat whimpered again and Sokar laughed. "Goddess. I believe he wishes you to see this. Take a look, you will not be disappointed." This was immediately followed by a small yelp from the wolf god, and heavy breathing from Sokar.
Selket opened her eyes in confusion and achingly pushed herself up to look forward. What she saw made her eyes widen and she gasped and jumped back on the bed, clutching a sheet to her breast.
Upuat knelt upon the floor on all fours, naked but for his jewelry; his kilt and loincloth had been tossed carelessly aside and he kept his head tilted down, tongue lolling out over his teeth. His fingers dug into the floor. Sokar was above him, grasping his hips and pumping his own into the kneeling god, his buttocks contracting tightly and then relaxing, eyes glowing with lust at each push. The two gods coupled with each other upon the floor, before her eyes.
Selket had to search for her voice, her bewilderment had stolen it away. "L...Lord Sokar! What are you doing!"
He glanced toward her, his eyes glazed and an odd smile on his face. "Do you like it, Lady Selket? We're doing it...mmh...just for you. To bring back your lovely mood. We cannot have you losing your appetite so early in the evening...can we?"
As if in response Upuat lifted his head, tipping it back as if to howl and whimpering aloud. "G...Goddess...my only...only wish is to p...pleasure you..."
Sokar shook with silent laughter and thrust into him.
Selket stared at the two of them in complete astonishment. Part of her wished to cry out for him to stop...yet another part of her was most definitely aroused by their actions. How...how strange!
Sokar's mouth twisted into a smile. His breath was coming heavy. "Mmm...can you see that, little wolf? She likes this. I knew we should have shown her earlier."
Upuat responded by merely whimpering again, his back arching and fingers digging. Selket couldn't take her eyes from them, no matter how much she might have wished to. Creamy juice flowed freely from between her legs now and her cheeks glowed red. When Upuat yelped and spurted, Sokar grunting and pulling out of him to spray over his back, she jammed her fist against herself and stifled a gasp. Her ears burned and she finally turned her head abruptly away.
She heard Sokar laughing again, peered from the corner of her eye to see him stand and smooth his kilt back down over his hips. Upuat knelt panting for breath. The hawk god leisurely approached and reached out to take her chin. Selket wanted to pull away--for some reason his odd behavior frightened her--yet couldn't move. After a moment Upuat rose and joined him and the two gods stared down at her.
"As I said," Sokar said musingly, "this time we shall go as I see fit. However, since I took her properly last time, it's only fair that you should take her thus this time."
Upuat's wolf eyes seemed to glow in the dimness. His jaws were still slightly parted, and she could hear his breath. His large penis hung limp between his legs, but already she could sense it stirring.
A strange feeling--lust?--terror?--both?--arose in her breast. "Upuat," she whispered.
A chuckle from Sokar. "She begs for you already. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable...then we will see what will happen..."
Upuat stepped forward and took hold of Selket's arms, lying down upon the bed and drawing the reluctant goddess over him For some reason his touch made her feel momentarily safe, and she clung to him tightly, whimpering against his neck. His strong grip calmed her; he nuzzled at her ear.
"Lord Upuat," she whispered, embracing him hard.
A hand touched her buttock and she gasped and stiffened. Sokar smiled down at her over her shoulder. "Please, don't let me spoil your fun...go on as you were going to do..."
Selket blinked, then glanced down at Upuat. The wolf god stared back up at her with fire in his eyes. His hands grasped her thighs and parted them roughly. A swift glance down showed her his shaft standing up straight and tall, throbbing and hot. She had just enough time to let out a small cry before he had plunged her down upon himself, impaling her deeply. Her body bucked and she cried out a second time.
Sokar's hands forced her buttocks apart and he pushed her down over her lover so her breasts pressed against him. Upuat growled and took hold of one, nipping at it with his teeth. Selket gave a husky moan when Sokar pushed himself inside, his hands holding her hips below him. His legs straddled her on both sides, straddling Upuat's hips as well; the three of them lay upon each other, panting hard, before beginning to move. It was as before--Upuat would push her onto Sokar--and Sokar would push her onto Upuat. The looks upon their faces were of extreme pleasure; all that Selket could do was gasp and whimper with the shock. She still wasn't used to the feeling of having a god in both ends of her, and the feeling was a startling one, strange and arousing and painful.
Still, she couldn't help her body's own reactions as their coupling progressed, from slow even thrusts to steady pushing to a wild frenetic pumping, Upuat's hips bucking up into her as he yelped at the air, Sokar groaning harshly as he rammed deep inside, Selket pinioned between the two rutting gods, crying out helplessly. Her hands still roamed over Upuat's body, clawing his skin and digging into his chest. Her legs hugged his hips tight and her back arched so her buttocks spread wider. She felt Sokar's testicles flapping against her backside, his own fingers quickly rubbing up and down across her swollen mound, gathering her juices. She opened her glazed eyes to see him press his wet fingers to his mouth and lick, and he smiled. Upuat whimpered, and Sokar offered him his hand. The god lapped at her fluids as if they were milk.
"I dare say he would be sucking from your teats if they were full," Sokar panted, and gave a breathless laugh.
Upuat whined and shut his eyes, tensing. "I would drink your juices every morn as if they were an offering to the gods themselves, Goddess."
Selket closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. "Oh, Lord Upuat--! Oh gods--please!"
She needn't have said any more. Sokar snarled and slammed against her, driving her down onto Upuat's thick shaft. The wolf god howled and his arching spine pushed her back up so she rode upon Sokar's member, her rear end rising as he lifted. She screamed; the hot searing fluids from both of them at once made her feel full to bursting and beyond. Her scream rose into a shriek as she shook and cried out at the ceiling. Still the two gods held her and flowed inside, their faces pleased and lusting. Just when she thought one or the other's flow was finally dying, up it would rage again--oh gods--did they never run dry? She began to sob in exhaustion and desire and agony, Sokar and Upuat grunting and murmuring and rotating their hips at her for just the right feeling. They sighed and quivered and still they flowed. Sokar began to laugh anew. Selket found her voice, pleaded in small broken words.
The flow began to die. The laughter and groaning faded and Selket felt her body grow lighter, her sweat evaporating and the heavy bodies pushing themselves gradually away from her. She opened her eyes gratefully, ready to thank them for finally letting her rest.
And...no one was there.
Selket frowned and sat up. In her hand she held the mirror whose handle she'd apparently been busy pushing up into herself, as it was slick with her juices. With a horrified gasp she tossed it aside and examined herself. Aside from the red swelling which indicated her intense pleasure, there was nothing else to see. There had been no Sokar and Upuat. There had been not even simply Sokar or Upuat. There had been only herself. Pleasing herself, out of need. No one else.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.