About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Good Enough For You CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Black Elk Horn/Silver Eagle Feather (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Well these two had to have a scene together SOMETIME! Backstory: Silver Eagle Feather is the daughter of Ocryx, the lake demon, and a human woman. Ocryx has a...rather strange way with women. He tends to force them to do his bidding, but somewhere along the way...they usually end up liking it. It's not really love, it's more of a hypnosis-type thing. Such women usually end up leaving their husbands and camps and wandering around the Island in a daze, ever afterward unsatisfied by any human relations. Anyway. Among the women Ocryx was attracted to was his own daughter, Silver Eagle Feather (see "Father's Daughter")...she allowed him to lie with her, on the condition that number one, he give her her full demon powers, and number two, he NEVER so much as try it again. Although the act was basically nonconsensual, she did enjoy it to a point, and this has bothered her husband, Black Elk Horn, no end ever since...especially since she bore a child, X'aaru, because of it. Meanwhile poor Black Elk Horn has not managed to get her pregnant even ONCE! So if you're wondering why he's always so sulky in the storyline, that's one big reason. I just decided to finally give him his day...and because of this, or any following scene, the main character of the non-erotic story "Winter Born" came about. (Hallelujah!--the guy's actually got it!)
DISCLAIMERS: Based on what I now know of Black Elk Horn's behavior, he acts somewhat out of character in this scene--I doubt he would smile or banter with Silver like he does here. This guy has got like no sense of humor at all. o_o I think he and Silver have had sex the way X'aaru doesn't remember them doing it, so his and Elk's surprise at this is odd. I'm also not sure why X'aaru is staying with them. *shrug* Oh yes--and a big disclaimer regarding what X'aaru thinks of Stick-In-The-Dirt--based on what happens in the storyline of Return To Manitou Island, I think he ALREADY has another wife by the time this scene takes place. Gah. (And...why is he wearing a loincloth AFTER they've made love...? Okay, so this one has a LOT of disclaimers. Shut up.)
* * * * *
Good Enough For You
X'aaru lay curled up near the far side of the wigwam, head upon the ground, eyes barely open. He sighed to himself. He had been thinking of Khiieta all day. They had vowed to meet one another within two days, after telling their parents of their love for one another; if their parents approved, the two of them would arrive to greet each other. If their parents did not approve, they would not go. So far, a day had passed...and X'aaru was no closer to telling his family of his love. He was an Ocryx, and had fallen in love with an Ocryx...he knew how much trouble this was for the Islanders. If he should ever get Khiieta with pups, as she had hoped when they were together, it could spell doom for himself and for her.
He heard soft noises from the other side of the wigwam. Rolling over, he tipped his head back to look. The household was dark with night but his eyes adjusted well to little light. His mother, Silver Eagle Feather, lay upon the pallet she shared with her husband, his adopted father. At the moment, her strong yet slender body was naked, her fingers clutching the furs beneath her; she arched her neck, breathing quickly. Black Elk Horn was positioned over her, hands planted at her sides. He moved almost as if he worked, pushing forward and pulling back, in rhythm, his own breath coming heavily. His wife's thighs quivered at his hips as he moved. They made love quietly, Black Elk Horn letting out a soft grunt as he bent his head down to take one of his wife's breasts between his lips, Silver Eagle Feather arching and letting out her breath with closed eyes. She gasped at his thrusting and gave a low moan.
Normally, this, his mother and his father coupling with each other before him, did not bother him too much. This was the way it was with his people; he didn't doubt that even staid Stick-In-The-Dirt wouldn't shy away from pleasuring himself with his woman, had he one to warm his bed; he must spend many restless nights tossing about in heated dreams instead, as he'd never taken another as his wife. Silver Eagle Feather and Black Elk Horn did not make love every night, though they did not often refrain either. Usually it was Black Elk Horn who initiated it--X'aaru sensed that he would actually wish to couple with his wife more frequently, if he could--though once in a while it was she who would turn to him while they lay upon the pallet. He never refused, although X'aaru could remember a few times when she had refused him for some reason, and the brave would simply lie back and attempt to relieve his frustration by stroking himself quickly. X'aaru could also sense his disappointment and mild anger on such nights, though he never spoke of it. He didn't know what caused his mother to turn him away. Fortunately it did not happen often, and instead they usually spent the next hour or so writhing slowly upon the furs. Black Elk Horn seemed to prefer being dominant, but once in a while he would take Silver Eagle Feather upon himself instead, and seemed to like squeezing at her supple buttocks as she moved upon him. Once in a great while they would lick at each other's crotches. And once in a while Black Elk Horn would take her quite quickly and furiously, leaving her spent and gasping and wet.
Tonight, however, was different. His mother moaned softly in response to a quiet groan from his father, and X'aaru felt ashamed watching them, turning his head away. He felt he shouldn't be watching them, if he was unable to tell them of his own love. He heard their breathing and shifting noises pick up, then a soft whisper from Silver Eagle Feather--"Quietly, we might wake him." Black Elk Horn murmured in response and his mother let out a soft trembling sigh.
X'aaru shut his eyes now but could only see them in his head, replaced every so often by Khiieta and himself. He whimpered. His body ached for her feel. Perhaps his mother would understand, but his father never would. Silver Eagle Feather gasped and Black Elk Horn grunted once more and the salty scent of their climax filled the room. X'aaru shivered. He thought of how Khiieta felt, around him; her silky creamy smoothness, her tight, welcoming heat. He wished he were with her now.
He heard his parents whispering to each other, unable to tell what they spoke of, but hoping it wasn't about him. His mother sighed again. He peered back at them out of habit and saw Black Elk Horn leaning on one elbow over his wife, stroking her face and murmuring softly. Silver Eagle Feather lay listening to him before reaching up to touch his face. He kissed her briefly and pulled away. She pushed herself up, said something to him, and then rolled over onto her belly. Black Elk Horn took hold of her hips and lifted them up to meet him. He kneaded her buttocks as he waited for himself to harden.
They had never made love in this manner, that X'aaru knew of. Feeling a fresh wave of pain flow over him, he squinched his eyes shut once more and again turned away.
* * * * *
Black Elk Horn concentrated on the look on his wife's face. Her eyes were shut, her lips parted; her fingers clutched the furs, her nipples peaking hard. Her hips rolled into his as he moved. There was no question about how he felt. The supple feel of her skin, hot against his, the tensing of her powerful muscles, the way her thighs clasped his hips; he enjoyed this all. Her breasts were not large, but they were full and firm, and he even bent down to mouth one. It was something he did often; he remembered even their first time alone, in the woods, before they were wed; she had not allowed him to come inside her, yet she had consented to lowering her dress enough to allow him to suckle at her as his other hand groped at her backside, his penis rubbing against her. She had pushed him away before he could soil her dress. He made certain that the next time they were alone they were properly wed, so he could properly take her as his own. And that he had, and she had complied, and that time he'd come inside her as was proper. He'd awaited the birth of his child from her loins, the proper reward for how she made him feel.
Only that had never happened. He knew that the demon...her own father...had come to her as they slept, had forced her to mate with him. Only by way of deceit had she herself gotten anything out of the event. She'd convinced that monster that her power was greater than his own, so he would agree to anything she said, just so he could have her. The child she had borne was the demon's, not Black Elk Horn's. No matter how often he tried, she had not borne any more since, no offspring to claim as his own; perhaps the birth had damaged her so she could no longer have children. This frustrated him greatly; why in the hells had that monster even chosen her in the first place?
This was not all. He knew how pleasurable her night with her father had been. He'd heard the stories of the demon's abilities with women...and he knew his own abilities were nowhere near as great. No matter how deeply or furiously he plunged as they coupled, no matter how loud her cries or how ecstatic her face as she arched beneath him, he knew she had cried louder, had felt greater ecstasy, for the demon. He simply could not compare, due to who he was. This frustrated him as well, and fueled his anger toward the demon. He watched his wife's face every time they made love, felt the tightness of her muscles, listened to the pitch of her cries, and they were never enough for him. He knew Ocryx had sated her better.
So why did she stay with him? Did she merely fake it all, for the sake of her child? If he had been any other man, he most likely would not have allowed her to raise it, would not have allowed it--him--to sleep beneath their same roof. Even now his "son" dozed at the far side of the room, and he knew that on more than one occasion he had spotted them coupling. He didn't much care by now.
He did care when Silver Eagle Feather gasped aloud and tightened around him, urging his seed to come forth. He grunted and shut his eyes, savoring her feel. Her belly was tight against his own. After all too short a moment, she loosened and sank back; he went down with her, touching her face. They lay in the darkness for a while, panting softly. The sheen of sweat upon her face made him want to lick the salt from her skin, to send her into a frenzy of desire. He felt pain inside.
"Elk...?" He opened his eyes to look down at her. Her braid had come loose so her hair spilled freely around her face, a few strands clinging to her skin. Her green eyes were luminous and glazed. She bore a slight bruise upon her breast where he'd bitten her; seeing her disheveled state made him ache harder. He had to take a breath and brushed his fingers against her face to calm himself.
"Is something wrong...?"
"No." He opened his eyes and forced a smile. "Nothing."
"You're acting differently." She stared at him, into him, and he knew she could almost read his thoughts. The demon half of her. He felt like cursing himself and had to shut his eyes again to control his surging anger.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"I'm..." He struggled to find the right words, to not humiliate himself thoroughly. "I think of when you were with him. And I know I never compare. Never come anywhere close. I've heard the stories, of the others he's been with. How their husbands never satisfy them afterwards, how they return to him."
Silver Eagle Feather blinked. She seemed genuinely surprised. Then her eyes softened and she touched his own face.
"Elk...Husband...you know this is not true. You satisfy me, deeply, every time we are together."
"Not as he did."
"What he did was trickery. Force. This is not what you do."
"You tell me truthfully that you did not enjoy it, with him?"
She paused and he knew she would not lie, no matter how the truth may sting. "I would lie to you if I told you I felt no pleasure," she murmured, and his fists tightened. "Yet I have no desire to return to him, ever. What he felt was lust. What you feel, I pray, is more than that. This is what I feel as well, for you."
"But the other matter. He satisfied you more greatly...yes? This I can never do. I can never hope to compete with him. You even bore his child, and not mine."
A pained look flickered across her face, then reproach. Black Elk Horn flushed and averted his eyes. "He is your son. Not in blood, but in spirit. You would disclaim him now, of all times? He's not fitting for you?"
"I did not say this..."
"Then I fail to see why he can never be good enough for you."
"Because what I have can never be good enough for you," he blurted out, then flushed again. Her leg was pressing against his own, and he felt a distinct excitement despite his discomfort. He kissed her briefly, why, he was not certain, and pulled back.
She sighed. "Is there nothing I can do to prove to you how wrong you are...?"
"You enjoyed being with him," he said, knowing he was digging himself into a hole yet unable to stop. "I...I did not see, but I dreamed. And heard the rumors. The way...the way he took you...and how big he is...I could never give you what he has. He even gave you a son."
"So you have not given me a son. So you are not big like he is. This matters? You truly think it does, more so than anything? I will tell you what, Husband. I'll prove to you it means little. You still wish for me to take you inside me." He flushed once more as she pushed herself up. "You may have one of the three you mention, at least. I cannot grant you the other two. But how he took me is within my power."
Black Elk Horn gaped. "But--you--"
"You want to compete with him? You can try now." She rolled over onto her belly. "Come, come now. Take me as he did. You'll see that you're wrong."
"Like you are a bitch--?"
"This is how he took me. You would make me feel no lesser."
His heart jumped in his chest. "But--"
"Would you come in me, already?" She looked at him over her shoulder. "I have to get my sleep sometime. Don't expect me to be awake all night entertaining you. Be quick with it, but make certain you're thorough. I want to prove this." She spread her knees so her buttocks parted, and her husband's breath caught in his throat. A soft trickle of cream lined her opening already. She sighed and rested her head upon her arm.
"Take me as he did. Then we'll see who is great and who is even greater."
Black Elk Horn could only stare at the bounty being offered to him, his breath fast in his throat. After a moment he swallowed tightly and grasped her hips to lift them to him. He admitted to himself, he had imagined this scene several times, yet had never asked for it. Now that it was happening, he was excited beyond all imagination. His wife knelt silently while he parted her buttocks and clutched at them tightly to spread her open for him. Already his penis thrust out from between his legs, long and hard. He gently pressed its hot tip to her opening and felt her muscles tighten, heard her breath hitch. He shut his eyes and his mouth opened. His fingers sank into her skin. She yielded to him and let out her breath slowly as he entered. When his front pressed snug against her backside he sighed and his grip loosened a little. They both knelt panting heavily in the dark.
"You see...?" Silver Eagle Feather whispered, her voice thick.
He could see, but he wanted to feel. Feel it all. His hands slipped down her thighs, fingers clutching in the crinkly hair between her legs. He rubbed at her as he began to push and she cried out. They started rocking quickly, almost immediately. He knew the cry had been heard throughout the camp, but didn't care; they could make love within the middle of the clearing with everyone looking on and he wouldn't have cared by now. He pumped his hips at his wife and groaned, relishing her tightness and her smoothness, and hoping it would last forever. Or at least until he was satisfied.
It would not be long this time; he was too aroused to allow that. Silver Eagle Feather, too, bucked beneath him with short, quick gasps. One of her ankles hooked around his as if to urge him on. Black Elk Horn gritted his teeth and grasped her hips again. He readied his seed for her and prepared for climax. Thrust--thrust--thrust--
As he picked up speed, grunting loudly and surely waking up the camp with his marital ministrations, he ground his teeth and pressed his hips upward and inward most rapidly. He felt his seed begin to flow. As he was just ready to yell out in triumph he felt Silver Eagle Feather jerk sharply and toss back her head with a husky cry. He was pleased by her pleasure and considered awarding her the point once they were done, as long as he could mouth her afterwards...the sight of all of her cream was making him thirsty. Before he could think any more, his eyes widened with shock to see the great wings rise up before him. Silver fur sprouted from his wife's body as her bones grew longer; claws emerged from her fingers, horns from her head; and her face elongated into a muzzle. A tail sprouted from her backside and wound around his waist and Black Elk Horn yelled in surprise. At that moment the creature he was coupling with--an Ocryx--gasped and convulsed and he could feel the thick creamy wetness surround him as his seed was sucked dry within her. He yelled again, partly in pain, partly in horror. What was she doing--?
He grunted with exhaustion and collapsed over the creature's back. Silver Eagle Feather sank beneath him and they lay panting again. When he realized that he was still upon her he hurried to pull himself out and fell back onto his heels. She turned her head, eyes glowing, asking him a silent question.
Well...? You feel now...that you have never satisfied me?
"You...you are Ocryx," he whispered, as if in shock.
She sighed. Of course I am...this is what can happen to me, when in the throes of passion. Have you never wondered how Red Bird discovered her powers? After a long and fulfilling night with Tal Natha? I have always controlled my power before, for fear of this reaction from you. Yet now I show it. You satisfy me so much, that this is how I react. My instinct. To become Ocryx to mate with you.
"You...you become the demon because...because you're excited--?"
"Yes." She spoke with her mouth now and turned herself over. "So...do you believe me now? That you satisfy me? Is there any other way I may prove it, if this does not prove it to you?"
Black Elk Horn stared at her in amazement for a moment or two. After some time his mouth began to turn up faintly into a smile. Before, he had considered being the husband of a half-demon as being a trouble. Now...his mind filled to overflowing with the possibilities. She flying, holding him to her as they made love...coupling beneath the waters of the lake...pounding within her as she howled her pleasure at the air. Most unbelievable.
"Well, Husband? What else must I do to prove this to you, to keep you satisfied for today?"
He blinked and stammered a bit, then took a breath and let it out, his smile growing. Silver Eagle Feather's ear cocked at the look on his face. His fingers crept down to his loincloth, slowly loosing the tie.
"Well...you may convince me...if you keep that look...and if you see to this matter first..." He lifted the cloth to reveal the dangling member between his legs, already stirring to life. The corner of his mouth twitched. "...Do you believe you can bring new life to this? See...how limp it is. I fear for it..."
She blinked at him, then laughed silently. You have become too forward. I do spoil you too greatly. She pushed herself up and then slid down beneath him, taking hold of his buttocks as her muzzle lightly poked between his legs, snuffling. Black Elk Horn arched and gasped, shivering. He sat still pressed to his beloved's face, rocking slowly with his head fallen back, hips trembling at the tender-sweet caress of her tongue upon him.
This could be a relationship well meant.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.